
Shades Marathon Training



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    edited May 2019
    Big G - I do hope that your other shoulder is just a phantom pain.   Good to have it confirmed by your physio that you're doing all you can to recover ASAP, model patient!

    Hope the drive to Gatwick goes OK, it's not the nicest of drives from here.

    I remember last year when on occasions you were having doubts about doing DD and then that trip to the Dolomites for the wedding inspired you, especially re hills!

    Shades I've now collected the train tickets and binned them, no chance/ temptation getting to DD there now!

    :(  :'(   It's a shame and we'll miss you.   But now you can continue to regain your fitness and ditch that PF for good.
    I think you should do the flat race and leave the tough stuff when your PF has gone, I know you love those Centurion races though.

    Webby - good speed session.   Those grass tracks, if the grass is kept really short, are nice to run on, always remind me of school, and that was a very long time ago ;) 

    Keith - so that's the Enigma Retro Cars 1 & 2, 15th/16th June?  

    Would be a shame not to do Solway if it's not full as it's fairly close to you, I have it on my 'to do' list.

    Ian - achilles don't like running on sand so that's good that you just have a little calf tiredness after your race.

    Re DD, water only and cut pieces of banana only at drink stations.   Some of the marshals might have a few jelly babies but that's all.   
    Water is usually in cups and the bins are fairly close to the drink station as the bins can't be too far away as don't want the animals that are roaming the moor to get access to them.  In most rural marathons it's usual practice to dump any bottles/rubbish at mile markers or other race signage as you'd know it would be collected later on.   Can't do that at DD because of the animals and dropping litter will get a runner disqualified and more importantly jeopardises the future of the race.   2017 they had lots of litter dumped by dickhead runners, last year apparently it was OK.   However, you don't need to run to the next drink station to get rid of your bottles, as Big G said marshals will take them and there are plenty of marshals.   Also some runners have supporters following them around in their cars and they will be parked up at various places on the course, they and any other spectators are only too happy to take any rubbish that you want to get rid of.

    As Big G has said they have spotters at most of the drink stations and they will shout back to the drink station and they'll have your bottle ready to hand to you.   It makes sense not to run in a big group, especially at the back of a group, otherwise that will slow the process down and have your number clearly visible.   Your number is on the entry list if you want to prepare your own labels at home.

    I don't think you're being over optimistic about your race time.   This is not a race that you can really run to schedule, the best you can do is run sensibly to Ashburton, not too fast.   Trust me once you're through Ashburton the hills will dictate your pace :D 

    5 easy miles for me this morning, lovely sunny morning again. :)

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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Shades - Have you done any of the Beyond Events Burton Bradstock runs? I see they have 5k/10k/HM/Marathon in October, when I'll be down that way!
    Ian - I think for an ultra, you just need to focus on feeling comfortable early on, regardless of what that pace feels like. If the first half of DD is flatish.....I think 1:45 to HM distance is a good target.
    Webby - Nice track session.
    An easy 5 miles today. Good luck to everyone running this weekend.
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    webby good speed session, useful having a track by you to mix things up.

    Big G hope you have a good drive to Gatwick and a good trip

    Shades, the flat race is defo the one to go for, I'm still early in my recovery so be silly to a) spend more more money on races I may not to b) most importantly do anything silly.  I have 4 ultra/ trail marathons between now and WW50 in November all pretty flat, not ideal prep but I can train on hiller terrain.

    SHADES said:

    Your number is on the entry list if you want to prepare your own labels at home.

    One thing that played on my mind was my race number 111 (nelson) it's a cricketing term  (one eye, one arm, one leg) quite ironic only had one foot from when I entered upto now.  If the team were stuck on 111 everyone (even the batsmen) would stand on one foot  :D

    Got 2 weeks off work still, got very busy weekend planned starting tomorrow night at Hertford Theatre Elle got me tickets to see Sean Walsh (comedian) not someone I;d choose to see but it's a 15 min walk from my house.

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    Steve - I've done the Burton Bradstock marathon twice.  Lovely little low key event, very rural quiet country roads, undulating.  The marathon is 2 laps of the half route, 10k is an out and back route.  Big G has done the marathon too.
    I'm doing the marathon this year again, have also entered the ultra in August

    Good luck to you and OH in Edinburgh this weekend.

    Robert - you've snuck those races in quietly :) 

    When I was a teenager a superstitious friend of mine would hold her collar until seeing a 4 legged animal if she'd seen a number plate on a car with 111, said it was unlucky number :/ 

    Enjoy your time off work, they'll have forgotten what you look like what with all the time you were away on jury service ;)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades/Big G-Thanks for the info,getting myself some small bottles to put my magic drink in and will split them across the stations.Ashburton is the HM point?
    Got  a feeling I'm going to get my pacing wrong no matter what I do ;-)
    Steve-Its net downhill to half way,think about 800ft if I remember correctly.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, yes, Ashburton is Half Marathon point and is the lowest point on the course.  That first 13.1 miles it's net down hill, with one significant long hill (not runnable) at 6 miles.
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    Ian - Ashburton is about 13 miles, net downhill to there which is the lowest part of the course.   Net uphill back up to Princetown

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    In contrast my marathon on Saturday is uphill to halfway and downhill to the finish.  


    I need to be careful not to trash my legs on the downhills
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    Robert - I've just seen a new name on the transfer list for DD
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    That hill around 12 miles looks evil,how long does that go on for?
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    Ian - I think you mean mile 15, that's always my slowest mile of the race took me 16:06 last time.  It's a relentless climb.   Don't know if Big G has his mile pace for mile 15 recorded.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian/Shades, the 15th mile took me 13:41 and was my slowest of the whole event. Strava is showing that mile as 502 feet elevation.  It’s unrunnable so my strategy was to walk up it, taking food/drink as necessary. I didn’t even attempt to run but when I say ‘walk’, I wasn’t messing about - I was walking with a purpose. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    Wow,that's a hell of a climb,is that the hardest in the race would you say,will have a look how steep the mile in the hills I did was.
    When I did my Welsh hill run,I had a 1.1mile stretch that is showing as 501ft of elevation and I walked some near the end if I remember right,so slightly less climb/mile and I was 11.45/mile up it so ties in ok to Big G's run.Its definitely the hills that are going to he my challenge.
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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    edited May 2019
    SHADES said:
    Robert - I've just seen a new name on the transfer list for DD

    Been refreshing the page every hour when I can, The RD posted on facebook about it, must have just missed it.  Today is realistically the last day the transfer can happen.

    As for the events I've slipped in, they've all local, low key, low cost, either refundable to transferable so not a lot to lose.

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    Robert - bad luck missing out on that late transfer.  I suppose it's too late to try a new thread on RW to transfer your place. 

    Big G - that's a good walking pace up that hill. I bet you passed a few going up that stretch.

    Ian - mile 15 is not the steepest climb but generally considered to be the toughest.  The hill at 6+ miles is steeper but shorter.

    Ian5 said:
    Its definitely the hills that are going to he my challenge.
    And for the rest of us too!

    This is why it's a difficult race to pace.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Just realised it's only 9 days away  :'(
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, I did overtake quite a few people on that section - I got a couple of comments along the lines of ‘crikey, you’re a machine’. :) I am a quick walker though but what I can improve on when I do it again is those 4 miles or so from around marathon point onwards. I walked too much there and I remember a few people overtaking me and actually finishing quite far ahead of me at the end. I feel that section should be runnable in good weather conditions, but overall I was really pleased with how it went on the day. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Big G, yes, I don't think countries matter really, just that it's a UK group so it's english language.
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    Cal - are you travelling up tomorrow? Hope your race goes well and it's not too warm for you.

    Big G - I thought you must have overtaken quite a few at that pace.  I'm usually last or thereabouts at Ashburton but going up that hill even doing a 16 minute mile is when I overtake a few.

    You can work on that latter stage of the course next time but it was new territory for you last year.

    Ian5 said:
    Just realised it's only 9 days away  :'(
    I bet you're so excited  ;)

    I'm 90% packed, leaving in the morning. Hoping traffic won't be too bad especially a on the M5 as it's BH weekend, but hotels are too expensive near the airport.  Will give myself some extra driving time.
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    Shades and Cal all the best for your trips, hope you have great races.

    Ian, I've got off lightly!!! The more I think about it the more I'm glad I'm not running, although hopefully injury goes and I'll make the start line one year.  Least I now have a cheque book.

    3 miles at lunch, just wanted to get a few easy miles in as tomorrow will be a rest day.  going to run/ walk 16 miles on Saturday along the NDW, taking it very easy main reason is to reclaim my mates car from last week, but also for him to experience the final section to give him an idea next year.

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    Shades - Yes that weekend of Foxy's. I'll update on the sat evening (after post race food ofc) whether i did 50k or marathon. I have also entered Solway being it 2 days before my birthday and local. There are plenty of spots left still for anyone who wants what they claim to be a flat fast one ;) Does now mean that with Davey Green's August double i'll be up to 70 and still pondering something in October.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Hope the flight goes well.
    Keith-It could well be on my list,haven't fully decided about the next few months but if I do one it will be there.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I'm traveling to Manchester tomorrow and then Colin will drive me over to Liverpool on Sunday.
    Slept heavily last night - woke up around 4ish feeling really groggy. Normally if I wake up then I just stay awake but this time I went back to sleep and then woke up again at 5.30ish (comparatively late for me!) still feeling incredibly groggy. My nose was really stuffy and I was worried I might have a cold, but I actually think it's a combination of bad air quality and a bit of dehydration (my room was 23 degrees, which is warmer than I like).
    Once I'd woken up enough to run, I actually enjoyed it. Did 5 miles and included some strides in the last half mile. Felt OK.
    I've decided on shoes now - I'm going to go with the Epics. They've got a lot of miles on them but are still pretty good. Reason being is that Sunday is going to be a bit rainy (but still warm) and I don't want to get the Vapors wet! I think the Epics are a safer bet as far as comfort is concerned, too.

    Bon voyage, Shades!
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    Webby4216Webby4216 ✭✭✭
    Shades/Cal - good luck with your respective races this weekend, hope all goes well.

    Shades - the grass track near me usually has the grass pretty short during the spring and summer months so it's quite nice. Running on grass always feels slightly harder work than on paved/track conditions, guess there's a bit more give in the ground and not as much spring back off

    8 miles for me today, easy pace. Had a bit of a scratchy throat the last day or two and was a bit humid out so didn't feel great. Heart rate was pretty normal though so hoping it's just a bit of pollen or something.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Have a good journey up tomorrow,I'm travelling the opposite way down to Wembley for the match so no running,decided I wanted a little bit if pace tonight so did 6 miles averaging MP,started off as a progression run but got tougher with the hills at the end,but came out ok in total.
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    Robert - hell of a way to get a cheque book!

    Hope your long run goes well, weather is good.

    Big G - have a lovely time in Helsinki.

    Keith - Solway Coast looks tempting but I've run out of funds for any more overnight trips this year.
    That 70 crept up quickly considering you've had a couple of quiet years due to injury.
    There's a few of us doing Loch Ness if you fancy that for October.

    Cal - that's warm especially for sleeping in that temperature.  It should be a lot cooler once you get up North.
    Good decision on the shoes, comfort first.

    Webby - hope it is just pollen, you don't want a cold interrupting your training.

    Well I've arrived in Laragh, never been here before, the village is in a valley and it is really hilly round here.
    Had a good drive to Bristol airport, the 8 mile tailback was southbound, so not affected.  Picked up a hire car at Dublin airport, nice and new, 19 plate, but then got stuck in traffic jams leaving Dublin, Friday night traffic plus an accident so a bit later than planned arriving.
    Guest house is lovely and only a 200 metres from where I need to get the bus to the start in the morning, race also finishes there too, so convenient.  Have collected my race number, had to decline the shirt as the ladies were pink, yuk.  They let me have a small man's instead, lovely shade of blue but might be a bit big.  
    Village is too small for a chip shop, but just had very good fish and chips in the local hotel/pub.

    Weather good here and expected to be the same tomorrow but we still have to carry a light jacket as when we get to the top of Sally Gap it can be cold and exposed.

    Good luck to all racing this weekend.

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    Just had an email from race organiser to say that runners can get a special price on the carvery in the pub/hotel tomorrow so that's post race grub sorted. 😄
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Good luck Shades!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Good luck to Shades/Cal this weekend - I hope your races go well.

    Loving Helsinki already. I can’t say it’s a beautiful city but people are so friendly and it’s got a really cool atmosphere here. The 2hr time difference felt a bit odd and sunrise at approx 4:15am with sunset at 10:15pm is a strange thing too.

    I came down to breakfast with my running stuff on and a few very fit/lean looking Scandies came down and carefully put their one slice of ham, a piece of cucumber and a slice of cheese on their plate and tucked into their nutritious meal. I looked down at my gallon of coffee, plate of pastries and fresh waffles and worked out where I may be going wrong (or right, depending on your viewpoint I suppose!). ;)

    Fabulous 5 course meal last night at a swanky place - luckily there were five of the group of 20 who ordered that otherwise it would have been embarrassing if I’d been the only one!  The lady who has organised this trip is taking us on a tour later so looking forward to that to get a feel for the place.  I expect we may split up and do our own things afterwards and I’ve got a couple of coffee shops I want to find.  I’m planning on going over to Tallinn for the day tomorrow, which you can do on a ferry as a day trip, and I’ve heard it’s stunning over there. 

    Parkrun this morning. A chap I’m here with is a parkrunner too and he’s done 97, so I’m going over with him. It’s 1.5 miles away and I’ve told him I’m only walking there and taking it really, really steady at the event. Shoulder feels ok after the day’s travelling although I did forget to take my meds last night. Doh!
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    Shades good to see your pre race fueling going well with fish n chips! Roast sounds like perfect recovery fuel. 

    Ian hope you have a good day at Wembley, imagine the best way to get promoted is via the play offs.

    Webby, I've been feeling a bit under the weather too, coincided with suffering with hayfever, hope thats all it is.

    Big G hope the parkrun goes well, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, think you got it bang on!

    Cal have a good journey up and a cracking race!

    Last night went to see Seann Walsh, didnt know what to expect but was quite funny.  A few beers meant a bit tired this morning for Westmill parkrun, went the fastest since 5th Jan, my foot felt a bit tight when I woke up and after the run a bit more pain so opted not to go for the long run.

    tomorrow got the westminster mile and going to cheer on a mate at final cp and finish for GUCR before Mondays 10k looking forward to a few beers with mates after that one!
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