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    i have been following your postings and am still here.

    I havent posted as I am ashamed that i have been drunk for most of the last 5 days and i feel depressed and ill now...and annoyed at myself. i didnt even just have ONE glass of wine, i have been borderline falling over. thought sod it ive done it now lets just go stupid. so thats it.
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    ps welcome stepford wife-not the best intro to me was it!
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    Laura - hope your O.K. and not beating yourself up too badly.

    Are you back on the wagon or have you refound the glories of drink?
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    Sorry - That's I hope you're O.K.
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    no not really ok, fed up about back still and so was silly. yes back on wagon now cos feel fing awful...
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    Poor you (ment sincerely) - when are you seeing the Dr again about your back.

    I'm sure some Chablis muscle relaxant is just what it needed even if you're feeling down at the mo.

    What was the celebration and what tempted you? If it was an alcopop you're never going to be forgiven!!!!

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    Eep! Overnight everyone's developed an underwear fixation. On reflection, my comment about underwear being underwear was a stupid one. I'd neglected to consider the spotty underwear brigade. I do know a woman who has pants with little pandas on, but I try not to think about it.

    The ligament repegging sounds pretty unpleasant. Having said that, I'd do it if it meant an end to the pain, but I think my chances of getting a job like that done are slim. Ho hum.
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    Hi Bunbury - I thought I may have upset you by moking your attitude to coloured underwear but as you can see you started something.

    Pandas - what message is one trying to give with pictures of a mammal famous for low reproduction.

    Knee - ask your Dr as the guy I knew had his done on the NHS and although unpleasant he's hoping around like Tigger now.

    What sort of pants do archeologists where - don't tell me they're old relics rarely seen. (joking)
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    Laura - if you need cheering up ?

    While out on my run yesterday a bl@@dy great bird pooed on me!! - and yes it was very messy covering every item of clothing I had on!!!!! Pesky bu@@ers
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    Hello Laurac. There have been many times and many people to whom I've not made the best impression due to drink so don't worry. And I suspect that all of us on this forum have fallen, stumbled, whatever off the wagon. Some have even been run over by it. The trick is to keep trying and keep trying. It's only like trying to eat healthily or keeping to a new running programme. Those five days are behind you now, there's nothing you can do about them, only work on the day here and now.

    I'll get back to pants and lighten up now. Sorry, Jammie my post should have been about blokes who fail to wear white knickers with white trousers which then show through.

    But Bunbury, I think it probably is a girl thing. Can't stand frilly bits though. Do they not tickle?
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    Hi SW - I'm glad you made the white pants thing clear - I was worried that white were not acceptable - then what would the solution be? Commando

    I must say the worst male pants I have ever seen have been worn by runners - (I'm talking after run changing just in case your imagination is running away withyou)

    Laura - probably better to fall of the wagon with a great big bump than slowly slipoff it- at least it gives you the impetus to jump back on straight away.

    As usual I agree with SW (must find views of my own - any ideas where SW)
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    Ooh, eeuw, not commando, not morris dancers. Yick. Everything would wobble, surely.

    Moving swifly on. Ideas of your own? Well, yu've obviously got a great brain if you're agreeing with me (!) so just keep working at it. Perhaps if I shut up for a bit...? I'll go and start cleaning the kitchen and see what happens.
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    Laura - I'm sorry you've had such a sh@tty few days. SW's right, though - I don't think there's anyone on here who hasn't had a slip or two.

    I stopped drinking at the end of January, but one evening in June I surprised myself by buying a bottle of whisky. I didn't and don't know why I did it, but somehow, after five months, I suddenly ran out of fight. Drinking half of said bottle gave me the best feeling I've ever experienced, which was enough to convince the little optimistic voice in my head that I truly was an addict. Maybe that's why I did it - I still wanted proof - or maybe not. I'll never know why, but it happened and I can't change that. I felt dreadful the next day, as if I'd chucked away everything that I'd worked for, but I came eventually to the realisation that what mattered most was not the fact that I HAD slipped up, but the fact that I wouldn't do it again. I still regard the 30th of January as Day One: the 22nd of June was a stupid blip. It happened and I'm not proud of it, but it was just that: a blip, not a catastrophic failure. That's why I haven't mentioned it before - it really wasn't relevant.

    You've made the decision to take on an enormous task, and that's worthy of tremendous respect in itself. Nobody who tries this finds it easy, and everyone makes mistakes. You need to concentrate on how well you've done in the recent past and, more importantly, how well you're about to do from this point on. I know (and how) that this ain't easy, but I hope you can come to realise that the last few days have been a blip and they don't mean that you've failed.

    We're all here for you; remember that too. For support, ranting and spotty underwear, you know where to look.


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    Aaaah ..... great minds thinking alike and all that! -

    Must be true - I cleared my kitchen draws yesterday - it's amazing the things one finds to do when deadlines are looming.

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    Now I'm agreeing with Bunbury - although I fear we have different taste in underwear!
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    Laura's being very quiet - I bet it WAS an alcopop
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    Careful JD! That way madness lies. Great men have stumbled through agreeing wih me.
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    I never did get alcopops. Far too sweet for me. Pint of real ale (or six) or a bottle of red wine at home. Whisky but a decent malt. No wonder I've got more money now!

    Currently giving the back bathroom a bottoming. The whle house has to be fit for guests by the end of June so I thought I'd better start now. Hum
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    Ha ha ha! I like them very much, Bunbury! (mine aren't quite that big, not quite)
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    Fantastic Bunbury - the image hadn't changed last time I looked - you are a one....

    So Bunbury looks like a cross between Sideshow Bob and shane Macgowen who runs around Mam Tor at 6am with stripy pants and snow in his shoe - are we near the truth?
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    was an (or numerous) alcopops plus lots of other beverages...

    am quiet as got lots to do (unfortunately) will join in on underwear chat tomorrow when ive lightened up a bit as i dont want to take this thread the way some others have gone...!

    Thanks SW, bunbury and JD-yes, here on in...when my backs better i will feel stronger but im so fed up with it and thats why i stopped drinking in the first place as i was drinking myself into oblivion due to being depressed about said back...but seeing mr osteo. tonight again...
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    Good luck Laura - don't be too hard on yourself - let us know how you get on with the osteo.
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    Evening all!! So ends another set of nights at the mad house!

    Well,looks like I've missed out on some real in depth conversation!! underwear, mmmmmm. Must always be matching, mismatch your underwear and the day just won't get any better in my opinion (course you boys don't have to worry about that!).

    ((Laura)). If I couldn't run because of injury I'd still be smoking and drinking I think. Like the guys said, its done now, can't take it back, can learn from it. You can always come and have some meaningful conversations with us if you get tempted, but not sure if that'll make you need a drink more or less.

    Its been a week today for me and tonight is my difficult night, but think i've got my fighting gloves on.

    Did a 10 mile slow run in the pooring rain after work this morning and think i've done something to my right calf, so limping a bit and getting a bit worried about a 10k i've got a week on Sunday. Might have to resort to cross-training this week.

    Hope you're having good weeks so far. Thats me done until Sat night :)
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    Hi FF - I'm glad you're O.K.

    If you remember this thread was very serious with no mention of pants until SW joined in. I blame her influence for the new direction we have taken in your absence.

    Thinking about going out for a quick run but it's raining and my jacket is covered in bird sh!t - although a quick shower is what it needs I'm quite happy warm inside.

    (I now feel even more guilty about not going out)
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    Don't feel guilty JD. I felt like sh&t after running in the rain and wished I hadn't done it. To make things worse, when I got home Mr FF called me on my mobile to say he'd just seen some mad bint running in the rain resembling a drowned rat and was just phoning to make sure it wasn't his wife.... :)

    I really believe he wouldn't have me any other way.

    Stay in doors JD with a cup of hot choc. I'm about to melt into a deep hot bubbly bath with a hot squash and candles and soothing music :)
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    Excuse me, matey! Don't you blame it all on me. Knickers to you! I thought it was Bunbury who started it - students....!

    Anyway, I feel I've done a reasonable amount of serious stuff too. It's very interesting because it's the first time I've articulated some of this sh*t. So helpful also.

    Good for you FF running in the rain. Hope the calf's ok. There's far worse things to be than a mad bint running in the rain! Drunk, for instance. Have a lovely bath.
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    Sorry SW - i think truthfully I know it was me who mentioned the different coloured sports bras but you brought up spots and stripes.

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    You mentioned leopard skin first!
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    JD: You know its always you that makes this thread smutty JD! It wouldn't be the same without you. Having said that SW did have to mention morris dancers and dangly bits so I think you may have a bit of competition there.

    Bath was great thanks SW until 3 year old dumped all her toys in it and climbed in adding plenty of cold water because its a bit hot for her!!! Exit FF! It was a nice thought anyhow and calf feeling less stiff now so no harm done.

    I've lost 4lb this week! thats at least 12000 calories, now I KNOW I didn't drink that much. Think being on the wagon has made me a bit more careful about what I'm eating too. Only another 6lb to go and FF will feel a little less F and might have to change forum name :)

    Still waiting for Enell JD, think I ordered boring old black though.
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    Thank you for your support, FF. Shame about your bath. Bum , I meant to clean ours today but I've done the back bathroom instead and forgot all about it. Later maybe.

    On the subject of calories, I've found that 7 months of sobriety hasn't changed my weight at all. Interestingly, I now eat more cake and sweet stuff whereas before I was happier with another glass of wine. Weird, but then most health experts admit they don't know how the body deals with alcohol and its calories. But great stuff on your 4 lbs.
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