
Shades Marathon Training



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    Rcouture  - hope your rest day helps you get back to better HR stats.

    Useful tip about using an older page of the thread and navigate from there.   I too get the Gateway error on occasion and more likely on my phone than on PC.  Not taking my laptop to Ireland and it would be so annoying when there are quite a few of us racing this weekend if we couldn't do a quick post on the thread. 
    I've bookmarked an older page and will try that.

    I'm all packed except for food and last minute stuff.    Off to check the weather again  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I get the gateway error. I was wondering if it was something to do with being in US but still the same here.  

    RCouture, no autograph but he seems a nice chap. Just the same as on his videos really.   

    Got expo sorted, and didn’t buy anything. I also went to the London Tracksmith store and again managed to not buy anything. A decent number of runners at expo wearing Boston jackets. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-What was the tracksmith shop like? I got a jacket in Chicago that looks smart and I often wear it.
    Our guys flight got cancelled from Boston and they had to fly via Dublin,which is ironic as I suggested that route initially.
    Last nights run felt poor,high HR and slow pace,thought it was a hiccup,woke today and not feeling great with a sore throat,hoping I can shake it off before Sunday and it doesn't get worse,been evicted to the spare room tonight to not pass it to OH.

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    Big G  - I got the same gateway error trying to access another of the bigger threads.   If it continues I'll start a new Shadies thread next week as it's really annoying. 

    Ian  - hope that's not another cold you're coming down with otherwise you may be evicted to the garden shed for tomorrow night.   And not sitting together for the journey to London  ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, it’s a nice store in a nice part of London. I went to the Boston one yesterday too, but they’d sold out of most of the Boston kit, so I decided to go to the London store before the rush. They had everything in my size, and I was tempted with a vest and shorts but decided not to in the end, mainly as I can’t really race in it as I wear Trotters gear for racing. It is nice stuff though.  As I bought the official Boston jacket and cap, I had already decided not to buy the official London one this year. 
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    At airport now which is pleasantly quiet now the early rush has cleared. 

    Disappointing news that Eilish may DNF London due to knee niggle.   I noticed that for her recent half she had her knee taped in the same fashion as I have mine.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Have a good trip.
    I'm working today but got a few meetings so shouldn't be on my feet too long,then heading down very early tomorrow.
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    Ian - hope you're feeling OK today, symptoms no worse?

    Just boarded the express coach for Galway.   Starving, have just eaten my lunch,  well I did get up at 3 am.  🥱
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Glad you got there ok, Shades.  I woke up at 10am after nearly 12hrs sleep!!!
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big weekend racing on the thread coming up which is great to see (I’m totally not jealous 😭)

    8 miles into the office this morning. Decent night’s sleep so felt pretty good
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Having loads of problems getting the thread to load but it sounds like I’m not the only one. Do we have a backup plan if this one goes kaput??

    BigG – great race report and photos. It sounded like a superb race, and you must be delighted with that time given the issues you’ve had with your foot. I did see the start on twitter and it looked very wet but probably not too different to the usual Devon weather 😉 Glad you got a good night’s sleep last night. I was not as restrained as you at the expo

    Cal – I’m glad on reflection you realise that you have actually done really well to run it at all. I sympathise on needing to lose a few pounds. I’ve put on about half a stone over the past few years and it is mostly on my middle. This is the most rubbish thing I think, I’m running 40 miles per week and it just doesn’t go. I really need to up the weights but there is only so much I can do.  I do like Brighton, despite the issues its hard and hopefully those will be sorted with the new organisation. I’m sure I’ll do that one again once I’ve exhausted the others I want to do. 

    Ian – I have everything crossed that you are not coming down with something and you feel much better today. Is your OH running London as well?

    Shades – glad to hear the knee is better, just in time for Connemara.

    Rcouture – when is your next race?? 

    I decided to buy the newer NB super shoes as an early birthday present – I was debating to wait until the expo and pick them up there as they were the same price but then a pop-up appeared with a code for 15% off so I went for it. They arrived yesterday and I’ve been out for a 5 mile run today in them and they feel fine. And they look fab, which of course is the most important thing 😉

    I went to the Expo last night and bought a fair bit of stuff, although most of it I had waited to buy as I knew I could pick it up there on a potential deal. Several pairs of socks, running bras and some carb bars and a couple of the London Marathon tops. I also had some very interesting chats with a couple of the international tour companies about how to get a slot at Boston/Tokyo. I very nearly signed up for Seville marathon on the spot but decided to check out flights first in case they are extortionate. 

    I’ve also managed to get my charity running top taken in – hopefully it will be fine now. The only problem is the weather is a little fresh so I might need to go with a vest/gloves combo. 

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    Big G  - that's a long sleep.    Hopefully will have sorted out any jet lag. 

    How are the legs?  And foot?

    Rcouture - good you're feeling better.

    I see Eilish has withdrawn from London.   I was so looking forward to her debut. 

    Louey  - the new shoes look great, and fast.   Nice bit of shopping at the Expo. 

    Good you could get the vest altered to fit.   What about arm warmers? They're a good option and if it's too warm easily peeled off.

    My knee isn't better but no worse than it was before Newport.   

    I haven't had a problem with getting on the thread today but I have used an older page I bookmarked then page on.

    Lovely weather here in Galway.   Sunny and warm,  bit breezy.   Of course Connemara can be 4 seasons in a day but still looking fairly good for Sunday. 

    Early night for me, very poor sleep last night then up very early.  

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, contractual issues with Eilish as well, which is odd to read and not totally clear what she is getting at in terms of which sponsor. My first totally unfounded thought based on nothing is that it’s a ASICS vs New Balance thing and due to that I wondered if she’d turn up at Tokyo (ASICS sponsored) next year. But this is just pure speculation on my part. It could be an SIS issue I suppose?

    Legs totally fine. Foot twinging a bit every now and again, but it was in the run up to Boston as well. Need to get my head in gear for London as I’ve not been thinking about it too much up until now!
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     Big G  - I just looked at the pic that is on the AW report and she has Asics and more unusually SIS on her vest.  They should have sorted all this out weeks ago.   
    But I think it's the knee issue after the hamstring injury that has caused her to pull out, her sponsors demands secondary, but another issue to deal with. 

    That's great news on the legs.   I think perhaps the Shadies race list might have an influx of races from you for the rest of the year.  😃

    It's not a bad thing not to think about the race too much beforehand.   
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    Big G - good to hear the foot is behaving, that can’t be great for Eilish me talking preparing for races and having sponsor issues, shame she’s not racing fit.

    louey the expo sounds like an expensive place, love the shoes! 

    Ian hope you’re feeling better soon! 

    Shades have a great trip! 

    Cal have a great trip and enjoy collecting your Z.  Halstead Marathon is a bit after Milton Keynes if you fancy it.

    Rcouture I’ve been jealous of watching everyone’s marathons for the last few weeks, I was hoping for a nice day on Sunday as only going for a plod round, but looks like I’m in for a soaking.

    Knee has been feeling a bit rubbish, 5 miles this evening to clear a few cobwebs and get the legs moving again. First week back after a break is a hard one, get through next week and I have 5, 4 days weeks with annual leave and bank holidays 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Throat isn't too bad,doesn't look like it's getting worse so that's good.
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    Robert  - hope it's not too wet (and muddy) for your marathon tomorrow and that knee behaves itself. 

    4 day weeks are lovely, enjoy.

    Am sitting up in bed with a coffee now, going to have a big breakfast which should carry me through until fish and chips early evening. 
    It's been raining here during the night and light rain forecast for the day. 

    But we still have the promise of good weather for Connemara tomorrow  sunny and 12 degrees, north wind though but I'm planning to take a light jacket just in case my knee is sore and I need to walk. 

    Ian - that's a relief you're no worse otherwise it might have been a cardboard box on the streets of London for you tonight  ;)

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Was feeling very fresh all day yesterday and we went to the British Museum.  Probably everyone knows that it’s huge so we just chose a couple of rooms to go and look at, so we were only there about 90mins or so. Went to see a theatre show last night - 2:22 A Ghost Story - which was superb!  Thing is we ended up eating veg late after the show and got back to the hotel late, so tired again now :) We’ve got a David Attenborough-narrated thing called BBC Earth Experience this afternoon, and an Italian booked for tonight, but taking it fairly easy today otherwise. 
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    Big G you certainly pack a lot in your London trips, 2:22 keeps popping up on adverts on Facebook, never taken much notice. 

    Ian good that you’re no worse

    shades Enjoy your fish and chips.

    woke this morning, bit of a sore throat, not sure I’ve been 100% since my man flu 4 weeks ago.  

    Good luck everyone tomorrow with your races. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Highbury Fields parkrun this morning and a  short course if ever I saw one! 5 laps but a nice one though. Quite crowded and busier than usual, and I did see a runner take a nasty fall :( 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Glad everything is looking good for you.
    Got the train nice and early,as expected it was like a runners express but everyone in a good mood,got chatting to someone who has been off yellow before,he said we start in front of all the reds,then the fasties off there charge us down.
    Just getting coffee and cake at the expo before we head away from here,not much planned for this afternoon though.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Good luck tomorrow to all the racers!

    Louey - Next marathon is Berlin in the autumn. Next race is Hackney half next month. Those shoes 😍

    6 miles around the common earlier. Lovely spring conditions
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    Busy morning, probably a bit too much walking.   

    Picked up race number so officially marathon entrant now.   Met a couple of South African guys at race HQ, they ran Two Oceans last week, were telling me what a beautiful race it is.

    Good luck to all racing tomorrow.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Good luck tomorrow! Just a quick one but I did Zuiderpark - lovely fast, flat two lap course and lots and lots of UK tourists there. I felt like I was going quite fast but ran 28:28 so I guess it's the post-marathon legs. Still enjoyed it.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Up and ready to go, although I’m tired again. Just been down for breakfast and the hotel is full of runners, but some of them look terrified.  One lady there with who I presume was her daughter, both in charity vests, was almost hyper ventilating!  It’s dry here at the moment but it doesn’t look like it’s going to stay that way. 
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    Breakfast not until 7:30 for us, then leave at 8 for gentle stroll to the cathedral for the bus.  Marathon doesn't start until 11 so late back to hotel as bus takes about an hour plus the walk back.   But it's a nice change from the ultra when had to leave hotel just after 6 am .

    Big G - can't help but feel for those charity runners, the realisation that maybe not enough training and the unexpected lies ahead for them.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    I’m on my way into London. Did not have a very good nights sleep but I slept well most of the week so hoping it doesn’t affect me too much. Feeling really sick with nerves at the moment - not sure if it’s all the other runners around me. Or just because it’s a big one and I’ve been drumming up support because I’m raising money. 

    Good luck to all the other runners today! Hoping the rain stays away in London 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Have a good race all.
    OH is pretty nervous,I've been reassuring her how good her training has been and she's ready,hopefully she has a good run.
    I am totally fine,had a good couple of nights sleep and relaxed yesterday,also as I have no expectation of going for a time I don't feel pressured.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, that was me in Boston. I think not going for a time helps lift the self imposed pressure and I think is a main reason I loved Boston so much as I was able to take everything in. Seville in contrast I can hardly remember anything about the course, except it was flat. Good luck to you and your OH. 

    There was a row of nice loos at London Bridge station so I made use of those. Just got on train from London Bridge to Maze Hill and got a seat easily so I’m happy.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Just realised this is my 3rd London but first time wearing club kit. First time was charity, 2nd time was ballot but I ran in a charity vest, and this is club kit. 
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