
PROVISIONAL Helphire Bath Half-Marathon



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    I'd happily pay to have a shower. I just want to get over the finish line, straight to a shower and into a pub in the lowest number of steps as possible!
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    Does anyone know the name of the fitness centre then? I could check to see if it will be open.
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    Hilly-I got my race pack on wednesday so yours should be here soon i would of thought.My number is 7515,hope im not that far down the field.

    Wrinty-Gutted for you at the moment mate,was really hoping to give you a better race this time after those last two hammerings you gave me.
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    Hi folks.

    If you arrive on time (an hour before the gun) then the parking is fine in Charlotte Street 1200 places. That's my plan again.

    I used the park/ride 2 years ago and it was OK, with frequent buses.

    My number this year is 2107.

    Pre-race, should we aim to meet at the information tent?
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    I guess I should get my number this week then LLL.

    How far is Charlotte St from the start blisters?
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    Hilly, it's only a 5 to 10 minute walk, and there are lots of runners making their way, so you won't get very lost!
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    Is Charlott street the big Car Park next to Victoria Park with an Entrance round the back?
    Hiya Mate your training going ok?
    I do feel for you buddy, Hope you can see an end to this soon
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    WrintyWrinty ✭✭✭
    Thanks Stace, I am booked in for more treatment tomorrow and really need to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
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    Three weeks to go guys!

    Been out for another long run today and seems to be getting earier. Got a couple of blisters though.
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    My ears get cold in this weather too. Perhaps they are my ears that you've got after all?

    I'm starting to look forward to this one now. I'm almost ready.
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    Car parks - you're right, Charlotte Street is only 10 minutes or so from the start - but it's very uphill on the way back to the car. Possibly closer (and definitely flatter) is Avon St - you shouldn't have any trouble getting a space before the race, though it will prove expensive. Park & Ride buses put you into the middle of town, short walk to start. If you get there really early, closest car park is at Bath Cricket ground - opposite leisure centre.
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    Sorry that should have been easier!!

    Think we are going to do the park and ride.
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    Regarding parking :

    This is the first year of the event we've had the Park & Ride services open, so please use them ! Buses run every 15 mins to and from the city centre for £1.60 adult return (approx 10 mins journey time). The Newbridge site on the A4 is designated for competitor & spectator parking, and will be open from 8.15-10.15am and 1.30-5.30pm.

    With the 30% increase in entry numbers this year city centre parking is likely to be much busier this year, so please leave plenty of time.
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    Hiya folks,

    Does anyone know if there are any pacing groups at this race?

    I'm doing FLM and throughout my training this race has been the marker set for me to test myself pre london.

    I've been doing a training programme which is very different from the one i did last year but it has all gone to plan and i should be on line to come in at 1.50.

    This will be a pb for me and i'm sure i'll be dragging myself over the finishing line. I think pacers would do me good.
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    Is the Park and Ride at the University also operating, does anyone know?
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    Does anyone know if there any showers near the finish that we can use after the race?
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    Your Famous!
    Page 101 in the latest RW (April '05)
    Woo Hoo!
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    I also ran the Glos 10, and if you look in the same RW mag page 108 I'm there on the left, number 483 all in black. I think Nike should pay me for all the advertising I did for them in that event! Oh and if anyone is thinking of running a 30 mile race, they hurt!
    Way hey!
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    Stace-Wey hey thats me,training is steady but nothing great at the moment.To be honest ive lost abit of motivation lately.Maybe its the cold nights,the extra hours at work,the boozy benders i sometimes go on or maybe i just cant be bothered any more im not sure.

    Which way now-Great picture of you.That looks like Simon Hill in the blue vest and is that Zoe Tucker next to him.I heard Bitton had a few in the field.Are you a Bitton Rd runner?
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    The Newbridge, Lansdown & Odd Down Park & Rides are open, but not the University.

    No Runners World Pacing Groups I'm afraid, send the editor rude emails - it may change his mind for 2006!!!

    Sorry we can't provide showers either. The ones we used to use in the Sports Centre no longer exist - they were demolished when they extended their fitness suite. The Rugby club only have a few (they prefer plunge baths!!) & don't like us using them. The local hotels are far too posh!! We're trying to source something - watch this space
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    I'm a Glos runner but was new to the club in that pic so I didn't have a club top on. Not sure who the rest are in the pic but that was the leading group.
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    Leading Group???
    What more motivation do you need?
    ...Oh yes and there is A pint of Guiness at the end for you getting Warm.

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    Come on LLL

    Get yer @ss outta that door! Otherwise this balding 43 year old is going to take you down again at the Bath Half.

    Now then, if LLL is in the photo, where am I? The Glos 10m also featured in "The Other Mag" under the heading of the Tewkesbury AC. Didn't see LLL or myself (Severn AC vest over a yellow long sleeved top - nice eh?). In fact that's me at Glos 10 totally decked in this piccy ------------------>
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    HillyHilly ✭✭✭
    Still haven't received my number. Anyone else waiting?
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    Had mine a while ago now Hilly - I'd give them a ring if I was you and get another one mailed out.
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    hey gang...
    Ran last night, Bl**dy freezin'! 9 miler steady taking in some drag hills. 75:16.
    Felt ok but my Right Knee joint painfull for a bit then went away. A tad sore today.
    I think it's my I.T.B. Any Confirmation?

    Also I'm now in a Stress as my 10 year old daughter has got to the Gloucester swimming Championship Finals on the same day as this event!!! would'nt be so bad but she has qualified as 7th fastest entrant...

    Do you think I have physco symatic pain so that I have to pull out of the race and watch my daughter race?
    !!!!!!!!!!!!! helllllllllppppppppp !!!!!!!!!
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    WrintyWrinty ✭✭✭
    My toe does not appear to be responding to treatment and after three weeks off of my feet is still painful to walk on. Which I am afraid to say means that it now looks highly unlikely that I will be lining up in Great Pultney Street in just over two weeks time.

    Still it is giving me an opportunity to concentrate on organising the "Shaw&Whitley Stampede" to be held on Saturday 14th May over one of my six mile multi-terrain training routes around the village. More details and of course online entry can be found here.
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    what diagnosis/traetment are you having?
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    WrintyWrinty ✭✭✭
    Well the problem seems to have stemmed from the el-cheapo shoes that I bought in a rush at the beginning of February and my problems started a couple of weeks later. I have been having treatment at the Barnes Sports Injury clinic in Bathampton, where they have frozen, electrified, massaged and ultrasounded my foot. After each session I cannot feel a thing in my foot, but then the pain returns a few hours later.

    My toe is now in a splint and in addition to the treatment I have just forked out £45 on a pair of M&S Airware shoes and consigned the el-cheapo ones to the bin.
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    Wrinty-I feel for you buddy but there will be more half marathons.Are you entering Bristol this year?

    Stace-9 miles in 75 mins,thats good going.

    Rogerdodge-Good luck at Reading,hope the run with that fit chick from the gym went well.You dirty little rascal you.
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