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Crap at relationships



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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    Yeah, well, I haven't done it yet.  Still a long time to go and a lot of training to put in.

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    Aye but you're aiming for it which is cool.  Barring injury or whatever, no reason you won't get there based on current training and what not image

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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    I agree, if things continue as they are.  However I have the small issue of finding a job, (which will leave me less time), finding a house (which is unlikely to be near the sea) and finding the money (which depends on how long it takes to sort out the joint finances).

    But I am trying not to think about that too much as when I do it all becomes too overbearing.  Had a really bad week emotionally and a major wibble moment in the pub with Bear.  Bless him, he is being wonderful but I don't think he realised how close I was to losing it and creating a scene.  And I'm not just talking about crying a little.  I really don't know what I would do without him at the moment.  Friends are fantastic and I have some really good ones at the moment.

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    You're right - don't try to think of everything at once because it will be too overwhelming, and I think anyone would find it impossible to cope with that kind of pressure.  One thing at a time.  I'm glad Bear is around to help you, and you know we're all here if you want to talk or yell or cry or just vent.  Don't ever feel it is an imposition; that's what friends are for image Hugs to you anyway xxx


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    SuperCazSuperCaz ✭✭✭

    Been for a swim and I feel so much more positive now.  It was a gentle, social swim rather than a proper training session.  My mood and my confidence have both been given a huge lift.

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    This makes me happy Caz! Hope you are ok!

    Is it wrong to be grinning after an amazing kiss?

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    image No, who have you been kissing?! image

    Ah good stuff Cas, glad to hear it image  i'm off to the gym now for my own endorphin fix.  Later peeps image

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    Mima - i want to know who you've been kissing too (until then i'm off to read back) image

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    I'd say it's wrong not to Mimaduck!

    Caz - I think I warned you the other week that having space will give you time to let the crap out.  It hurts like hell but it is part of the process.  Glad that Bear and others are about to help you.  It will get better me dear - promise.

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    When C and I first split up last year, I signed up to match, went on a date with an amazing girl (L) who is stationed here with the US Navy. We had one date but no more and it just turned into a really lovely friendship. C and I got back together, the friendship remained with L. And then obviously, C and I ended (it has been over for a while) and last night was L's birthday so I went out to meet her and her friends for a drink.

    She kissed me and we both looked a bit bemused - she had thought I wasn't interested, I thought she wasn't...etc. There was lots of kissing...made me realise how starved of physical contact I have been when I was "with" C. Nothing else happened, and we are seeing a film tonight with a friend of hers. But I am a very happy, if not slightly hungover Duck today.

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    Now that sounds lovely and very exciting! 

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    It was lovely, completely. The only crap bit is she is going back to the States in 6 months or so...we just have to make the most of it.

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    Read back....

    SC - thats one heck of a long day swimming, even with breaks. Wish you lots and lots of luck for it (and calm waters, and no wind). Its been windy here today, its the first time i've seen so many wind-surfers out.

    Lee - i go home tomorrow. If you need a guinea-pig for your back massage lessons in July then just let me know. Glad to hear you're enjoying the studying anyway.

    Oooh Mima, that sounds like a lovely night last night. I am so happy that you are happy. So, in answer to your original question - it is sooooo not wrong to be grinning after an amazing kiss........image (i like amazing kisses myself, but i'm saying no more image, cos a)i will make everyone nauseated, and b)i will embarrass BDB, who is studying very hard in India...) image



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    Heehee SP!! Kissing is highly underrated I think! and ahhhhhhhh! bless the pair of you...image

    ok...excessive grinning has commenced!

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    Just enjoy the present Mima and don't think of six months away....image

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    As long as you are excessively grinning on your own, and not in a public place (in which case you're going to get funny looks).....its like thinking of soething funny when you're stopped in traffic and laughing, then catching on the person in the next car is just staring at you (and noooo, that has never happened to me before image).

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    Good luck for the swim SC .... that's an inccredibly long way ...  couldn't run that far!

    Nice weight loss there Nam image

    Mwah for the snogs Mima image

    Bucket of water for SP & BDB image though I think an ocean or 2 might suffice!

    Rest of the bucket for Lee the letchy leg rubber image

    I'm on holiday until July ... wheeee ... heading off on my big boat on Monday ... whooooppeeeee .... lot to do before then as nowhere near organised or packed ... boooooo.  That's what tomorows are for!

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    **looks around suspiciously to see who threw the water** image

    Morning all,

    Last day here. Have the dreaded packing up to do shortly.

    Just wanted to do a quick post to wish SC lots of luck for her swimming today - i'll wave my pom-poms out the window of the plane as i fly over the South Coast later (thats if they let me take them on as hand-luggage).


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    I fear I may have peaked too soon. Things were very different last night...I fear it may have been alcohol induced bravery on her part. I'm seeing her this week when I know if I'm made redundant or not so we'll see how things are when it's just the two of us and no one else around.

    What it has made me realise is I really am starved of physical interaction...and have been for a rather long time. How did I let things get this bad??????!

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    It happens Mima, but it makes things more special when you do have the attention.

    And don't get all defeatist on us - she may be thinking the same as you.  Be grown up and talk about it when you meet up in the week.


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    Yes boss image we'll talk I promise. Updates to follow after tuesday, or possibly wednesday, all depends when I get the call from work telling me the outcome...although I sort of have a sneaky suspicion that I won't be going back to work there.

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    Hope it works out for you Mima.

    I have packed.  Everything I want to be in the suitcase is.  I have no idea if I can still pick it up or how much it weighs.  Started gathering all the stuff together for my hand luggage.  Tomorrow all I need to do is tidy up and have a bit of a clean round so I don't have a mucky house to come home to.

    I had a manicure today so have very shiney dark red fingernails which is something I can't have when I am working image

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    You have a packed case the night before you go away, and daylight hours tomorrow? 

    *Brain goes all wobbly*

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    Its quite unlike me. I am worried I have been kidnapped by aliens and replaced by somebody who is organised. People are startingbto be suspicious .....

    Shouldnt you be studying or sleeping?
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    Saturday night.  I'll be hitting the books and mock tests tomorrow.  I feel a bit better about the exam after I realised that I had downloaded an exam that was mis-labelled so had the wrong questions.  Found the right one and I'm doing ok.  A day revising and I should be good *crosses fingers*

    I'm about to turn in (it's 3;30 here).  If I don't catch you before, have a wonderful holiday.  I may not be there, but I want a postcard image  *mwah*

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    Oh thanks for the reminder, I need to make a list of postcard addresses. If you PM or FB me your Indian one we can be incredibly international!

    I have a lazy day ahead as S doesnt get here until early evening. Couple of things to pick up but tis mostly done.

    Good thing you notice the exam error or you might have been a panicy! I am sure you will do great.

    Time to get up and retrieve breakfast I think.
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    Ooo - that would be very international.  I think I'd prefer it at home though to go with TP travels collection on my fridge.  Unless Caz has pawned that to feed her swimming cossie addictionimage

    Talking of which, any news from Caz?

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    Bear posted that she had completed the day but no more apart from that. I hear you are allowing her to touch your dishwasher. I cannot tell you how much that hurts ....image
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