
Shades Marathon Training



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    edited January 2023
    Big G - hope the 2nd treatment went well.   Was it the same as the first session?  I have visions that they crank it up a bit each time so by next week you'll be clinging to the table  ;)

    Robert - I think cost will deter some gym newbies this year.   

    Thank you for the race list, nicely spread out and a good varied selection.   

    Have you done Beachy Head before?

    I think it's better to make plans than to hold off otherwise it's too easy to make weak excuses not to race, usually the excuse is not enough training, which is most likely to be lack of planning.   I like to plan in advance and book early when I can especially for events where I need hotel/flights etc.

    Rcouture -  sounds like a promising start to the new job and a bonus that you have a later start so should be able to find time to run without impacting on family time.

    I had planned to do my very hilly town run today, including the monster hill that I skipped last week.    Don't know what I was thinking of, I realised as soon as I got out of bed that the thrashing I gave my legs yesterday in the gym was not going to make a hill session possible.   So 8 miles flattish instead, had a lovely run, perfect conditions, really mild, birds were singing their heads off.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it was actually more bearable yesterday. He said he could feel there weren’t many tight spots, which is encouraging. I really do feel like I could run, but I’m not going to still. My 3rd appointment is next Wednesday, and then I’ll give it 2-3 days and if I feel okay, I may do the parkrun on the Saturday, nice and steady. But we shall see. There is an option for 3 more sessions if it is felt they are required.  In the meantime I just need to keep the stretches/exercises, which I have been doing. 

    I’ve just been on Zwift and have a dentist appointment for a checkup shortly :( 
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    That's promising Big G, and probably makes your decision not to run easier to deal with.   Good you have the option of further treatment if required.

    Hope the dentist goes OK.   Is your dentist NHS or now private?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, mine was NHS but it’s private now. I’m not in a dental plan or anything, and pay as I go at the moment. £23.80 for the checkup, but I don’t mind that as it gives me peace of mind. I do have good teeth and I try to look after them, but I still do worry about checkups as I’m not a fan of the dentist, which is in my notes I think!  Last year he suggested a hygienist session, which I did do, but this time he basically said ‘see you in 9 months’. I’m having a fry up soon, to celebrate the good news ;) 
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    Big G - ditto, my NHS dentist has moved to private.   I have signed up for the dental plan as I do need the hygienist and it's expensive.  I have some work scheduled in 4 weeks but had a detailed letter about the treatment required, plus the cost.    Only difference when I had my check up in December, being a private patient, is that I had a text thanking me for visiting the practice, that didn't happen when I was NHS.  :)   I do have a lovely dentist, I really like her.
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    Shades, we seem to be suffering the same way. I did 7 miles but the original plan was 8 miles with the last mile being made up of strides. I thought after two days of not running my legs would feel quite fresh (Tuesday was elliptical and gym - back including deadlifts, while yesterday was a 4 mile walk plus gym - legs including squats). They did not. Did OK until about 6 miles but then started to tire. Called it a day at 7. 

    Rob - that's a plan! The Essex 30 sounds intriguing although I'm generally not a fan of laps. Have you done it before? 
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    Cal - that feeling of glycogen depletion when into the run is all too familiar for me after the gym.    I actually had a good run today, couldn't have done the hills though.   But my legs are a bit tired now, just walked down the road to a local shop, there are about 10 stone steps up to the shop and my legs complained going up the steps.   I did deadlifts yesterday too.   Hill session postponed until Saturday, traffic will be lighter on that route then.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    9 miles into the office this morning. HR crazy high which I attribute to new job stress. Lovely run aside from that along the river with the sun coming up. A shame as not sure I can do that regularly since running back home in the evening instead means I can catch the girls before school in the mornings briefly which is a priority. Running in the eve also does mean I can do tempos when the time comes as I cannot do any type of faster session first thing.
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    Big G Hope the treatment works, it’s a sizeable investment of time and money! Hope you enjoyed the celebratory fry up. 

    Shades first time at Beachy Head, been on my list for five years! I doubt I’ll change my ways of planning the year in advance.

    Cal Essex 30 is a bit boring, nice disused railway trail, frequent aid stations every 4.3 miles, back to your bag every 8 miles so can take on your own fuel, see all the runners constantly as it’s an out and back, thank your lucky stars that you’re only doing 33 miles whilst the others are doing 50 or even 100!  

    London ultra 24th June open entries 55km could be another option for you too.

    My dentist in nhs, have a good relationship with mine, have a good old chat and she knows I run so she avoids any filings around races.  

    6 miles this evening, calves a little tight hopefully will feel fresher before Sundays mud bath 
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    Rcouture - lucky your commute run is so scenic.    You'll have to save the morning commute runs for when the girls have school holidays and a bit older, so not such early risers.

    Robert - I'm sure you'll love Beachy Head, it's very popular and well organised.   I've done it three times, hated it every time, not my sort of course but part of the famous triple of 3 marathons in 3 days in 3 different countries.  England(Beachy Head)/Wales (Snowdonia)/Ireland (Dublin).   It was only possible to do the triple when the races fell on the same weekend which wasn't every year, BH was always at school half term, Snowdonia last Sunday in October and Dublin last Monday in October. 
    When I did BH we used to get soup and buns at one of the check points, and a meal at the finish, not sure if they do that now.   Weather can be a factor, first time I did it when we got to the first of the Seven Sisters it was so windy that 2 of the runners ahead of me were blown over, we had to go up using our hands.   Naturally the remainder of the course was very windy and exhausting in the gale force winds.
    One thing I particularly hate about BH is that they have a piper with bagpipes on the downs at the start.  IMHO bagpipes should not be allowed out of Scotland 😡
    From your list I've changed the date of BH, you have it for the Sunday, I'm sure it's still on the Saturday.  Only mentioning it in case you're booking accommodation.

    I would avoid any major dental treatment too around race time but it wouldn't bother me having fillings.

    Hope the weather is OK for Sunday.

    8 miles this morning, undulating.   Legs still gym tired, didn't have a great run but I think that was because it was quite chilly.   Lovely full moon, unfortunately too much cloud, otherwise I could have run home on the back road by the moonlight.
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    Shades, I was aware BH was on the Saturday, undecided on travel yet, I could have a graduation ceremony in Brighton on the friday as an option for a weekend away.  There is still a meal at the end for marathon and the new ultra event but not sure about soup, seen good reviews about sausage rolls though!  I was tempted by the ultra but an extra £20 for what is an added 10k loop from the 10k event didn't really appeal as much.

    Forecast is mixed for sunday, but the course is waterlogged and muddy in places, remember it being drier last year and that was bad enough.  The white socks are going to get another hammering!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, this is actually NHS treatment, but I did pay for the steroid injection privately. In hindsight I wonder if I had the injection too soon, in that the PF was too bad at that point for the injection to have much impact. 

    I did an easy hour on the bike yesterday morning, and 90mins this morning. I did drop into the gym yesterday too, for the first time in a few weeks again. 
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    Robert - combining BH with your graduation ceremony would be a good weekend, you'd just have to hold back on the celebrations until after BH race. 
    The ultra addition must be fairly new, I agree £20 for an extra 10k is a bit pricey.    Sausage rolls are much better mid run fare than a bun.  :)

    You need some black socks!

    Big G - isn't the injection more likely to be effective on the nerve issue we'd discussed before.

    Dropped into the gym, that sounds a bit casual, did you do a workout too?   ;)

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I went in, but it was quite busy and meant I wasn’t able to get on the machines I wanted, so I was a bit grumpy. I did do some lower body exercises though, plus my stretch routine. Weekends are generally quieter so hopefully I’ll get along over the weekend. 
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    Big G - that's amazing its on the NHS, Not sure if there is a time period when is best to have the injection or not, Elle went through months on NHS appointments then was offered it and decided against is as read some reviews of burst tendons,  I turned up to my docs on day one of my new surgery and was offered to have the injection straight away.  

    Shades Elle is unsure on a graduation ceremony, would be different if it was a brick uni.  Chloe and her boyfriend also didn't have a graduation ceremony either as didn't see the fuss with it (Chloe's should be later this month).  We've suggested going out up London having a meal and show together instead, I may just sneak off to a ceremony by myself if Elle decided not to go.  The ultra was introduced last year, but it was the marathon event that had been recommended highly.
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    I started on my S&C plan again after way too long off. Lunges and squats killed me off after my Weds session, which meant my Thursday 11 miles was a bit of a slog!! Never sure how I can easily run for 2 hours or so with no issues but a few lunges and squats and my legs are in pain!
    Anyway 18 miles planned this weekend. Also thinking of plans, looking at either a 50k or 50 miler for later in the year.
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    Big G - your gym probably has an influx of new members.   Hopefully quite a few will have lapsed come February.   It's very frustrating not being able to use the machines/equipment, disrupts the planned routine.   Always used to make me cross, I've tried to build up a list of more exercises so I can do something else.

    Robert - I'd stick with the marathon then.  One of the best things about BH is that as it's so popular and busy there's a great atmosphere.

    I dropped into the gym, only did 30 minutes as I was too hungry to do more.   The kids were in from the school but all beautifully behaved as newbies to the gym so weren't allowed to wander around getting in the way.   Teacher was explaining how to use the equipment.
    Glad I went to the gym as I bumped into one of the managers who left and has returned.   She's suggested I book a one to one session with one of the gym staff for a new programme, free of charge.

    I was late to the gym as I went to upgrade my phone.  Haven't got the phone yet as they were out of stock, so will be sent to my home and I will go back for data transfer next week.  I get a free laptop with this phone!
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    Steve - xpost.  It's amazing how strength work affects leg muscles and glycogen stores.   It gets better, just the starting again that hurts.

    Have you decided which Spring marathon to do yet?
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    Shades - Free laptop with the phone is a great result 

    6 miles this afternoon on usual common route. Worked from home to test out the tech. I won’t actually be wfh much for a while until I establish myself and get to know everyone though. Even then I may keep it to once every week or two max as I enjoy the office and the run-commute is nice. Maybe on a Wednesday or Thursday as those are speedwork days. OH and girls are headed to in-laws this weekend so I will be solo working and running. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Miserable weather here, and Tigg wasn’t happy so the morning walk ended up being 2 mins long. Mattress is coming between 9-11 and once that’s arrived I’ll jump on Zwift. 
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    Rcouture - it's only a Chromebook but will be useful for me as I don't have a laptop.

    Good you can plan your office/WFH to suit you, all seems to be going very well.

    Big G - I'm surprised Tigg lasted 2 minutes this morning, somewhat challenging conditions.    

    50-60mph gusts here, I put the bins out last night and amazingly they were OK, I had wedged them against a wall.

    My quads were still a bit sore from Wednesday's gym when I got up but I decided to go ahead with my hilly town route despite the weather as we have flooding here if I attempted to go on a flatter route.  The heavy rain had stopped and I ran the first 3 miles only having to deal with the hills and the wind.   Legs feeling a bit heavy but OK, unfortunately the worst of the headwind was going up the hills and a tailwind for the mile long gentle downhill, which I did twice.   At the highest point the wind was quite scary, big houses up here with substantial gardens and lots of big trees swaying and groaning in the wind. On the second lap the rain started and was very heavy and the roads quickly flooded, even at the highest point the road was still flooded.  Back down into the town and at 6 miles I have a mile flat through the town which I was hoping to use as a bit of a recovery before tackling the toughest hill.   But that flat mile was all into the wind and was exhausting.  Up the big hill, which is about half a mile in total, it's so steep it zigzags up, the climb just for the hill is over 200ft.   But my legs were wasted at this point and I had to stop twice on the way up.   Made it eventually, then all downhill to home.   My quads are on fire now, but I enjoyed it. 8 miles 725ft climb.


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    Rob - oooh! I didn't realise London Ultra was in June (it was October last year, unless they are doing it twice yearly now). That's the week after my birthday so would tie in beautifully. Not far to go home after, either.

    Rcouture - how is the new job working out then? Nice that you can run-commute.

    Big G, I don't blame Tigg.

    Shades...yes I can sympathise at the hills and wind but well done.

    Today's parkrun was Mote Park in Maidstone, Kent, which I chose because it was all hard path. However, I underestimated how hilly it was (I mean, no big hills, but undulating enough to be pretty taxing). The wind didn't help my speed either. My time was an uninspiring 28:55, but evidently others found it tough too because I finished as 12th female and 1st in age group. HR was high (peaked at 191) but I guess that's to be expected on a course like that.
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    Cal - I've heard good reports about the London Ultra and would be ideal timing and location for you.  Distance wouldn't require any more training than you do to prepare for a marathon.

    I got very wet this morning on my run.   If I had opted for the flat route I would have been even wetter, photo taken this morning.

    Since the photo was taken the water has risen and now impassable.
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    Shades - That looks wild. Been a bit soggy here but nothing like that

    Cal - Good job with the AG at parkrun

    6 miles this afternoon. HR today and yesterday looking more normal after stressful week which is comforting. 20 miler planned tomorrow. Not sure if I’m doing too many of these too early as still have 10 weeks until Barcelona and tomorrow will be 4th >18miler since beginning of December? Want to keep mileage as high as I can for as long as I can so not sure what else to do really. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited January 2023
    Rcouture, just my own thoughts, but if you’re feeling okay generally after the long runs and can still do your other regular runs in the week without being too tired, I personally see no problem in keeping up the mileage. You seem to recover really well and still run well in the week, so I think if you can keep your mileage up and still do your regular runs, it’ll be a positive for you come race day.  Of course if you feel tired one weekend there’s no harm in dropping the mileage that week, or if you had some faster miles planned that weekend, consider dropping those if you’re tired.  I think the fact you’ve done most of your runs to HR up to this point means you’re in a great place for when you start adding some faster stuff.  You’ve done well to get into some kind routine in the first week of a stressful job too, so well done on that, as it’s not easy to get that balance straight away!  (Edit, you also had an easier week mileage wise when you were away over Xmas, so that may have been good timing too, in terms of going again with the longer runs on your return). 

    I did go on the bike yesterday, hoping for a longer ride, but I just wasn’t feeling it. Legs tired, HR higher than usual, so I stopped earlier than planned. I’ve had an easy morning this morning (new mattress is great), and we’re heading out for a brunch a bit later. I may go on the bike later, or I may just have a rest day and go again tomorrow. 

    Mattress arrived on time and the guys were great. They had thick covers they put over their work boots to protect the carpets etc, and they were in and out really quickly, taking the old one away (which we had packed up in a thick bag we’d been provided). No complaints. We got it from Dreams and if we’re not happy we can exchange it between 30-40 days, so can’t complain at the service really. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, how are you doing with your niggle? 
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    Rcouture, I remember before I PB'd at Chester in 2018 (an 8 minute improvement at the time), I ran 21, 21, 20 (would've been longer but needed the loo) and 21, with three of those runs in August (the race was first weekend in October). And I'm an old lady.  :D
    Big G, hope you like the mattress. 

    Out for 15 miles today and I opted for the King's Road route (down to Battersea, across the bridge, along all three miles of the King's Road, then back along the south side of the Thames and up the hill from Battersea). I chose this route because there are over 7 miles on well lit roads before I turn back down the Thames Path on the south side, though I knew I'd have to cross Chelsea Bridge again after having a bit of a mental wobble last time I did so. I thought I'd probably be OK this time (last time it was a bit slippery as well as foggy, which must have put my brain into alert mode) but it happened again and I had to will myself across and go through my parkrun list to distract myself. It's basically some sort of agoraphobia, and is a recent development which I'm not too happy about. 
    I was a bit twitchy crossing Putney Bridge on the way back too, though not quite as bad. In both instances I was fine once I am over the highest point of the bridge and heading down again.
    Anyway, that aside, quite a tough run. As usual I went out before breakfast (otherwise I'd be waiting until 9am and then half the day would be gone by the time I'd finished) and I didn't take water so HR was rather high at the end, likely a combo of cardiac drift and dehydration. I definitely felt fatigued and will take water next long run.
    On the plus side, pace was alright, there was a nice full moon and I saw a couple of Chelsea Pensioners in full regalia (around 7am) as I was coming up to Sloane Square so I gave them a cheery greeting.
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    Rob - Good luck today

    Big G - Makes sense to me, will crack on. You’re right that running to HR does help to stop overdoing it. Thanks. Hope it’s the mattress of your dreams 😬.

    Cal - Nice long run

    Had a lie-in for the first time in a while as home alone. Done a bit of work and will head out shortly. 
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    Rcouture - re long runs, I agree absolutely with everything Big G has said.   You enjoy the long runs and recover very quickly, in fact you seem to thrive on them.   It also leaves you the option to perhaps do a shorter pre marathon race, if you wish, without it affecting your training.  And should your girls give you another cold and you need to skip a run or two, again shouldn't affect your training.   

    I'm always amazed at the confidence of marathon runners that don't at least factor in an extra week or two just in case of unforeseen circumstances.

    Big G - good to hear the mattress is a success.   I do want to buy a new bed and mattress in the next year or so, will keep that company in mind.

    Cal - well done on your 15 miler and coping with those bridges.   It's hard to think of taking water out on a run when you look at the weather at this time of year.

    12 miles for me today, quads still a little achy so flat route today.   I ran the route as in the picture above, but the flood water has gone from the road now, neighbouring fields are still flooded and the river is now 4 times it's usual width.   I counted eleven swans that had swooped in on one of the flooded fields having a lovely feed.  Showery today, wore a lighter jacket and I wasn't pleased that I had only gone half a mile and there was a torrential downpour.   I didn't want to get wet so early into my run so I thought I'll run to the corner, I was on the industrial estate, and there's a big tree there that I saw some people sheltering under earlier in the week.  I did laugh when I got to the tree as it's still there but after yesterday's storm there wasn't a single leaf left on it and no shelter to be had.   Further down the road was a big pine tree so I ran there and sheltered for a minute or so until the rain eased.    The quay was flooded but the path was OK on the way out, but on the way back I had to run through some flood water, not much, enough to get soaking feet but I was only a mile or so from home.  Noticeable cardiac drift for the last 3 miles, but not unexpected.

    50 miles for the week
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