
Sub 3



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    Selbs MrB is right with GFA and elite times. My age time was under 85minutes.

    Yes Brian we are elite..apparently!!

    Gobi I've said it before but I'll say it again best of luck for Saturday. I'm sure you will do well. Over the years you have amazed me with your training and racing.

    Today decided to take a rest as I'm feeling a bit tired. Think its due to the last months training as its the most I've done since before FLM 2010! I have a half marathon on Sunday (Worksop) so want to be as fresh as possible for it. It will be my first proper road race since Bath Half in March. I will then know what sort of fitness/standard I'm currently at.

    I will then go into my 24 week P&D training plan knowing how I fair.

    Good luck to all weekend racers and enjoyable training to others.

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭

    Tiger, Sensible head on re: the rest day - Good luck at Worksop.

    Theres a birthday in the team today. He's brought in samosas, pakoras, spring rolls and the dips too. I'm well fuelled now with a plate of these on top of porridge and a nana. Think I'll be turbo-charged at lunchtimeimage 

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    Cheers Brian/Tiger for confirming i didn't waste my money on Bath as i am no where near fast or old enough image being a young V40!

    Wardi - thought i should take my wife out for a posh nosh meal on the Sat night since i am dragging her up there!  Fri night when i arrive - a curry house or pub nosh recommendation woudl be great.  I think i am staying pretty central in York (other side of the race course/race start i think!).  Congrats on the first double!  i'll be happy when i get my first double figure (miles) run for 3+ months in but it wont be for a couple more weeks i guess.

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    Wardi - It nice when you reach that stage of feeling comfortable to do double runs. I hope to do some in the near future.

    Brian - Hope that grub stays down on your dinner time run!

    Selbs - What i'd do to be 40 again. Set my marathon PB of 2.47 when I was 48.

    Off to work now then later going out for a curry at local Indian with the family. The oldest son and his girlfriend will be home for the weekend from the Wirral. It will be nice to see them both. Do miss him now he lives away. But, the youngest who is still at home more than makes up for him!!!

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    Good luck Gob.

    Did hill reps last night - couldn't seem to push myself to quite the level I wanted - not sure if it's because I'm tired or I've just done so little speed training over the past few years that my body isn't used to being pushed hard.  Still a good thing for me to do though.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    all the best with the 1/2 mara then tiger, it will give you am indiactor of where you are

    my two were at a cricket coaching session at Southsea this morning, so I popped over to the seafront and did Craig Alexanders 10 x 1mile session, nice day for it. I just had a slight bit off wind against on the even reps and behind me on the odds, bet its not like that for GSR on Sunday ! ....................anyway, 2m w/u, 10x1m/30sec jog, 2m w/d. The first 6 were pretty comfy and then each one seemed to get doubly as hard !

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    crickey TR that sounds a tough session nice work!

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Selbs.. top notch curry house in York is The Mogul, just off Rougiers Street & 5 mins walk from the station.  The restaurant doesn't look like the building in the picture though!

    Crikey TR, a long run with quality in it, good stuff!

    Clearly.. the first speed stuff in ages usually feels tough.  They just get slightly less tough with each session image.

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    NjordNjord ✭✭✭

    selbs - I'm staying in the Knavesmire Holiday Inn if you fancy some pre-match entertainment.  I know from last year's race weekend that the bar stays open until at least 4am on Saturday night / Sunday morning having crawled in demanding booze at that time whilst on the pre-race drinking bender to end all pre-race drinking benders.  The fried breakfast is recommended as well if like me you crawl out of bed with 30 minutes until the race was due to start.  Fortunately, they delayed the start last year because people were late getting to the racecourse (sorry Marders, not sure I ever admitted I was one of those people...).

    Anyway, time for some important tourism advice...

    In terms of York drinking establishments, you really do not need to go any further than the House of the Trembling Madness on Stonegate.  Seriously.  This place is bloody amazing.  Located in a Medieval banqueting hall found upstairs from one of the finest off-licenses in the UK, they serve Kwak, La Trappe, Leffe and many others wonderful concoctions.  On tap!!!  Loads more great stuff available in bottles.

    If you can drag yourself away the House of the Trembling Madness then The Pivni World Beer Freehouse is well worth a visit. More Belgian stuff, several Weisse beers on tap, some lovely Czech tipples and a whole bunch of bottles from as far afield as US and Australia (not that you'd probably want to touch that pish).

    For beirdy-weirdies who like warm cloudy shite, The York Brewery is a modern brewery that does some interesting real ales.  They have three pubs in York.  The ales are not bad if you like that sort of thing, but if you don't, then two of the pubs serve Staropramen and the other serves Pilsner Urquel.

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    Brian61Brian61 ✭✭✭
    Do they do draught double diamond though?
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    lol Wardi - lucky you told me it doesn't look like the picture - imagine how long i could have been wondering around York looking?

    Njord - i like you work.  will keep some notes, and see if my other half is up for a few!  House of tremibling madness sounds great!!

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    TR - Thats one tough session , not surprised the later ones were tough, well done

    Good luck to weekend racers esp Snowdon and anyone going to Dublin

    Spotted this in the paper a week ago or so


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    Mr BoatMr Boat ✭✭✭

    TR: flippin 'eck; I bet those last few did hurt. You'd need to get pretty motivated to step out the door knowing you've got that session coming.

    Gobi: Good luck for Saturday...look foward to your blog.

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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    MrB - i'd been mulling it over for a while after I'd heard about it, although he had about 90sec rest. Think I got it okay cos 1st was the slowest (6:19) and the 9th was the quickest (6:06), the average came in at 6:12. So all a fair bit quicker than MP.

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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    TR - that's a great session, good work.

    Gobi - good luck tomorrow, hope it goes well.

    Quite a bit of training missed this week due to work and a bit of a sore achilles. Feels OK now though so hopefully can get a decent long run in tomorrow morning.

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    TR - sounds like you had your weetabix this morning, good session.

    Tiger - good luck in the half on Sunday, hopefully you and Gobi will have good times to post.

    Wardi - good to see you're getting back into it well.  Doubles are something that I haven't done myself but I'm thinking I will probably give them a try when I get into full marathon training.

    We're having a big Halloween party tomorrow so I've already done most of my running for the week, I did 11m last night then got up early today and got 18 in before breakfast.  No running tomorrow and then a hangover shakeout on Sunday.  WIll be another 70m week.

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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭

    Nice mileage LJ, enjoy the party!

    Hope that niggle is short lived Padams.

    Good pace for 10 reps TR.

    I somehow knew Njord would pop out of the woodwork when food & drink in York was mentioned!  Plenty of bars in York with Staroprammen you will be pleased to hear.  Trouble is I had too many of them on my last crawl so I can't remember which pubs they are!

    Speaking of the Brass Monkey, if anyone is up for a sub 75 train, I have spotted both Marmite & WTGY on the start list.

    5m steady tonight.

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    For beirdy-weirdies who like warm cloudy shite Njord that tickled me. We have quite a few of those types in Derby as there are a few real ale pubs serving cheese and crackers!! I'm a Guinness man myself or bitters.

    TR that is a fantastic session. I have done 10 x 1k's and that was tough enough. It must take some determination to knock out that?

    LJ good weeks mileage there. What are you training for?

    Padams hope the achilles behaves itself.

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    Good luck to all racers this weekend. Lev, I'll be interested to hear how you get on. Very impressive training times, something tells me you'll be sub 33 (or better) for 10k before I get to sub 34...

    TR - sounds like a great session

    tigerrunner - interested in your marathon PB at age 47. Can I ask roughly what age you started running? And/or how many years you were improving?

    Wardi - I've read about pollution in Kathmandu, the need for masks etc (which sounds like the sort of over-cautious advice I'm normally happy to ignore). Do you happen to know whether I really am likely to want a mask for running in Kathmandu?

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    RS78RS78 ✭✭✭

    Selbs - happy belated birthday

    Wardi - More consistent training from you, good to see. Prediction for Stoke away on Monday night and the land of the giants?

    FR - enjoy Nepal, my Stepdad just returned from his high passes trek, some amazing photos. Enjoy.

    Mr B - was looking into Bath as have friends there but think I'll look at something more local.

    Jools - hope the butt pain clears.

    Clearly - nice hill reps even if you didn't feel like you could nail them.

    TR - the looked like a hard session

    Brief check in - appt with fatigue specialist at the hospital & detailed blood tests show that I've had Epstein Barr virus a few years ago, namely glandular fever. So what I thought was swine flu in 2009 was probably glandular fever and would certainly explain the chronic fatigue/ME symptoms. Same condition buggered Roger Black years ago during training. She couldn't say for certain it was the cause but highly likely. Shame all those earlier blood tests at the other hospital never picked that up.

    Good to finally bring closure to it and my brief from the Doc was just to continue as I'm doing to build the fitness/immune system back gradually. Evereything else looks in working order thankfully, lol The marathon campaigns of 2010/11 probably stopped me from fully recovering to be honest, got the sub 3 anyway so wasn't a lost cause. Just studying this end with short runs up to 30 mins currently, nothing too exciting but enjoying getting out there again.

    Good luck to weekend racers. image

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Morning all.

    TR: speedwork with detailed splits, eh? How times change image Seriously, nice session. That would kill me, at any pace under 8m/m, I fear!

    RS: at least you've got a real diagnosis now. I would say take it easy, but obviously you're doing that already...

    Good luck Gobi. Hope that the body holds up.

    10M yesterday and then the joys (!) of a work charity ball. Heading off for 13M fairly soon and then off to Portsmouth. The miles I've done in the last few days mean I doubt I'll even be able to hit MP tomorrow. Still, that means the legs will recover much quicker image Praying for only light winds...
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    TRTR ✭✭✭

    RS - keep the short durations but keep the frequency up and it will harden your legs up ready for running longer later on.

    Jools - its a nice enough day here today. I didnt collect any HR date though, but was a bit strange cos on the odd occasion I do intervals I just do em for time eg 3 min reps, so doing soem proper distances was bizarre. Made a 14M run pass pretty quickly though !

    seeing as I did14 y'day and am only up to 15 as a long run on a Saturday, I swapped my long run for 50M on the bike today, felt pretty tired by the end, I'm only used to cycling for an hour at the mo.

    Gobi - how did it go ?

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    Dan ADan A ✭✭✭
    Good luck to GSR racers. Has Snowdon finished? Wasn't sure if it was today or tomorrow.

    Nice shoulder to shoulder race at at Richmond parkrun today for me. Managed to push on for a narrow win by 4 secs in 17:34. Thought about going out for an assault on Marders' course record, but decided to save that for another day.

    TR - that is some session.
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    Nice win Dan A.

    Something similar for me, first at Wanstead Flats parkrun in 17:31. I thought I'd leave GAWD's course record for the moment... My first parkrun for months and fastest miles since July.

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    FR I was 27 and playing a lot of football Saturday and Sundays. It was 1983 and for a bet I entered the Robin Hood Marathon with a mate. We trained for 2 months and ran the race. I came home in 3.29 and my mate 3.44.

    I was hooked. Never felt such euphoria and excitement in my life. Mind you the pain the next morning after the race was excruciating. I could not bend down to put my trousers on and had to ring in to work and have a holiday. Could hardly walk. The legs were wrecked and I had to pull out of the following weekends football matches. My manager was not to pleased.image

    In 1984 with some friends I formed Sinfin Running Club and have been with them ever since. My family came along and my running was curtailed a bit, so no more marathons but remained playing football as this was not so time consuming.

    As the kids got older I did a bit more running xc 10ks half but no marathons. Then in the late 90's I ran the London again a ran 2.50.

    2003 - 2.51 aged 47

    2004 - 2.47

    2006 - 2.49

    2007 - 2.51

    2009 - 2.58 hamstring problems started here!

    2010 - 3.03 hamstring still a problem!!

    Now training for 2012 and hoping to get some where near 2.50.

    So as you can see I pb'd at 48 this I but down to being able to train well due the kids now being a lot older and not needing dad to taxi them every where!!

    I but my achievements down to not training constantly through the year. I have never suffered any injuries until now. After each marathon I took a month off, ran easy through the summer and started running more as the xc season approached and after Christmas I would start marathon training  again for London.

    BTW... when I ran my pb in 2004 I bumped into  Marmite Master walking up shooters hill. Did not know it was him at the time. We got talking to one another as you do and it turned out we had been speaking to each other on the forum but had never met. It was a pure coincident meeting. MM kindly volunteered to pace me as I was hoping for 2.45 and MM had just ran under 2.40 I think at Berlin??

    We were running really well up to about 18/19 miles when MM said we had slipped off the pace and he was struggling. (sorry MM) So I kicked on and managed to come home in 2.47. I ran a negative split, this was the first time and last I have managed that feat. I had trained really well for this race since the Christmas. Got up to 3 weeks of near 80 miles and lots of long runs.

    I hope to repeat this training this time and see what happens!

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    Well done DanA and FR on your parkrun wins.

    Wonder how Gobi has got on. Can't wait to hear.

    Good luck all racers for tomorrow. 

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    GobiGobi ✭✭✭
    3.06.30 ish , solid really with no cramping and no drama .

    Too much trail and downhill so common sense. Will post splits and detailed comments later.

    I shall read back later.
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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭
    Sounds good, Gobi.
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    PadamsPadams ✭✭✭

    Well done Gobi, sounds like a satisfactory run considering.

    Nice win DanA, always fun properly racing someone side-by-side (particularly if you beat them!).

    Miles got a bit out of hand today. A friend had organised an orienteering event from their house for his wife's birthday. So I did our usual long run at 8am (17.5M), ran to the friends' house with the Mrs (4.5M), did the orienteering (ran about 7.5M in the hour including lots of stopping/walking to find things), then home again (short route so about 3.5M). So total of about 33M, with miles ranging from 6:11 (in the main long run) to 11mins (plodding back with the Mrs, although to be honest I didn't want to run any faster at that point anyway).

    Legs felt smashed after that, but a cold bath seemed to do the trick and the achilles held up OK.

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