
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited January 13
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    edited January 13
    Yes, had all running kit except the shoes in carry on. Primary reason for being here is work though, so did need a few changes of clothes and other items in carry on as well.

    Case still not here (😡) so had to nip out and buy a new pair of running shoes this afternoon (Mizuno Waverider 27.  Thirty percent off everything in shop this race weekend so probably about normal price everywhere else). Will be interesting to see if the airline or travel insurance cough up! 🙁

    Went out for a 4k loosen up / shoe breaking in run just before dinner. Comfortable enough. Might repeat in the morning? Also picked up racing pack this afternoon so it's all go (#1420).

    TS: Good to hear you now managing 2.5 miles without too many it'll affects.

    Update: Just confirmed that my case has now arrived at the airport in Bermuda (have a SmartTag tracking device in the case. Been very useful the last couple of days. At least knew exactly where the case was). 

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Or better just to wear the new shoes around casually for a few hours tomorrow, rather than going for an easy 4k run? 
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - BT farrago sounds very frustrating!  Good work staying upright . . . .   
    TS - odd re the VO2 max. Maybe the game this evening will have an impact . . .   
    NZD - glad your case has turned up. Can you retrieve your old shoes in time? Sure new ones will be ok, as you've tested them. Another 4K is down to the individual really. I always liked to do a couple of miles the day before even a marathon, others preferred to rest. Good luck!  
    parkracing today, alehouse?   
    Not for me. A local one here cancelled 15 mins before the "off" today, due to a medical emergency.  
    Decided on my longer road efforts - slightly milder at 4c, but that's still cold enough for double gloves.  Session 7 miles all told.
    Wordle in four.
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    hope you get reunited with your case, and shoes, in time!

    Although the new ones will probably be fine it only takes one small stitch to be raised to give  a nasty blister so keep wearing them just in case.

    A light trot won't do any harm - good luck :)!!

    that sounds like a nasty incident - very sobering.

    7 mils in the bag though so a good outing.

    Don't know whether it will be my Vo2 or HR that is most affected :)

    No outing today - rest day - unless one calls a supermarket foray as exercise! It always leaves me feeling more tired than any run.

    Stocked up now for next week

    Wordle in five - yet another word ignored/discounted by  the Wordle bot.

    BTW my discounted word earlier this week was "teres"  which is a major muscle in the shoulder area. Next they will ignore "bicep"!!!
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    NZD: Great news on shoes and suitcase! Good luck for the race tomorrow!!

    Dave: That does not sound good with the medical emergency!

    TS : Is Mrs TS having an op?

    I get frustrated by wordle bot!

    Wordle in six today!

    Supermarket shopping is a workout all in itself!

    No run yesterday due to ice.But was able to run for an hour today and no ice but not looking good next week!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Good luck, don't try and keep up with those new shoes.

    The washing machine has more buttons and lights than an aeroplane copit.
    I only ever use the on off and start buttons.
    The trouble with being an over educated engineer is that your ego takes a hit if you call anyone to fix things.

    Massive workout for me today, major snow dump. What made this worse is that the temperature jumped up above freezing so it became soggy.
    The snowblower was struggling and eventually the auger seized so back to the shovel until I was rescued by a neighbour.
    I can at least get the cars out now.

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    No parkrun, I'm afraid, Birch. The plan was to run my first in the new age group; unfortunately developed  a really sore throat on Thursday evening and worsened during Friday at work. RHR up, although peak flow is ok so far. Only a short run today and legs were not happy. 

    Wordle in four yesterday and today.

    We might need the snowblower over here next week, Mick!

    Go well NZD! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited January 14

    good going - storing up the miles before next week!

    i agree about shopping - of any variety :/

    I reluctantly opened the bonnet of my car to top up the washer water and looked haplessly at the sea of black plastic therein.  Eventually found the filler point under another bit of black plastic.
    At one time I would take out a car engine, strip it down and reassemble it - now I can't even fill up the washer bottle!!!

    I hope your good neighbour was younger than you :/

    a new set of bugs running around in school after the holidays?
    Get well soon

    Nice crisp day here as I ventured out and covered 3.06 miles in 36:26 with avHR130 max 143 and which Garmin labelled "unproductive" and my VO2 max dropped another point!!

    Don't think it likes me any more :/!

    Wordle in 5
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    ... ahhh yes the match yesterday did nothing for my HR - won't often see a game with so many good goals in it scored by both sides - pity we had to come out of it on the wrong side  :/
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    yes Mrs TS has her hip replacement tomorrow so I will be back to nursie duties :)
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 14
    Good luck, Nurse TS! I will give this morning's run my seal of approval, even if Garmin doesn't. I enjoyed the match and thought that Newcastle just about did enough to earn a point. Unlike ten man Leicester. 

    Throat a little better this morning, possibly anaesthetised by red wine yesterday evening. Decent session in the fitness suite and 7+  km run. 

    Wordle in four, and could have easily been three. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    1:57:14. Second M70+. Hmm, had hoped to be a bit closer to 1:50 but at least was sib-2 hours 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 14
    Well done, NZD! I would happily take that time! And which shoes made it to the finish line?

    Look forward to a full report in due course!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Well done NZD a great result !!

    TS Good luck with nursey duties:-)

    Sadly my beloved Tintin has passed over he was 15 months old and who knew I had such a gaping hole in my heart that was Tintin shaped.Emergency vet this morning but he could hardly breathe he had a heart attack and was born with a congenital heart.They tried there best but after three hours it was no good.I fetched him home and he is buried in my garden......my heart is broken! He was my shadow and slept on my bed the bungalow seems very empty and very sad.

    No run as at vets and up all night with him.But tomorrow my run is in his memory.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    very good result indeed - you should be very pleased :)
    Travelling halfway round the world doesn't help preparation and you were under 9m/m overall - so they all started with an 8!!

    good medicine seems to  have done the trick - although I prefer the single malt for such occasions - nurse call!

    A nice recovery run to prove it works as well.

    I was driving back from my shopping yesterday and heard that the Foxes had gone 1 up against the other form side in the division and expected a better result than that.

    aaahhh that's sad news :'(

    Know only too  well what it's like when that happens. I was adopted by one of our cats as its human when they first came into the house even though  I didn't want them - I didn't have any say in the matter.

    For every day for 18 years he was the last thing I spoke to at night and the first thing that spoke to me in the morning.  As a reward for being his human I was occasionally presented with a mouse or vole in my running shoes which were left at the back door :)
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Thanks all. Brief additional comment. 

    The new shoes, Ale. Think it was a 50:50 thing. Don't think it would have made any difference either way. No discomfort. No real issues except R calf tightened up a lot around the 20k mark but by then close to home and hosed.

    Fairly tough course (for oldies anyway). Constantly up & down, with quite a bit of head wind on uphill sections along the N coast on way back. A bit wet over the last several kms. Back half was the hard part (as last time). 

    Only five M70+ so 2nd sounds better than it was. Then again, 5th out of 32 M60+. Sounds a bit better! And 1️⃣ out of one M75+ 😁. Yeah, the oldest on the course! I guess one positive was that my AG was higher than the guy who was first M70+. 

    One slight negative! My usual UK travel running buddy came in 1st / 27 in the M60-69 category which I am sure I will be reminded about for several years to come. Protests that my AG was higher being to no avail ("rounding error"). 

    Oh, yes we won the cookie bet (catch up with bettor tonight 🙂). Not that I'm into biscuits. Other colleague came in 4th in the M50-59 category (missing out on 3rd by about 18 seconds) . 

    WP: Sorry to hear about your Tintin's demise. Very sad.

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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Not so sure about the coconut cup. Then again that's what all place getters got, including the outright winners. Getting it through NZ customs/agriculture may be interesting ... (should be OK, just need to declare it). 
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    BTW. Head to London on Monday night. Meetings in London and Zurich during the week. Depart London for Singapore on Saturday night.

    Kind of would quite like to do a parkrun in London but suspect 6 days after the half marathon is a touch too soon? Perhaps a not full on effort just to clock one up?

    Of course being a soft Kiwi, weather would need to be decent. None of this -2C or water wings stuff. 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the report and photo, NZD! Travel well, and definitely stretch your legs around a parkrun!

    7 cold kms with M78 neighbour at 9 a.m. 
    -2 and feels like of ‐4/5. Actually wasn't too bad with the talking keeping us warm.  

    Wordle in four
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Really sorry to hear your sad news re Tintin, WP. I hope you managed the run in his honour today.
    Best wishes to Mrs TS, TS - and good luck with nurse duty!  
    Seems like you're over the bug, alehouse - the medicine worked!   
    NZD - terrific result - well done, especially on seemingly a testing course. What is your age-grading?  I'm with alehouse - a parkrun jog will be just the job; weather meant to be milder too, 4c predicted for 9am in London on Saturday :)  
    4.5 miles yesterday here, so week closed on 36.5.  0c this morning, 7 miles eked out. Hands freezing, despite double gloves . . . .   
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Hope all is going to plan, TS!

    Are you in the UK now, NZD; I imagine that the weather will be a shock. 

    Snow here and it was hard work running today! Wore trail shoes for the first time for years. Am sure that they have shrunk! Just over 5k. Far more people out than usual so in the woods the snow had been trodden down; far deeper on the river bank.

    Wordle in five. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Keep the snow your side of the Pennines please, alehouse!  
    Actually, there were a few wispy flakes in the air this morning, but nothing of substance.
    1c at 9am start time.  6.5 miles, mainly road, mainly flat.
    Wordle in four
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Brave efforts from both of you, Ale and Dave. 

    Yes, decidedly chilly though beautifully sunny here in London, Ale.  But definitely a step change from the warm sunny Bermuda we left yesterday. Arrived Heathrow about 5:30 this morning with about 3 hours sleep under my belt. Another four hours before got into hotel room. Meetings all afternoon & about to head out for dinner. Might become a bit of a struggle later in the evening!

    Will make a call on parkrun based on weather outlook later in the week. Don't have kit for running in low single digit temperatures! Quads still a bit stiff but hopefully that will pass before the weekend. 

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Decidedly chilly this morning. Most snow had gone to be replaced by fairly tricky crunchy ice. A lot of concentration required for my 55 minute off road outing. 

    Hope the patient is doing as well as expected, TS!

    Wordle in four. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Sub zero here, but bright sunshine. Treble top, double gloves, leggings.
    5 x 950m, six in the group.  Surfaces nicely runnable, as no sleet overnight.
    Coffee & almond slice in nearby cafe to conclude.  5.5 miles altogether.
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    I'll bet that was a bit of a contrast weather wise:)

    Sounded a tough day yesterday...

    actual snow!  We have missed out on it here, surprisingly, just bitterly cold but similar underfoot early this morning.

    a good session in sunshine - could almost be a summer speed session apart from the clothing.

    Almond slice - just reward :)

    First run of the week to day and at -4C it was quite crunchy in places as well.

    garmin had said 27 min at 13.2m/m but it was far too cold for that so it was my now usual 12m/m pace for 2.25 miles!

    Picked up Mrs TS from hospital at lunchtime - after some difficulty getting into my car as the doors had all frozen solid!!

    She has recovered well from the op, some low blood pressure issues post op needed to be resolved, but is now firmly ensconced at home under my tender care.... and control!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good that Lady TS has returned to TS Towers. Is the patient upstairs so that you get plenty of hill work in?

    An hour of stretches d&d; refreshment in the alehouse shortly, although not too much given that I am working tomorrow. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    haha - yes she is!!

    Mind those pavements out there after a session in the alehouse :)
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    NZDNZD ✭✭✭
    Yes, quite a contrast!

    Glad to hear Mrs TS is back home. Will make life a bit simpler for you.

    You all did well getting out in sub-zero temperatures. Not quite that cold here in London, though will need to be a bit warmer to induce me to get out on Saturday morning!  At least generating a decent daily step count walking between meetings. 
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