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    TR - generally just the paces I end up running. A lot depends on the way I feel though. If I've learnt anything over the years its to run how I feel. I certainly get less distraught if I run a few 8:xx miles these days than I used to.

    I could never last 24 hours of boozing at Le Mans never mind 24 hours of running!!

    Anyone else go in for Stone Roses tickets?? I managed to grab some for the extra date.. luckily otherwise Mrs SJ was looking for a divorce (her fave band). 

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    SJ - indeed, I dont run to set paces, I just look at the watch when I've finished, the pace for the day just looks after itself.

    I was listening to Craig Alexander on the Competitors earlier he was talking about his training, 8 weeks before Kona he did a 112M ride straight into 10 x 1M running reps all 5:20 to 5:40 pace, he also said that he changed his schedule around earlier in the year so he could watch his daughter play footy every week.........what a Champ, I was most impressed...........the workout wasnt bad either ! 

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    My max HR (observed in a 5k race at least) is only about 172. Can't help feeling it would help if the same engine capacity could turn over a bit faster... it can drop to about 31 or 32 if I'm super-relaxed in the early evening, and while asleep, but 40-50 is more typical as a resting rate. Scarily, it is noticeably higher overnight if I've had wine before bed, I noted in the results I had from wearing a 6-day monitor for a couple of medical research projects. My work ex-boss' son is a young rower who clocked 29 bpm when plugged into machines for tests in a hospital, and gathered a crowd of gawping medics apparently -- I'm sure mine would be way above baseline in the same situation out of sheer self-consciousness.

    Amazing drinking endurance BTW LS21!

    I've run 3 times this week, longest was 5.25M yesterday lunchtime starting at a very nervous 9+ min/M and finishing at a still-cautious ~7:20/M. The sciatic nerve is still jinxed but is OK so long as I don't put any pressure on it through reckless activity like sitting on chairs... still, I think that's progress of some sort.

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    Stone Roses tickets - I thought I'd got hold of 4, got through to entering my credit card details and everything but then it seemed to time out after I'd pressed buy and then they were all sold out.  Bummer.  Will check my bank statement in case I did get them and the site just didn't tell me but I'm not hopeful.  Even worse I ended up with 2 tickets to Westlife!  Fortunately Mrs Jim wants to take her mum (she's not as cool as SJ's wife).

    CW - good to hear you're on the mend and I'm also impressed with LS21's drinking stamina.

    Don't know what my max HR or resting HR are, I did wear a HR monitor for a while when I was training for the marathon but got fed up seeing the numbers too high and not improving so I stopped wearing it which seemed to do the trick.

    Not sure how much I can comment but FR's plan seems pretty good to me, mine is similar at the moment, just trying to get used to running more miles and get some consistency at 70+ mpw with little or no speed work but a few XC races and then I'll hopefully be in good shape to start some marathon specifric stuff next year.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Need to read back (work has been menthol - thank fcuk it's a planned cut-back week) but Tmap, if you bring Monty, I'm in for a 24 hour run!  I can be the obligatory team slow coach image
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    LJ, I wasn't disagreeing with FR's approach. The concept is a good one. The point I was trying to make was that if there are no time constraints, apart from the obvious one being a marathon in 2013, it would be more sensible to build in some rehab/S&C work.

    Lol at the HR monitor comment btw. 

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭

    Can I just clarify - I'm NOT very good at all at drinking (ask njord). All I can say it was consumed over a very long period, and I also ate one of the largest pizzas I've ever seen as part of the session. With 2 garlic bread chasers obviously. Mind you, I think there was something wrong with the food cos I felt really poorly the next day. Must have been a dodgy mushroom on the pizza I reckon.....

    Re the 24 hour race. I've done 2 of em now. Once as a pair, once as a team of 5. Rules for those are that every runner has to do 1 lap. The rest is up to you, so you can knock out 6 laps back-to-back if you want. or just do one. Entirely at the team's discretion.

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    Brian - Thanks, I think your points about core work are good and also a bit of strengthening work which I'm trying to incorporate (lunges, squats etc).  Do you do any upper body strengthening and what do you think about this for runners?  I'd think that the extra weight wouldn't be worth it but Mo Farah says he's been doing a lot more recently and something is working for him.  Gobi may have some views on this too?

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭
    LJ, I'm a believer in full body weights, so yes upper body stuff like press-ups, chin-ups, planks, shoulder press etc.. Only relatively light weights, but 3 sets of 15-20 reps of course. Think the circuit and power stuff is pretty good too, especially the boxing.
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    I love weight training

    I'm buff

    I'm heavy

    OH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    seriously though some strength work is useful just don't overdo it and remember muscle weighs more than fat so anything you build you have to carry.

    Rach sets off sensors in the hospital with the low HR thing as she has seen sub 30, I did point out she was there because she had collapsed. Even when at home though I believe her RHR is 33 or 34
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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Tmap - 24 hour job sounds like it could be a laugh, although I can't seem to get past the home page on the race website. Try googling Lizzy Hawker, who recently set a world 24 hr record of 244km running on 1km loops. Expect she could give some good tips. There was a good feature on her in the Sunday Times incidentally if anyone caught it last week.

    Sadly it falls on the same day as the Mont Blanc marathon which is where I traditionally let my legs know that the off road season has begun.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Read back now.

    Welcome, Hampo.

    LS21: your drinking anecdote did make me chuckle.  If I drank from finishing a marathon until 5am I'd be comatose, coming round occasionally to puke...

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    TR - I knew my half marathon training post would make you laugh, LOL

    Wardi - happy belated birthday mateimage

    LS21 - just read back again about your drinking, haha Must have given you a different kind of satisfaction helping a mate out with his pacing though.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    RS - indeed

    lifting a few weights isnt going to make anyone running lots of miles bulk up. It takes a lot of effort and calories to pack on size. Took me a while to put on 2 stone (that I still carry around). IMO do as many compound (multi-joint) movements as possible as they bring in more stabilisers too !

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    HampoHampo ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the welcome Joolska, 

     Cannot believe it but got tickets for The Stone Roses, has anyone looked at Ebay. some tickets over £1000. Nice easy 5m today,

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    Judging by the last page our two I guess the heart rate max comes down as the body becomes more efficient my highest ever effort was 213bpm with a resting rate of 31bpm. The training its going well at the moment now coming to the end of my 2nd 70 mile week although rest week brought forward to next week as well for recovery before the accrington 10k on the 30th (hope to run 34mins for a 51sec pb image
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    Gobi wrote (see)
    Selbs - choice, after a period of down time I build back slowly. Winter base is for my aerobic development so is slower.                                                                                         Tmap - I could be tempted by a team go at this, 4 runners with good speed would make it interesting. Short stints during the day and then long stints at night.
    Gobi - Sounds like fun, but then I saw you mentioned "good speed" so sort of counts me out. Team of 4 would = fast time, team of 1 = long time.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    I backed up last Saturday's 15M with another 15M today, which felt a bit easier this week. My right hammy was grumbling though, which is the same hammy that cramped at VLM and in the recent 1/2IM (and moaned in my recent 1/2 mara). reckon I need to get on the stretching regime !
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    11.4M, though only at 7:53/M, this morning -- but for the first time in weeks, I actually felt like I'd had a proper run which was teaching my legs something. Leg was still cranky for a while after I stopped though. I don't think I'll be trying any fast running for a little while yet.

    atd>  213bpm with a resting rate of 31bpm
    Must be some sort of record for dynamic range -- that's nearly a factor of 7! (Assuming it was a genuine max and not the HRM freaking out because of a dodgy connection to the chest of course.) By the same metric (ooh what shall I call it?) I only score about 172/31 ~= 5.5.

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    andy the deestrider. wrote (see)
    Judging by the last page our two I guess the heart rate max comes down as the body becomes more efficient my highest ever effort was 213bpm with a resting rate of 31bpm. The training its going well at the moment now coming to the end of my 2nd 70 mile week although rest week brought forward to next week as well for recovery before the accrington 10k on the 30th (hope to run 34mins for a 51sec pb image

    Max heart rate shouldn't reduce as you get fitter as I understand it.  If anything your VISIBLE max should increase as your ability to achieve can be dependent upon fitness.  It's supposed to reduce slightly with age.  1 beat reduction per year is often quoted but individuals vary.  A high of 213 is pretty high for an adult but not unheard of I think.

    Good advice from TR about weights.  I've been wondering recently if a similar principle shouldn't apply to stretching to avoid imbalances.  Am interested to follow how Gobi gets on with Yoga.

    Anybody any tips/thoughts on how to improve shoulder mobility?  Mine is just shocking courtesy of a rugby injury about 15 years ago.  Tried to do a tempo run last night and pretty much failed because I couldn't get my shoulders moving fast enoughimage

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    Charlie I dont really have the best understanding of the heart but I'm confident 213 was a genuine reading because I have had a fair few 209's 210's and a few 211's, I am thinking of doing a few runs with the heart rate monitor on actually to see what sort of readings I get,
    Did 15 last night from work at @7:45mpm, first half pan flat second half hilly. Just an easy 8mile today, image
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    AtD, 213/31 is amazing. I've never heard or read of that sort of max. I would imagine I am 186/40 at the moment, but as soon as I get back to training, will do some tempo intervals to try and confirm the max figure.

    Saw the sunshine (oop  norf) and was severely tempted to run. But have resisted, the plan being to jog on the treadmill on Monday, and then back out onto the canal for a 5 miler on Tuesday.

    Good luck to anyone racing this weekend.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    clearly - have a look on Youtube for shoulder flexibility exercises, that way you get to see how they should be done rather than reading about them.

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    TR- I have to watch my hammy on long runs it tightens up. I definitely fine that stretching helps.

    Can't believe some of the heart rates you guys have. My MHR is no more the 162 and RHR is 40

    Had a unplanned rest day today due to having to take down old wardrobe and put new one upimage

    Suppose it wont do any harm as I have xc race tomorrow.

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    LS21LS21 ✭✭✭
    Clearly - I have major issues with my right shoulder. An old moto-cross injury has seen me have 3 ops on it, one of them to effectively re-build it. Only have about 75% movement in it really. However, after last weekend's post-Marathon escapades I can heartily recommend a few Funky Chicken moves on the dancefloor fuelled by copious amounts of Heineken, Havana Club and Jaigermeister image
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    I do believe the resting heart rate has a partial link to how fit you are but I don't believe the max means naff all really as a measure of anything to be honest. only opinion that its though. Can't believe the rate of weight loss since swapping rubbish for fruit and veg 4 pounds in 6 days image
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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    I have never met an adult with a genuine 213 MAX, AtD do you have 8 litre lungs as well?

    If so I would like to coach you as I think you can go a long long way :¬)

    Clearly, I am also interested to see how I get on :¬0

    Shoulder issues - look up rotator exercises

    Saw the leg specialist today and things have improved a little, sadly the months ahead will see lots of treatment. Interesting comment of the day. "Oh and I think I know what causes your hamstring issues"

    Sciatic nerve crossing the bicep part of my hamstring or something.

    All I know is I am in for some serious pain on the massage table.

    Ran Eastleigh parkrun today in 17.16 which is my 2nd fastest time EVER on that course(ran 17.09 in the very early days).

    A week until Snowdon and another cautious week will see me on the startline.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    tiger - I had best get the stretching done then. You need to bag the training early doors and then life doesnt prevent it - mostly. 

    all the best with that then Gobi, I hope you get a decent return at Snowdon

    some folks (even Coro) have highish resting HR's, the important bit is how long it takes to return to normal !

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    TR - will almost settle for coming out the otherside healthy(no more broken), even a low 3.xx is probably acceptable now.
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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭
    Gobi, well done on the parkrun and good luck next week. Hope everything holds together, and the rehab then works a treat. Rugby final is real tense right now.
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