
IM 16 - 17 hours club



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    +1 for January going in Room 101!
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    If anybody is worried and is starting to panic at such an early point in the year with so long to go... it may always be worth looking over last year's training thread if you have to and see how other people (like myself) were in exactly the same boat last January... yet by late spring / summer people were saying they were flying along as the Z2 stuff really does work!!
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    There's a lot of thinking time available during long sessions, especially solo ones, and it's very easy to spend most of a long ride convincing yourself that you'll never make 112 miles in x hours, whetever your target is.  If you find yourself getting bogged down by perceived lack of speed, HR or whatever, try going out without the bike computer/garmin/HRM etc once in a while.  As long as you get back out out of breath you can tell yourself you've had a good session without any numbers to tell you otherwise.
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    Wow - so much help and encouragement!  Thanks image

    MovingAlong wrote (see)

    I'm not training to be in the 16-17 hour time slot, but might end up there on the day. The comments about not focusing and training to avoid cut-offs were fantastic from people.

    Exactly MovingAlong - I'm not actually training for that time slot specifically but my maths work out that that's where I'm likely to end up. I'm training to the pace that my heart rate dictates and just seeing what happens. I suppose I could have called this the just get round team which might have been less confusing. But if I finish in 16:59:59 I'll stilll be happy, although in my mind I've sort of got a 16 hour goal with an hour left for contingencies.

    MovingAlong wrote (see)

    group ride? Might be nice to actually meet some people from the forum! image

    It was near Mychett - or sometimes we go to Box Hill.  If you are in this sort of area we can fix something up I'm sure. 

    <cackles about fresh meat for Dustboy> image

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    Thanks everyone for giving their words of wisdom. I am going to consistently do some training.

    I am guilty of falling into the trap of thinking my averages are slow, but if it is overall average it will be slower than the moving average. I know that I do 10mph cycling but moving speed is more like 12-13mph. I have the same problems as others I slow to a crawl at a hill.

    Yes I am up for a bike ride, not too big as I am doing sprint tri and not doing the bike leg for IM. Dustboys Mytchett or Soupy's Box Hill will be fine. I do a 20 mile loop round Ockham sometimes(OK very seldom).

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    helloooo people...i like this thread...soz i missed the early pages.....i did IMUK in 16.08 (second attempt) so i'm kind of at home in this company i think and i'd like to join in please.

    seems loads are giving advice and i may be repeating some things here but there are 3 keys to your Ironman success (just finishing was my IM success)from someone who has both dnf's and finished.

    1,consistency is the key...better to get out for 30 minutes every night if your pushed for time than go 2 weeks between 3 hour rides

    2,It is all about the bike.....drop a run session and do 70-80% of your training on the bike...that's how much of the 140 miles it is...that how much training it should be...BIKE BIKE BIKE some more then ride your BIKE

    3,Nutrition....find what you like that doesn't upset you....then be self sufficient...if you only use what's at at the aid stations you run the risk of the tank running empty in the 15 miles between them....if you have all your gels on you (i put mine in a bottle topped up with a little water) you can keep the tank topped up and avoid a bonk (that's difficult to come back from)...always at 70% full...don't worry...it will get low later i promise you.

    1 more tip....enjoy this....its an epic journey and the greatest achievement...it rocks
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    Well in a fit of renewed enthusiasm  I've done 45 mins on the turbo then set off for a 15min run/brick as per Fink.  I normally count the minutes off on those 15 minutes, I find it hell.  But today I set off slow and relaxed and ended up running 3.5 miles!  A very, very slow 3.5 miles with walking breaks to keep my heart rate down but it actually felt okay and even enjoyable. image 

    We can do this. image

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    3.5 miles in 15 minutes???
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    AndyB99 wrote (see)
    3.5 miles in 15 minutes???
    hahahha - I wish.  49 minutes to be precise. About 14 min/miles.  I would normally do this image or image at a run that pace but I'm actually doing this - image
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    Sounds like a good session Soup.

    I probably shouldn't even be posting on here but just thought I'd say I was worried about my cycling last year but in the same way my running improved when I ran to HR, the cycling did the same with the advantage I never felt overtrained at all. Oh and make use of the drop back weeks too. They are worth it image

    ETA And at the risk of stating the obvious, remember if you focus on your effort you can achieve what you want. The timing is more out of your control, esp at this early stage of the game. 

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    I'm not really sure at this stage what I'm planning.  At the moment with my previous sucsess rate last year being able to stand on the start line will be a bonus for me.  As for the time, I really haven't even thought about it at the moment.  All I'm doing is the training and the time on the day will take care of it's self.

    I would say from experience that I'm about the same speed as Soupy.  At the moment I run 3 times a week, 1 intervals, 1 Long HRT run and 1 build session.  Bike 3 times a week, 1 cadence on the turbo, 1 shortish HRT ride and a long one at the weekend.  Next is the swimming and the target is 2 sessions a week.

    And just for fun I also need to do balance and stability work every day.  I've been reminded today that a marathon is 42,000 one leg balances - Glutes, glutes your are my friend.....

     All I can say is there are so many things to work on.....all I try to do is some thing every day and keep getting out.  Some days are good and you feel on top of the world, and others (my run on Monday) make you want to cry.  But jsut keep going, don't worry to much and do the best you can today, tomorrow and the next.  Let the race take care of it's self for now.

    Also, remember if it's fun it's easier to keep going, make it too hard and the training become a chore.

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    LN - anyone can post on here.  We even let coach Barlos in! image

    Yeh, I've jiggled the drop down weeks to coincide with a few planned days away so I can spend a bit of quality time with Mr SD without fretting too much.  So long as I can still swim a bit, do a run and perhaps find a gym bike.

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    Hi all,

    Swam last night with tri club and the swim coach pointed out the weakest part of my stroke for me to work on. Now I know whats wrong, just have to keep focusing on correcting it! image

    Soup - Surrey isn't a million miles away so I'd be up for a group ride at some point. Any idea when you guys might venture out again?

    Other than that, this weekend looks like bike, bike and more bike.
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    Hi Guys, some very wise words on here - I totally agree with AndyB99. I would also say that it is okay to jiggle the plan around a bit - I don't think I've yet to complete a training plan when I did the exact right thing on the prescribed day.

    And what KK says about the plateau at swimming I think applies to all sports, not just ours. So bear that in mind.

    Taking the relaxed attitude as you did last night just proves the point, I think, Soupy - the mindset is one of the most important things to get right.

    And yes - get your nutrition sorted out now - it can make or break you.

    I'll just leave you with a bit of advice that, no actually, two pieces of advice that very dear friends, both Ironmen, gave me before my first one.

    Remember, we do this for fun. If it mostly isn't fun, do something else.

    One the bike, there will be a point, usually about 80 miles or so, when you totally lose the will to live, become convinced you can't do it and give up mentally. Keep pedalling; that feeling will pass. Recognise it as "oh yeah. Min said this would happen.. pedal pedal pedal" If it weren't for that nugget, I would have gotten off my bike at that point.

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    And eat something extra at that point as well - amazing how much a bit of gel / bar can pick up your mood too!

    And the fun thing is so important - just keep telling yourself it's a lovely way to spend a day, and at some point you'll believe it! My proudest achievement was winning smiliest pirate on my first IM, as it summed up achieving what I'd set out to do - finish, and finish having enjoyed it, even the low patches, which are less fun, but are all part of the day!

    Oh, and I don't tend to post on the training threads either - I'm doing a lot less than many people, but am being more consistent than I have in the past, and just managing to be pleased with that. If I compared it to others I'd just be feeling disappointed all the time!

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    Just to echo it can go a bit Pete Tong, spent the last few days battling some gut rot and done zero training.

    On the plus side, I have lost half a stone and in freefall. Don't think I could run 5K at the moment! 

    Be interesting to see how things go when I return to training next week (hopefully). Especially the improved power to weight ratio...  

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    Gold nugget advice here.  <instills "Min said to keep pedalling and smile" into brain> image

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    Hi Soupy

    Just seen this thread tonight and read it through from the start.  Great advice from them lovely Pirates as usual.  I'm sure a bit of doubt from time to time is natural.....for me it is anyway but I am just trying to focus on that training malarkey.  The tri club are great for the biking advice and I am using it to my advantage and going out a fair bit with them.  Trying to love the hills and not detest them.  They have offered to coach me (for a price of course) but after thinking on and thinking on, I have decided that I don't want the pressure of a coach. I will be using and abusing my Pirate mentor though.....much to his delight. image I am focusing on the fact I am doing this cos I love it. image  Really hoping to get along to a Pirate ride soon.....always good fun. image

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    Hi saffers - yeh, I know I said more lone biking but got to keep some fun in it and there's nothing more fun than a Pirate ride.  And looks like we've got a couple of new recruits too.

    Another breakthrough today.  Spent 2 hours going round and round a 1 mile cycle track (boring but less boring than a turbo) and by the end I managed a wheeeeeeeeee on the tri bars.  Thats wheeeeee as in a sound effect and not what people do in wet suits. image 

    So come on, lets share our success stories.  image

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    This is the circuit - I even managed a whole few laps including that tight slightly downhill loop/bend on the tribars.  I'm lucky to have access to it close to home I think.


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    That looks like Hillingdon? Great track. I use Blackbushe generally.

    Let me know and I'll join you dear? I work a few miles away.

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    Successes from this week:

    • Full training schedule done
    • Found some tri-bars (will be buying tomorrow)
    • Worked out another significant improvement to swimming to implement

    Also looks like I'll be commuting a couple of days next week - doing a part-time Masters and lectures seem to start at 10am on a Tues & Thurs so will be able to cycle in (20 miles eek!) and then grab a lift home. Adding purchasing of decent lights to the tri-bars shopping list tomorrow.

    Anyway, off to bed - brick session tomorrow morning.

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    what tri bars are you going for moving?
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    DB - yes it is Hillingdon.  I go on Friday afternoons though, not the evening session cos they are all too fast for me. I tried it last year and couldn't keep up with the chain gang at all,  It would be a great session for you though and they turbo in the club house in winter. 

    All sounds good Moving.  Good luck with the tri bars.


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    *adopts headmistress tone*

    I want you all to come in here once a week and post a positive from your training.  Posting two positives will earn you a gold star image


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    feeling a bit better after the rest and got a 55mile bike in. Hope to run tommorrow.

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    Another year, another crop of wibbling newbies. Anyone would think this was a knitting club.

    There's enough sage and sensible advice already been given to save me having to share my ignorance, but I'm sure come the day most of you will be tired and ecstatic Ironlaws/Outmans if you knuckle down and do what's needed in the mean time.

    Remember, it's supposed to be fun, and most people on the planet can't/won't get to an IM starting line so even getting that far puts you in a fairly elite category.
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    Hi Kanga - good to hear from you. And I've certainly come a long way from that first trip round Richmond Park!  I'm sure I'll get round. I'm sure we all will if we follow the plan. But it won't be fast! 13.45min/miles on my 2 hour run today.  Well its an improvement on 14min/miles. image

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