
Sub 3h15



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    MsE  - wise words from all the others. It really won't be a problem. It's the last 6 miles when it all counts and by that point everything will be really stretched. Don't let it knock your confidence


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    I did consider it, Fraser, really I did - but then I decided that the twat who made her stand up so his 12 year old son could sit down in his "designated seat" really should have done the decent thing. I reckon seat giving up etiquette is based on the youngest male capable of standing (or who is not about to embark on an endurance based athletic event) should give up his seat for the oldest old lady. We should then work our way, blokes getting older, burds getting younger, until we reach me, somewhere in the middle.

    Back from expo, numbered up. Saw Paula on the Nike stand where I bought a hat, some socks....and a new Nike+ GPS watch. I'm not even sure it's as good as my Garmin 405 but it is at least waterproof and wearable as a "normal" watch. Just.

    Going to leave the Garmin on for tomorrow though I think.

    Now back in my hotel, bored. Thank goodness for sky sports on the iPad - 2nd half of gloucester vs tigers to come.
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    I'm bored too. Just finished my book. Luckily NMETV is providing me with rock based entertainment.
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    Race JaseRace Jase ✭✭✭

    this works better...here you, this'll take up a bit of your time. image
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    back from Expo, just. 'Mare getting down. Met a fair few friends and a couple of the Xtempo guys (mainly sub3 threaders).
    Result: 2 prs trainiers and a pair of spikes for a total of a tenner! Just a shame the Sweatshop people didn't have more in my size.
    Last supper shortly then early bed. For once.

    Havea quiet evening all. Don't sweat the pens. See you all on the other side.
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    MsE - You will still be able to go sub 3:15, of course you will!

    Ate really well today and grazed on malt loaf, dates and dried apricots. Got woken up to play at 6 by my little nephew, who luckily is very, very cute.

    Looking forward to meeting the boys in the FGFA pen, and hope to meet even more in Chandos, for tales of glory. Am nervous, though.


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    MsE - don't worry it too much - get to the front of your pen then be prepared to walk forward as soon as they remove the ropes. Alternatively you could do what a Slovakian club mate of mine did. She was in a similar situation to yourself - aiming for around 3:25 but put 4 hours on her entry form. She simply went to the pen she wanted to go into then pretended she didn't speak English and just barged in.

    Run For Health 10k for me this morning in Modesto California. Very warm - predicted to be the hottest day of the year so far, and over 70F at 9:30 in the morning. The 5k and 10k started together. Two guys went off the front and I was running with two more. First mile way too fast at around 5:55, then I started to get warm and it went backwards from there. The two guys I was running with turned round at the 5k turnpoint and went on to finish 1st & 2nd in that race in 19 something, so I was then in third but about 50 yards behind 2nd and 100 yards behind 1st, seeing them on the occasional straights. By the halfway point I was still about 50 yards behind 2nd, but 1st was about 1 minute ahead. On the way back I lost sight of the guy in first, then I started to lose ground on the guy in 2nd, more than I expected. Then I spotted that he was straight lining the turns, using paths through the grass rather than staying on the path. I stayed on the path as that was the course, and I don't think I would have caught him even if he hadn't short-cut, but it meant I was to far behind to really use him to pull me round. The end result though was that the race basically turned into an individual time trial from 1.5 miles onwards, with quite a strong headwind on the way back, and I was too hot to really do it justice. So I finished in third place, a couple ofminutes ahead of 4th, but a poor time of 40:11. First place was about 2 minutes ahead, 2nd about a minute, so I may have got 2nd on a good day, but I'll settle for third. Prizes were awarded only for age groups, not overall, so I got a silver medal for 2nd in age category (the winner was 41).

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭

    Shame you didn't catch the cheating git, BOTF

    06:50 megabus to London tomorrow gets me to Victoria at 10:20, so planning to get to halfway point in time to (try to) see & bellow at most of you. Good luck once again. 

    Did 20.2 miles this a.m. - the base building continues.

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    MsEMsE ✭✭✭
    BOTF - Sounds like a tough race when the other runners are carving up the course like that! Glad you could get a race in despite the circumstances. Your suggestion is quite tempting as I have often managed to fool those people who come knocking on doors selling tea towels or fish from Newcastle that I don't understand them or speak English. They give up and go away quite quickly. Will have to see how bold I am feeling tomorrow. For now I am a quivering wreck like that Mr Jelly in those lovely Mr Men books.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    MsE - please relax - easier said than done, I know - but honestly, you'll be away and into it pretty easily. (The relax advice applies to opening miles tomorrow, as well as right now ) !! 
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    From the metcheck homepage  (totally at odds with their temperature prediciton of 8C (feels 6C) when you click on tomorrow's weather  for London) :

    "Sunday will be another dry day with sunny spells developing for most parts although it will be rather hazy at times, and some fog patches may plague some windward coasts. During the afternoon a few sharp showers may break out over central and southern areas, but these will be pretty isolated and you will be unlucky to catch one. Temperatures will rise quickly with a rather warm day developing as highs reach the high teens, and perhaps 20C in the odd spot. So for the London Marathon it is set fair with sunny spells breaking through the cloud and only a small risk of a shower. It will become rather warm for the runners, especially by late morning and into the afternoon, but will be very pleasant for spectators."

    So the consensus is that it will be a warm one but don't let it put you off your game.

    Good luck everyone!

    Off to bed now.

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    Race JaseRace Jase ✭✭✭
    ..... Not at all excited....

    In the words of the great philosopher, Richard Keys, I hope you all smash it.......
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    Looks grey and cloudy outside my window in Blackheath. Rubbish night's sleep thanks to a very loud house alarm. Good job it doesn't matter how well you sleep the night before! Anyway, I have coffee. Mmmm, sweet caffeine!
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    Pleasant Boris Bike down to charing x - 0815 to blackheath. See you in half an hour!

    All the very best for later folks - see you in the pub if not before.
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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭
    All the best everyone - hope you're all safely at the start by now. Pleased to hear it's overcast - sending all the Norfolk clouds your way to keep the temperature down! Have a great race.
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    Thinking of you all today and looking forward to the stories.
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    MsE - 17454
    Race Jase - 736
    SteveC1975 - 23156
    Ormeski - 17655 -
    Just Running - 2177)
    AmyT - 26433
    Wokky - 20975
    XPS - 31xxx -
    AfE - 32439
    MartinH - 32944 -
    SBD - 33319
    RFJ - 31356
    Ant - 33083
    Golden Eagle - 33295
    Poacher - 31xxx
    CC2 Speedy Goth - 29680
    Sal - 70793,
    Minni - 29600
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    Thanks for that DM and MM
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    Did you lot see Mutai win it and then barf up on the finish line? The power of AVIT is prevalent at the head of the race I see image
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    yup....very nice. also saw some guy going for a wee right at the start. camera panned away at the very last minute
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    I'm on the split screen now with multiple views of the finish line and I expect a certain thread member to come into view VERY soon......
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    Just checked a couple of results from the list above - some awesome times!!

    Won't spoil their fun in posting their time, you know who you are - well done!

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    knight rider wrote (see)

    Just checked a couple of results from the list above - some awesome times!!

    Won't spoil their fun in posting their time, you know who you are - well done!

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    3:14:58 I think, blimmin hard, full report, good work to everyone who did it on here
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    3:12:26 absolutely delighted!! Will report fully when I get home. Didn't make the pub, sorry guys but had to get a massage. Was strugggling to walk but ok now :l
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    Martin HMartin H ✭✭✭
    Finished in 2.58.39 ish. Very happy and now retired from racing marathons . Will post later
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    SBD.SBD. ✭✭✭
    I decided it was too hot to run today so walked from 14 miles - 5:08:11 the result and too late to make the pub!

    Well done sal and steve. Hope everyone else had a good day.
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    well done Martin - absolutely stonking mate!!! Now you can celebrate with a few well earned beers.

    SteveC and Sal f super times, not suprised you needed a massage Sal.

    SBD, know what you mean about the heat, you know how you felt so prob good decision to walk rather than do too much damage running.

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    Some awesome running when watching on TV this morning, saw a couple of elites puke just after crossing the line, amazing physical and mental strength, thought the marshalls were a bit harsh trying to usher them away,  i know they've  got to keep the finish clear but they've just caned it for 26 miles.

    Congrats to sal f , Steve  and Martin.

    Commiserations SBD, looked like it was getting a bit warm, saw your half time and you obviously were not at your best, how's the injury.

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