
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    you are almost as cynical about politicians as I am :)
    The odd number ones were the downhill and faster ones
    Stride length is the biggest indicator of declining strength - I am just trying to put off the " ol' man shuffle" for as long as possible!

    yup that drive home could have done it! Numerous times I have rolled out of my car after a long drive with back and legs locked up!!
    I would stress that I build up to the haversack weights - just start with ordinary body weight dips - but that's quite a lot with my bulk :)

    6.05 miles in 61:15 (10:03m/m) with avHR 131 and a max of 148 on a bright, breezy morning. Lots of daffodils nodding at me in the sunshine

    10:22  125  133
    09:45  127  136
    09:58  132  137
    10:26  133  138 hills and head wind
    10:35  133  139  ditto
    09:50  139  146  pushed it a bit
    00:19  147  148

    Quite pleased I managed to keep avHR to modest levels and just had enough to marginally raise the pace over the last half mile
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    Sounds a decent run, TS!

    To those thinking of doing 4 x 4 minutes, it takes me around ten weeks to get to that with the 2 minute recovery! I believe in starting small and building up in tiny steps, and I think that is particularly applicable the older we get. 

    And talking of age, self-isolation for the over 70s anyone? Possibly for FOUR months. I trust running on one's own is self-isolation!

    re Achilles issues I had to have a tendon re-built and after that wrote an article for my club about avoiding such injuries. I know WP has seen it; must update it in the near future!

    Yesterday was the uni past v present race, followed by the 95th Anniversary Dinner. The course is 3 laps of just over 2 miles and one can run as many as one wants; I did one, which was quite enough, running with one of my soon to be M75 friends as he couldn't remember the course: he last ran it in 1975! I struggled to keep with him; pleased to say he did all three muddy laps and thus became the oldest to achieve that feat in the 95 years of the race!

    Dinner in the evening was excellent, and in good company, not least John Whetton and Andy Carter who some will remember. Whetton spoke about Dr Hill: he had seen him recently and said that Ron didn't remember him, sadly. He also spoke about their almost daily training together even though he was a 1500 metre runner and Ron was a long distance man. His proudest moment was both he and Ron winning European gold in Athens on the same day. 

    I managed to get together over 20 guys from the 60s and 70s, some of whom hadn't seen one another for up to 45 years! We are already planning the 100th!

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    My wife and I have already decided to self-isolate although as far as we know we're healthy and haven't been exposed to the virus as yet. This doesn't mean staying indoors all the time as we plan to get out in the car and do walks in quiet places, taking care to not get too near anyone else. Definitely  no cafes so will take our own picnic.

    We'll use online grocery deliveries or shop at quiet times on a once a week basis, using careful  hygiene  precautions.

    The plan is to keep in touch with family by meeting them outside and keeping a sensible distance.

    I'll carry on running but always by myself.

    Not sure if this is over the top but better safe than sorry until we know where all this is going. It sounds like what the Scottish government is advising for us older folk.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Graham, Alehouse,
    Things are not so bad here, we have only had 3 cases in a population of a million so the risk is very low. With the cold weather still around everyone is wrapped up and wearing gloves anyway. Most events have been cancelled, including my run on the 4th April, and all public facilities, including schools, have been closed. It will probably peak later but everyone is buying toilet rolls just in case.
    Not sure about closing schools. What do parents do, send the kids off to grannie? That makes sense take the most unhygienic and put them in close contact with the most vulnerable. 

    Thats sounds a great event and it was good that you could get out even for one lap.

    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but a stride length of under a metre, the old man shuffle has arrived. Still a good run.

    A slow 10k for me yesterday. My HR was through the roof but I felt absolute fine, I even had a new max, must have been a garmin funny.
    A rest day today and with any luck 4 x 4 tomorrow but the overnight temp is -13c so if it is windy it may have to be on the treadie. Very difficult to do speed when it is that cold.

    Now my first race has been postponed my focus is on my second race on the 25th April. This gives me a bit more time and it is not as competitive as there are no age categories. It does have one short hill so still a challenge.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick - hope you get outside for the 4x4 . . .    

    alehouse - that sounds a lovely event, but poignant re Dr Ron ;  however, what a memory of "double gold day" . . . .    
    TS - nice 6 miler , sunshine and daffodils too - excellent stuff  . .   

    prescient words from you re car travel, though - drove up to Thirsk today for Yorkshire 10 mile Champs (son and daughter in action) -  had to pull over on return journey, as knee so painful. immediately son took over, and I could stretch out in passenger seat, pain went  . . .   didn't take the gloss off the trip, though - son 9th in 54:18, daughter (treating it as a progressive run, after some recent "niggle" travails), started with a 7:25 mile, finished with a 6:35 for an overall 69.20, which was nicely under 7mm, as per the aim.    
    Pleased they both satisfied, as it could be a while before there is any more race action  . . .
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    Mick, good point about school closures. I hope your April race goes ahead. You must be longing for the warmer weather to arrive.

    Dave, great runs from your offspring and a very fast finish for your daughter. You could well be right about races. At least one local race near me has been postponed and my own club's race planned for June which I help organise is in doubt. We've decided not to invite entries until things are clearer. I'm not optimistic. Looks like parkruns may soon be the next to go.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    I think you may be right abut stride length :/
    Quite agree about kids - they are bug factories and often don't even know that hey are ill.  I never has so many infections in my life as when the g'kids started coming along and each one brought a new bug into the house at regular intervals. took about 4 years to get immunised against all the novel strains that were circulating in that generation!!

    3 cases x 10 possible contacts x 10 possible contacts x 10 possible contacts etc ..................  you do the math - as they would say in the USA
    Unfortunately this bug appears to live for some time on everyday surfaces and is tolerant to cold - it's the heat it may not like so much

    sounds like a very good bash - apart from the running :)
    I like your optimistic planning scenario!
    Sorry to hear about Ron Hill's deterioration

    I don't have any achilles issues as such at the moment, touch wood, but I was reminded how important the tendons are in shock absorption so decided to do some work on them in an attempt to limit other joint pain

    sounds sensible providing you can get home deliveries and get what you want!
    I had sent an email around to all Hash members yesterday outlining a range of options on how we should approach the situation. My favoured option is to have open air meeting places, run, regroup and then disperse. I can foresee large group meetings in pubs being frowned upon very shortly.

    happy to help!  You may have a tiny fragment floating around in your knee, we all have them, and it has got lodged in an irritating position when your knee is stuck in one position for any time
    Great runs by the family.  Thirsk is a super fast course, nice and flatish.  I haven't run it for many years, they changed the timing of it from summer to autumn and now spring

    Well I self isolated this morning :)
    I also found a way to avoid my knees stiffening up after yesterday's run - good news! 

    The bad news was that it involved 5 hours of heavy duty gardening which left me knackered and so I plodded a weary 4 miles in 41:26 (10:20m/m) with avHR only 125 and a max of 136. Nice cold, sunny day though 
    Too much of a good thing!!!

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    i need to catch up but great work on your youngsters Dave:-)

    I have run every day 7 miles this morning in a good time for me 10.40 for 500ft climbing. Looks like both April races are off it maybe autumn before I get to race.I managed 43 miles for the week happy with that:-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Good, WP...but be careful not to overstretch the immune system at present. I think for a lot of us it is going to be low level maintenance training. See below!

    Well done family Birch! And I think you are correct re races. I hope that if races are cancelled then plenty of notice is given. Wilmslow half and 10k were called off at around 2 in the morning on the day yesterday. 

    TS: sounds like the opportunity to try a range of bottled beers out in the open!

    My M74 neighbour and I enjoyed what may well be our last run together for a while this morning. Just over half an hour. Interesting chat, and you can guess which subject, particularly if you are over 70! 

    It was a very isolated run and we passed three dog walkers and were passed by two cyclists. Not sure what the risk is in that re Covid-19, apart from we were side by side. He is going to follow scientific advice (he was a scientist) but does have a couple of queries that you may be interested in:

    1.      Given that he may well be told to self-isolate, will he be banned from running at some point? He wants to regularly run slowly to maintain fitness which will surely help rather than hinder recovery from catching anything.  

    2.      He has an allotment, which is usually very productive and will reduce the need to go to the shops from around May or June. And of course there are health benefits of being out in the fresh air! How can he maintain this if he is self-isolating? 

    He is keen to do the right thing...but we don't really know what the right thing is likely to be! 

    To me, common sense would say that he should be doing both as long as he doesn’t come into contact with others. 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Alehouse: Good point as I do have a weak immune system,darn as I just loading the training session to my watch as per Mick's advice with lap button for warm up ,cool down and recover thanks for the tip! Slow and steady for me then with maybe a little fast stuff here and there.

    I agree over common sense for your neighbour it is what I would do but also the mental health aspect we all know getting out running is so good for us as well as the allotment.Also he will not be in contact with others so self isolating.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    alehouse, regarding running for your friend, Boris has just said that old folk self isolating would find exercise beneficial as long as they keep their distance from people. I did that on my run this morning, even to the extent of holding my breath if I had to pass someone.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Yes, GL, glad Mr Johnson said that. Suspect it applies to me as well; although only 66 I always have the flu jab due to my asthma, although the asthma is very well controlled. I usually go to the fitness suite at least 3 times a week; will be putting that on hold.  I also work as a supply teacher: won't be doing that either! I suspect that the alehouse is a non-starter!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Similar to myself with my Asthma although pretty well controlled.........
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I cannot see how going for a run would put you at an increased risk. The virus is not airborne so you have to touch something or be close enough to someone to get sprayed when they sneeze. I think your health would take a bigger hit by being house bound for a long period.

    you do get use to be outside in the real cold but there is nothing like going for that first run in shorts in the Spring. The forecast for later in the week is +14c !!

    You seem to run mostly on your own so again I cannot see how you would be at an increased risk.
    I ran my 4x4 today at it was really useful to be able to control the start of a 4 min interval with the lap button. It meant I could avoid road crossings etc.

    My gym has closed until further notice due to the coronavirus. I will have to improvise my weight sessions and no treadmill runs. I will not be buying a new treadmill until we move into the new house. I guess I will be running outside no matter what the weather gets up to.

    The weather was not as predicted only -5c so I got outside got outside for my 4 x 4.

    11:10 AM Monday, March 16, 2020
    Gym 4x4 felt good added a pickup over last 400m
    Run tagged as ShortIntervals
    Total Run Duration = 41:00,  Run Length = 6.4 Kms or 4.0 Miles

    Selected Lap Detail
    Lap  Duration   Kms      Miles    Per Km   Per Mile    AWHR      MWHR    Cadence  Slength(m)
     03     04:00     0.74     0.46      05:26      08:45     73.9%     76.8%       90.0        1.02
     05     04:00     0.70     0.44      05:41      09:09     77.5%     86.2%       89.0        0.99
     07     04:00     0.72     0.45      05:32      08:54     81.9%     95.7%       90.0        1.00
     09     04:00     0.71     0.44      05:40      09:08     82.6%     97.1%       90.0        0.98

    Totals and averages for selected Laps
    Lap  Duration     Kms      Miles    Per Km    Per Mile    AWHR      MWHR    Cadence  Slength(m)
     04     16:00      02.9      01.8      05:35     08:59      79.0%      97.1%       89.8        1.00

    Much better, still a bit of a spread but getting there. Cadence good and stride length a bit longer but not much.
    My recoveries varied from 2:30 to 6 mins mainly because I was trying to get clear sections where I would not have to cross a road.


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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited March 2020
    TS - 5 hours garden work (!) no wonder your run was a weary one  . .    

    WPoppy - excellent week - and yes, running v.important for mental, as well as physical, reasons. 
    alehouse - as others have said - running outside must surely be beneficial (and without risk to others, with due care taken)  .  In line with your fitness suite, my gym has closed from today, just as I was in a routine of leg strengthening !  More squats, etc at home methinks . . .   
    Mick - good you were able to be outdoors for the session . .    
    re Coronavirus - my club has suspended all club training runs/events until further notice, local track (which is included in my gym membership) is closed (this will mainly affect son/daughter - of course, they can still do sessions elsewhere, but not in a group as happens at track) 
    I'm heading out for a solo 6 soon, through park and trail)

    keep healthy, all !  

    edit - email from England Athletics just dropped into mailbox, suspending all club training/competitions/events until at least end of April . . .
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    I had same email from EA and my half has been suspended and rescheduled for 27th September or defer to 2021.
    Enjoy your 6 miles and stay fit and healthy !


    Thanks I do run solo so I am fine that is good to know and no one around normally at my early runs....apart from today I saw 2 other runner's unheard of!

    I am going to attempt  my session Thursday or Friday maybe Friday with the way my week is going.Will be interesting to  compare stats although I imagine mine to be slower.

    Today 7 miles again for me in torrential rain but it felt good to be alive and free to run not as super speedy as yesterday but a good pace considering I did not want to get out of bed!

    Stay safe and healthy!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Hi all - keep healthy out there

    you are wrong - coronavirus can and is most easily transmitted person to person mainly by droplets in the air caused by sneezing or coughing. Masks are a a fairly effective aid in stopping those infected passing it on to others but don't do much in non contaminated situations.
    It can also be picked up from contaminated surfaces but it is thought that this is a less common route for infection.
    Watch out!!
    A good start to your outdoor intervals 

    In line with the Government advice I suspended the Hash yesterday afternoon and cancelled the run for last night.  It was the first time in over 40 years that  there hasn't been a run on a Tuesday.
    No complaints from anyone so far!!

    I therefore had the unusual pleasure of a Tuesday morning run in warmed up conditions.
    Legs still  a bit tired after previous excursions and for some reason my pacing was right off, running mile 2 in just over 9m/m pace, and paid the price in mile 4 where a short walk was in order as I completed 4 miles in 41:28 with avHR 127 and a max of 140

    I then endured a shopping morning staring at empty shelves but at least stocked up with some good wine

    I had  a particularly savage haircut yesterday morning so I am set for a couple of months!!

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Read my post again. There is a difference in airborne and water droplets.
    We have sleet but no alternate, off I go come rain or snow.
    These days what hair I have left is not serving much purpose so savage cuts are the usual.

    Very interested in seeing your 4x4s. Please post hr and cadence data if you have it.

    An easy 6k for me followed by strides if slush permits.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    nice 7 Poppy - undeterred by deluge !  
    good selection of provisions, TS . . .
    reduced the intended 6 to a 4 yesterday, with strides in last 1.5 (flattish) section.  Knee sore today.   
    TS/Mick - I'm a stranger to savage haircuts  - as this pic of me and "marathon mentee" after her HM the other week indicates . . . 
    Image may contain 2 people including Julia Waldron people standing and outdoor
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    well they are airborne droplets!
    Despite the scale of infection there is still uncertainty as to how it is spread. It has been assumed that it is spread in a similar manner to normal 'flu - ie airborne droplets - but up to yesterday the NHS was still saying that it is not known for definite.  The fact that it can be transmitted by people who are not displaying any symptoms, and presumably therefore are not coughing and sneezing,  does make it more problematic

    Just as well you can get outside

    that's just boasting on the hairline :)
    You could try some gentle manipulation of the kneecap whilst sitting down on the floor with legs extended and just move it around. If there is a bit of debris lodged there you may be able to move it off to somewhere less painful !

    I had to choose my wine carefully - the better stuff gets drunk more slowly and so lasts longer!

    I still felt fatigued this morning so did a leisurely saunter though the Gardens for 2.5 miles. Should have moved faster as it was damp and raw cold - my shower felt good after!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Damp and cold here for my run as well,  TS, and of a similar length. And later this afternoon my hair may also be of a similar length (to yours, not Birch's!)!

    Think I will be social distancing myself as of Saturday except for essential food shopping. Have cancelled the alehouse for this evening, and that may well continue until some time in June. 

    Want to get in the garden but it is depressingly wet. 

    Re running, I am going to keep at least the majority of my runs short and gentle so as not to put too much stress on what is probably an immune system compromised  by asthma. Will be carefully monitoring peak flow, resting heart rate and the rate at which I recover post running.  Most, if not all, of my runs will be solo.

    My fitness suite is closed until further notice, but I can use a physiotherapy gym in a hospital: rarely more than one other in there at a time. Can't see that being allowed for too much longer though! 

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    just when I thought it was starting to dry up as well.  I am pleased I did what I did in the garden on Sunday even if it did knacker me!!!

    I have now rearranged all my meetings into conference calls/video links so that cuts down a lot on contacts and travel

    I see they have come up with a cunning plan to let the oldies all shop together first thing in the morning in supermarkets. Brilliant - all it needs is one to be infected and that gets passed around the most vulnerable quite nicely.

    I was talking to the store manager when I did my shopping. She had complimented me on my wine choices and then said that she  was desperate for more staff  as they couldn't keep up with restocking shelves because demand was so high.
    She was approaching bars and restaurants in town to see if any staff there wanted to transfer across on a short term basis which was a nice way of helping out those whose employment may be precarious.

    Like Alehouse I will be running solo, as usual, and giving folk a wide berth when I meet them.  This is going to be a long term thing and we might as well get into good habits now..................

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    Mr P has to self isolate due to health conditions .I should with asthma but that is not posiible so I  will be sensible and limit any contact and give them a wide berth.I will need to co to village shop but go when open at7am and all will be well.

    Luckily I run solo so that is a bonus and we can drive to the mountains +coast and avoid people for good fresh air for Mr P.

    No run this morning I was feeling ill a bit like last week so just went out for a walk for fresh air and hoping to be back tomorrow.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Dave a great photo you will be needing a few bobbles for that hair;-) or a hairband a s per the footballer's.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    That's exactly what I thought re oldies shopping together! Good job I'm not an oldie.

    Head now shaved! Used to only have it this short before a big race! 

    Re running solo, just bumped into my M74 friend on the way to his allotment: unless we have advice to the contrary we won't be running together

    Just had a phone call from son who is a supply teacher: children in the school  he is working at for a term are showing symptoms as are their parents. All the staff except two told to self isolate for 14 days; and he won't get paid as he only gets paid for days worked. School only open to children of parents in "front line" jobs.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    The grocery stores are doing the same thing here. My wife is a bit younger than me so I am off shopping for a while. She is off soon to baby sit grandson as day care is shut. I'll be on my own for a while with only my very expensive dog for company.
    One good thing about this virus is that petrol is only 47p per litre.

    You look so young, no wonder you still have hair. Your friend looks so fresh after a half.

    Decided it will be a rest day today as I can't go to the gym and I want to do a 4x4 tomorrow.
    Already bored so I have decided to start a software project. I am going to write a universal running calculator. It will include everything, AG, pace, race predictions, WHR %, % of HR max, training times tempo LSR intervals etc,  and anything else I can think of.
    It will run on Windows first and then if I like it I will port it to android.

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    ... all parkruns cancelled for foreseeable future :/

    sounds like you are going to have a productive time. How about adding in weather conditions just to make it really complicated.
    Your dog has become a money box!!

    you mean an Alice band for Dave ;)?
    Difficult times for you but trips to the coast and mountains sound a good outlet - providing the weather improves!

    aahh - the streamlined look :)

    I read somewhere that clean shaven helps reduce potential infection risk - can't go that far just yet!

    We are setting up a closed WhatsApp group for the Hash so that we can all keep in touch over the coming weeks and offer what support etc we can when needed to each other. Some are already bemoaning the lack of contact with different people outside of their normal work/home environment so it will help a bit

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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Sounds an interesting project, Mick!

    Hair is not quite shaved, TS: just number 2 all over. Like your Hash WhatsApp group idea. 

    Think I will be spending a fair amount of time getting my stamp collection in order; got to do something to avoid decorating! 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick - good point - she clearly hadn't been trying hard enough (though I'll not mention that to her ) . . . . .    
    . . but solo running here now, too - but in the short term, decided on a few days self treatment of my knee - as recommended on here - exercises to strengthen quads, glutes etc, with outdoor exercise confined to walking . . .   

    Poppy - let us hope all is back to something like normal by December, and I can greet you at Percy Pud, sporting my new Alice band ;)    

    keep doing what we can  👍  
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    I look forward to it I shall bring cake and a new Alice band for you :)
    Very sensible with knee and walking is a great exercise .


    I am glad you can still communicate with the hash crowd.


    Good luck with today's session! I hope Mrs M could get all you needed shopping wise.

    I managed to run in torrential rain 7 miles each day i think do what I can and enjoy it as you never know what tomorrow brings :)

    Stay safe.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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