
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    RicF wrote (see)

    200m in 31 secs!

    I don't think I could move that fast over any distance.(pb 200m 29 seconds)

    Like when Deano first arrived, the fast track stuff stuck out an absolute mile! Clearly very blessed in that department, and must have been pretty darn quick when younger.

    I remember a chap on this forum who got down to 31mins for 10k, who said he couldn't go sub 60 for a flat out 400m. That always stuck in my mind.

    Presumably will be easier for Dean to get faster than it was for that chap, which sounds promising, unless he's massively biased to shorter distances. But then the very low 33 already on the table suggests otherwise.

    conclusion...we'll sit back and enjoy the ride image

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    Stevie G . wrote (see)

    Phil, are you definitely Tadleying, haven't seen you on here for a bit....I'd presumed i'd be taking you and Bus, but we didn't actually arrange it!  Let me know! Sat nav works now! image

    No, definitely not Tadleying. Monday I felt like real bad jet lag but 6am Tuesday I got up, stumbled to the bathroom, had a piss and went straight back to bed till midday so it is something like a mild flu (not real flu, that is 3 days in bed). Only my second day off work in 20 years or more, and that includes a number of broken bones that I got into and out of the office with.

    Not good, but the bright side is that it is better to get it all over in one big lump and have a clear run at a summer season.

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭
    Stevie G . wrote (see)

    Bus, unless the saturday run goes perfectly, what Dean says. If an ankle is weakish already, you don't go and try and storm an offroad course that invites ankle trouble!

    It's not like you need to do this one, you don't have the club link like me and Phil do, so it is a no brainer, focus on the big prize. You're in half marathon pb shape, and road is what you quote in years to come.

    (having said that, obviously it'd make it a better trip if you're along, also for Chichester, don't forget that one, that's our magical fast 10k we've been looking for!)

    Phil, are you definitely Tadleying, haven't seen you on here for a bit....I'd presumed i'd be taking you and Bus, but we didn't actually arrange it!  Let me know! Sat nav works now! image

    ps Dean, those 200s still look quick come today image

    Iron, could Tadley finally be the race we meet you at? It's not like we've missed about 10 different opportunities this last couple of years image


    It's funny re the 200s. I've not tried one (can't work out where the line is on the trak - doh!!) but when I've tried full out sprints on 100m I've always been amazed at just what an enormous gulf there is between what is fast for me and what is actually fast!  In % terms it's a far bigger difference than for, say 10k or a half. Think what I'm saying in my conculuted way is your 200s were fast Dean!!

    Absolutely Dean - XC on Sunday would just be for fun, so as per the plan SG writes above, I'll try an easy outing tomorrow and if not 100%, will pass on it.

    Thanks for the lift offer SG - I was thinking this morning that I really should ask who's guest I could be image. Do the organisers and/or your club need to know in advance?

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    I think it's all done on the day, much like the club runners Bus. I guess you could be anyone's guest as you won't be scoring. However if you bring a cheque for £20 you can be a Coaster for the yearimage

    SG - seeing as the teams at Tadley all get ready in the bushes in one place I'll wander over to Sandhurst and try to find you.

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Bus - agree with the others, no point putting Wokingham at risk if you're not at full fitness and not even scoring for a club.  Having said that, it would have been nice to have finally met you, but that can wait til Wokingham.

    Getting ready in the bushes eh?  Now I remember one of the reasons I haven't done cross-country in almost 20 years...

    Dean, look like good reps to me anyway.  My top end is about 32, and I can't do more than a couple of those before I slip back to the 33-35 area.

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    SG - i do enjoy the fast sprint sessions.

    Although my form as a kid was up and down (mostly because i used to play jr league football the morning of a race image) i specialised in 800s and 1500s. So i used to train fast.  My plan at the moment is to concentrate on the track this summer and run a few short events like an 800 and see if i can get close to a decent time.  Problem is 800 training is hard and trying to avoid injury.

    we have a lad at our club who has a 14.40 5k but cant sprint a 400, in fact i am probably quicker than him over 400 but he can keep that pace up for ever.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Classic scenario of thinking I had 2 people to take to a race, and now potentially either! Sod's law to a tee!!

    Hope you get better soon tho Phil, 2013 must turn out better than the 2nd half of last year, which was a bit of a write off for you.

    Bus, you need to be healed now!

    Dachs, Tadley is probably the most ridiculous of the XCs for facilities near the event. You're a mile away from the carpark for starters, and then the race starts on a narrow path.

    There's not really any flat clear areas to change on, so the teams basically end up changing on a hill, amongst loads of bramble bushes!

    Dean, anyone who lurks on this thread casually might wonder how a (near?)40year old can come in a couple of years back, and smash a stack of us lot into oblivion.

    Therefore, it's good for them to hear that you were not only a (pro?) hockey player for years, but also were in fact a MG specialist as a kid, representing england at some kids level or something too?

    Factor that all in and it's clear the "running for 2 years" thing is a bit of a red herring. image

    I feel like those chaps in the Simpsons who were out grifted by Homer Simpson saying " we were beaten by the best".

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Sorry SG - I blame that mud you dragged me through image. Not completely ruled out yet though.

    Thanks for the info ICITH.

    As you say dachs, if we don't meet up Sunday, the we will at Wokingham.

    Philip - missed your post earlier. Sorry to hear about your illness. On the plus side at least you should get it out the way early on and get back into getting back ASAP!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Bus, not worth risking anything, especially not just for my sake! But if you do come, obviously you'll be a guest for my boys! That'd be a good challenge for you, see how many of our lot you can beat. You'd certainly find a lot of options to have a race with!

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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    image SG i should also come clean then and say i was also county for basketball and volleyball too. image   

    But i had been retired from hockey for 5yrs before having this midlidfe crisis to want to start running.  But i agree there will be some advantages i have from the past that the majority 40yrs olds just starting running maybe wont have.  image

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭

    Dean seems to very much be the renaissance man of Stoke-on-Trent, if such a thing can be imagined.

    In the context of the above, I'm starting to regret spending the entirety of my 20s and early 30s doing no exercise whatsoever.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    There you have it lurkers, any comparisons are null and void. And we'll ignore the retirement.

    To win, Dean has to still be setting pbs 10years on from the day of his first race.

    Now that's a challenge image

    ps Dachs, before you start, we're using that relation of yours' 31min 10k as a disclaimer for your emergence image

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    The BusThe Bus ✭✭✭

    Yeah Dachs, me too but think of all the wear and tear on the joints we saved!

    Not many is the answer SG!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    The Bus wrote (see)

    Not many is the answer SG!

    I didn't mean to paint our team as that amazing Bus!

    First guy home is real quality, but after that you're into the likes of me, no talent but try hard image


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    DeanR7DeanR7 ✭✭✭

    to be fair Dachs...if you can tie your own laces you get called "The professor" in Stoke. 

    SG - you're on! Im not going to run another 5m race until im 49 to keep that PB sweet. image

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Stevie G . wrote (see)

    ps Dachs, before you start, we're using that relation of yours' 31min 10k as a disclaimer for your emergence image

    Ah, my uncle.  Plus he beat Steve Ovett in a junior race once, albeit he was older.  If I'm going to be judged by his standards, I'm doomed to failure.  I suppose you're about to tell me I should also count the 5 years of club running between 13 and 18 as well...

    True Bus.  10 years plus of inactivity should be built into every training schedule to avoid injury.

    SG, looks like Sandhurst are going to win the XC league again, so you're not exactly a bunch of complete stiffs.

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    Dachs wrote (see)
    SG, looks like Sandhurst are going to win the XC league again, so you're not exactly a bunch of complete stiffs.

    Its a numbers game though. Sandhursct flood the field with so many middle packers that they push almost every other runner down. Next year it will be called the SXC league.

    The last 2 races we've been penalised for at least 1 man and 1 woman.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Life's not fair eh Iron.

    Like I found, if you can't beat them, join them. There also has to be a biggest club in a series. And there's 2 or 3 other clubs who have mighty turnouts.

    Your lot need to pull your finger out and get that race of yours on next year!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Having said that, membership expires end of March, so again I'll weigh up my current arrangement, as the XC club are 40miles away!

    Probably 3 options really.

    1. Stay where i am, and if I want to do a summer 5k race deal with the fact it's as a guest and you get taken out of results, or
    2. Join up with a local club, and bin the XC team.
    3. Stay with the XC lot 1st claim, but see if any local team in the 5k series offer a reduced 2nd claim membership (like my old lot did), but massively understand that it's just for the 5k series, and not other road races after last year's saga image

    Any thoughts? Basically there were 3 reasons for racing with the XC lot

    1)access to XC races
    2)run for the best team in the league
    3)be pushed to work harder by better runners in the squad

    The latter probably isn't as important anymore. And in reality point 3 doesn't happen, as you work hard whoever you're against.

    I guess the priorities now are

    1)access to XC and 5k leagues
    2)affiliation discount

    Don't need a club to go to weekly or anything, although it would be nice to do more local non series races and have teammates there!

     Just a bit of a waffly muse if anything, not quite sure what the best approach is....

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    SG, Dashers are £15 + £10 affiliation and you get XC and summer 5k and you really get to run for the best team in the league: look at HX: Dashers men scored 69 versus Sandhusrt 96.

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    Stevie G . wrote (see)
    Your lot need to pull your finger out and get that race of yours on next year!

    Watch this space SG. We may even get to put a team out as well as run an XC.

    You could run for Coasters too SG.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Phil, true, Datchet are a powerhouse. And it would cover the 5k. They are an intriuging option. Throws open the chance of being part of a victorious 4some at random local races too.

    I'm just wondering how i'd cover the switch to my lot's biggest rivals, as Datchet are only a bit closer to home! I guess it'd be the 5k series aspect that could explain it.

    Iron, again, problem with your boys would be going back to the situation which I started from, first scorer (presumably?!) in a small club, but without the local attachment.

    I did a bit of checking on the 5k series lot. And 2 of those clubs offer "social/2nd claim" membership for £6/10. And no need for EA affiliation as only a closed series.

    If I could pick up a vest on the cheap would be a low impact job.

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    ML84ML84 ✭✭✭
    Must have been some long runs last night.image
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    hour swimming, then 30 minutes stroke analysis image!

    I see your point SG about Coasters. I like the look of the 5k series....I need to explore 2nd (or 3rd claim now) options.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Iron, I believe you can have infinite 2nd claim clubs. But like I discovered they can have quite limited use. You can't ever count in a team score for your 2nd claim mob.

    The one use seems to be the ability to race as an individual in closed series events.

    I used to do all of the summer 5ks, and they tended to go like this
    (this was the order for about 15 years, but last year when i didn't race any, they messed with it)

    • Wargrave, first event, undulating road, everyone up for it, big field
    • Burnham, undulating road, 2 fairly steep bits, often improve on Wargave
    • Maidenhead, flat, but MT, grass, dodgy paths, twisty, always the quickest course, that always brings suscipicion of short course (my pb here from 2010, but made it to PO10)
    • Wycombe, on my doorstep, 2 laps of a grassy park, starting to beg for the end of the series by now. Mentally demoralising, running so often near here anyway!
    • Datchet, another sapping 2 lap grassy course, sometimes long course,  so pleased when finished, and the best after race venue for some chit chat. Feels great when done!

    Conclusion, 5 fun events...none are fast courses, all are undulating road, or MT flat jobs.
    There's a 6th event my old club Marlow put on, but I always marshalled it. Apparently is the fastest one, as although 2km on grass, the other 3km are faster road.

    If I can work out the best way to get involved, and can stay niggle free until the summer, I fancy doing a couple this year, certainly Marlow which I've never done.

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    JohnasJohnas ✭✭✭
    Stevie G . wrote (see)
    There's a 6th event my old club Marlow put on, but I always marshalled it. Apparently is the fastest one, as although 2km on grass, the other 3km are faster road.

    Quick as long as the marshals don't piss off home when people are still on the courseimage

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    and it also helps if the marshalls who have to then collect them and run them to the finish actually know the route image

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    I can testify that Deano loves a sprint finish, seen that sight in action! If that man's on your shoulder with 50 to go your a sitting duck!

    Bus, how's the leg? Any idea what the problem is?

    This week I only did the one session due to feeling grim. Did 10 on Wed, 8 Thurs and 3 last night (recovery). Long run today. Next week back up to 2 sessions.

    Interesting seeing peoples comments about the Brum XC league and its high standard. The guy who won the Cheshire XC on Saturday from my club is running in that league today for his uni. Be interesting to see where he finishes. He's a 8:35 3k man.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    yep how's it lie Bus, do I have a race trip buddy for tomorrow? image

    Could be a good day, race, Man U v Liverpool, then Arsenal v City image

    5miler with strides today. Couple of steep muddy wood miles to get going, and then slightly reached into euphoria down a hill later on, thinking "This is brilliant" image
    Will piddle a 3 out later.

    Stevie, next week will see you back on track.
    I'd bet my fame on it.

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    For a brief moment this week I considered running Tadley tommorrow (plans changed), but as I've already done 3 races in 2013 and I'm soon into a run of 10 races in 10 weeks thought better of it. That and I don't fancy the head to heads!

    So this morning I set out to rectify the lack of long runs in my training recently, nothing more than 10-12 since early October when I did a 17. Ended up doing a round 20, my longest ever run (previously 18 in 2009!). Felt, and now feel, pretty good for it actually. As usual I didnt take a drink with me but ended up buying a pepsi at 19.

    I've always had a plan for when and how I will eventually do marathons but had recently had some inkling to bring it forward a bit - not anymore! Whilst I felt good for it, I cant be arsed with that every week in the build up.

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