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    morning all,

    enjoy the sunshine whilst its here! mind you, i love running after the rain, the fresh smell is invigorating!

    good luck on recouperation/recovery glennith, dee mead and madwelshwoman, i may try a trot tomorrow if heel feels ok - sooo frustrating!


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    10K race yesterday turned into 5K image conditions appalling, got covered in mud and cow sh*t image so made decision on first loop to only do 5 image as did many others.

    Arthritis has been jumping around my body and affecting my knees which is depressing me a tad image have race 7 EMGP series 10K tomorrow night, hoping I am upto it image

    My monthly run mileage is not good this month, but I did have a spa day on friday with mum and did some swimming image

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    Sounds awful conditions Booey think I would of stopped too.

    Back on the shred later today, another good run this morning just did 3 sets of 5 minutes running felt very good, so going for 2 sets of 8 minutes on Wednesday then all being good a 20 minute run on Friday
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    Evening folks. I'm sorry I've not been around much but life has a way of doing that to me at the moment. Anyway...

    Welcome Glennith. How did yesterday's run go? I turned my ankle over the oethr week - messing around but was fine to run the next day. I'm sure my running has strengthen my ankles but do take it easy and build slowly.

    Dee-well done on the run and shredding you'll be passing me soon I'm sure.

    Booey-sounds horrendous and sounds like the best decision was to stop. Good luck with tomorrow.

    Mad-sorry to hear you've had a bad week. Mine was not too good but pales into insignificance. I hope your family troubles are eased soon.

    I'm having to alter my training plan. I'm sure it was written for somebody much faster than me. I'm coping with the miles it's just the lack of time to do other stuff that is getting to me - so I'm changing it. I still have 11 weeks to go to the big day and as long as my training is consistent I'm sure I will be fine.

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    Thanks mykey, but, I very much doubt it you sound super fit to me image

    Hi Glennith hope you recover well and like Mykey says slowly is the key, I've taken 4/5 weeks to build up to 5 mins of running

    Off to the gym in a bit for the dreaded rower session, got to cut the recovery time to 40 seconds this week
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    Hi Mykey and Dee Mead,

    I have been walking alternating 1.5 miles and 3 miles for a week or two now adding in some hill work. I have slowly been running and walking 1.5 miles for the past week. And yes, I got carried away Sunday...... Did a loop Glen Dog and I love and it was a glorious evening, a joy to be out but forgot it is nearly 4.75 miles. I did more walk than run but still am suffering from stiff and swollen ankle. Totally my fault! I am going to do a walk this evening over the moors - but no running tonight. Honest.





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    Sarah-Did you run today?

    Dee-how did the rowing go?

    Glennith-naughty! naughty! imageimage We've all been there and kicked ourselves afterwards. A colleague of mine came for a run with me. She has run regularly but not for a bit. I went at her pace and suggested she cut it short but decided to do a bit more. We split up and she got lost and ended up doing about 7 miles for her first run in 4 months...she is now not running at all but seeing a physio to sort out her knee problem. All from one run. Do some gentle stretching when you get back. I'm sure you have been given exercises to strengthen your ankles - are you still doing them? I still stand on one leg ata time while cleaning my teeth...

    Tonight I did some bodyweight exercises and 20 mins of yoga. Feeling good image

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    hi mykey,

    yes! i did a session from my couch to 5k programme.

    it went ok, but foot still not pain-free - but i RAN! Yippee!

    (not what many folk would call a RUN you understand, but for me - great!)

    AND i was home by 8am - howzat!

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    Morning Mykey - I know! Yes, I do my exercises every day, it's second nature now. To put things in perspective, my consultant is not sure that my ankle is going to get any better - more ops on the horizon and it is already arthritic. However, he says I can't really do any more damage if I run steadily and for my own mental well being, he has agreed to let me have a go. So last night a 3 mile walk on a track into the hills in the mist. wonderful! I am lucky as I live on the edge of the Northumberland National Park - and it's very hard NOT to go out!

    I do believe that we are born to run, or at least be active, so I will try to not be TMTS and see how it goes.

    Sarah Rowe 4 - Hi - what's a 5k from the couch??

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    Hi all

    Mykey - rower is going well though it's getting harder now the recovery time is coming down really noticed the difference. But it's having a great effect on the running have much more stamina.

    Sarah - that sounds great, just remember build up slowly however frustrating it seems

    Glennith - sounds tough really feel for you, and sort of know how you feel.

    Got fed up after only 7 days at level 1 on the shred, so went for level 2 yesterday. Surprisingly I don't ache this morning and managed my runs. Though level 2 is harder and I got kinda warm doing it image
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    booktrunkbooktrunk ✭✭✭

    I'm thinking of doing the shred.  Does it actually work do you think?



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    6.25 miles done last night image

    Well done everyone on your running and exercise sounds like your all going well image

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    Evening folks.

    Well don on the run Booey.

    Welcome Booktrunk. I did The Shred earlier this year I dind't do full 30 days all at once but did it on the days I wasn't running. I quite enjoyed the variation from just and it certainly made a difference to some of the wobbly bits of my running. I stopped as I started preparing for a big race in the autumn so running became a larger bit of my week but once that is out of the way I'll do it, or something simillar again. I'm a big fan of cross training and not just relying on running to get you fit.

    Dee-well done on the shredding and rowing. Wait 'til you have agod at Lvl 3...

    Glennith-lucky you. I get a bit of variety. City running during the week and the countryside on weekends. Hvae you read "Born to Run" by Chris McDougall. Well worth picking up if you get a chance has a good explanation of the Running Man theory of evolution.

    Sarah-well done on the run.

    Tonights run was fab. I'm not sure why but I won't over analyse it and just go with the flow. Finished up with a bit of barefoot which is always a bit of fun if only for the look on folks faces as I go waddling past...

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    Running school going well; general running is now pants as I am unlearning my rubbish technique and learning new. Head, bum and legs don't know what the hell they are doing. I can sprint beatuifully using proper technique but give me any distance and ask me to slow down and I go to pieces. A 10K on sunday was the worst I have ever run (and I was trying for a peebee) I just blew up at 6k. Although i am getting the training miles in (30-35 every week) they are not quality miles so I either pull out of marathon now or get my backside in gear, tell girlie friends that they are too slow and I need to use my time more efficiently and turn two of my 5 mile/ 1 hour chatty runs followed by coffee into 2 x 8 mile tempo runs. Running school instructor also wants to kill me. He is suggesting I set the treadmill to 16kph, (that's a 6 minute per mile pace in old money - to me that is faster than flying) run like fury with great technique for 20 secs, jump off for 10 secs of rest then repeat 6 times. He wants me to do this every day for the next week as soon as I get up. It'll only take 10 min a day including a 5 minute jog to warm up. Apparently I will see results very quickly. I might not be able to walk but I'll see results! So, the plan is to get my bum in gear during July, run the Sturminster Newton Half marathon at the end of the month and make a decision then about the NF marathon.  It's all a bit pants!

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    evening twiglet_legs,  sturminster newton - close to my old stomping ground!

    mykey and dee mead, thanks, it was good to get out there. will try again on friday.

    mykey - completely barefoot or with those groovy feet things??? (technical term there, did you notice? lol)

    glennith - the beginners running programme i use was done thru NHS and can be downloaded as podcasts. its called 'couch to 5k' and is a 9 week programme with 3 sessions a week, taking a complete 'couch potato' who doesnt run to being able to run 30 mins straight (which, depending on speed could be the 5k target).

    i've completed it once and cannot recommend it highly enough, and am doing it again now, once back on my feet properly.

    if you go to website NHS choices you'll find a link.

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    Sarah-Well done. I was completely "naked" and not with Vibram Five fingers. Concrete paving slabs or the smooth tarmac on cycle paths is best. Gravel and the nobbly bits for the partially sighted around pedestrain crossings are a nightmareimage

    TL-It's not all about pace. Can you add a few miles on either side of the 5 milers and treat the others as recovery runs? I realy do recommend reading Pfitzinger and Douglas to give you some ideas about traing for the marafun.

    Bed nowimage

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    oh ouch! those knobbles are bad enough in shoes! i do like the idea of running barefoot, but then i start to think about all the cons - dog poo, glass, etc etc!

    and on that note, g'night

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    Sarah-you learen to look where you are going...very, very carefully.

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    Morning Mykey,

    Thanks for the advice. Finding time to read as well as fitting everything else in is a big ask but I'll do my best. I wonder if it comes as a talking book so I can listen to it as I run? That would be rather surreal I think.

    Did the treadmill thingy at 6:30 and nearly died and then when I had recovered and could actually breath again and ask bloke where he had put my ipod I went out for a run. No distance in mind but  am Just back from a 6.2 miler (a 10k) and all I can say is that it was better than Sunday if a tad muggy and midgy.

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    3.4 miles done last night in very muggy weather, wow it was warm image

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    Booey-well done on the run in these conditions. I did say we'd be looking forward to winter..or at least autumn...

    TL-well done on your run.

    20 mins of yoga tonight. Didn't do the bodyweight stuff...I am still a bit achy from Tuesday.

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    Love yoga Mykey. Warrior 2 sorts the men out from the girlies and  a session of standing strength really helps focus the mind. I am often to be found at lunchtimes on one leg but hip openers have me yelping like a kicked spaniel. Have you ever tried the bird pose? Have a crash helmet at the ready the first time.

    Well done.

    Latest batch of mozzy bites are looking rather "hilly". More of the same tomorrow then off to meet Rolf Harris on Saturday.

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    twiglet_legs, there's no answer to that (off to meet rolf harris on saturday) !image

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    booktrunkbooktrunk ✭✭✭
    Bites!!! Ouch. My arms are covered in them, I gave up counting when I reached a dozen on my first arm.
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    Used to love running barefooted on the athletics track, but always got really told off by my coach. It's such a nice feeling - running barefooted that is not being told off image
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    Use deet before going out mossies hate the the stuff.

    Off out for a gods tester on the achillesin a bit going to try a straight 20 minute run to see how it holds up, let you know later
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    That should read good tester lol

    Run managed - did just over 1.7 miles with no pain!! image I now know I can step it up about more, I'm one happy bunny now
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    Hoorah for Dee and Deet.

    Well done on your run. The hillocks are a tad itchy today image. I managed 7.6 this morning against the wind and the rain. Here's one for the mathematicians: I am running at about 6.5 miles per hour and the wind is hitting me at 40mph.

    1) how fast am I actually going (I did think I was going backwards at one point so must have covered the same piece of ground at least 3 times - forward, back, forward),

    2) how far did I actually travel in an hour and 11 minutes and;

    3) do I get a prize for getting back in one piece?

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    Dunno about the first two but the 3rds a yes !
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    TL-1. Your ground speed was 6.5 miles an hour.

    2. 7.6 miles

    However, you were having to work harder to overcome the additional drag (or air resistance) which is relative to the square of the velocity of the air you were moving through. So if everything else remained the same roughly 50 times harder than if you were running at the saem pace in still air...I think.image

    3. Yes

    Another good run this morning which means tomorrows might not go quite as well.

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