
Another Newbie!



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    All chocs gone now (boo hoo).

    Been back to GP today.  Given another certificate for further week and new meds (again!).  Apparenetly these are more geared to neuropathic symptoms.  Been told to ease into these gradually over this additional week as can cause side effects if too much taken too soon.  Am aiming to attempt a 'comeback' on the work front next tuesday.  Had so much rest Im totally fed up.  Never thought 2 weeks at home could be so boring but then I am limited to what I can do.  Overall though, has been a good improvement and actually am looking forward to going back to work.

    How dya get on at the docs about your sinuses Richard?   

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    Sorry had no Internet access all week, really missed it.

    I know what you mean about getting bored at home Doris it's terrible when you are not allowed to do anything. Any news yet on the treatment?

    I went to the Dr's and been given  sudafed and a prescription sinus spray which seems to be helping, still blocked but not as bad. Been told not to use the shop bought sprays as apparently they can help in blocking the sinuses.

    Have been able to run this week and done a 4 & 5 miler and hopefully get another couple of runs in this week.

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    No letter from the hospital re MRI date yet.  New meds are working well.  On a scale of 1-10, tingling/burning pains down arms & legs probably only about a 4.  Feeling much better in myself too, not so low and despondent.

    As Im not allowed to run Ive been trying to do more walking (within my abilitiy).  Managed 50 mins the other day.  Not any great pace but felt so much better for getting out there.  Lower back felt ok, just legs a little shaky as that was a particularly long walk for me.  Making the effort to walk every single day even if only hitting the 30 minute mark some days, it all helps in my book.   Trying to still stay positive, who knows, speed walking could be the 'new running' !!

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    Glad you are feeling better in yourself Doris and staying positive. Hopefully you won't have to wait to long for an appointment.  Have you mastered the speed walking technique yet?
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    Doris, that's really good news that the new meds are helping.  And well done on all that walking - it must be helping. 

    My training is a bit up and down at the moment.  Less than 2 weeks till the next duathlon, yet I'm sitting here scoffing giant buttons (yum) that are only there cos the shop had a special offer if you bought 2 packets!!

    Really haven't been putting in the runs to improve.  After last duathlon in April I said I hoped to be able to run continuously for this duathlon (2.5k), but I can't yet.  Have tried setting alarm to get up early and run before work, but really like my comfy bed!  And come the evening I'm tired and it's still quite warm for running (well for me it is).  I realise I'm making excuses here!  Must get stuck into it again.

    Will just finish these buttons first though.

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    Hi peeps,

    Not had chance to post for a bit, loads going on.  Went back to work after agreeing with GP but my boss wasn't so keen, thought it was still all a bit too soon.  He arranged with HR that I could come back to work on phased return.  Am only working 3 hours in the morning for two weeks and then reviewing.  Hasn't been too bad, just feeling tired by the end of the day.

    But, the good news is that I had a call late Friday night from the hospital.  Got a cancellation appt for my MRI scan and Im going tonight!!!!  Got last appt at 7.15pm.  Am so pleased I can't tell you.  Seems like this has been going on for ever.  Once MRI done should see consultant within 2 weeks to discuss.

    Have carried on with my power walking (not the proper way, just my version).  Have got up to 50 mins at a good pace, lots of arm pumping.  Last night's session felt like a really good workout cos it was so hot.  

    BG - have you quaffed all those giant buttons!  I keep trying to be good but its so damn hard.  Gone off chocs in this heat and not am eating more savoury things!!  Got a bit of a passion for torillas, far too fattening.  Must try harder. 

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    Great news, Doris.  Work sound very supportive - always a good idea to have a phased return I think.  And the MRI appt is good news.  Hope it goes ok and you see the consultant soon. 

     My hubby has regular MRIs and as he doesn't need to get undressed for his, he just takes off rings, belt, loose change in pocket, etc.  Several times though he's forgotten his wallet ... and magnetic strips on credit cards don't like MRI scanners!!  He's had to get them replaced several times!

    I did finish the choc buttons, and got some more, but am a bit more focussed now.  On Sunday I did a 1.7 mile run/walk, followed by spinning, followed by my weight programme!  Ached a bit come the evening, but pleased with myself for getting it done.  Don't usually do so much in one day, was just up for it on Sundayl  Am planning on a run/walk tomorrow morning before work, but it's really hard to get up at 6am when I don't need to!

    Am eating loads of fruit at the moment - I love summer fruit. 

    Does anyone know of the brand of washing powder/liquid that's good for smelly running gear?  Even though my tops have been washed, they still have a lingering BO smell that's so annoying, and they're not even very old, only a couple of months.  I've heard there's a special stuff you can buy to wash them in but I can't remember the name.

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    Did my second duathlon today and hurrah ... I didn't come last this time!!

    It was a women only event and quite relaxed.  It rained most of the way round, but it wasn't too bad. 

    I had estimated I should finish in 90 mins, and I actually did it in 86, so am pleased with that.  The real killer was the hill up to the finish line at the end of each run - I have to confess I walked that bit!

    Am contemplating doing one in September run by the same people - this one is flat though!!

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    Well done BG, PB then!  Big clap & cheer, wiheee!!!   image Hope it wasn't too hot for you though. 

    Apparently, according to tv the heatwave is officially over - not down here it aint.  Spent lovely day in the park today, it was the annual music festival (freebie event, all day, loads of local up & coming bands) and it was so hot.  Started out a bit cloudy & muggy round lunchtime and by mid afternoon we were all roasting very nicely!  There are going to to some very sore overcooked people tomorrow.

    As you know had MRI scan on Tuesday evening.  Had to lay absolutely still on my back  for 40 mins which was a real ordeal but managed it.  They gave me a panic button to use (give them to claustrophobic  people  for emergency) and I didnt use it but by the end of it I was nearly in tears.  Legs on fire and had chronic pins & needles in my right foot, but at least it over now and just waiting for letter from hospital.  Told no more than 2 weeks so have crossed fingers.

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    Where is everyone?  Are you all on hols?

     Doris - have you had your MRI results yet?  How are things?

    I've done hardly any running lately, but am still doing other exercise.  Have decided not to do the September duathlon, but instead concentrate on losing a bit more weight and getting better at running.  Have got my Jeff Galloway book out again for motivation and guidance.

    Was planning on spending today in the garden chopping back all the shrubs that have gone mad in the wet and warm weather we've been having, but of course it's raining again today!  Will do some mucking out indoors instead then.

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    Hi Everyone,

    Glad things are moving Doris and hopefully you are well on recovery, strange experience the MRI, I think i fell asleep when I had one!

    Congratulations on the Duathlon BG.

    It's been a long time since I've posted as been travelling with work and then on holiday for 2 weeks which was great apart from the great British weather especially as camping in Devon. All in the past now as back to work image.

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    Hi guys,

    Been on holiday; only got back yesterday.  Stayed in a lovely cottage on Devon/Cornwall border.  Were very lucky with weather and had some beautifyl days.  Actually came back with a good healthy glow (plus little sunburn on my back, oops). The journeys were uncomfortable as the sitting for long periods made me stiff & achey..

    On the MRI front.  Good news in that nothing sinister was found and that its definitely not a disc problem.  Am being referred to neurology consultant.  GP was gob-smacked.  She was convinced it was a spinal/disc thing (so was I).  GP discussed full report on MRI.  Said it could be a nerve problem eminating from higher up ie. within the brain or still could be sciatic nerve being irrtated from time to time.  Was lovely and said not to be alarmed at the fact that she mentioned the brain, could be something to do with the receptors and getting mixed pain messages??  All way beyond me but hopefully will get a better explanation when I get new appt through.  Meantime, things have been much better.  Still get a bad day now and again; usually know its going to be a bad one when I get the tingley foot and/or hot prickly legs in the morning when I first wake up.  The worst is over but the GP still wants it all investigated in case of a reccurence.

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    Hi Doris,

    Sounds like you had a lovely holiday with better luck than I did with the weather. Glad things are moving along with the treatment hopefully you are not too uncomfortable!

    I did another HM yesterday Newark which was my first HM so a PB to beat. I had a great day although my official time was 2.43, this was due to spending 20 minutes with someone who collapsed at between mile 7 and 8 due to the heat although he did admit to not doing any training, I did stop my watch but not immediately and not sure exactly when.

    After leaving him I continued towards the finish and everything was great until about 400m from the finish when I got cramp in both feet. I have never experienced cramp in the toes before but it was painful and I was unable to weight bear at all, it is as if the toes were curling into a fist and not releasing. A steward and St. Johns came to my aid and made me stop although I was trying to continue by clinging to a fence, they made me drink some water and wait until the cramping had gone and then start walking slowly. I did not stop my Garmin for this and my finishing time was 1.26. I think that without the stops my time would have been between 2.10 and 2.15 so would have been good.

    I enjoyed the day if not the experience of cramping toes!

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    Brilliant effort at Newark Richard, well done you.  Very good of you to stop and help the other runner.  Bit silly not to train for a HM; you have to respect the distance, its big race.  Even with your stop, you've got a respectable time there.

    Im still doing the walking, interspersed with a little bit of slow running.  Did a 3.3 mile walk/run (g.mapped it) which took me 39 mins.  Took it easy, but the main thing was I really enjoyed it.  Felt good to be out and about.  Will be a long gradual recovery but I'll carry on at my own pace and maybe by next year I'll be somewhere near where I was before.  Would be nice to enter our local Friday 5 series next spring (5 m races organised by local running clubs).  Long term aim is to resume 10k running in under an hour.

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    Hi Doris,

    That time is good for run/walk sounds as if you are improving be careful not to over do it though. I'm sure that you will be doing those 10kin sub hour next year. image

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    Hi, its me, Doris the snail, anyone about?

    Still plodding on very slowly.  Managed to 'run' 2.6 miles tonight; took 31 mins.  Some days are better than others.  Bit disappointed but can't force it too soon.  At least its a bit cooler now.

    Got my fell walking/climbing trip in north wales at the end of this month.  Checked with GP and hospital and both have said its ok but just to be careful; I know my own body and will have to stop if I get any signs.  Am trying to wear my walking boots for a couple of hours here & there to make sure they don't hurt my feet in any way.  Its something to look forward to.

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    Hi Doris,

    Good for you getting out, don't get despondent your doing great and once you are 100% again you're going to love it. Great news about getting the all clear for the fell walking, have fun.

    I had video gait analysis last weekend and my feet seem to have totally changed so no  longer a serious over pronator, since getting the new shoes my pace seems faster also so perhapes that's what caused the pain in the feet in my last HM. Got the GNR in 2 weeks so can't wait, feeling confident fingers crossed although got the dreaded 14m gthis weekend.

    How is everyone else doing? Any more duathalons BG?

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    Will be thinking of you for the GNR.  Go speedy! image

    Went out for a morning run; 8.00am today.  Usually only run evenings but thought Id give it a go as time seems to be of a premium lately and finding it hard to fit in. Crept up to just under 4m but it was a struggle.  Sooo not a morning runner.  Body doesn't seem loose enough, dya know what I mean?  Stopped quite a few times. 

    Sarah, BG, how you doing?

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    Hi guys

    Good to hear you're getting some runs in Doris.  It doesn't matter how slow, just doing it makes all the difference.  It's great that you've got the go ahead for the fell-walking too.

    Good luck with the GNR, Richard.  Sounds like the new shoes are working out well.

    I've stopped running for a bit, been concentrating on other things.  No more duathlons - will be aiming for some for next year though.   My PT has gone travelling for 10 months, so I'm putting together my own weight/resistance programmes now, which is ok as I've learnt a lot over past 2 years with PT.  But I've never really enjoyed running on my own, much preferred going out with PT, hence the reason I've dropped running for now.

    But I have started kickboxing, for fitness, not for competing.  Wow, it is such hard work.  Am having one to one sessions with a kickboxing trainer, who works me SO hard, but is very encouraging.  Wearing my heart rate monitor to do general CV work at the gym I'm usually happy to do 500 cals in an hour.  An hour's kickboxing training on Friday saw me burn 684 cals!!  It will be so good for my general fitness.  My weight is shifting downwards again now, so what with kickboxing and less weight, I am to pick up running again in a month or two and hopefully find it not so hard.

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    Hi Everyone,

    Doris - Try the morning runs in the dark, cold wet winter that takes even more effort to get out of bed!image

    BG - Sounds like the kick boxing is good fun and intense, well done on the shifting weight. I'm sure it must really help build stamina which you will notice when running.

    People keep commenting that I have lost weight and toned but the scales haven't moved, I know muscle weighs more but I want to loose actual weight so I am not carrying as much and can run faster.

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