
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - sounds like a good plan for your future ultras too.   Isn't there a canal between Kendal and Preston, might be part of the route. 

    Will you be looking at the Glasgow to Edinburgh in 12 months time?

    Hopefully your high HR is a blip and you'll be OK for  Sunday's race.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    There's a few canals,not sure if they have paths by them.
    Just pooped it in to Google map,there's a 43m route that has 800ft of elevation,and a 53m has 4000ft !!! I know  which way I'm hoping it goes.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭

    Two marathons in two weeks has totally wiped me out, not helped by getting home really late on Sunday, not being able to catch up on sleep since and work being crazy. Still haven’t finished race report but hopefully tomorrow. I did manage to do a short-ish recovery run yesterday on the treadmill which was fine. I haven’t got used to the fact that it is now getting dark at 6pm and had planned to go outside but didn’t fancy a rush hour run in the dark.

    Keith – I’ve just googled your race as it’s a new one on me. Fingers crossed the weather is not as bad as forecast and I hope your cold disappears in time.  

    Shades – I’m so sorry about all your races! Although I think I probably did my first marathon on not much more than 30 mpw – but it depends on what your goals are. I wouldn’t be that worried about cancelling Dorney though, I’ve done that one a few times and it is not an appealing course really. Especially not this weekend with the unseasonably warm weather. There is literally no shade there (pun intended).

    BigG – how are you feeling? Hope the flight was ok. My work colleague is flying tomorrow morning and has a severe case of maranoia. I’ve been trying to calm her down a bit. Thank you (and Cal) for the heads up on qualification for Chicago. I am indeed in the W50 category now and have got a qualification time. However, if I go with a tour then I gain “points” which will bump me up the list for spots for Boston and Tokyo. Having said that, I can’t see that I will be able to do either of those anytime soon. I need to bide my time and broach Chicago with OH, I would like to do it next October and would be happy to go on my own (as my sister would come too as she lives 4 hrs away) but I know he would rather come with me. My back up plan for next October is Dublin (as it falls in half term).

    Cal – glad to see you are back running – how do you get cadence up?? Is it just speed work or something else? I need to do the same.

    Rcouture – what have you got planned next? (Apart from a rest)

    Ian – I didn’t know you were planning Comrades? It’s on my list. Although very low down. Hope you are not fighting off a bug.

    Steve – nice to hear from you – dare I ask which races you have booked???

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    Ian - I think it's likely they'll opt for the less hilly route, let's hope so.

    Louey  - well done again.   I'm not surprised you've been exhausted, flying home straight after the race just adds another element of tiredness and then straight back to work on Monday morning. 

    I've really noticed the dark evenings this week. 

    I've been recovering from this injury since the end of April and with many setbacks I've lost the benefits that I'd gained from all the gym work I'd done.   Not really been able to run over 8 miles although I'm not worried about lack of long runs, I ran my two GFA times last October with no long runs but I did have a solid base of 50mpw.  The problem is that if my knee becomes sore when running it's also sore when walking.   But I'm nearly recovered, just not quite there yet.

    I too have a qualifying time for Chicago but it's not a race that I really fancy doing. 

    If you're considering Dublin that too is ballot entry now and I think ballot opens in January, easy to get a place though.    So you might have to have that conversation with your OH a bit sooner 😉     There are Dublin places from the sports tour companies but quite expensive.    But Dublin hotels are expensive. 
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    5 miles this morning, warm and humid.   Doesn't feel like October except it's so dark.
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    edited October 2023
    Keith - forecast still heavy rain for Glasgow tomorrow, what have you decided to do?
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    Erm i'll still be going and judging how things are Falkirk or more likely Polmont as nearer from CP to station. It's wet enough here right now.
    Slowly feeling a bit better but still not perfect espcially if i use stats off of my Garmin as RHR is still upper 50's and not dropping back down to where it usually sits in the low 50's

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    Keith - good luck then, hope you can keep the feet dry (ish).   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sounds a tiring weekend Louey, with flights etc. Hadn’t thought about the need to get points from the tour companies, so understood about that. Marathon isn’t going to go well at all. Training has been rubbish the last few week with 35, 35, 26, 6 and 4.5 miles so far this week. So even without the prospect of the foot flaring up, which it most definitely will as it’s sore as I am typing this, I’m just not fit. Rough plan is to get to half way hoping to feel vaguely okay, which will probably be around 2hrs-2hrs15, and then just get it done from there. 

    Shades, really sorry about your forthcoming races. Fingers crossed there’s still a small hope for Frankfurt at least but sounds like you’ve pretty much made your mind up. 

    Keith, good luck with it. I’ve been more nervous than usual about picking something up before and whilst on this trip. 

    Trip to Heathrow fine, made good use of the couple of hours at the airport, but the flight was delayed an hour. First time on the Airbus A380 double decker although we were in the ‘cheap seats’ on the bottom so no difference at all for us. Food was good and made decision just to stay awake, hoping to get to hotel at 8pm, chill out for an hour and then get to bed and feel good in the morning. Getting out the airport the other side was just ridiculous though, as card machine weren’t working, but we got to the hotel, although overall about 3hrs later than we’d anticipated if there had been no delays. Grabbed some food and went to bed at 11pm, having been up 24hrs, shattered.  

    Slept reasonably though and expo today, and then we’ll start having a wander around the place :) 
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    Big G  - I haven't made a final decision re Frankfurt yet.   I'm trying not to worry about it but just do what I can for the next couple of weeks and decide then.    So far this week has gone well so just going to stick to my rehab plan.

    That's an annoying delay on your arrival in Chicago, I'd never expect a delay after getting off the plane. 

    Enjoy the Expo, hope you can get some nice kit.

    That's so tiresome about your foot.    Hope you can stay off your feet when possible and take it easy at the parkrun tomorrow so as not to make it any worse. 
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    Louey - My body is battered after one marathon so still can’t imagine two in a week despite being on this thread a while now. Plan for next marathon is meant to be Seville in Feb but reconsidering whether to do Manchester instead as an easier option that’s still a fast course.  

    Big G - Hope you can just get the race done safely as you say and then enjoy what promises to be a great time in Chicago 

    Shades - Good news that this week is going well. I’m sure you’ll give yourself the best chance of making it.  

    5 miles earlier as wfh. Still far from feeling good and RHR/HRV reflecting that. Lovely conditions though 

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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    BigG - I reckon 3 hours to get through a US airport is pretty standard. They are hideous. I'm sure you have more fitness than you think and you have the experience. Fingers crossed it goes ok.

    Keith - the very best of luck and thank you for the tracking link! 

    Shades - Fingers crossed your knee is going in the right direction. Thank you for the heads up on the Dublin ballot. I've looked at the date next year and it's right at the start of half term so it may be a good bet. The issue we have next autumn is that we will have to go to university open days with one of the kids and I don't want to be away and he misses one he wants to go to. I think they are done by half term though. 

    Rcouture - I haven't even looked at my RHR recently. I have to say that Manchester is less appealing than Seville, but almost certainly much cheaper! 

    No running here today. V late night last night as we went to a posh (v expensive) restaurant in London as I had a voucher to use which expires today. I'm feeling rather bleary today. Aiming to do parkrun tomorrow as it is a friend's 250th. Oh, and my washing machine has broken which is rather a disaster with 3 kids...won't be fixed until Monday  :#

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    Rcouture - I think I'd favour Seville over Manchester, not that I've done either though ;)

    Louey - I don't know if Dublin marathon ballot is oversubscribed or not.   It's a bit of a strange ballot as you have to pay to enter, I think it's €10.   If you're unsuccessful you get €7 refunded.  If successful then it's deducted from your entry fee.   After a lot of pondering I think this is a great idea as you don't get all the timewasters entering when they probably have no intention of running.   That's what happens with London.

    If you don't know about university open day visits then you can hold off and take a sports tour place fairly late in the year.

    That's not good news about your washing machine.   I live on my own and would start getting stressed after three days or so.

    Just checked Keith's tracker and he's started.    I see trains are cancelled today in Scotland due to the predicted heavy rain, hope Keith doesn't end up with trench foot.   😨

    5 miles this morning.   Waited until it was nearly light to go out but it was a bit dark under the trees when I ran though the woods, and I didn't see a big stone which I landed on and wrenched my ankle.   Had to stop for a couple of minutes but pain eased and I ran on.   On the way back it was much lighter and I could see the stone, it must have been the only stone on that path  :#   Ankle seems OK now.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Ouch Shades! Hopefully it was just a twinge.

    Keith is doing well - nearly half way! I can't imagine how wet it must be. I saw they had cancelled the trains. I'm very glad Loch Ness was last weekend...

    We made it to Parkrun. I managed 26.21 which was 2nd in age category and very evenly paced, so pretty happy. There were more than 500 runners this morning. I really would like to do more speed work as I know that would help my marathon pace too.  The think I miss most about moving is the fact that we had a free track within 5 mins walk of my house. It was perfect for speed work. Living in the Chilterns, not so much. It's a challenge to find a flat stretch of road which is long enough to do repeats on. 
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    Louey  - I've just watched the weather on TV and lots of flooding in Scotland.   Looks horrendous. 

    Yes, would have been awful conditions if you'd had that last weekend. 

    I didn't realise you'd moved.   Chilterns must have lovely running routes.  You don't need a track for speedwork,  pick a shortish undulating lap and the hills will make you stronger 🙃

    Just put a washing load on.  (To make you envious ) 🤣
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Yes, it was 5 years ago now Shades so not recent but I still miss the track. Much more picturesque runs around here though and fewer people. 
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    Louey  - I don't have use of a track either as they can be useful.    Nearest one is a 40 mile round trip.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Looks like Keith has pulled out. I hope he's ok. 
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    Yes, I just saw he'd DNF'd too.   He's in good company, even Grant Jeans has pulled up.    Must be the conditions. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Had a good day yesterday, went to expo (didn’t buy anything), went up Willis Tower, and in the evening went for a pizza, which was fantastic. Glad I booked a table as it was very busy!  Not a great pic but here it is…more like a pie but it was delicious. 

    Up early and went and did parkrun today. 2 laps of a lake, very nice but very cold!  Foot manageable so we’ll see what tomorrow brings. That’s my 50th parkrun location, and 9th country. 
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    That's a proper Chicago pie, Big G. How was the view from the tower?
    Sorry to hear Keith DNF'd but sometimes discretion is the better part of valour.
    Nice parkrun, Louey.

    Today's run was Dover Waterfront - four of us went (two clubmates who are both involved in Tooting juniors and Paulette). Clubmate chose it as it is his 400th parkrun. Nice and flat - goes down the prom a bit, then back, then out along a pier and back, then back along the prom again. I initially had concerns I might feel funny on the pier but after looking at the YouTube vid I realised it would be fine as it's really just a small wooden footpath with high railings either side. No problem for me (enjoyed seeing the boats on either side). Although I still seem unable to run below a 9 minute mile so I was a bit disappointed with my time of 28:22. After running just over 26 at Worthing earlier in the year I was hoping to be back in the 25s by now but I've not even managed another 26:xx. Need to sort myself out.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It was really good views, Cal. They’ve got a thing called ‘The Ledge’ which is kind of a glass box that you walk onto/into where you can see down as well as around. 103rd floor. OH and I were fine, but a small number of people totally freaked out when stepping into it. 

    About to do the Architecture River Cruise.

    165 at parkrun! 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I did the ledge last year,its a weird feeling looking down.
    Have a great race tomorrow.
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    Keith  - well done.   Hope you're OK.   That must have been an epic race, looking forward to the race report. 

    Cal - I don't think Keith's DNF requires commiserations.   Not sure if you are aware that Scotland had a month's rain yesterday.   This race has a good finish rate but yesterday only a 5th of the field managed to finish.   Keith was out for circa 11 hours, must have been tough. 

    Big G - that's definitely a pizza pie and a half.  Can tell you're not aiming for a PB eating that 😋

    No race kit to your liking at the Expo then.

    Hope you have a good race today, chilly start forecast.   

    23 degrees here today 😎

    Just waiting for daylight to get out for my run. 🙂
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    Ian - good luck today, hope you get that NY qualifying time.

    5 miles on quiet roads in daylight, lovely.  Bit chilly, but warming up.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-I've decided not to go,feeling a bit bunged up and run down,I've had a ton of stuff going in the last couple if weeks and I think I'm feeling the effects.
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    Ian - best to skip the race then, nothing to be gained by trying to slog it out.
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    Feel better soon, Ian.
    Shades, nice one. Very pleasant out for me - still shorts weather.
    I really overslept - didn't wake up until almost 7. Of course I did wake up a few times during the night as per normal but I got around 8 and a half hours of sleep (more according to Garmin but I think I was reading for about 20 minutes before I went to sleep). Must've been tired.
    But I had a decent run today - 10 miles and much better than last weeks. My Garmin even managed to record it this time.  :D Most miles under 11 and I felt like I had more energy. Low back/ham/bum still grumpy but can't have everything.
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Ian - I hadn't realised you were supposed to be racing today. It sounds like it is the right decision not to run though. Hopefully you just need a rest. 

    Cal - glad to hear you had a better run, and it is a lovely morning for it.

    Shades - do you run in the dark at all or do you always wait for it to get light? Obviously I would never choose to run in the dark but sometimes its unavoidable. 

    Feeling a bit sorry for myself today. Have some kind of tummy bug (mainly just pain). Probably given to me by one of the kids, although he says it was only a 24hr thing so hopefully it will go quickly. OH not well either. I am sat on the sofa watching the gymnastics from yesterday and trying to sort out holiday photos from the summer. I've downloaded the Chicago marathon app and have BigG tracked (along with my work colleague) ready for this afternoon. 
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    BigG - forgot say - that is one huge Chicago pizza! Good luck!!
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