
My Last Run



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    22/09/07  7.7m  1.15.36 c 974 AHR 163 F 47g
    A bit of a lie in this morning  and  a touch of the snivvles too. Not the best day I have ever had. Touch and go whether I would actually go at all.still, as ever off I went, I fancied a half today but once outside, not a chance. The whole run run was laboured and held back. Just plain hard work again today. I think my heart rate average ahowed that. i tried something a little different in the last mile down Long. I just up the pace and purposely shortened my stride. Bingo! 190 strides per minute, that'll do for me.
    A bit of a nondescript morning. Overcast and dull, still warm and pretty still air. A fair bit of traffic today and a few people but one gorgeous jog watched, shame she ran the other way!

    My figures simply are date, distance, time, calories burnt, average heart rate and fat burnt. All these figures are from my heart rate monitor and are pretty boring really.image

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    could be that bug is getting around, iRUN. sore throat and generally dull summed me up this a.m. as my pal & I revisited Formby Point and the National Trust woods at Freshfield for a slow 5 miles through forest trails and past quite a number of serious-looking photographers. then through hilly sand dunes to the glorious expanse of beach - white horses on the gatheing tide to the left and the huge sand hills to the right. back through the woods for a much-needed pit stop image

    jogwatch: 3, including 1 dog jogger [runner + mutt]

    red squirrel watch: 0

    rabbit watch: 6
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    5 miles 42:49  legs felt tired after yesterday

    Jogwatch: 0

    Saw a pair of mens slip-on shoes neatly placed on the path with no one in sight...bizarre

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    Formby 10K trail race at 1130 this morning - charity event, 3K fun run and the main event. From Range High School, we were soon off road down pleasant paths and not so pleasant sandy trails which tested calves & stamina alike ;( Then 2 miles plus on the beach with views of the open sea and wind farms before more sandy stuff and woodland tracks at Formby Point. Last 2K on quiet estate roads before a killer lap of the school playing fields. Just broke 50 minutes but it felt more like a 10-miler image Calm, dry conditions with the sun straining to peep through the cloud.


    Competitor watch: 100+ in fun run and 250+ in the 10K
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    13 miles 1hr 57:31 dissapointing time for the effort put in, knackered.

    Jogwatch: 0

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    I hate the dark nights, I find they hamper my runs. does it effect anyone else?

    23/09/07 7.2m 1.08.21 c 859 AHR 159 F 42g
    An evening run today. I woke up too late this morning to do anythng of any note so I left it. Thast is until the early evening and I remember now how I hate between now and March. Running in the dark. That and the rain, my biggest dislikes. The usual route was peppered with a lot more people about than the mornings, including teenagers on corners and in gangs eye balling you. No joggers until i was warming down (not sure if that counts). There is just not much to see now except car lights and front rooms lit up.
    One thing of note is that there is a dull pain in my knee, I am going to have to watch that. anyway more miles to the shoes, that is what it is all about.

    Moving on up! 

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    Presteigne 10k road race. 10k (!) 43:00.26

    The time says it really - this was a bit of a misjudgement. I thought I was over the cold that has stopped me running all week, but there was nothing there in the tank. It was a good, small scale local race, about as flat as you can get around here. I started off well - on target at 3:52/km, but as soon as we hit the gentle climb out of the town at about 2km I slowed to a little over 4min/km. Apart from that first climb, there wasn't much to mention in normal circumstances, gentle undulations along a lane then about 4km level or gently climbing along the main road back to the town. I was gradually getting slower and only managed to pick it up a bit in the last 500m or so, after I was overtaken. He wasn't really travelling so I hung on his shoulder and pushed past about 300m out.

    I think I need some more rest - I came home, had lunch and crashed out!

    iRUN  I know what you mean - if I don't get out staright after work I'll soon have to drive into the town to run. I have run the lanes with my head torch, but its not ideal. There isn't much traffic, but what there is seems much bigger in the dark.

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    I am not looking forward to the dark nights either iRUN. My regular route running home from work takes me through Hyde Park. Which will be a no go area once the nights start drawing in.

    Lardarse... 13 miles! Surely 'Hardarse' would be a more apropriate name.  That is impressive.

    Did my longest distance ever last weekend  - 15km.  ouch!  Ran along the Thames to London Bridge. Lovely morning. Loads to see by the river. Got really tired at about 11-13 km but slowed down a bit, and was okay. 1hr 31 mins.

    Did a couple of 10km runs this week. With a disappointing 58 mins. Seem to be getting slower.

    Had a 6km run throught the park this morning. started at 9.30am after a late Saturday night on 4 hours sleep. Took it easy through the park. Jog watch probably about 30. Everyone was out running, it seemed. Which was brilliant. I saw a Dad with his 10year old jogging together, groups of mates meeting up for a run, A whole family warming up - Mum, Dad and kids, Mums with buggies. Did  the run in 33 mins. I remember when I started, in March it took me 46 mins. So that felt good. I must be doing something right!

    By the way what would you call a load of people running together? Pride of lions, flock of seagulls,  ____ of runners? 

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    How about a Garmin of runners? Or a fartlek? (open to being misused, perhaps)
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    Rubbish run. Yesterday 12pm.

    Thought I'd try a new route as I'm getting pretty bored with my usual one. Didn't realise it was mostly forest/trail/cross country and  didn't really have the right trainers on. Stopped at a gate about 1.6km in, as there was nothing indicating whether it was a private road or not . Decided that I'd gone that far, I WAS going through (it turned out it was a public footpath anyway - though I was being all rebellious and that!) the next bit (seemed a very long bit. looking on G-Maps pedometer - found out almost 1km -  Is that good??) was all up hill and so stopped again half way up as I was knackered. Then got angry at myself for stopping. The next bit was all downhill (road) but took it very carefully as I have not long recovered from runner's knee. Spotted a sign which read, "Public footpath - To the canal" I realised that I actually wasn't lost at that point and took the path which happened to be the rockiest, uneven 'path' ever!! Came out at a part of the canal I had never seen before and so  naturally started running the wrong way!! Tried to look at my watch and turn around so it looked like I wasn't lost and I'd done that on purpose (not sure I got away with it). Finally quickened my pace to the bridge at home (almost 2km) but it was too late. I'd done 5.1km in 37 bloody minutes. Not happy.

    Tomorrow morning, I shall be wearing my trail shoes and making sure I beat thirty pigging seven minutes. Least I've got something to aim for!!

    Jog watch - 4 (all quite friendly - even though I must have looked like I wanted to punch everyone in sight)

    Tw*tting pedestrian watch - sh*t loads (all idiots with obvious cloaking devices) 

    image (yes I still am angry with myself)
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    Friday evening - it was only a little run so part of me was 'sod it lets just get the wine open' but the other half of me was 'you need to earn that wine fat girl!'

    3.55 miles, 35 mins, 9.5 min/mile 358 cals

    Nice bit of rain halfway round, no nasty knee pains and everything felt really strong!

    Jogwatch: 3 very serious looking, sweaty men who I thought would blank me and my I 'heart' New York t-shirt, but all said hello.  It must have been that Friday feeling!

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    Saturday morning - an easy lap of the lovely Greenwich Park on a lovely sunny autumnal morning before launching into a tough circuit training session.

    Yesterday morning - an easy mile or so before breakfast along the river Avon at Stratford on Avon (sore knees prevented me from doing any more) - brought back memories of the Shakespeare marathon - one of my favourite running routes.

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    BB ✭✭✭

    Hi everyone! I have not posted for nearly two weeks. I was on a boat on the Norfolk Broads last week with no internet access. I did do three runs with Mr B - all very flat there which was good, one run included an unplanned interval when we got chased by a herd of bullocks - scary at the time, but very funny afterwardsimage

    Tonight - 4 miles on the treadmill including intervals of 1 min, 2 mins, 3 mins x 3 - felt really hard and didn't think I could complete all three sets, but I did so that means I don't have to do any more intervals for another week image

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    image What a great world! Running is great. I wake up every time and dread going but as soon as I am out there, I love it! image

    25/09/07 5.23m 48.06 c 518 AHR 141 F 28g
    Brrrr, a tad chilly this morning as I headed out not long before 6am. Dark blue sky with a brightening horizon over Northolt way. I headed off with the usual gentle way and thre isn't much to say really. Along Park Road there was a runner to chase on the common side, he even crossed to my side.I used him as a hare but he vanished down Hers Road as I continued to St Roundabout. A positive good morning rang out from the bus shelter this morning to me for a change. even one down the Long. You see, saying hello cheers evryone up. It's a good message.
    Jog Watch - 1

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    Last night, 12 or so very easily paced miles from London E1 to Bromley BR1, around the Isle of Dogs following the Thames Path before ducking under the Thames via the Greenwich Foot Tunnel then up and over Blackheath - lovely night for a run with a fresh breeze and bright full moon.
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    Last night 5 miles - was meant to be 6 and my last long-ish run before GNR, but I felt like turning back after a mile.  Unusual for me - once I'm out I get on with it, but last night I was feeling very flaargghhhh.

    So I changed my route and took a short cut in a bid to get back quicker but found after another mile I felt OK, so instead of heading for home I added a bit on.

    Jog watch = 2

    Wasp attack = 1

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    5 miles 44:48 - deliberatel easy run, felt good to stop running and my breathing return to normal instanly, apart from the sweat it was like going for a walk, so i must be getting fitter, just doesn't feel like it sometimes. 

    Jogwatch: 0 despite living next door to a runner, i never see anyone, think they're all trying to tell me something! image

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    3 minutes 47 seconds with 1 stop.

    Walked back.

    Not good.


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    BB ✭✭✭
    You ok Marsh? not like you not to be happy happy
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    Hi "B",

    I've had a week off with a niggle in my left calf. I've been doing a bit of cycling to keep active.  Today I thought I'd try the calf out and after my ride. I thought I do a couple of easy miles, but just couldn't get going, calf felt ok though which is something I guessimage

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    BB ✭✭✭
    Hope it sorts itself out soon. I am struggling to run - but only due to lack of motivation not injuryimage I have my 10 mile race in less than 5 weeks and after some solid training I now just want to sit and eat chocolate! I think it is the change in the weather - so if necessary I will run indoors at the gym - I can't stop now!!
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    I really don't know where my head is at the moment.  

    All I want to do is return to the type of running I was doing a few weeks ago.   

    I had a plan that was very loose and that was to build my mileage and "time on my feet" run to the point where I thought I could run a 35 mile trail challenge I came up with. 

    There was no set date, I'd just continue to run until I thought I could do it and I was just running for fun but still pushing myself.

    But I got to the point were a "sub 3 hour" marathon looked a very good possibility and luckily it coincided with a bit over training so I was happy to do very little for 3 and a half weeks and let the recovery take place and call it a taper. 

    Post marathon I was on a high and thought I'd take advantage of my "good for age" time and do FLM next year targeting a faster time, which I know is doable based on my training and performance at Wolverhampton.

    But the thought of having to train has done my head in. I just like to run, I like to run long and I like to run hard (not necessarily at the same time).  I make my mind up on the day, no program, no schedule, no stress, if I don't feel good I cut it short, if I feel good I run harder or I run further.

    Obviously I haven't been able to run and I hadn't planned on returning to running until October 1st so today was no real disaster but my ability and readiness to quit is a bit worrying.  I've got a 16.8 mile trail race in 2 weeks and I am scared of running it and I really don't know why.  I know come the day if the calf is fine and I've managed a few half decent runs in the preceding week I'll get round ok, it's some weird fear of failure I think, but there is nothing really to fail at.

    I appolgise for the waffle and there is no real conclusion made but it has cleared my head a bit and I thank you all for that.

    Onwards and Upwardsimage

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    On a possitive note a 3 minute run does give me an easy target to aim for on the next outing.

     5 minutes! Bring it on!image

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    BB ✭✭✭
    We are a funny lot aren't we? after a CBA day of eating chocolate I eventually went out for a run along the seafront this evening and it was great. I probably wouldn't have gone if Mr B hadn't suggested it, but I am so glad I did. 5.2 miles in 53.41 minutes. The reality is that we choose do enter and do these races, we don't have to. But when I CBA to go out running (which is often!) I remind myself that I have a target of getting under 100 minutes for my 10 mile race in October and ask whether I still want to achieve that. The answer is yes, so along with that comes a commitment to do the training, so I go out. Marsh you have just achieved a brilliant target and to do that you put in loads of effort so I expect after that it is hard to start over again. Don't forget you have a choice - you don't have to do that trail race, it's not quitting, it's exercising your choice to do what you want to do - less running? more cycling? a new challenge? no challenge? Keep smiling - and go for that 5 minutes image
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    the frankness of mr marshallini ^^ and "B"s approach to her CBA days remind me of very similar emotions which often have no rational explanation. is it perhaps the changing of the seasons, with winter not far away, that insidiously eats away at our otherwise sparkling motivation? and minor niggles become major injuries in our minds and excuses to 'just have another rest day' are too easy to find.

    but runners are hardy and tough - they bounce back again and again

    0600: almost stood up by my running mate who'd slept through the alarm - as I had too but i literally fell into my shoes and charged out of the door at 0540. 5 miles through the damp, dark streets of Crosby, and a whole new collection of people to greet along the way. the kami-kaze newspaper lad was long gone and the council street sweeping wagon had moved on too. a very modest time - hard to run fast when your head is still metaphorically on the pillow

    Jogwatch: 1

    Satterthwaite's bakery van watch: 1 (a superior craft bakery - Scouse pies a speciality!)
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    Hi All, Thanks for the words of support.

    Every year I hit a wall and will stop running for a month or two, it takes a bit to get it in to my head that to take the time off is no big deal and once there I'm happy to do nothing. Eventually I'll get bored or enthused or something and will start again but you can't force these things.

    I wish you all a good time in running and I hope you exceed your targets and I'll be back when the mood takes me.


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    Last night. 8pm. Usual route - 4km - 24 mins

    I've come to the conclusion that I am never going to get up at sparrow fart and run. I don't actually mind running in the dark, so long as the streets are well lit.

    Thought I'd made decent time. I usually run to the local round-a-bout and back. I normally reach the round-a-bout in 12-13 mins. Last night it was 11 mins. I must have slowed down up the hill back home. Dammit

    Really want to have a go at the trail that i failed so miserably at on Sunday. Not doing nights this weekend, doing lates instead so Sat morning....BRING IT ON!! 

    I'm sick of my chest feeling heavy afterwards too. I'm not convinced it's a fitness issue as it's only just started. image

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    8miles 1hr 6:16 first time i,ve had to run in the rain since April, been really lucky, still it was refreshing.

    Jogwatch: 0

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    Hi All - new to this forum, but this looks like a nice place to start!

     Last night, had my first run with my personal trainer.  I've been running for about 3 months now, with the target of a 10K in November.

    2.1 miles, 28 mins

    OK, that's really slow, but we chatted the whole time, and there were a few hills (excuses...).  What's really nice is that it wasn't so long ago that I did 30 mins non-stop for the first time, and thought I was going to die.  It's nice to realise that I am improving.

    Now that I have a training schedule from my trainer, I've got to do some intervals and hill work (urgh).  Still, it's all in a good cause!

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    Good effort Sazza, keep it up!

     My last run was yesterday, 10km on a hilly route. The underneath of my foot is causing me real pain today so I'm having today off and hopefully will be fit for some tempo running tomorrow...fingers crossed!

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