
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - I'm sure you'll pull it out the bag for Sunday's race.

    Robert - I'm looking forward to meeting you at Halstead.

    Big G - fabulous report and a brilliant result.   A great comeback marathon after all you've been through with your injury, you deserved to have such a good and memorable race.

    Nice photo, you look lean and racing fit.

    Hope the foot isn't too sore today.

    5 miles for me today, knee still a bit stiff but less so.  Noticeable discomfort doing a quad stretch but I ran with only a 1/10 grumble from the knee, so I'm pleased with that, best I could expect really.

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    Big G great ramblings gave a great insight to the race.  Does sound a lot of faffing at the start but an incredible experience.   

    You’ve done amazing well to manage the pf and sounds like it hasn’t given too much trouble! After running 2 marathons since your 100th last year, Just the 6 days (plus time difference) till your next one! Hopefully no jet lag.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I'm sticking with walks for the moment, Shades.

    Big G, I've already mentioned on Strava but, fantastic result. It sounds epic.

    I've had time to think about Manchester and, on reflection, I am not disappointed with myself because I did everything I could to get to the finish and I didn't give up. I am just disappointed that I got sick when I did. I started at a similar pace for the 16 miler four weeks ago and was able to keep that going easily and even speed up towards the end, which is why I thought a 4:15 could be achievable. Unfortunately, the illness caused me to detrain so, even though I felt pretty much OK on Sunday, I started to slow down around 11 miles and it got progressively worse from there. I never felt ill and I was taking on gels every 4 miles but my legs just didn't have it in them. I definitely also need to get rid of that half stone I put on at Christmas and never lost - I actually had thigh chafing on Sunday. Not good.
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    Cal - you shouldn't be disappointed with yourself at all.   We're all human, not machines.   Marathon running makes us all dig deep, at times no matter how well prepared we are, it's just not there on the day.   Considering you were still recovering from that virus you did very well.

    Talking of thigh chafing.   On Sunday a girl got on the Park & Ride bus after the race and she had lycra shorts on but with such severe chafing that both thighs were bleeding, she was having to walk very carefully and wasn't looking forward to getting in the shower, ouch.

    Apart from my knee, I'm recovering better than after Great Welsh, partly due probably to not having that tortuous drive home that I had after GW.  And hopefully as my legs are getting used to marathons again  :)
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    Shades - I'm looking forward to the meet too, I'm aiming to get there close to 8am to drop some drinks, also my old swimming coach from 20-30 years ago is the head coach at Halstead (bizarrely he talked about retiring then).

    Cal - sounds a sensible reflection, it's disappointing when things don't go smoothly especially big events as so much resource (time, financial and emotional) but all part of marathon running. 

    Although not overly fussed about running London marathon, I'm considering another way in, volunteering at WJ 8 times and qualifying for a club place ballot.  WJ are always looking to put people through LIRF so may take them up on it.
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    Robert - 30 years ago you were just a boy  ;)

    I'm usually at races at least an hour before start time.   Last year had that nightmare journey with the road into Halstead closed, don't think that will happen again.

    I did the LIRF course many years ago, it was really good, had a great crowd on the day and we all had a good laugh too. 

    Is it an online course now?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, Shades, apologies for not really responding to your reports in particular. I did read them but I’m trying to stay off my phone a bit whilst away.

    Cal, to seriously struggle from 11 miles but still get it done shows you’re made of tough stuff. It’s not easy to do, but you did it. I know you’re disappointed with your time but you know you can run faster when it comes together. I don’t think 4:15 was an unrealistic goal for you, but you got sick and there’s nothing you could have done. You did well to finish.  

    Shades, really sorry to hear about your knee still. I hope you can get on top of it for your upcoming events.  

    I got this pic at the end of Boston, which I guess sums it up. Still processing it all I think. 

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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big G - Fantastic report and very inspiring. A great comeback performance, your splits were really consistent adjusted for the elevation. Hopefully the foot is all good and you can kick on. It makes me desperate to make it next year (for the experience and not run for time with those hills lol). I’ve checked the Boston website and entries are seemingly not open yet but presuming that’s imminent. 

    Rare wfh today so 6 miles around the common this morning. Feel desperately unfit due to holiday excesses but a lovely run in the sunshine. 
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    Big G  - I love that photo.   Says a thousand words about the marathon. 

    How's the foot today?

    Rcouture - do you have a qualifying time for Boston?

    Your holiday excesses will soon be dealt with in a few days. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Shades - Yes from Chicago and Barcelona as mine is under 310
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, quads are worse that the foot at the moment!  And very tight hip flexors too.  But I did a slow 3 miles this morning, which I think makes me top of the class o:)  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture-Boston won't open until around September.
    Big G-Brilliant report and brought back lots of memories, glad you had a great time and enjoyed it.
    Cal-Good you feel better about Manchester,these things we take for granted at times and forgot how hard and far a marathon actually is.
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    Rcouture  - that's good re Boston.   Better start that hill training  😉

    Big G - indeed that does make you top of the class. 

    Sore quads from the downhills I expect.   But that's good about the foot.
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    I will post the marathon list later this morning, I was hoping Steve would pop in to give us his result, although I have snuck a look at the results  :#

    Rest day for me today.   Legs feel good today and stiffness from knee has gone  :)

    Couldn't get onto this thread last night, discovered I could get onto small threads but not the bigger ones such as this one.   Hope the forum is not falling over, we have a busy weekend for races coming up. 
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    As we're coming up to London marathon the alert will be on for the cheaters.

    Scottish ultra runner caught cheating, shame on them.

    Scottish ultrarunner disqualified from race - after tracking data gave away her 'unsporting' secret (msn.com)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Not just any runner,she was the world record holder for 48 hours recently.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I've noticed it is taking longer for threads to load, all of a sudden. I guess you could start a new Shades thread if needed.
    I saw that about the ultra runner. What was she thinking? 

    Got out and did my recovery run this morning (yesterday I had a walk). I was going to do 3 miles but actually did 4. Legs were heavy but not really sore and I felt better by the end, which I guess is the point.
    In other news, after thoughts of "this is awful, I hate this, this will be my last marathon" on Sunday (OK I know the last thought wasn't a very serious one...) I am now in for Brighton next year. It's more sensibly priced at £60 and Brighton is my birthplace, after all, so now it's in more reliable hands, there's no reason not to.
    That still leaves the Autumn. There's a shocking lack of choice in the UK...it seems to be Chester, Yorkshire, Loch Ness and Abingdon, as far as the main road races go. All the others seem to be trail or laps. I did peak at Valencia but the price has gone up a lot so it's now 130 euros which is beyond my budget.
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    Ian - that's really shameful from a WR holder.   I expect she'll get a year's ban but I think she should not be chosen to represent her country again, IMHO.

    Cal - I did think about starting a new Shades thread if the problem continues, but those using smartphones would be unlikely to see it without going to look for it.  The page format is different on a smartphone than on a PC, that's why so many newbies ask a question on a new thread and never return as if they haven't bookmarked the thread they don't know there's been a response.

    Good news on the run and that legs are OK.

    Great news on getting past the 'never again' to doing a race entry for Brighton.   Re autumn 2024 why not save up for Loch Ness, I think you'd really enjoy the weekend and race.  Book flights as soon as they're out and book accommodation as soon as race date is announced.   They offer early bird entry too.

    I've got nothing booked for the whole of September this year  :'(  one of my favourite months to race.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I'd like to do Loch Ness at some point but I can't save at the moment with £5K going out on windows for the rental flat plus this week in Holland I've not even begun to pay for. I'll have to have a think.
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    Cal - I forgot about your trip to Holland.

    Loch Ness flights probably not out until November and entries will open after this year's race, so you have a few months to consider it.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Cal - Good news on Brighton

    Still haven’t had confirmation from this charity re our Berlin entry. They’ve had so many excuses with the latest being they have to wait until after London Marathon to inform everyone for some odd reason (‘capacity issues’).I know I mustn’t complain as it’s a charity but it feels a bit of a cowboy operation.  Anyway we will probably move on to try another option if they don’t come back to us next week as it’s been 3 months now. 

    8 miles into the office this morning. RHR and HRV been very bad last few days which I thought was just holiday excesses and bad sleep but it’s persistent so suspect I’ve some bug
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I have nothing booked after Sunday,may do a leg of the Welsh Castle relay in June but unsure yet.
    Now OH wants to race we have to try and find 1 that suits us both with work.
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    Rcouture - That must be really annoying about your charity place at Berlin not being confirmed.   Hope you can get that sorted or find a reliable alternative.

    Ian - what about your 6 hour track event, or is that later in the summer?   What autumn marathons are you thinking about doing?

    5 miles today, chilly morning.   Stiffness in knee has gone, but bit sore doing a quad stretch.   Had a good run, first 2 miles a bit sluggish but picked up nicely for the last 3 miles.  Legs feel fresh and ready for another marathon, I think  ;)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Almost identical run from me, Shades...almost tempted by Milton Keynes but it's just a bit too soon, and I've always ended up injured or ill when trying to double up in the Spring. Not sure how you do it without breaking - you must be made of sterner stuff.

    Off to Europe this afternoon. I won't be running aside from parkrun on Saturday - I'll be getting my Z at Zuiderpark. :)
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    Cal - it's as much mental as it is physical doing events close together.   If you want to do it you can.

    Have a great trip to Holland
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I’ve met quite a lot of runners doubling up Boston and London. A number people just ask ‘are you doing London as well?’, and then others say they are too.   

    Landed in London. Flight all on time but not a lot of sleep so very tired. Hoping to get expo done today, power on through, and then hopefully sleep well tonight. 

    For the YouTube fans, Ed Budd was on my flight. He didn’t run but was over in Boston for something to do with Puma.  
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    Big G - I think there's quite a few runners that do Boston and London every year.   Can be done when they double too on consecutive days, thanks to the time difference.   

    Hope you can have a good catch up on your sleep, enjoy the Expo.   
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-We have 3 doing the double this year.I'm not down there until Saturday.
    Cal-Have a good trip,guess its pretty quick from there.
    Shades-That's June 18th,still not booked it yet,hovered over it a few times.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Cal - Have a nice trip

    Big G - Did you ask for his autograph 😀?

    I’m also struggling with loading this thread on my phone at the minute. I get a gateway error message most of the time and need to load up an older page and navigate from there. 

    Rest day today as crap sleep combined with an early meeting. 
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