
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-That is what is really frustrating,this week they have felt fine,just a little soreness in the morning but good the rest of the time,maybe why the physio couldn't get to the bottom.
    On a positive the last 3 weeks I've ran 34,40 and 38,if I can keep that type of mileage until tokyo I'll be happy.
    One of our kids has stayed 1st claim for us when he moved to uni,where most change,he today smashed our 10k record in Valencia,28:45!!!! Think that will stand for a long time.
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    edited January 2023
    Cal - that marathon in Cornwall sounds horrendous, I guess you won't be signing up for that one.  ;)   It's the coastal path I expect and it often/usually blows a gale. 

    Ian - amazing you can keep the mileage up, but this injury must be a persistent nuisance.

    Wow, that's fast, we should be hearing a lot more of that young lad in the future.   Good that he's remaining loyal to your club, of course other clubs will try and tempt him away.

    8 miles today, flat/undulating.   Bitterly cold wind, feels like -1, but no ice. The wind is drying up the puddles and first time for days I've finished a run with feet 100% dry.   Still flooding and some standing water around but easy to avoid on my route today.   
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes he's mentioned in that report Big G has posted,but they have his time wrong,he also got to rep UK in the euro u23 XC.
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    That start looks to have been a right mess! How on earth did they let that happen?

    Two steps forward, one step back for me - scratchy throat is back, along with the slightly unwell feeling. That wasn't enough to keep me from the gym. I spoke to a guy there who said he'd had the same thing and that it comes and goes. Lovely.
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    Big G - that's everyone's nightmare at the start of a race. 

    Some good times at Houston too.

    Cal - hope that's just a brief relapse. Maybe you overdid it yesterday in the colder weather. 

    Tomorrow is forecast to be 'feels like ' -6 for my run, I'll just be grateful if there's no frost/ice.
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    Shades - Yes, looking cold tomorrow!!
    Cal - good news on the ultra!
    18 miles on Sat with 10 at MP, averaged 7:10 min/mile (3:08 pace I think), not what I want, but a good workout. Backed up with 11 miles on Sunday for a 63 mile week, need to bank a few more of those over the next month.
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    Steve - I don't think you should be disappointed with your MP on Saturday. You've still got 3 months until your marathon so plenty time, you don't want to peak too early. 
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    Steve good going 3 months out! Plenty of time to peak and taper! 

    Cal hope it’s just the change of weather again and symptoms don’t linger too long.

    ian that’s some decent weekly mileage, fingers crossed you can maintain that for a bit without any issues

    shades good luck with your cold run tomorrow, I fear I may have similar! 

    Big G seems a sensible plan running every other day, any issues at all? 

    Rcouture wonder how many extra kcals you eat where your kids don’t! When we used to have a dog, I’d feed him scraps from my plate when I was full, I now finish off those as well! 

    Yesterday was a rest day, washed my shoes from east hanningfield and Flitch way, there’s holes in my saucony peregrines so have ordered new ones and some black compression socks, despite the white socks going through the wash and coming out okay! 

    finished work and pondered over a run, knew if I went home it would never happen, went to the gym and was going on the treadmill, but bumped into the old circuit instructor who I hadn’t seen for 4-5 years and ended up in a circuits class.  I’ve let myself go big time 😆 really struggled!!! 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, I can still feel it, but it’s not as bad as before. But maybe that is just because I rested it for over 2 weeks?  I did ask the podiatrist about this and he did say that it wouldn’t vanish over night and to expect some discomfort still, with some days it being worse than others, but with the aim that it feels better over time. So I’m going with it at the moment as he actively encouraged me to restart, and I’ve got my fingers crossed it doesn’t get worse. Could you still feel yours after your treatment, or did it more or less vanish (I’ve heard both scenarios from different people)?

    I went along to club tonight for the social run, which ended up about 5.5 miles so a bit lower than I had anticipated, but that’s okay. 
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    Rob - I reckon 20% of my daily calorie intake is the girls’ leftovers

    Cal - Sounds very similar to what I have. A constant low level scratchy throat and cough that comes and goes. Feels like I’ve had it months now. 

    Big G - Think I read someone broke their arm during that. 

    8 miles home from office this evening. Really not enjoying these late night runs home compared to morning ones so need to engineer more of the latter. They just feel like a chore which is normally never the case for me. Think I’m just spoilt from having been able to run in daytime from the time off and the wfh prior to that. This eternal bug not helping either. I also miss my common route. Moan over 😬. 
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    edited January 2023
    Robert - you must have given those shoes a hard life.   And as for the white socks, they are amazing, but black is better.    ;)

    Hope you're not aching too much after the circuits class, I did laugh when I read how you got drawn into joining the class. :lol:

    I still haven't been back to Pilates, chickened out the first week in January.   Then last week I couldn't book as there was 'problem with my account' which I needed to sort out before the app would let me book anything.  That's sorted now, haven't got an excuse for missing today :/  need to get my act together.

    Only 6 miles this morning.   Very cold as expected and I was well wrapped up in layers and felt warm enough but when it's this cold my legs just won't function so cut the distance to 6 miles.   No ice as the roads and pavements are dry. 

    Big G - I hope the discomfort does lessen with time.

    Rcouture - hope you can find a balance soon between work/home/training that you enjoy.    The dark/cold evening commutes you're doing are at the worst time of year, so particularly grim.   Whereas if you'd started the job in the summer, you'd be running home in good weather and then throughout the autumn gradually getting used to dark and colder commute runs.
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    edited January 2023
    Trying to post a link that didn't work first time. Will try again. 
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    edited January 2023
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    Think that worked.   A great read.
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    Shades - That is a great read! Doesn't tempt me to sign up though, that is a brutal event!
    I am tempted to do another ultra after the marathon, 10 weeks after, should be OK for a 50k?

    Anyway, another easy 12 miles this morning, HR monitor went mental, said I'd hit 180 HR, but knew I could continue that pace for hours! Cold though, -5c!!
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    Rcouture - yep, that's more or less it. Not so much a cough although I do cough a bit due to sticky saliva, mostly at night, which is damned annoying. 

    Shades, yeah they can keep that race. I understand people want to push the limits but I'd rather have some scenery to look at.

    Steve, my friend Tunde says he gets readings like that when it's cold.

    Opted for a 4 (and a bit) mile walk and the gym today...I think I'll be OK to run tomorrow so long as it's not icy.
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    Steve - definitely not encouraging anyone to sign up for the Tunnel race.   But it makes you think that maybe a tough patch in a marathon isn't so difficult to deal with after all.

    Are you still using optical HRM?    I've read that running in the cold will affect that, don't know if it's due to colder skin/contact.

    Cal - icy here today, a light snow shower last night which has frozen.

    Here's a pic from my window this morning.   Fortunately it is my rest day but I was hoping to go to the gym for an early morning session.   Will postpone that.   

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I saw that article. There was something about that race during the pandemic as well. It looks bonkers. 

    No running today for me, or certainly not this morning. There’s an accident at the top of my road apparently. 

    I did go on Zwift yesterday and did a hard time trial, just so that I could officially be back in Category B again.  I had dropped back to Cat C  but I’m back in B again now so I can hopefully be put into faster teams if I want. 
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    Big G - that tunnel looks like the same one used in the Two Tunnels 50km in Bath.

    Sleet/rain/snow here now, I can't tell if the pavements are now safe to walk on or not. Before pedestrians were struggling to walk up or down my road. So am going to play safe and stay home today. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, it was odd as we went cinema last night and walked back at 10:30pm and there was no hint of any snow. I looked out the window at 11:15pm and it was white. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    You may remember that Frankfurt said they wouldn’t refund my entry without a good reason?  Well, after that email I didn’t reply again, but a few days later the same contact said they would refund. I’ve just checked and it’s there now - I can’t remember what I paid but I got £77.49 back, so I’m happy with that although it means I definitely won’t be doing Frankfurt. I’ve been very lucky with refunds etc around the covid times. 
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    edited January 2023
    Big G - I don't know what time it snowed here, I looked out at 1:30 am and it had snowed by then. Sunny here now, cars moving OK but very few so it seems there's still problems caused by the ice around town. Don't know what the pavements are like, my road is usually popular with pedestrians but I haven't seen any for ages. 

    That's great news on your refund from Frankfurt, hope you'll get to run it soon, it's a brilliant marathon. Much better than Berlin IMHO 

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    Sad to hear that Phil Hampton has passed away. He was the founder of DD and a great runner too.

    He did hold the world record for 50 miles in 5:01.
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    Blimey, 10mph for five hours! 
    That's good about the refund, Big G.

    10 miles today but went out much later than usual (around 10:30ish) to give the frost a chance to melt (not that much of it did, but at least it was sunny). I decided to attempt the Balham to Wimbledon Common section of the London Ultra. The pavements were mostly fine but there were some slippery paths through the parks, and a bit of a flood to paddle through near the pond on Wandsworth Common.
    I did make a couple of small mistakes: turned one road too early heading to Durnsford Rec (hit a dead end and had to turn back...the correct turn was the next road), then took the wrong path in Wimbledon Park  but it was fine apart from that. This is why I practise - a wrong turn when I've already run a marathon and my legs are screaming will be a lot more demoralising. :lol:
    The pace felt leisurely (only puffed on the hills, of which there were several) and included a few traffic stops. My watch suggested I'd worked much harder than that but the cold might have thrown it off. I know I took it easy because I barely have any aches (by my usual standards) despite running for nearly two hours.
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    Cal - entering your ultra has given you specific areas to recce now as part of your training. 

    I've only been outside to put the bins out, really cold. All the roads and pavements are wet and we've got yet another yellow warning for ice tonight and well into tomorrow so not looking hopeful for a run tomorrow. But should dry up during the day tomorrow and be OK for Friday morning. We'll see. 
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    It has, though I'm not sure whether I'll want to travel all the way to where the start is...it might be nice to have some new scenery for race day itself. On the other hand, I don't want to get lost either! Either way, I won't be going too much further until the weather brightens/dries up a bit. I'll save the big commons for when I don't have to worry about squelching around in mud.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I managed to get out mid-afternoon, and did a nice 7 miles. It was cold but I was dressed appropriately so it was an enjoyable run out. 

    I do need to go over to the club tonight as there is someone interested in taking on the club champs, but she wants to see how the software works before deciding, which is fair enough. I was considering running with the club but decided to go out in the afternoon as it this afternoon was a bit warmer than this evening’s forecast.  
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    Cal - I agree, you don't want to be over familiar with the whole route. You'll be fresher and more alert in the early stages so navigation decisions should be easier. It's the last few miles when you might be tiring that you could be more likely to make a navigation error. 
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