
Sub 3h15



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    Hi B&B - yup trying to get up to speed with it all image and Fraser - not experienced hills like those in race ever. shock horror but scenery was pretty cool huh? it took my mind off the pain

    Kier - could please put me down for the VLM as i have a GFA place and will run if i don't win the super six Paris comp , Edinb Marathon and Loch Ness (2 oct) again. ill go for 3.10


    phew - just did 8 miles

    its really mild in london today - i cannot believe the weather difference between us in London and weather in Scotland. its crazy ...
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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    Dreadmill tips request.

    Just completed 30 mins to test out the instrument of torture for the first time.

    I know about 1.5% elevation to mimic the road. Also the tip about towel over display to hide time to go is good. Like the turbo, time certainly goes slower. I am lucky in that I am able to run in the conservatory and watch tv, although perhaps snooker is only partially better than counting bricks in the wall!

    Are there any other tips to make sessions useful, tollerable, mimic road conditions etc?

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    mmm sorry - cant help - never run on Tread mills
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    Set it to a hill programme so you get a bit of variety maybe? There's no getting away from it really, treadmills are boring.
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    Keir wrote (see)

    Dreadmill tips request.

    Are there any other tips to make sessions useful, tollerable, mimic road conditions etc?

    How about turning round and running backwards - different muscle set and different view?

    Also, what about getting your kids to push some large cars and lorries alongside the treadmill and occasionally throw a bucket of water over you? image

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    Now then. A few days with no running but copious drinking thanks to a couple of work things and my birthday beer and curry tonight in down town Skippington. Back to it Monday (I'm assuming I'll do nowt tomorrow, altough may manage a few off-road miles tomorrow just to clear the head). Was supposed to be running a 10k up in the lakes today but that was canned midweek, which is a shame.

    Welcome to all the new folk - although since we decamped over he we're all pretty new.
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    -set it to km

    -defo use hilly setting

    -vary the speed for blocks of 800m to 1600m

    -run with your eyes closed every 5k or so (be careful with this) and mentally picture yourself in a race situation running in full control

    - run strides of 200m every few miles

    - don't let yourself think about being on the dreadmmill

    - focus on one element of your form eg footplant, leading with the opposite leg from normal, arm drive etc

    - get an ipod and get into somne new music or record a film on it and watch.

    - save it for special sessions eg pyramids, intervals or short recovery runs

    Is that enough?

    Moraghan - good post thanks.

    Jane and pipes - a very warm welcome to two new runners who clearly have bags of talent.

    Jane-isn't NYC a great race? The last five miles are tough though aren't they?

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    B&B - Good luck with the new house. Looking forward to getting my P&D book for Xmas - I'll have a bit of catching up to do! I've generally been trying to increase my weekly milage

    CC2 - Are you over your ill spell yet and back to normal?

    Jane - I'm on a Mac too and I think it might be an operating system issue. The version of Safari I use is 4.1 adn that one has the problems using this forum where al the tools to do quotes etc are missing. Hence why I always use Firefox instead.
    What's your long run like at the moment - how far are you going/pace?

    No running today for me - a bit knackered from last night. Gonna make it out for another 14/15 miler tomorrow at some stage. Would prefer doing it in daylight as running at night all the time is a bit depressing.

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    KR - I hope so!

    I use Google Chrome and have no bold, smilies, quotes etc. I have to switch into IE to insert pics and smilies etc, but I hate IE so generally don't bother.
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    Hi Jane and hello again Pipes.

     Keir -  Look on the bright side even though the treadie is dull at least running is possible in all conditions.

    11.65 miles for me this afo after work.  3 lots of 1 mile easy 2 miles hard then last 2.5 warm down(no choice could n't run any quicker,more of that in a minute). Splits as follows:  8:07, 6:35, 6:36, 8:29, 6:35, 6:39,9:35(uphill),6:31(downhill, should have been quicker but tummy rumbling), 7:25(uphill tummy still rumbling), 8:57,8:58,5:25(last little bit), made it home and rushed past OH and kids to pay a visit.  Happy with even pacing and making it home.

    That 56 for the week, only slight concern is tight left achilles which i've had for a few weeks but it does n't seem to be getting worse and not causing problems when running. 

     New shoes arrived today so will take out tomorrow on recovery run.

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    Hello to Posters old and new.

    I'm a long-time lurker from the old thread. As you've now moved to a nice, new home I thought it was time I finally came out of the woodwork.

    Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who as provided tips, advice and inspiration on this forum.

    So - a quick background:
    I'm a Brit now living and working in Oslo, Norway. I'm a former fatboy (100kgs), who started running in Jan 2007 to lose some weight.
    I've run 2 marathons and am just about to start training for my third (Boston 2011). I'll be following a slightly modified P&D schedule (55-70).

    I wonder if I hold the dubious distinction of being the person closest to 3.15 without being a member of the club? My PB is 3.15.19 from Paris earlier this year.

    Good luck to everyone doing long runs or racing in the morning. I did 30kms on the dreadmill this morning, so I'll be enjoying a rest day tomorrow
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    Welcome Neil, I'm on 3:16:21 from abo last year, thinking back from the previous incarnation of this thread there was someone else on 3:15:xx. I take it you do a lot of treadie running this time of year.  There are a few of us who have recently embraced the delights of treadie running due to the crappy weather.

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    Hello to Jane pipes and Neil. Great to see some new faces but I suspect with pipes having done sub 3 already she is in a great position to pass on advice to everyone else. Neil great marathon time - what did you do to get that time and what would you do different to crack the barrier?
    Anyone racing this weekend?
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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    Welcome ON. 30km on Dreadmill! You must be totally mad. You will fit in well here. image

    Cheers for the tip AC. I like the idea of strides on it. I don't really bother with these normally, but they could well break up the session. Will use elevation as well to break things up and looking forward to tempo runs and intervals with the Tready setting the pace and only having to follow.

    However why kms? I do everything in miles normally. In fact, as the Tready is all in mph I am trying to work out the mph speed equivilant for every time between 8.45 - 6.30 min pace. Anyone done this already?Mph not available on McMillian.

    But eyes closed running and picturing race situation is bound to end in me getting too excited and running over the front of the mill. However certainly a better tip than Lorenzos!

    Nice speed sess there BB. Still looking good, if the bowels hold out! Do you know much about the Glos course? From memory, reading posts last yr. I think it is a few laps of different circuits, but fairly flat. Its my home ground.

    Jane, I havent forgotten to add your Marathon targets to the list. Just waiting for B&B to tidy it up first, so I can annoy him again!

    Really looking forward to a cheeky long one early tomorrow morning.

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    Hi OsloNeil - another new poster on here although long time lurker, welcome to the thread. You've already got a cracking PB, what time are you looking for in Boston? I think we are going to need a bit of running history/PB's as well image 30k on the treadmill is an impressive run for a Saturday have you got anything lied up in the short term or are you jsut “ticking over” at the moment?
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    I'm running in a race, but I'm not racing. I was offered a number for the Turkey Trot HM, and I'd planned 13 miles LSR anyway so thought I might as well potter round it with one of my slower clubmates. Mind you, it's proper hilly and I've not run 13 miles since October 25th, so he might leave me for dead!
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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭
    Good luck Speedy. Look forward to reading a race report. Its all been a bit thin on that front recently.
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    CC2 - is that the race where you get an Xmas pud at the end?
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    No, you usually get something random but vagely useful, handed to you by a guy dressed as Santa. From previous years I have a towel (with a turkey embroidered on it), a fluorescent yellow hat (with a turkey embroidered on it) and a travel mug (with a turkey printed on it - sadly that leaks though). I've also heard tell of a mousemat and a wallet in the past. Presumably they also featured turkeys as the main design. The race winner gets a turkey.

    Not sure there'll be much of a race report Keir, I'm not racing!
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    Thanks for the welcomes.

    BarryB: Yep - I'm a bit of a chickensh*t when it comes to snow and ice (and we get a lot of that here at this time of year), so I do a lot of dreadmill running. Whilst training for Paris last winter, all but 5 of my runs were indoors. Not ideal really, but then again treadmills seemed to work ok for Ingrid Kristiansen and she wasn't a bad marathon runner.

    Keir: Mad? Yep - I've been accused of that quite a lot recently

    KR: Good luck with the SuperSix. My vote is in. I'd like to go sub 3.10 in Boston, but as there are a lot of downhills I'll have to see how my niggly ITBS holds up on the day. Nothing lined up in the short-term altho' I might be tempted to join the end of '10 10 in Maidstone image

    MM: I followed a Runners World smart coach schedule based on a 10km time of 40.19 at the start of the period. I think the slower runs were too quick and that it was light on the big long runs so will definitely do more this time. Also have to get my fuelling right this time to avoid cramps.
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    Good luck Speedy  and any other racers.

    Keir - Info a bit sparse about Gloucester, seems a bit low key, but gleened a bit of info from the thread , it's a 4 mile loop then 3 x 7mile loops followed by the last mile or so.  Last year they handed out 3 wrist bands that you take off after every lap to keep track. You don't fancy it as it's your home ground.

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    NOT RACING!!!!!!

    Honestly, you folks just don't listen do you image
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    Good luck tomorrow Speedy - hope the race goes well image
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    PipesPipes ✭✭✭
    Thanks for the various welcomes. I'm loving this new home already.

    Your run looks great, Barry B - wish I could do that pace right now. Hope your stomach has recovered and it's not the start of some bug.

    MM - even though I've done sub3 (twice), I feel a lot less structured and able to give advice than most of you. I've got P&D but haven't opened it since a failed effort to even get marathon training off the ground in '06 (although I don't think the two are connected!). I've only ever done what I feel is best based on how my legs are, what my club sessions are and what races I have. For Abo this year, I did long runs on Fridays, adding a mile a week until I got to 24. I ran them quite slowly (some people might argue) at about 8:35 ave and without any sections at MP - I did them with a friend and we chatted and giggled all the way round. I did do MP work and faster elsewhere, though (MLR/ races).

    Enjoy your rest day tomorrow, OsloNeil - you've deserved it with 30k on the treadmill! My hubby has done Paris for the past 2 years and I've watched/ supported. It's a great marathon for spectators because the metro system follows so much of the course - I just hopped on and off the number 1 a few times.

    I'm helping out at a 10k race tomorrow organised by my club. Looking forward to the free bacon butty!

    Enjoy the race, Speedy (although, obviously, you are NOT racing yourself)! image
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    Pipe, with 2 x sub 3 marathons i'm sure you'll have some good input. Interesting that your LSR's were at 8.35 pace and without any MP in them. What sort of speedwork did you do in a typical week and did you do some kind of speedwork each week?

    Speedy - so a Turkey based prize then image! Have a good race even though you aren't racing if you know what I mean!

    OsloNeil - a 3.10 target seem like a realistic goal to go for. There are a few others with that target time if you check THE LIST! If you give us the date we'll get you on ther.

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    PipesPipes ✭✭✭
    KR - I did speed sessions every Tuesday, typically totalling 5.6-6k and with varying distances and recoveries within each session (things like pyramids). I sometimes did another speed session on my own on a Sunday if I hadn't raced (I like the continuous session of doing 3 or 4 x half a mile at 5k pace followed by half a mile at HM pace as 'recovery'). The fact that I'd done my long run relatively slowly meant that although my legs were tired in the heaviest period of training (I did 3x 70 mile wks but generally about 55 mpw), they weren't totally knackered.

    My biggest problem with the training for my last marathon was that the school holidays finished about 7 wks before the marathon and I only got 1 long run done in that period (due to races and being busy teaching). So I think I peaked a bit too soon, with a 4 minute half-marathon PB of 1:21:5x in the middle. I was a bit wiped out after that and never felt that I felt quite as fresh and strong again.

    Anyway, enough of me me me...
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    Pipes that's a lot of relevant info and points to what I've heard before that although most calculators say 83 mins translates to sub 3 you're much better off with a hm time in the low 80's. Interesting that you and Oslo Neil both understand the need for slow long runs. How many runs did you do over 20 miles? You must have clocked quite a few runs over 3 hours as well?
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    Pipes, we need the me, me, me on here, it's how we all understand eachother and our backgrounds. More of it! It sounds to me that your make-it-up-as-you-go-along approach has worked out much like a standard schedule anyway.

    Right, I'm off or I'll be late for the race. I'm hoping to pace a friend round, just need to find one who wants to run at 8 pace.
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    PipesPipes ✭✭✭
    Thanks, Speedy Goth and MM. I did 5 runs of 20 miles plus, 3 of which were over 3 hours (the max being 24 in 3:32 which is 8:50 pace). The other two were pacier (eg. 23 in 2:55) because I was on my own trying out some MP stuff or I was with a different running friend.

    MM - my HM PB before my first sub3 was 1:25:55 so being low 1:20s is good, but not necessarily necessary (!), although the earlier PB was probably a soft one.

    Off to marshal now - I was going to wear my Santa suit (as the Santa run I was going to do last week got cancelled) until I heard I'm positioned on a pretty dangerous bridge where I have to stop traffic if it's coming in both directions...I'm not sure they'd take me seriously in costume!
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