
Shades Marathon Training



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    Rcouture - yes, don't like running in the cold.   I like to focus on training in the winter.

    3 weeks before the full marathon is perfect timing for your half.  😉 

    Big G - wow, 3:36 to 2:27 that's impressive, will listen to that.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    More Brighton news,I heard on a podcast earlier that it's now been found that Key Management Personnel(directors) owe BM 246k.
    How are they allowed to take that much money out of a failing company when suppliers are going to be out of pocket?
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    Big G - really enjoyed that YouTube interview.   A great testament to base training/MAF.  So impressive he achieved PB's at all distances from 5k to 100k and went on to represent GB in the world championships. I agree with him that most runners don't have the patience to do base training.

    Ian - I haven't seen GE's accounts but if that sum is on the balance sheet as director's loans then the directors will have to repay.  The administrators will call in all debtors.  
    It's normal for directors to lend and borrow from a company.  I don't know but I assume that a fair amount of that would have been borrowed during the pandemic.   The directors might have to sell their fancy Brighton houses. 🤣

    Waiting for daylight.  Unfortunately forecast now says snow due in the next couple of hours.   Just hoping it holds off until I finish my run as ground is already frozen.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, glad you enjoyed it. He also mentioned Jonathan Walton in passing - he’s been interviewed by the same chap and has done brilliant times as a V50 (sub-2:30 last year, but a bit slower this year). It really chimed with me about starting with whatever fitness you’re at, as that is where I am now, and amazing that he started at 10:30min/miles and had the frustrations we’ve probably all had with it.  Also, I found it funny where he said something along the lines of ‘I’ve got no speed’, with a 15:XX 5K. It’s all relative I suppose!  Interesting about the serious doubts he had before his 100K, to the extent that he didn’t even want to go, but brilliant how he later summarised those doubts as a complete waste of time (with the benefit of hindsight). Sounds like he’s always learning and adapting, and as is usually the case with these people, whilst obviously pleased/proud, still so humble with it all. I think there’s a few fast ones eyeing up Seville in Feb, so it’ll be interesting to see how they do. 

    I’m hoping for parkrun, but they’ve warned it could be iced off, so they will let us know by 8:15. I’ve walked the dog and it was okay out there in times of it was runnable, but it could be different on the velopark so I’ll have to wait and see. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    So much confusion from 100MC about their London marathon places. I think everyone received 3 emails in quick succession, with errors corrected. Then when someone posted on the Facebook group asking a question about it, the chairperson mentioned a different contact email address, which caused even more confusion, and her post had to be corrected. I know we all make mistakes, but this sort of thing happens regularly. 
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    Big G - he's a fine example of what can be achieved with patience and hard work.   He obviously works, as he mentioned he runs at 5 in the morning, and he's got 4 children.   I liked him very much, the kind of guy you could ask for advice and I'm sure he would take the time to reply.  And modest enough to say several times that he started at 10:30 min/miles.   Interesting his initial speedwork was the same as Hadd, twice a week up to 80% MHR.

    Shambolic admin from the 100MC, no change there then.  :)

    I managed 10k, so not too bad.   Frost is heavier today so had to walk all the footbridges as they were slippery, there are 5 each way on this route, 3 short, 2 longish.  I turned back when it started to cloud over and my legs started to complain but it didn't snow, the sun came out after a lovely sunrise.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well done Shades, sounds like you enjoyed it with the sunrise etc. I managed 10 including parkrun, and enjoyed it. 

    Low numbers today. Last time I did it in about the same time I was 159th whereas today I was 92nd. Probably a combination of the cold plus the slight uncertainty around if it would go ahead put people off. But it was totally dry and ice free on the track. On the short trail section at the end there was an icy puddle that was coned off but it was fine and safe to run so I’m glad it went ahead. 
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    Big G - no, I didn't enjoy my run at all.  My legs don't function in the cold, if I stop to walk, as I did today for the bridges, then momentarily my legs are back to normal.   So, the walk breaks made today more bearable.

    Re parkrun numbers, I expect quite a few wouldn't drive today unless they had to, there are areas with icy roads.   That AW link I posted a while ago about drop in race participation also said that parkrun numbers are down 23% since pre pandemic.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited December 2022
    That podcast sounds very interesting. Will give it a go. Always nice when it comes from someone ‘normal’ as opposed to a 20 sth year old pro whose only job is to train. 

    18 miles earlier. Beautiful out despite the cold. Pavements near me were treacherous at times but the Thames path was fine underfoot. It really is a huge privilege to be able to run there. Aim was a touch faster than the norm at high Z2 mainly as was busy. I found it quite hard in the second half and the HR told me so. Unimportant at this stage of course. Hammy was totally quiet and touch wood, I’ve not felt it since I started this ‘flossing’ stuff (I’ve probably jinxed it now 😬). 57 miles this week. One more big week before hols.
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    Rcouture - another good week for you, I take it your cold is better today.

    Best keep up with the flossing. 😉

    I have on my task list to work out a little flossing routine for me too.

    Forecast to be, and to feel, less cold tomorrow morning, just got to hope it stays dry as will still be circa 0 degrees and if anything falls it will freeze 🥶
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    Rcouture, impressive run there - saw that on Strava.
    Nice one Big G! My clubmate who's moved down there was third (he's called Steve).
    Shades, that doesn't seem much fun.
    My Wednesday run was awful so I sympathise. But today was better. I had two walk and gym days, then parkrun today with Tunde. We went to Guildford as it was another parkrun acquaintance's 400th parkrun and he wanted to celebrate a bit (plus I'd not done Guildford yet). It was about -2 according to the RD, though might've been colder. Easily the coldest parkrun I've done. The two lap course is undulating and mostly on lumpy grass (basically frozen muddy grass - I think I'd prefer that to mud, though) and some hard path, most of which was frosty. I did a mile warm-up and hands were cold even with gloves on. I wore a hoodie for this. But for the parkrun itself I didn't feel bad at all. The course and terrain meant a fast run was out of the question but I was reasonably pleased with 27:55, especially as I managed a bit of a sprint at the finish (quite often I've nothing left by that point).
    Lungs were OK...I think it's the damp that causes problems for me and it was more of a crisp day.
    I also bagged my "gold obsessive" parkrun challenge for doing 50 parkruns in a year - first time I've managed that.
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    Cal - sounds like you're getting over your lurgy/post virus fatigue and coming back into better form.

    Yesterday for the first time I wore two pairs of gloves and my hands were toasty warm.

    I'm wimping out of a run today, still bitterly cold.   No snow but heavy frost and I can see our road and part of the pavements look a bit icy.   I'm never going to do the mileage I want in this weather so will sit it out for a few days and just do short runs.   Just looked and next weekend might be up to a heady 10 degrees  <3
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, well done on the 50 in a year, that takes some doing. I bet a decent number of those were unique ones as well, weren’t they?

    I have got a decent pair of gloves.  They’re Sealskinz and I recommend them. 

    I took the dog out at about 6:30am and indeed it was very cold still. Everything was fine, although we had a ‘cat incident’ in the park, which may have resulted in any neighbours nearby being woken. I’ve got a planned Zwift group ride at 8:30am, probably for 90-120mins or so. 

    I’ve been perusing a couple of European marathon for next spring although I don’t want to declare them yet as it’ll depend on the foot, amongst other things. Hopefully shortly after my 28 Dec appointment I may start to see some noticeable improvement and can start building the mileage. It is improving as yesterday’s 10 miles was okay apart from maybe the last mile, and that was after Friday’s 6.5. 

    I did have my eye on a Dutch marathon whilst I’m over there for Xmas, and whilst I know I could get around it, I’m being sensible and I am not going to do it. There is a parkrun on the same day that I’d hope to do though. Unfortunately there’s nothing within easy running distance of OH’s parents and the nearest is a drive away. Having said that, on the first Saturday, there is a 10K that goes right past their building, on the canal, but we are travelling over that day. 
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    Big G - hope the cat isn't too traumatised  ;)

    I bet you can't wait to get back to your marathon tourism.  I'm expecting a very full list from you next year :) Good that the foot is improving.

    I wouldn't want to be doing Plym Trail today, although if I'd entered I would DNS and not even leave home.   But I see Davey's van is iced in and he has delayed the start by an hour.   I wouldn't fancy driving down the hill into Clearbrook in this weather  🥶  Nor running up and down the hill.   Maybe he should have cancelled, I see a lot of races cancelled today, roads don't get gritted down here at weekends so risky for those travelling too.
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    Naughty Tigg! 
    Colin's planning a trip to Netherlands next April (week after Manchester) with his parents, and I've been invited. He's drawn up a schedule including theme parks and also Zuiderpark parkrun for me. Now that's a very good friend. I will have to liberate some savings but it'll be something to look forward to.

    For today's run, I decided to see the Christmas lights on King's Road so set out in the dark, only to find it very misty. Pavements were mostly OK but there were a few frosty bits here and there where I had to slow down and take care. I had one of my anxiety wobbles on Chelsea Bridge - it was a bit slippery there and I think my brain went into danger mode, but I managed to get myself over it by reciting my list of parkruns. No issues on Putney Bridge going back, although that was slippery too. Stupid brain.
    Right ham tendon was grumbling again later into the run but not much to be done but suck it up and get myself home. Still, got a half done. Slow, but in the bag.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, that sounds good!  My OH’s parents live in Zwolle, but I don’t know if there is a park nearby that starts with the elusive ‘Z’ for a potential parkrun. 

    Shades, I saw that about Davey being iced in. I’m even more pleased I wasn’t due to be down there as the delayed start would have annoyed me (although I understand why he’s done it)!

    I did 2hrs on the bike, and enjoyed it. An easy effort in terms of power/HR zones and maintained the effort throughout, but 2hrs is quite a long time in the saddle for me. Enjoyable ride though. 
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    Cal - worth dipping into your savings for the trip to NL.   You'll enjoy that and I guess you haven't been away from UK since pre pandemic.

    Well done getting that distance done in these conditions.

    Big G - I think Davey should have cancelled today.   I see quite a few stayed home, others set out in their cars and had to turn back.   I've just seen a post from a couple of runners that started the race and pulled up after half a mile as course too dangerous.  
    I know when I did the Xmas one a few years ago, they didn't do anything about making the icy part of the course safe (gritting).   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Crikey, that’s not good Shades. Strange, as it’s ok here, but bad nearby by the sounds of it. As it’s his last race as RD, maybe that was on his mind in terms of not really wanting to cancel?
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    Well, even so, you'd not want to have an accident on your last stint as RD, would you? Sounds awful.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I agree Cal. Just pondering what may have been going through his mind, but I don’t know. 
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    Big G -  but you're by the sea, so have the benefit of less chance of ice/frost.

    I saw posts from runners in Honiton, Barnstaple, Liskeard and Plymouth all unable to drive due to ice. In fact the one from Plymouth said he couldn't even get his car out of the hotel car park due to the ice, shame he's obviously travelled some distance to do the race.

    Maybe Davey thought the ice would quickly melt, as it usually does for this part of the country.   But there is a yellow warning for ice until lunchtime today I think.

    Just hope nobody hurts themselves during the race.

    Sun is out here now, fog has lifted.   Roads look OK, but I expect they're not so good in the rural areas, much less traffic today than usual.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I saw on Strava that Paul and Fizz called
    if a day after about 3 or 4 miles….
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    Big G - must have been bad for Paul and Fizz to pull up.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Telford 10K today seems to have been very quick, with 31 going sub-30. Crikey!  Our vet Trotter went up there, after recently breaking the marathon and Half club record, and did 38:00 for a new V60 club record. He’s flying at the moment. 85% WAVA according to the results… Not sure how/where he’s finding these races that are so quick. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I certainly wouldn't be racing today.
    BigG-I did Telford in 2019,I didn't actually find it a quick course,very congested with a downhill start but lots seem to run fast there.
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    Big G - 85% WAVA is impressive, he must be in great shape.   Has he just turned 60 and taking the opportunity to smash all the club records?

    Ian - I would think conditions would have to be pretty bad for you not to race.

    No run from me today, we have heavy frost again and I can see the roads are slippery.   Not going to risk it.

    I'm looking forward to the weekend, Sunday is forecast to be 11 degrees.   B)
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    It's snowed in London! Haven't been out, but it's a rest day anyway - will head to the gym once it gets light. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, certainly seems that way. 31 sub-30s is decent running!  I was having a look around at my local 10ks and what I consider to be our fastest courses locally has a course record of 30:02, and another fast one 30:09. Our localish, fast guy has gone 31/32 loads of times but from what I can see has only gone under 30 twice. I wonder what it is that draws runners to Telford then?  Maybe just the knowledge that they’re almost bound to have people to run with/near?  I did see some footage and there was light snow in the air but I saw a comment from one of the runners who said that they did amazingly well to make it raceable, but I think lots got stuck on a nearby motorway and didn’t make it. 

    Shades, I saw in the results that a FV55 got an age grade of 97.33%!!  Yes, the Trotter has turned 60 in the last few months so he’s going for it. He actually dropped out of the Club Champs in second place and didn’t finish it, because he was focussing on these other races and the champs schedule didn’t fit with his other plans. I don’t think he’d have won it overall though. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It's pretty bad here at the minute,lots of ice everywhere.OH somehow managed to find a small loop and did 12m though.
    Big G-Dont think Telford is net downhill either,if so its only a small amount.I think it's lots of people running similar paces,and you'll never be alone.

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    Big G - wow at that FV55.
    Good for the V60 Trotter, nice to rewrite the club records.

    Ian - nothing stops your OH's training, she's most impressive.

    Having time on my hands this morning as I didn't run, I've just finished writing my Xmas cards, hate that job.   Thought I'd just pop down the road to post them, but the pavements look to be just as treacherous as when I looked 5 hours ago.  Will post later if it thaws a bit.
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