
Talkback: Lucozade Sport Super Six: Kim (sub-5:00)



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    The Evil Pixie wrote (see)

    (and if I don't Richard will shout at me!)

    I see and hear everything..........
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    Evening Pix

    Yes, you just have a bit of a head start on the training!

    LOL if we both survive this, it wil be a 77minute PB for me LOL - remind me to put a bet on us both image

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    Edinburgh is a month after you EP (23rd May) so you could do both!!

    Where do I find your training plan? I know I'm being thick cos it's probably staring me in the face.......

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    Well done Pix.

    I remember doing 18m on a treddy last year during my London training. Watched the entire DVD series of Gavin & Stacey which helped but still really mind-numbing. I remember reading that Liz McColgan used to paint a dot on her wall and then focus intently on that during long treddy runs. Clearly, she has more will power than me...... 

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    Off to Sainsbury, eh? WHat a glamerous life you lead, wee Pix image

    Bit stuffed here as no treddie. A marvellous excuse to put things off another day while I revise a bit harder for my exam in *EEK" 23 days. Back to work tommorrow too. Like the idea of trying to do week one this week...I might join ou in that, but with a shorter "LR" as having not been running at all for some considerable time - only a couple of 2 milers since FLM 09 - the thought of 6 miles makes me want to fall over.  I am hoping that some of the fitness will come back fairly fast - after all, I do a lot of running up and down 7 floors at work! 

    Need to have a race-planning chat with you Pix. Reading is FULL! imageimage 

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    Or maybe I should save up and buy a treddie....

    Would be a bit stuffed if I end up moving again and in somewhere too small for one though!

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    The Evil Pixie wrote (see)

     My HR also says it's a lot harder than road running

    Your HR is lying then. The reason your HR is higher is because you're indoors so no airflow around you (unlike outside) and you are heating up quicker. As HR is a dependant variable, it's no good for comparing effort on treadmill to outside. You're better off sticking to RPE (perceived effort) and/or pace. With pace you have to go a *bit* quicker as there is less resistance compared to outside - no hills, corners, wind,etc.
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    very technical MM- and very true...hope you had a great Christmas pix
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    Have been looking at schedule too - not for the first time, I must add!! Had chopped and changed things around so much so that my verion bore very little resemblance to the original one....d'oh.

    Back to the drawing board...

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    Treddie training kills me, I get sooooo hot.  Mind you, that could be because I run as fast as I possibly can trying to get away from the ghastly music in they gym.   Give me a good old snoop around other people's front gardens any time.

    Hmmm...had an e-mail from Liz with a suggested training plan for the first two weeks and had to reply along the lines of "would love to but I have a temporarily disabled husband, five ex-battery chickens and a full time job to deal with before training".  This super six thing really isn't aimed at people with normal lives, is it???

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    Surgical masks? alcohol hand gel? desert island? shooting anyone coming within 5m radius?

    Doc told me the only way was to make sure I was as well rested as possible - rest is exactly that - not decorating or gardening (apparently)

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    have you tried Zinc? good for keeping colds at bay
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    I think I am on to a loser on that front because of what I do/where I work. Have had a fairly perpetual cold and chest infection off and on for weeks, 2 short stints off work and one hospital admission. All good preperation, eh!

     I think I will be looking at Ashby or Rhayder if can sort out getting to them etc. Will see if Dino is doing either! If not, there is a local 10k and will just have to do that with some extra miles to make it up to a reasonable distance (although at the moment reasonable distance seems like anything over about a mile....may be walking that to work tommorrow if the ice and snow reappear!)

    Sprinkletoes - my schedule is rapidly looking less like the original - there are days when it is just impractical - I can't do a long run when I am working 13 hour days at the weekend with no days off either side - especially being slow, anything over about 8 miles will take over 2 hours and that requires an early finish, late start or day off to fit in, which just plain doesnt fit when working 12 days straight - like Hash says, we all have other commitments. Probably just as well I have never been selected as a SuperSixer - they would really be trying to show that "real life" people can fit in training then!

    On which note - bed!

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    Afternoon from the coal face.....

    Normally I swear by echinacea, and I'm sure it's the reason I managed to hold this cold off for as long as I did.   

    "Rest" is one of those things doctors say when they haven't got a clue how to reply, isn't it?  Along with "it's a virus" when they haven't got a clue what's wrong.  Or the IT department - "switch it off and switch it on again".  Or me, as I just said to a moaning member of the public "I'm so sorry to hear that".  To be fair I was sorry to hear it, I wish she'd phone someone else!image

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    My current nutrion strategy is cheese and onion flavoured, but it's carbo loading, so counts as training, doesn't it?

    Pix I take echinacea (can't spell it either) only when someone around me has a lurgy, and the tincture, not the tablets. Oh, and because I get stupidly paranoid when tapering, I guzzle it then like it's going out of fashion. 

    Not that I'm much of an advert for it at the moment, but normally it does the job.  I'm pretty sure the only reason I've got a cold now is that I overdid the running over Christmas.  Oh, that and because I actually took a few days off, my body decided this would be a good time to get illimage

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    Hashette wrote (see)

    "Rest" is one of those things doctors say when they haven't got a clue how to reply, isn't it?  Along with "it's a virus" when they haven't got a clue what's wrong.  Or the IT department - "switch it off and switch it on again".  Or me, as I just said to a moaning member of the public "I'm so sorry to hear that".  To be fair I was sorry to hear it, I wish she'd phone someone else!image

    Drat! Discovered!


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