
Shades Marathon Training



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    Welcome home Elspeth, we missed you, hope you enjoyed your holiday

    I DNS'd Hull as I had inflamed tendons on my foot, not enough to stop me training but bad enough to realise that I was risking long term injury by trying a 24 hour track race.

    LB - if your achilles are sore when you get up in the morning then I would say that you do have an achilles problem.   Probably wise to try and get it sorted, if only by rest and stretching for a few days as if they develop into a full blown injury achilles are very slow to heal.

    Good news on the eye test.

    I'm home from work early as I'm off to referee a race, hopefully I will just stand around doing not much and won't have to get involved in any disputes.

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    VR and Bridget - don't forget to take a plastic pocket/sleeve for your race narrative instructions in case it's raining.   I'm assuming it's still narrative instructions to find your way around the course.

    When I did FV we had just started and I started reading the instructions and my friend said 'don't worry about them I know the way'  and we got lost in the first couple of miles, had to climb through a hedge to get back onto the right route and we got covered in burrs!

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    LB - hope your guests behave themselves.  Have a stigma thing in one of my eyes too.  image

    LMH - thank you.  image

    Shades - glad to hear it's not an achilles injury.  Have a lovely rest day and enjoy race refereeing tonight.  image

    Elspeth - lovely to hear from you - welcome back!!!  image

    Mr Bump - love your knowledge of Tour de France - those riders are amazing athletes.  image

    Well, we finished school at 1.30 pm and it was quite an emotional leavers' service.  It's all those cameo shots of Year 7 when they were munchkins in Yr 4 and what they've been up to recently with accompanying music like The Ting Tings "Shuttup and let me go" and then diversely to Michael Jackson's "She's out of my life" that really chokes you.  Notwithstanding that each year group is very quietly departing while Year 7 have got their backs to them watching the big screen and when it ends it's year 7 with their parents and a lot of emotions and floods of tears.  Got me too probably because I've worked with them and some of them are really sweet and shall miss them very much.   image

    Very unhealthy day today, am going out tonight instead of running.  image  Rebel or what?!?!  Rest day me thinks.  image

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    Flossie - Youngest had her last day today at Primary. Although most of year 6 are ready to leave a small village primary it was sad to say goodbye. They have done 3 different performances this week and today was emotional. One mum was crying all the way through. None of the teacers were though, probably glad the term has finished and I dont blame them. 

    Shades - I think it's a map they give us for FV. it's going to be fun image
    I might pop down tonight, I need to give you something. 

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    Flossie - I tgink we're all allowed a day off now and again image

    Elspeth - lovely to have you back. You'll probably be stronger for the rest.

    Shades - hope you don't get too cold and wet tonight.

    VR/SB - hope the weather is better for Sunday. Is it a LDWA event?

    LB - If you don't need glasses to be legal to drive can't see why you would wear them.

    10k 'race' for me this evening. Can't say I'm looking forward to it but as I haven't yet trained today cos of it there's no chance of wimping out - even though the weather is yuck and the course a slow one.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Good luck for your 10k, treat it as a tempo even if it is a slow courseimage
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    VR - some teachers are quite tough, but some just hold it together until they're gone.  However, we're all a bit tired as the school year can be a bit full on at times.  Hope littl'un enjoys next school.  Enjoy watching race tonight.  image

    LMH - enjoy 10k tonight.  image

    Off out to shops for a while.  Might not be back on tonight.  So, if you are racing this weekend and travelling tonight - lots of best wishes.   image

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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Shades - I find that a good dispute often brightens up a dull hockey game! 

    Little MIss - Hope it goes well tonight.

    Flossie - Talk about the school ramping up the emotion!

    Liverbird - hope the cyst sorts itself out soon.  I wouldn't worry at all about +0.25.  I'm a LOT higher than that.


    If you are not getting too bored, I could have another historical Tour de France story later.

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    Yeah Mr. Bump your stories are more interesting than what's happening now in The Tour. I'll look forward to it image
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    VR/SB - Hope you don't get too lost on Sunday - I would be useless at routefinding by mile twenty my brain goes somewhere elseimage, say hi to Kevin for me.

    Nice to have today off work, just been for a walk along the cliffs, amazingly still water for Orkney. Need to make some tea and have just discovered that the retirement party we thought was tomorrow is tonight. Had been looking forward to an early night after getting in at 11.30 last night and then spending an hour or so unpacking and sorting ourselves out.

    The most spectacular bits in Denmark were the white chalk cliffs about 50 miles south of Copenhagen with 500 wooden steps to the top and amazing cliff formations. Inspired some "body art" with chunks of chalk picked up off the beach too and an impromptu swim at the bottom.

    Have managed a bit of housework/tidying up too but not too much!

    Sorry to hear you had to miss Hull Shades, hope the foot is settling down.

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    HM4HM4 ✭✭✭

    Mr Bump/Flossie,

    The plan would be to make sure I'm highly visible and to either use a cycle path or the road.  The general consensus at the mo is it's likely to take about 10 min to bike it.


    Find someone to car share with who's on the same shift pattern is one answer!  Or change teams to someone who can take me.  The problem I've got is I'm the furthest person out as far as I know in my direction.  I did get a sniff of another car share today, however lady in question picks her partner up after she drops someone else off so that's out of the question.

    I suffer from astigmatism & mine is much worse I can't remember the prescription however the current glasses lenses are about 8 mm thick,  I also need my eyes correcting on the other axis.


    Glad you had a good time.


    I'll read back again later because I'm sure I've missed some things.

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    VR - last year it was a written route description.  I have a zipped plastic wallet that I'll try to remember to pack.  Must go and check my number.
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    Mr BumpMr Bump ✭✭✭

    Tour de France Tales by Mr Bump

    Frenchman, Eugene Christophe was not one of life's quitters.  In 1910 he won the Milan-San Remo classic in frozen, snowy conditions which today would have led to the race being abandoned.  Only 3 riders finished, from 71 starters and he spent a month in hospital afterwards as a result of exposure to the cold and frost bite to his hands.

    In the 1913 edition of the Tour de France, riding for Peugeot, Christophe was well placed to win the race.  As the race entered the Pyrenees, he was lying in second place, just over 4 minutes behind the race leader, the Belgian, Odile Defraye who rode for Alcyon. 

    The stage started at 3am.  Stages of the tour were much longer in those days - 450km not being uncommon.  Peugeot went on the attack from the start of the stage, leaving Defraye well behind.  By the foot of the Col du Tourmalet, Defraye was over an hour behind and he retired from the race. 

    Christophe was now effectively leading the race overall by about 18 minutes from his nearest challenger.  He reached the summit of the Col du Tourmalet over 100 metres ahead of a lone pursuer and 5 minutes ahead of the peloton.  He stopped at the summit to flip his back wheel around to choose a higher gear (derailleur gears were some years in the future) and he plunged down the descent.  10 kilometres further on he notices his steering is no longer working properly.  Upon inspection he discovers he has a broken fork.  As assistance from his team was not permitted in those days for mechanical failure, he put his bike over his shoulder and in tears walked to the nearest village over 10 kilometres distant as everyone still in the race passed him. 

    2 hours later he arrived in the village.  He asked a young girl for directions to the blacksmith.  There, at the blacksmith's forge, race officials would not allow the blacksmith to repair Christophe's bike.  Under the directions of the blacksmith however, he set to work to repair it himself.  It took him 3 hours - plus the 10 minutes penalty (later reduced to 3 minutes) that race officials penalised Christophe for allowing a small boy to pump the bellows for him.

    Christophe eventually finished in 7th position overall.  He was destined to never win the Tour de France, although he was the first wearer of the Yellow Jersey when it was introduced in 1919.

    A plaque exists at the building where the forge once stood, in the village of Sainte-Marie-de-Campin, commemorating his brave refusal to abandon the race.

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    Well, that was better than expected. I really wasn't sure quite what my legs would think of me asking them to make a bit of an effort today after Wednesdays long run but they rose to the occasion!

    The weather was pretty foul - wet and windy - when we left home and bimbled the mile and a half to the race start. The course starts on grass then moves on to trails and is quite twisty and turny, not a PB course on a good day and certainly not with the puddles, mud and congestion today - but I was never on for a PB anyway so that wasn't an issue. The race supports some good local charities and it's organised by our local running shop on our doorstep - it would be rude not to.

    We set off with the usual hopefuls too far forward. Over the grass then twisting and turning through the car park. Legs were surprisingly responsive and I felt comfy. Made a deal with ,yself that if I finished in under 50 minutes I could run the short way home, over that and it was 3 miles home. Mile 1 7.53. Welll, that's the fastest I've run in a while but it felt quite comfy. Will try to be consistent. Overtook a few of the ever hopefuls (including the woman carrying a bottle - and you know how I feel about those in a 10k!). Mile 2 7.56. That will do, nicely consistent, not working too hard, I can hold this - and I did, mile 3 also 7.56 but the woman with the water bottle overtook me! Pegged her and stopped thegap increasing but she'd got maybe 15m on me. Bugger. Right, make an effort, only three miles and a sprint finish left. Caught water bottle woman and just sat on her shoulder for a bit but felt that I'd slowed and when the Garmin bleeped for mile 4 I saw that I was right - 8.07. Lazy, lazy, lazy. You're not racing that woman, run your own race. Two miles and a spring finish - put some effort in! So I did, picked it up and kicked. Mile 5 7.42 - more like it and I still wasn't really feeling at 10k effort. Time to see what you have. There's a woman in front and I'm working to catch her but then just before 9k I'm on her shoulder but we're both boxed in by the two men in front, no room to get round or between them. Fortunately they then overtake two walkers and I make my move, accelerating past all three of them (where did that come from? Don't know but you'd better keep it up!). See a clubmate about 50m in front and work to pull myself up to him. I catch him and he uses dirty and underhand tactics - trying to engage me in conversation. I can't have a conversation, I don't have the breath! Decide the only thing to do is to kick on again but he's having none of it, at least it takes his breath away too. He overtakes me and we battle towards teh line. Mile 6 - 7.40. I do my best to muster a spring having taken exception to a woman wearing neon pink who does not look as though she should be in front of me ina  10k. With about 150m to go she isn't, and she's not going to catch me! Last little bit 1.31 for a finish of 48.47 (Garmin time). AHR 168, avg. pace 7.52.

    Gentle, and slower, 1.5 miles home.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    LMH - Excellent report - sounds like you enjoyed your race!

    Elspeth - Welcome back!!

    Mr B - Fascinating stories. Do you think any of today's riders would even begin to go to those lengths?

    VR/SB - Hope you have a good race, good weather and clear instructions!

    LB - Was wondering the other day if your house guests were still coming! Obviously you're welcome round here, if you're prepared to risk the germs!

    Master DG is much better, but still not right so we've said no to the gala tomorrow. He was distraught, and obviously he hates me cos I've ruined his chances of Olympic glory in the future. He then tried to 'rearrange' the lounge to prove he was strong and better! All quiet now though, so think he's worn himself out and finally gone to sleep! Have had to go and check though, cos he did threaten to run away to Sheffield!
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    VR - I am 254 and I see you are 26.  Will look out for you.
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    Flossie - hope you had a good night out

    Mr Bump - great TdeF stories, you should be working on TV with the commentary guys

    LMH - great race report, well done.  I love to see your competitive spirit is good and strong

    DG - I hope Master DG has not run away to Sheffield!

    Race refereeing went well, I actually had more to do this year, 3 guys finishing with no numbers on...2 of them had no pins so folded the numbers up and put them in their pockets!  the other put his number on his back with one pin and it fell off.   All duly ticked off but as they had not tried to run as bandits we didn't disqualify them, they were all about 17 years old and just naive.

    Then sorted out an error in the results so kittenkat got her well deserved third place.

    Spent the rest of the time nattering to VR and Miss VR and a few other running buddies.   Great to see small there, she had a great run.

    It's a really good little race, some high class local runners as well as many from the town doing their first race, crowd support was great for all the finishers.  Tough hilly course 5.7ish miles, winner approx 29.30 finish time

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    DG - don't worry about Master DG hating you and running away to Sheffield. Eldest Miss LB also hated ME yesterday, so they can go together! image It was the culmination of Spanish week at school and children were encouraged to go in either Spanish dress or wear red yellow and black. As we have two flamenco dresses I thought we had this covered, but I hadn't banked on the hormonal 10 year old "I look a geek / nerd" protestations.image So I relented and said she could wear red black and yellow (providing she was wearing them all)image and the fashion show started......

    Blue, pink, neon orange all led to me shaking my head.....

    I HATE THIS !!!!! she screams.....

    "Fine - school uniform it is then"image

    Eventually, wearing a red top, black skort and yellow knickers (!) we left the house with a very grumpy girl and a flamenco dancer. I made it a MILLION times worse by insisting they both wore side ponies and a big flamenco rose in their hair. I am apparently the worst mother in the world now, but the local paper arrived to take photos and youngest Miss LB was photographed! Now it's MY fault eldest wasn't wearing the flamenco dress.....image I give up!

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    I HATE it when people put their running numbers on their backs! Why do they do that? And who wouldn't know they needed pins? I bet they won't make that mistake again Shades and it was very kind of you to not DQ them and give them the benefit of the doubt.....

    Pleased for KK and glad that Small did well. Great race from our LMH too - I can't get my head round those mile splits! I'm speeding up but I'd die if I put a mile in that began 7 something! image That's why I like here - all abilities welcomed and nobody dissed....image

    Mr Bump - the stories are fascinating. I was really surprised the stages used to be longer. I think they're mad enough as it is! What a story of not quitting though - I'll think of him when I'm dying in a race!

    Off out on my 12 miler later. Actually quite proud I didn't go to the Next sale at 4.00am. I did wake up for it (as I always do) but I didn't want it to affect my run later! image Think I've become more of a runner than a shopper and I'm ASTONISHED!

    These days I can't get what I want in there anyway. I'm prefer higher end stuff and the kids have gone the other way and like cheap tat. When they were little it was a great place to get cute stuff! Now I like my bed more than a queue 700 deep at 4.00am! The home stuff is still great though......image

    A bit dehydrated so I'm off in search of tea....

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    Shades - good to hear that you had a relatively uneventful evening. I think a lot of people assume organisers will provide pins don't they? It's funny cos I think I'm only competitive with myself but I guess picking people gives me focus.

    LB - I can remember all too clearly being incredibly frustrated at failing to break the hour for 10k at the same venue (though a different course) and in my head I'm still a 10 min/miler. It will come.

    DG - poor little DG, these things are catastrophic at that age aren't they?

    No ill effects from last night other than a filthy headache (probably caused by the late night) so off OW swimming this morning. Can't say the prospect is appealing but it needs to be done.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Missed Mr B's post - they sure bred them tough in those days didn't they?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    (LMH) *passes paracetamol*

    I broke the hour for the 10K last year with DG at the Tunnel 10K where we did 57.07! My previous PB was 1.00.15 so I was delighted! It's an amazing feeling to get your target isn't it? image My new target is sub 2.00 for the half but I'm miles off at the mo with 2.06 and the only two halves I've got booked are hardly PB courses! I'm thinking my best chance at that is Liverpool in March 2010 and I entered months ago! I've never been this organised before.......image

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    LB - took me ages to get the sub-2 half. You might surprise yourself in the build up to the marathon but if not get in early for the Brass Monkey in January. Flat, fast course in cold weather, well organised too but always over subscribed.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    *ponders* image 

    You lot are a bad influence! image

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    It seems that last night I was only six seconds over my 10k PB - set on 30.12.07! I think I need to actually target a 10k sometime soon as I think I should be able to shave a little off that on fresh legs. I regularly beat my 10 mile PB in training too - but I think I've only raced that three times and the first time was my first time over the distance.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Hello everybody.

    I think I've finally got my running mojo back! Last night's Chudleigh 6 race was the second this week. I did Wellington 10 on Sunday. It was lovely to see you last night Shades and a real surprise was seeing VR and mini VR there to support too! Thank you for turning out and I'm glad it didn't rain for you. I also met up with Kittenkat and met Arctic Lady for the first time, so it felt like a mini SW social with all the forumites there last night! image

    It was the third time of doing this race for me and I was trying to beat my 2006 time of 51.01. I tried not to go off too fast but found it difficult not to as the first loop is through the town and back over the start with everyone cheering. I must have had a local celebrity behind me for this part as each time I passed a group of people they all began screaming for someone called Sparks (you weren't there were you Sparkly?)

    I managed to keep running on all the hills, which is a first and very soon we were at the 3 mile mark. This spurred me on as that meant only another 2 and a bit miles to go.

    The downhill sections were a joy, especially after all that climbing but the worst bit was a short incline which brought us back on to the town's main road to the finish. I actually had to walk briefly on this stretch.

    Then the run back through the town with everyone clapping and cheering us on and to the finish line in a time of 51.44. Not too bad a time considering I haven't done much since London. I am more than happy with that! image

    All in all, a perfect small Devon town race, even down to the ale outside in the street afterwards and the sun came out.

    Good luck for your race tomorrow VR and everyone else that's racing or long running over the weekend.

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    Thanks small! Great that you got your mojo back. I was worried about you for a while and you looked great last night image A really good time too! Well done.

    LMH - Great report and well done, thats a good time.

    Mr. Bump. TdF sounded horrendous in those days but compelling! Looks like they have it easy these days. When do you think the GC will get interesting?

    Shades - It was really good to catch up last night, seems ages ago we last saw each other, bring on the Autumn Marathons image

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    hope to...hope to... ✭✭✭

    Morning everyone.

    Great running by small and LMH.  I think I would have to ride a bike to get times like those.

    Welcome back Elspeth.

     I have the joy of 'doing' the cricket teas today.  Dropped the eggs in the car park at morrisons.  Had to laugh, a smashing start to the day.

    Will have to run later.  Seriously undertrained by now.

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    Mr Bump - keep bringing on the historical Tour de France stories - love 'em.  Fabulous story about Christophe - real bunch of toughies from the past.  image

    VR and SB - lots of best wishes for race on Sunday and have lots of fun orienteering - would love to have a go at that one day.  image

    LMH - cracking 10k time and report.  Naughty club mate with dirty tactics.  Hope you beat him and if you didn't, worth targeting next time.  image  Enjoy OW swim today and take care of that headache.  Would be lovely to crack an hour one day on a 10k - lots to do once rehab is completed.  image

    Shades - what a lovely fair race official you are - we were all young once and nearly lost my race number in first ever race doing the Playtex Moonwalk through not having enough pins, so understand completely.  Had a good night out, although only had one Becks because detest that morning after feeling from drinking too much and drank water the rest of the night.  Lovely to meet the other staff out of hours - my Year 5 teacher can't have drink  image  and she's really funny.  image

    DG - whilst I can understand how little DG is feeling, hats off to you for dealing with a situation that could have put his health at serious risk.  image

    LB - know a song about the flamenco situation yesterday.  Flossette wanted to be a punk for the Wessex Youth Orchestra concert, but bottled out when she realised that Mummy was going to make her look like something out of Cats and have to admit her hair is massive when backcombed.  We also remembered that Nana was in the audience image and would have been shocked to see her granddaughter looking like that.  However, somebody should have told the boy dressed up as Carmen Miranda in fishnet tights, that girls do not sit with their legs apart (for goodness sake!) image.  Enjoy the 12 miler and well done for taking a good nap, Next can wait. image

    HTF - hiya *waves*.  Enjoy cricket teas and running today.  image

    Best wishes to those doing lsr's, racing, ultras, bike rides and anything else.  Have fun.  image

    Lying in is a novelty in my house.  Moggie will run backwards and forwards over you, pat your face with her paw and produce high pitch purrs until you do the right thing and feed her.  This morning, I hid under the duvet (she can't get me there!), but gave in at 8.30 am.  image  Today is seeing a few pals and getting in the last of the Avon orders, definitely running today at some point with weight training.  Out tonight to see Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince and at some point will be buying tickets to see Ice Age 3 in the near future.  Chessington tickets still waiting to be used on a weekday - no way are we going at the weekend in the holidays.  Have fun whatever you're doing today.  image

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    Sparkly Bridget wrote (see)
    VR - I am 254 and I see you are 26.  Will look out for you.
    Thanks Sparkly!  I didn't know I was 26 which is handy as it's my age! image
    I will look out for you too, a very old 254 image
    oooo I had better be on my best behaviour if your map reading image
    see you tomorrow.
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