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    I am tired but have been told that I'm always going to be. I do have more energy though, but was sick again this morning in the car park of the swimming pool. Lovely. Lucky noone else was there at the time!

    I am 17 weeks today. I definitely still need my afternoon/after work kips, although can survive without them if need be.

    Am swimming 2/3 times per week, and walking 3/4 miles 2/3 times per week, plus doing pilates. I look quite well, but like you mrs o do feel tired most of the day.

    I have gone off chocolate totally, usually love it. However have cravings for curries, crips and carrots. Also savoury things like mini pork pies, cheese scones etc. Usually have very sweet tooth!
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    Also forgot to say heard the babies heart beats on friday, well we think it was both but could have been the same one twice the midwife said! Was wonderful though and so fast!
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    I am expecting my 2nd child in August. The cancer UK 10k series has just launched for October with Hampton Court on 1st Oct or Dorney Lake on 29th.

    I don't know if it is my pregnancy hormones playing tricks, but I cannot remember how quickly I built up my pace/distance again? I am being to ambitious.

    I am thinking of entering and if I am not ready atlleast it is a good cause. What do you think.
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    I am in a similar position to you. My 2nd is due at the end of September and I have entered a 10K in the first week of Nov. Last time I remember doing a half 4 months afterwards and I was really slow but was getting back to a good pace by 6 mths. I've entered the race because it gives me something to look forward to! I wouldn't say it's too ambitious as long as you are feeling okay health wise and I wouldn't be too bothered about the pace, as it all counts towards getting your fitness levels back up.I'm sure you'll enjoy being out there. Good Luck.
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    Can I ask what any of you used for indigestion etc? I have an aversion to the gaviscon liquid given that I was sick each time I took it in early pregnancy. I have been told by my sister in law that she used tesco fruit flavour indigestion tablets which are just calcium carbonate like gaviscon. But the pharmacist at tesco was particularly unhelpful and wouldn't say if they were OK or not. He said ask your doc, my doctor says ask the pharmacist!!!
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    I have also heard that peppermint oil used in warm water sipped is a great natural remedy.

    As yet I have not suffered, but have a bottle standing by as my friend swore by it.
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    How did it go, Loz?

    Mitchie Moo - I'm 36+4 now, so as someone said to me today, could be any time now. Except that I am CONVINCED I am going to go overdue and end up being induced, so I'm working on 42 weeks rather than 40!

    Someone suggested refreshers to me for indigestion (I haven't had any so I can't swear to it). Apparently, lots of people in her antenatal class swore by them. Has to be worth a try??
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    Decaf - they could be right. Has the baby "dropped". I noticed this around 35 weeks (only coz she was playing up and thinking of making an early appearance). YOU'll know what I mean when it happens. All of a sudden you'll have a gap between your bust and bump - as baby starting to nestle down in to pelic region and get heady to engage. You never know when or where babies are going to make an appearance - so I hope you've got your bag packed and leave it in the car just in case!!! Getting excited for you now - won't be long... Just remember when it does happen every contraction is one less and is a step nearer to meeting your baby.
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    Morning all!

    Alls well and good. Phew! You don't realise how worried you get until you've seen the scan.

    It was great to see it, and by gum is it active. They've given me a due date of 22nd December, but my maths tells me it will be about a week earlier - but I'm sure this date can change at the 20 week scan.

    It was great though - I don't think me and hubbie stopped grinning all the way home...

    MM - cure for indigestion - I always just have a glass of milk, or vanilla ice cream works too. (Yummy!)
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    that doesn't read right should be - pelvic region and get head ready to engage. Having a nightmare this morning as little one rolling around everywhere and keeps heading fr the fireplace - need eyes in the back of my head now.
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    Thats great news Loz, you can relax for a few weeks now, it is wonderful watching them jumping around. I am now getting excited/nervous about the next scan in 3 weeks time. Going to find out what they are if they can tell, which makes it doubly exciting!

    I seem to be very tired again, I slept for 2 hours when I got home last night, then went to bed at 10pm and slept through to 7am. They must be having a growth spurt or something, I am certainly putting on weight now quite quickly. Going to stop weighing myself but looks like 11lbs have gone on now. People have begun commenting that I seem to eat all day, yep thats about right!
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    Apologies in advance, but i want to ask about a yukky subject after having a pretty uncomfortable morning. Woke up about 4am and had that burning feeling, you know, when you get cystitis, also had the runs. Was completely awake and never managed to get back to sleep yet. However, got up and after gallons of water and cranberry juice, was feeling some relief by 9/10am and almost feel back to normal now, but this is about the 4th time since i've been pregnant that i've had this (everytime loads of water and cranberry has cleared it up in about 3 to 5 hours and has never gone on to a proper full blown infection). Just wondering if anyone else suffered from this a lot when pregnant. I think its usually happened when perhaps i've not been drinking enough and maybe doing too much?? Also quite often i get the runs at the same time, does this happen to anyone else, perhaps my body clearing itself out to help fight off the cystitis ??
    Last time i told midwife and they took urine samples the day after and they were fine.
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    Haven't had it mrs o, sounds like you are doing the right things though, keep drinking I guess, and maybe drink cranberry juice each day to prevent it. Chat to your midwife again I guess.

    I'm just suffering from hiccup-like indigestion.
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    Great news, loz! i'm not sure whether they will change your dates at the 20 wk scan, though. usually the most accurate time for measuring is between 10 and 14 weeks...

    Mini MoJo - i think my bump has dropped but i'm not sure. certainly the movements seem to be much lower down now, and the baby's feet seem to be lower when they poke out, but i thought it had started to drop before my last m/w appt and she said it hadn't.

    i will find out tomorrow though because i have my first antenatal appt at the birthing centre in the morning. i'm quite looking forward to it and am going to see if they can tell me roughly what weight they think it is.

    have packed the baby's hospital bag now, but mine is still not really ready. the problem is what clothes to put in. i have so few clothes than now fit that i am either wearing them or washing them. i guess i will have to just leave myself a note reminding me to put in clothes when i do go into labour!
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    Hi LozF
    It's a great feeling after the scan, isn't it? and such a relief. Trouble is I am already nervous about the next one, which is next Thurs...will it carry on like this from doc's visit to doc's visit?
    Your EDD is 18 days before mine!
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    Caramel - bear in mind that hospital/ birthing centres are always really hot too, and after birth you will probably be feeling even warmer (hormonal thing - lots of hot sweats etc - NICE) so don't pack anything too heavyweight, would be my advice!

    Also, in a lot of instances the baby's head doesn't even engage until during labour, so whilst it's more likely to happen slowly and ahead of time it is not always the case - best be prepared for all eventualities from now on! A lot depends on how you've carried too - I carried very low and always had quite a big gap between boobs and bump (about 5 inches of flat upper tummy). I was always pretty gutted that I didn't have one of those lovely big, egg-shaped bumps, but on reflection I think I was lucky as I hardly suffered with indigestion at all ;o)

    LozF - congrats on the scan - you'll be counting the days to 20 weeks....

    Hegs x
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    thanks hegs. i am REALLY hot now anyway, so am living in some horrendous baggy trousers that i still had left over from when i used to be a bit of a biffer and race t-shirts!

    austrorunner - i didn't settle down and stop panicking about everything until after my 20 week scan...

    mrs o - on the subject of cystitis and the runs, i would actually phone your midwife or GP and ask about this, as pregnant women often get infections in 'that area' and sometimes they want to take a sample of your urine to check that there are no nasties. i'm sure it'll be fine, but it's worth getting it checked out just in case you are carrying a specific type of bacteria. lots of women carry strep B, for instance, and this *can* cause urinary tract infections (but doesn't always), and can also cause baby problems if it's passed on during birth. i don't mean to scare you at all, and i'm sure that it's nothing serious, but i would advise that you get it checked...
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    ah, just re-read your message and you said the midwife has already taken samples, but maybe you should mention it again just in case...

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    Can my week get any worse... Was supposed to be joining a local running club last night, and have been so excited for the past week about it (as don't get out much these days on my own). However on wed night my ankle felt really tender and at one point couldn't even walk on it, which was weird and hadn't done any sport or really anything out of the ordinary that day. Went to bed that night after the usual R.I.C.E, but thurs was still bad. Ended up in Casualty and now on crutches as I've strained my achillies tendon, and have been to physio today. Will I ever get back out there with the wind running through my hair!!! It's been 2.5 months since my last run and getting withdrawal syptoms.
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    Mrs O - defo speak with GP or Midwife again, always wise to get these things checked out.

    Hope everyone is feeling well. Have a good weekend, relax and rest those feet and bumps. LOL x
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    ((((Mini Jo Jo))))))I am so sorry, it must be so frustrating for you. I know I would find that very difficult.

    Still it is good that you are now getting physio - I am sure the wind will be tickling your tressles very soon!
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    Spoke to midwife and put in a sample. Think sometimes i've just not been drinking enough and maybe not taking it easy enough and overtiring myself. Still think i should be able to do as much as usual, however when i try i am ending up a bit tired, so maybe i just need to slow down a bit, not into my third trimester yet, only 24 weeks, but maybe i should be starting to take it a bit easier.
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    Morning all!

    Hope you all had a good weekend and didn't get too hot and bothered.

    I had a lovely time, but my trousers seem to have suddenly got very tight over the weekend, so I've taken the plunge and ordered some new tummy holders. They might be a bit big at the moment, but at least they'll be comfortable. I'm sat at work at the moment with my trousers undone. I hope I remember to do them up before I satnd up, as I don't particularly want them round my ankles!

    Told people at work now, so I can stop breathing in every time I walk around. Not told everyone, but it's starting to trickle through to people.
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    Also had a great weekend, but like you I have expanded, I now have zero normal trousers/skirts I can wear only tops, and most of those are way too small now. Next has sold out of all my size maternity clothes, not sure when the autumn catalogue comes out, and being a shortie buying from other places will be hard. Have been given a few hand me downs from my sister in law, but no summer type clothes. Went to asda yesterday and wasn't impressed with the maternity clothes I'm afraid. I think they are fine if you are size 12 and over, but I am an 8 and most of the clothes drowned me. They seemed to start at size 10, which were enormous. Keep hunting I guess!

    Two weeks till my 20 week scan, am getting nervous, and a little excited, as we're finding out what they are. Reckon at 18 weeks I'm about halfway now, as no way will I get to 40 weeks. I already look more like 25-26 weeks!
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    Hi MM

    You tried the Next website? They may be able to get some delivered to your local store - I find they have more on the website than in the shops.

    I've also been told that Dorothy Perkins do some cheap and reasonable maternity wear - have you tried there?

    Two weeks to your 20 week scan - how exciting! I bet you would ideally like one of each wouldn't you? I must admit I thought of you when I had my 12 week, and they said 'single' baby.

    I'm lucky with tops - I'm so broad shouldered (and big boobed) that I have to buy a size larger than I am anyway - so I have plenty of room to grow in them - assuming my bosoms don't get too much bigger.
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    Hi Loz,

    Yes this is suing the next website. I am very petite, so normally have to shop that way to get the short trousers etc. Will try DP. Top shop also has stuff but is quite expensive.
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    Just ordered some stuff from DP, no skirts though, only dresses. Nice and cheap too as we like it!
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    That's okay - I don't do skirts or dresses! I may just have a peek myself at lunchtime....
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    MM - have you tried TopShop? The stuff in there is quite nice - jeans and under-bump trousers which I LIVED in for work.... They also do some quite functional vest tops and t-shirt type tops that ought to be OK for work (unless you are very formal at work). I am a size 10 and quite tall, so perhaps not the best person to try and give advice, but worth a look if you have a TopShop nearby??

    Hegs x
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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭
    Mitchie Moo - just for my own future reference, does Next maternity wear also come in petite lengths and sizes like their petite range?
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