
Shades Marathon Training



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    Haven't read back yet just reporting in! What a fantastic weekend image I can't believe how lucky we are to have got to run Connemara twice in one weekend. I can totally see why you do the double there Shades. The races were really informal, started late both days (28 mins late on Saturday!!) Only 8 runners on sat and 10 on Sun. Can't recommend Connemarathon highly enough to you all. Met some real (mad) characters image Hace managed to aggravate the tendon responsible for flexing my left foot but i've popped some ibuprofen so hopefully it'll calm down. Both of us ended up with stinking head colds but ran under the influence of Lemsip, naughty I knowimage

    Hope everyone is well and behaving?! Elspeth, you'll be fine for Moray image


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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I usually start at the front of the second normal wave which is for sub 30 min.  However this year I'm planning on starting in the first wave which is likely to be under 25 min. (They usually start that wave that the same time as the elites & front part of the sub 30 min at the same time so I'm not likely to get much advantage.)  I know I can run a couple of k at that pace in fact one of the most recent years one of the k splits was 4:45.


    Nice one on the swim for saying your 'meant' to be on holiday.


    Enjoy the carb loading.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    X Post with Mrs Mac,

    Well done on the double.

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    Elspeth - had a headache earlier and think it was due to muggy weather, so waited until this evening.  You've got bags of time to get another big run in.  You did really well at Cape Wrath - need I say more.  image

    Mrs Mac - welcome back and many congratulations again on the double.  Didn't realise you were both running on Lemsips.  image  Maxflu are very good aren't they?  image

    HY4 - go girl!!!  image

    3 miles done and dusted - 32.58 min - HRM 74% - 11.49 mm.  I's getting faster and happier.  image

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    LMH - re LSR for confidence purposes...as it's 2 months since my last race I needed to know what shape I in so I could decide what pace to run on Sunday, haven't done any long runs for ages.
    Hope you enoyed your Indian

    Elspeth - I think you could PB at Moray as long as it's not too hot for you.

    MrsMac - welcome home, so glad you had a great time in one of my favourite places with some of my favourite people (PF excepted)!

    Flossie - good running.

    6.25 miles for me this morning, very humid and warm, drizzly and very windy.  Nice run though

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    Ah - I slightly misunderstood Shades, couldn't see how you could need the confidence as to me that means knowing that I can cover the distance.

    Mrs Mac - glad you both had a good time, fantastic running. Is it your spring ligament you've upset? If so I find that a few days of no running and wearing supportive shoes all the time soon sorts it.

    Flossie - your running is coming on great. How are the ITB etc holding up?

    Elspeth - what do you want to do? If you want to run it go and enjoy yourself, if it feels like a stress then save yourself the hassle.

    The Indian was nice last night but I was struck down with a very sore throat and swollen glands. In bed before 2100hrs and slept (mostly) for ten hours and feeling a lot better this morning. Will decide on the run after I've walked Grace.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Shades - good run for you this morning.  It's not just me then, it is warm, muggy, drizzly and windy here too.  Will have to step up mileage this weekend to get ready for NF.  image

    LMH - you're doing it again!  Bugs before events, which means you will have a good one.  Have a nice walk with Grace and please go careful, you're so close to Prague.  BTW it happens to me too - it must be excitement and all that stuff.  image

    ITB seem to be behaving, but then they had 11 days off because of that virus.  Right hammy a bit tight last night during run - it seemed to lag behind a bit now and again.  Due to see physio tonight and going for a swim today.  Having hair done shortly.  image

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    LMH - Sounds like you should have a quiet day, don't want you ill on Sat.

    Re Moray sort of want to do it but will probably still stress about it, haven't done enough marathons to have any confidence that I can do it. Would be more thinking about a slow run before Loch Ness in Oct, not in shape for PBs at present.

    Mrs Mac - Sounds like a nice run but I'm sure once in a weekend would do meimage Hope foot soon ok.

    Got day off early this week as will be bedlam later in week as have new bunch of juniors starting so housework and then a run with friend hopefully.

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    I did IMUK at the weekend in 15:50:30 it was a hard days work!!. the run became a run/walk shuffle after 5 miles and took nearly six hours compared to my projected time of 4:10 image.

    I enjoyed it despite a few issues regarding the organisation and will do another one. Main aim now is to crack the sub 1:30 for the half and 3:15 for the full, after Sundays effort a 3:15 full seems inconceivable.

    Can anyone recommend any decent flatish marathons in November

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    I assume LB is not back from her hols yet as the Warrington Half thread has gone very quiet
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    JP - Well done to you that's a real achievement., she's still away, this thread is very quiet at the minute too. I think she's back next week.

    Apparently Dublin at end Oct is flattish I have been told (and LB is doing it). Not sure about Nov.

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    Have you seen this:-

    Eddie Izzard Challenge

    Why am I bothering with all this training? 5 Weeks training to do over 1000 miles he has to be mental

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    JP - welcome back and well done again although I know it wasn't the result you were looking for.

    Only one road marathon in UK in November and it's not flat (Cornish).   Dublin is a good PB course (26th Oct), other than that you'll have to go overseas

    Elspeth - I'm leaving for my hols after work on Friday

    (((LMH))) - hope you are OK and the 10 hours sleep has cured you

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    JP, well done image was that your first IM?

    LMH, don't know what the tendon's called. Its a bit better today but I don't intend to run for a couple of days. Hope your sore throat doesn't come to anything.

    Elspeth, thats a good idea re: Moray. A nice LSR where all the support is provided for you.

    Shades, you must be really looking forward to your hols. Its been a while since you raced hasn't it? I told Ray you said 'hi' btw image

    Flossie good to hear you're getting out running again.

    Feel wiped tonight so going to have tea when MrMac comes home then maybe soak my weary bones in a bath.

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    MrsMac - 2 months since I raced, seems like forever, but after IOM I have 2 marathons in 3 days at Longford at the end of August and then a marathon every week until 26th Octimage. You must do Longford one year, great weekend and flattish course, totally diferent from Conne but still great.   Liam organises a good marathon.

    Must dash. loads to do.

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    JP terrific result,well done. It may not have been exactly on plan but it's still a hell of a buzz isn't it? Next time faster. image

    hello everyone. Just over 5 miles run at lunchtime in just under 40 mins. image muggy out there though.
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    JP - many congratulations to you and you did excellent.  Knowing that you did 2.4 miles swim, 112 miles bike ride and then a marathon and still did your IronMan marathon quicker than my first marathon attempt by 45 mins - well, need I say more.  If this is your first one, then you will keep clipping chunks of time off as you go forward.  image

    Mrs Mac - should think you do feel tired after two back to back marathons.  Enjoy tea with Mr Mac and a lovely bath.  image

    Elspeth - hope you had a nice run.  image

    LMH - just in case you go off early tomorrow, just want to wish you all the very best for this weekend's event in Prague.  Safe travels, have lots of fun and we'll be thinking of you lots.  Go for it!  image

    Was very good on Saturday (first day back training for 11 days because of virus) and ran, biked on Sunday and ran last night.  Have been very naughty today and skived off swimming because I wanted to and let's be honest about it - no excuses.  However, took Flossette out and bought her new lingerie and flip flops - she is naturally very happy, I am poorer, but we had a lovely girly day out.  Off to physio in a moment. image

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    PSC - hiya *waves*.  Well done on getting out there for a run today - I don't do muggy very well.  image
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    That some challenge.  All I can say to him is good luck.


    Well done.  I couldn't wait to switch the laptop on Monday morning to see how you go on.

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    JP - how about coming to Florence with me at the end of November.  Apparently it is downhill for 3 miles and then flat image
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    LMH - Yes, best of luck in Prague and hope you're feeling better now.image What time tomorrow do you leave? Look forward to hearing updates as Sat goes on and will be thinking of you.

    Flossie - you're probably due a rest day today after a few days back training anyway. I didn't have a great run, still very slow though a lot of it was off road and still a horrible wind up here. Did 9.7 mies and couldn't keep up with the others againimage. Toes are getting blistery again too.

    Walk with Peter this afternoon as too windy for kayaking (force 7 I'm told) so that was nice.

    Mrs Mac - think you've earned a lazy night!

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    SB - So a PB for you in Florence maybeimage
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    JP - we were tracking you as much as the useless site would allow. You did it - and that's what you need to take away from your first one, there will always be lessons to be learnt and improvements to be made but you can't do any of that without actually doing it in the first place - congratulations! How about Nottingham next August for your next one?

    I've been absent with the in-laws and bike packing today. Did manage a little run and was very sensible and stuck to an easy HR and just did 4.5 miles - just needed to get out there and it felt lovely! Throat has been ok today but is getting sore and glands coming up as the evening progresses - I expect it will be another early night tonight. Only real problem with it is that I don't seem to have much of an appetite - and I should be loading a little after the abstinence of the past two weeks. Thankfully the race starts at 0930hrs (I think the Czech Rep is an hour ahead) so the throat shouldn't be a problem until I've finished.

    Mrs Mac - I'd be crackered too - rest up and enjoy recovering.

    Flossie - I think you're spot on and it's the stress/nerves that further suppress the immune system - though Mark says it's my bodies way of telling me that it really doesn't want me to do something stupid and hurt it again image

    Elspeth - we leave home at about 1530hrs tomorrow and flight is at 1815hrs. Will be ready for my bed by the time we arrive but have an easy day on Thursday - checking out the bike course with a police escort - if the mechanic has reassembled it in time!

    Shades - I shall probably be too wrapped up in myself tomorrow so will wish you a lovely holiday and enjoyable running.

    HY4 - you take it easy, no more injuries or illnesses!

    When does LB get home?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Elspeth - at least you're getting in the miles even though they don't seem so fast.  Glad you had a nice walk with Peter this afternoon and that you didn't go out in a kayak in force 7!  imageimage

    LMH - knew you'd get out there or a little run.  Eat!!!!  Have a lot of fun in Prague.  image

    Just got back from physio, right ITB a little tight so a lot of rollering this week and definitely a swim tomorrow after tonight's treatment.  image

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    LMH - Best say bye and best wishes now, you will do well as long as you keep well. Early night recommended.image Hope you enjoy it.
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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭


    I'll try to.  I did a little fartlek session in my run and was pleasently surprised with the quicker sections.

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    LMH, in case I miss you - the very best of luck in Prague. I'll be thinking of you and can't wait to hear how you get onimage

    Shades, Ray mentioned that he was trying to organise a bus for Saturday to take everyone to Conne for another mara in between the Longford ones??!! Are you involved in that one too?

    HY4 glad you had a good run. I quite like fartlek sessions myself as you can be as brutal or easy as you like image

    Off to bed now. Had a lovely bath with herbal bath salts and am all sleepy, nite all image

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    Thanks guys! Busy day with a sports massage and bag packing. Will try tpop in before I leave though.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - thank you for your good wishes and I wish you the very best of luck...I know you will give it your best shot.   I will be thinking of you on Saturday, I'm hoping someone will text me your results.
    I expect your loss of appetite is because you are tapering, your body will naturally carbo load just because you are tapering.

    Bridget - I've heard good reports of Florence

    Elspeth - well done on running in that strong wind.   Bad news on the blisters, is this your new shoes?

    Mrs Mac - I expect I'll end up doing the Conne one on the Saturday as somebody with Irish charm will talk me into it and you know I'm easily led.  We'll see.,

    6.22 miles for me, very muggy and damp here today

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    flying visit to wish LMH all the best image
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