
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Bad day at the office for me. I had planned to go out at the pace I finished Boston at, but within the first mile or two it was too much effort for the pace. I got through half in about the same time as Boston and was hoping some kind of second wind would occur, but it never did. A fair bit of walking in the second half and I finished in 4:06:31. Disappointing but it’s the best I could do. I just didn’t have it today, even though yesterday I felt there was a reasonable chance of beating my Boston time as London is an easier course. I did my best though. 

    Saw Ian very briefly at the finish but it was raining so I didn’t hang around too long. 

    I did enjoy it though and probably I’ll be back at some point to give it another go, if I manage to qualify in future years.  I’ve entered the ballot but obviously not much chance there. 
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Big G - Well done, given your comeback from the PF and after Boston, that seems a good outing to me. You must be so pleased you are back in business now after the foot and can plan and push on from here. Hope you have a nice evening in London if you’re staying over. 

    The women’s race really was incredible. 

    12 miles this afternoon after I plonked the Sunday roast into the oven. Something a bit different for me as I did intervals of 10x 1min on/off. Ran it to feel and even if I haven’t raced a 5k in 1.5 years, it felt roughly about that pace. I figure I might as well try this for my weekly harder efforts since I’ve got so long until Berlin when the trusty longer tempos will be required. Was surprisingly lots of fun around a quiet Battersea park despite my usual dislike of speedier stuff. I’m basically keen to just get more comfortable at <6:30min/mi. Will try 10x 2mins next time. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Well toughed out,good to see you briefly.
    My story was the same but without the Boston reason,halfway in 1:39,felt a little tough but OK,15 started feeling really tough,18 I was reduced to a walk/run to finish,3:36:18 in the end.I need to revisit everything and think of a plan going forward.
    Day made tons better by OH,she smashed a 3:46,so a BQ and GFA done,5 min PB,her pacing was incredible,first 5k averaged 8:33,then every 5k between 8:38 and 8:39 except one where she shot to a 8:37.
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    Well done everyone, especially Ian's OH

    Tough day for me too, not really an ideal race with a niggle.  We had amazing weather though, sunny, views were amazing.   Knee was niggling and i had to walk a lot.  Then painful blister at 18 miles.   Finally finished in 5:45.  Had a great day though.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    BigG - don't be too hard on yourself. You ran Boston less than a week ago and you will still be suffering from jet-lag. I think the fact you ran it at all, let alone in that time, is pretty amazing.

    Ian - sorry to hear you had a tough one but very well done to your OH - that's an amazing time You are a speedy family. 

    Shades - I'm glad the weather was good - I hope that made up for the tough race. You don't normally get blisters do you??

    I had a fabulous day. I was aiming to run between 9:20 and 9:30/mile, wasn't really sure how fit/quick I was although I had a pretty solid training block. I would have been happy with sub 4:10. I finished in 4:04:29. My legs just seem to want to go faster and I went with it. I thought the wheels would fall off but I made it until 23 miles before they did (and they didn't really fall off, the slowest mile was mile 25 (9:56) but I picked it up in mile 26). 

    Having it only done once, 10 years previously, the start is so much better organised with waves and no real bottlenecks that needed walking (last time I had to walk around Cutty Sark). The support on the course was immense and that was in pretty bad weather. Apart from the start which was cold and very wet, it was my ideal temperature which I'm sure helped. OH and smallest child came into watch and I saw them once but not afterwards as they just couldn't find easy places to spot me. 

    On age-grading, this was my best marathon, even though it wasn't the fastest. I only need to gain just over 4 mins to get a GFA (once I turn 50 in a few days), it's tantalisingly close.
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    Louey - well done, that's a great run.   You certainly haven't lost the skill of doing great splits.

    That GFA time is well within your capabilities an a realistic goal for your next marathon.

    No, must be years since I've had a blister.   I think it was because i was having to do do much walking and the course is up and down.
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    Just received the emergency warning test on my phone.  Wasn't sure I would as I left it in flight mode while I was running today.  Thought I might have been out of range too

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Sorry to hear you had a bad race also,glad you enjoyed the day though.
    Louey-Well done,5 minutes under target is brilliant,I aged in to GFA at 50 also and you can definitely do it.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Well hopefully it will heal quickly. 

    My new super shoes held up well. I’m sure they are one of the reasons I ran faster. And that it’s fairly flat and I run a lot of hilly routes at home. 

    My phone lost all signal at the finish. I thought it was just because everyone was trying to use them but then noticed that others could
    get signal when the alerts came through so I restarted it and then the alert came through 10 minutes later than everyone else! 
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    Louey  - the new shoes did you well, a good buy.

    Just Robert to check in and let us know how he got on yesterday. 

    Plus Steve from last week's race  ;)

    Had a reasonable sleep, often I don't sleep well post marathon.   Was hoping to do a recovery run as knee doesn't feel too bad.  Just tried on my running shoes, I only have the one pair with me but they're still wet from the walk back to the hotel.  It was pouring with rain when we got back to Galway and I couldn't find a taxi.  Blister has improved overnight but still sore wearing my running shoes, so run will have to wait until tomorrow. 

    Not going to do a full race report as tomorrow I intend to settle down in front of the telly to watch the London marathon. 

    I was 2nd in my age group.   Only 3 in my age group and amazingly we all finished within one minute of each other.    I didn't want to win as the prize is free entry to next year and I wouldn't be able to resist.   Next year I'm going back to to Glendalough Lap of the Gap marathon. 

    We had wooden medals this year, definitely the nicest wooden medal I've had as it's big and chunky.   Has the elevation profile of the race which is a nice touch.

    I haven't seen the London medal, pic please?

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades. reluctantly no recovery for me either. I’m in a bad way!  I had massive chaffing issues with my vest and left side of my vest is covered in blood (actually looks a lot worse that it is as the rain made the blood go everywhere). This started at 7 miles into the race. Same vest as I wore in Boston as I’d washed it properly last week, so not sure what was happening as both were in wet conditions.  Major cramps as well last night - when I stretched either leg out I was getting cramp all over, and also toes on left foot were cramping. Urgh.  Well done on your race and getting it done with the injury. 

    Louey, definitely a GFA is a great goal for you. Seville is a flat and fast course, if you prefer pancake flat (I know not everyone does). Sounds like you loved London, which is great to read. Yes, I think I preferred the set up too although I was a bit of a fraud starting in coral 2 and all the pacers from later starts going past me!  It is kind of a goal of mine and getting to the start line in decent shape and properly racing it.    

    Late breakfast and midday checkout for a 2pm train home. Tigg is getting dropped off tomorrow. We’ve been getting ‘pupdates’ and he seems fine.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Here’s the London medal. It’s nice. 

    Here’s the Boston one, and it comes with a bottle opener from a sponsor. Boston also had a very nice, black, adidas long sleeved shirt. It’s really is very nice - I really like it. It’s simple but looks good I think, in dark blue.  It seems good quality too. 

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    Shades looks a good quality medal! Well done on the 2nd place, good news you didn’t win a free race entry 😆 glad you enjoyed the event despite not having the best race.

    Ian congrats to your OH, sorry you had a tough day.

    Louey great race and a big chunk inside your target, seems the spaced out starts are working and have allowed for more runners.  

    Big G 2 major marathons in 6 days is massive, especially as you’ve travelled for both and have been doing stuff you enjoy which would take its toll.  

    St George’s Day Challenge for me, marathon 39.  Was a mixed terrain course but road shoes were fine, stayed dry all day and even had some sun.

    first lap we had a bit of a detour as someone thought it was funny to switch the signs adding about 3/4 of a mile and the task to pass the bulk of runners again. 

    The course was busy with people, lots of kids and dogs about so wouldn’t be rushing back there. Felt okay at half way in 2:13 (should have been 2:07) as I started 5th and 6th laps which are tough mentally for me.  20 miles done in 3:24 then feel to pieces, was feeling rough and had a little vomit, walked most of the next two miles, then took the final lap as easy as possible with a run walk strategy.

    finished in 4:50:24 900ft elevation 12/47 marathon runners.  A friendly low key event but no plans to rush back due to the busy park. Nice medal and coffee and cake at the finish. 

    jusy watched London marathon, what a bizarre race from Hassan and an exciting finish and wonder if Kipchoge was every concerned about his world record.

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    Big  G  - ouch that chafing sounds so painful and unexpected as you'd raced in similar conditions wearing it last week.   Try an intensive fabric conditioner perhaps?
    I don't ever remember you saying you'd had post race cramps before.

    Nice medals.  The bottle opener is a great memento and very American.  Good to have a shirt that you really like and will enjoy wearing. 

    I hope Tigg forgives you for your extended holiday  ;)

    Robert - that's a great medal.   Well done for battling on when you felt ill, oh so easy to stop when multi laps.  I suppose your target of 40 by 40 kept you going. 
    If you'd had the expected rain then maybe all those kids and dogs would have stayed home. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well done Robert. Annoying about the signage though. I think that happened at City to Sea one year.  

    Shades, on the tube back to the hotel yesterday after the race both calfs had a mind of their own, as they were both moving without any thought from me! I haven’t had cramp like that before. It’s been a great break away though - 3 great cities, and we’ve had a brilliant time. 2 marathons in the mix were the reason for going, but we’ve done a lot of other stuff as well and enjoyed it all. Looking forward to going home though and eating some home cooked food!

    NYC and Boston are both brilliant cities but for me I still think London takes some beating. I still think it’s my favourite city to visit for a weekend break, with just so much to do and always something going on.

    Boston Marathon was amazing though. It all came together for me, after all the worry with the foot and everything else, and then to have a thoroughly enjoyable race just made it very memorable. I’ve got at least 2 friends who are considering doubling up now, after I’ve done it. I’ve done quite a lot of doubles, but I think this one is quite special. 

    Logistics and all the travel arrangements went well, with the exception of the train from NYC to Boston, although the travel days in particular were tiring. It was a shame I didn’t do the Boston parkrun but I don’t regret missing it - it was the right thing in the circumstances. We have got a full refund on the train tickets as well!
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    Big G ouch chaffing isn't pleasant, hope the cramps aren't too much of an issue.  Love both those medals for different reasons.  The Boston medal very similar to comrades, understated doesn't need to do anything other than symbolise a great race.  London medal is a real souvenir of the race, in the past they have used the same medal design but alternate colours bronze gold silver.

    Shades - I find it easier to drop at the marathon distance rather than doing another lap, yesterday I was only ever going to do the marathon as mum was there supporting and not fair keeping her out for another 30-40 mins although she thought I had another lap to go.

    I've managed to squeeze the 6 marathons in 4.5 months, I've neglected diet so will focus on that for the next few weeks before Halstead.  Even a few lbs lost will make a difference on race day. 
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Rob - Well done.
    Ian - Congrats to you and also your OH who smashed it!
    Cal - You completed it after having shingles, so be proud!
    Big G - Great double!
    Shades - Same, brilliant double too!
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Newport Marathon
    For me the goal was to run a good race, last year I got to 21 miles then the wheels came off and did a run walk, so the plan was to get to halfway in 1:32 then see what was left, if I was in sub 3 shape, I could kick down, if not I should be able to hang on!

    After a couple of short warm ups, I was straight in the starting pen and positioned in between the 3 hour and 3:30 pacers. Weather was perfect I think for running fast. Set off and was quite congested to start with lots of runners around, so settled into a nice pace, was all a bit slower than planned, but only by a few seconds. After about 10k I ended up running with another runner who was also aiming for sub 3:05, and we shared the rest of the race to about 20 miles together while ticking off 7 min miles, as the field had spread out, but could always see more runners ahead of us.
    Splits via watch, but 10k splits were 43:50/43:27 for the first 20k, then got to half way in 1:32:34, so pretty much bang on target and feeling good, I had already decided the pickup point would be around 20 miles, so tried to keep around the 7:00 pace we were running. Next 10k split in 43:31, still feeling good. Around mile 17, my splits started reading sub 7, without trying, so stuck to running that pace, from about 30k, we were starting to pass the runners ahead of us, and were picking off a few at a time. Lost my running buddy from 10k around 20 odd miles, I kept that pace until 23 miles and got through the next 10k in 43:49. While passing numerous other runners, after 23 miles, while it felt like I had gotten faster, I had slowed down and was now running 7:14/7:19/7:04 for the next 3 miles, still passing others who were not in as good place as I was. Passed the 26 mile marker and spotted a group of 4 runners ahead, so managed a sprint finish to pick them off, with the final 2.2k in 9:41 for a second half split of 1:31:40 and finished with a massive smile on my face on a well executed race.

    3:04:14 with a 54 second negative split and a 5 minute 40 second PB. Finished around 144/1739 and 29/194 in age category. That just happens to be a Boston qualifier and a London GFA, just, probably won't get into London though as too close to 3:05!

    No running for me at all last week, but did go for a walk every day, including the afternoon/evening after the marathon! Leg's did feel OK though.
    Great course, good support, would recommend! Next year, probably won't go back, as other courses/races to run!
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    Big G  - strange those calf cramps post race, maybe the steps you had to negotiate soon after the race.  Or maybe cramps are part of jetlag?

    Steve  - that was a text book PB from you, and very well deserved, you trained hard.  Great report and congratulations on another Shadie with achieving GFA and BQ times.

    I agree Newport is a good race and a suitable choice for anyone looking to achieve a time. 

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    On coach now for airport, sunny here now but chilly.  My legs feel OK, knee sore going down steps, hope there aren't too many to do at the airport.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Great report Steve, and fantastic pacing. That’s a big PB as well. Very well done on the BQ and achieving a GFA time. 

    Robert, I’ve been trying to compare the two races whilst they’re fresh in my mind. They’re very different but both great in their own way, and this list isn’t meant to say one is better than the other - just that they’re different. 

    - mostly qualifiers at Boston vs a lot of charity runners at London gives each race a different feeling. Even OH commented London felt very different to Boston in how it felt. On the course, hardly any charity runners at Boston. 
    - point to point at Boston vs more of a circular route for London. I do really enjoy point to point courses (having done Loch Ness and City to Sea), but they do make logistics tougher for runners and spectators. 
    - being British, all the hype about the ballot, GFA, weather watch is all part of London and I enjoy all that. I’m sure it’s the same for Americans doing Boston.  
    - everything does seem more focussed on fast times for Boston. My number - 9099 - meant I was basically the 9099th fastest qualifier there, as they basically rank the times. Getting a coveted ‘red’ bib means something to the runners - it just shows they started in the first wave but it means something. Just the make up of the bulk of the runners is different between the two races. 
    - iconic courses. Boston has the residential start, the Wellesley college girls, Newton Hills and the famous ‘right on Hereford, left on Boylston’ for the finish. London has Cutty Sark, London Bridge, Big Ben, The Mall. Both very different but each great and when running I’m aware of the history of these courses.  
    - spectators at London seem to be more people looking out for other runners. Certainly in the first half of Boston I felt it was more local people just enjoying the race. 
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    Big G  - not sure today is the right day to mention this....

    I know you have a place at NDVM on Sunday,  will you be running?  😃

    Talking of race numbers,  I think you've got race number 1, haven't you?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    In the last hour I’ve emailed the RD asking if I can still transfer. I believe my race number will be at home but I’ve said I may be able to physically hand over my number to a club mate on Wednesday if transfers are still accepted. Yes, race number 1, but this morning I’ve decided I’m not doing it.  
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    Big G  - I thought that's what you would do.   Does your club mate know it's race number 1? 😉
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rob-Well done on completing on Sunday,sounds like we all had a rough day,but another one ticked off.
    Steve-Brilliant report and a brilliantly executed race,1 min neg split is great,do you think you'll do another before the GFA cut off?
    Shades-Hope the knee doesn't cause you top much bother.
    We had a good night last night with daughter and her BF,they took us to a Steakhouse they know and we had some cocktails to celebrate,the manager kindly let me and OH have ours for free,then some sightseeing today before we headed home.
    I'm so happy for OH,bit like Steve her training has been great and with another block she can go even lower as it's still only her 5th marathon and all her training has been easy runs.
    As for me,it was a crappy race,but we have them,as 1 guy from my club put there 000's of people who'd bite my hand off for that type of time,I still finished in the top 20% so just need to think of that sometimes.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I think that about my time as well. After Boston it hadn’t really entered my head I’d be over 4hrs, but it is what it is. You’re right that there are plenty of people who would pretty much give their right arm just to get on the start line. Your OH did brilliantly!  Is she talking about the next one yet?

    Just got home as well. Everything on time and we went shopping on way back. 

    The goody bag for Boston also had this which is two car stickers, a badge and a pin badge. Plus an assortment of different food, drinks etc, and the bottle opener I posted earlier. London’s was quite poor in comparison as it had some (nice) flapjack and then lucozade and water. 

    I keep meaning to say that Boston had Maurten gels. Has anyone tried them?  I found the consistency odd, but maybe I’d get used it. The flavour was ok but it wasn’t really liquid, more of a jelly, and I found I couldn’t get it down so used my own stuff. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I took some Maurten off them at Boston to try when I got home amd I didn't like them,it sort of sat on top of my stomach I felt,but people swear by it.
    We are looking at Chester in October,with India we don't fancy travelling too far,but India comes at peak training time so we will see.She now has a 6 min GFA and I have a 4 min so hopefully we can do London next year again.
    I forgot to add I felt like this was my first proper London,it was 2021 when I did it and first post covid and there wasn't as many runners or crowds but yesterday it was back to how I always imagined it.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Ian - I bought some Maurten carb bars at the expo and had one of those before the race on the way into London. It was quite nice and didn't feel too heavy on the stomach. I don't use gels anymore, it got to the point where they just made me feel sick. Now I run with tailwind and have a concentrated mix of it in two small bottles on a waist belt. It's worked well for the last 2 marathons. It sounds as though your OH has the potential to get much quicker if she's managed that time without doing any speed work (I'm very jealous). When are you off to India?? 

    BigG - ouch!!!! I had terrible chafing on my leg at NY which took ages to heal (not helped by the fact that I pulling skinny jeans over it all the time). I think it was caused by everything being so wet as we threw water over ourselves at every water station because it was so hot. This time, I went hard core with the lanacane and no chafing. I hope it heals quickly. 

    Shades - that's a lovely medal! Hope the knee improves quickly. I need to watch the London marathon as well - someone has told me I was on the telly! 

    Robert - that sounds like a tough race, you did really well to finish. How are you feeling today. Love the medal - some of these smaller events really do have amazing medals. 

    Steve - you absolutely deserved that pb - your training has been amazing. I'm still in awe at how you go out at that time of the morning and hit those paces. 

    Feeling pretty good today, I did a recovery run first thing this morning (do I get a gold star Shades??) An easy 5k and my legs were tired but ok. Will see how they are tomorrow. 

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2023
    Louey-We are there in September so awkward timing really,daughter is getting married here in July then a wedding for husband family there in September.
    I just watched the marathon coverage,both elite races were incredible for different reasons.
    Also got a really clear video of OH running,and can see myself finishing as Gabby is interviewing Wightman.
    Our m50 who got 2:38 in Boston,just ran a 2:36 in London,6th in his AG.
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    edited April 2023
    Ian - you should both have plenty time in hand for GFA places next year even though more GFA entries are expected next time round.

    That's great times from your club mate doing Boston and London.

    Louey - yes, you absolutely get a gold star for a recovery run, the only one of us that managed it.  😊.    Good you avoided the chafing this time round.   
    I'm watching the marathon on TV today, but I don't know what you look like!   I tried to watch it yesterday on BBC Sport App but it told me I was 'out of range', as still in Ireland at that time.

    Big G - love that Boston pin, I think a pin is very stylish.

    Was hoping for a run this morning, but after trying on 3 pairs of shoes I couldn't find a pair that don't hit the tiny part of the blister area, that is still sore.   I'll try again tomorrow, but I need it to heal ASAP as I intend to use the same race shoes on Sunday as I did at Connemara.   

    My knee doesn't feel too bad, I do have more severe taping in it than before, which may have helped.  Fortunately Dublin airport has escalators everywhere, only when I went up to the 2nd level at T2 to see what restaurant was up there I found the escalator for the down wasn't working so to use the steps and knee was OK.

    Updated list coming up, nice to have a PB on there (Steve)  :)
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