
Sub 3h15



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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Excellent result AR and super prizes to boot! Next time will be much quicker I'm sure. I must have masochistic tendencies as I actually like 10k's, they hurt real bad but I like to try run fast even when I'm obviously not!!

    5k race for me last night finished in 19:09, 34 secs quicker than last time I raced that course. Was starving after work so munched down a banana pre-race and it gave me terrible indigestion and my tummy felt like a washing machine throughout the whole race. Not pleasant but hung on for 8th place. Winner came home in 16:3x.

    My wife has recently taking up running, just to keep fit not for the love of it, she once said to me the only time she would ever consider having to run would be if her life depended on it!! My four year son on the other hand loves running and does a couple of 400's down at the track when he comes with me. He said he wants to be a runner when he grows up. 

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭

    Thanks all

    #OldHabits? Poacher makes an accidental entry at Windemere. A relentlessly undulating course (did the marketing dept write that image)

    #OldHabits? Went to gym with the intention of doing 4 miles recovery plus a few weights. Ended up with no weights, 20miles @ 6:55 pace. Bit hot - could have done with that towel.

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭

    Gerard Great result on the 5k. 34s is abig chunk of time on a 5k. Last night was my first evening race - need to rethink what I eat before / after as I also went through the 'washing machine' phase (spin cycle I  think) for a couple of miles.

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    AR, nice podium there. You are getting to be a fast runner and it is useful practice to get into head to head race situations where position is more important than time.  There is a whole load of stuff that experienced runners can do to mess up those round them that can (and will) be used. I know that after listening to this week's parkrun show that racing a parkrun can be frowned on but they are useful places to try out such tactics as many local parkruns (not 1000+ Bushy) will have a small field and head to head with big gaps is common.

    Gul, I have managed to avoid most lamp-posts in King's Lynn. My biggest running error there was when a few friends wondered if I could hurdle the wall in the corner of Tuesday Market Place. The hurdle was in fact easy, the issue was that I had remembered a car park on the other side but it was in fact the river.

    Took my own advice yesterday evening and went for long run in an unknown area with the assumption I would get back. I almost didn't and it came down to a misread of the map. I dropped #3 daughter off at a Guide camp site and had a little printed map that showed me how to get from the site to Wendover and then the plan was to run the canal. I was convinced I had dropped her off on a road which ran east / west and I wanted to run east without following the road so assumed I had to run parallel to the road. Despite obvious signs (the map said there were houses on the left and all I could see were fields) I found a path that followed the line of the road and despite further obvious clues (crossed an A road that wasn't marked) I pushed on, all the time heading north and not east. Eventually it dwand on me I must be wrong in and switched from paths to roads and followed road signs to where I was heading but managed to stretch a 2 mile route to the canal to 5 miles so the canal section had to be cut short.

    All topped off by British summer weather, turned from 15 degrees and sunshine to sleet and gales.

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    SlokeyJoeSlokeyJoe ✭✭✭

    Excellent news MsE image 

    Poacher, Windermere eh? I'm surprised you haven't entered the 10in10 and made more of an event of it - maybe next year?

    Did you miss a target split time Gul to evoke such rage at the street furniture?

    Took my shiny new aero helmet out for a spin last night. Fastest ride to date. I'm sure that's a psychological thing rather than the slightly reduced drag caused by my noggin but I'll take it. 

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    Nice short distances from AR and Gerard.

    Lets face it, you have to be on the nerdy/geeky spectrum to do marathons - My missus is quite supporting and is content for me to be out 20 hrs a week as long as shes gets the benefits ala mrs Poacher, so next years fulls will involve passports.

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    Great 5k Gerard; that is a big leap forward. Even more praiseworthy considering your guts were playing up. In 2009 I did the Bilbao Night Marathon which started at 8.30 pm and feeding/hydration all that day were certainly an issue - I had two visits from the dreaded Gingerbread Man somewhere about the 22m mark, and never mind portaloos, this was between parked cars.

    PMJ - Don't tell me you ended up in the drink that time?

    I did 9M this morning incl. 2 x 4000 @ HMP off a 2-minute recovery. The first set (av 6:45mm) was hard to get into, probably due to CNBA more than anything else, but once I got them arms a-swinging and legs a-moving, the second set (av 6.35mm) felt much more comfortable.

    Anyone racing this w/e?

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    PMJ, exactly the reason I always work out my routes in advance image  I may lack spontaneity but at least I don't get lost!

    Why are Parkruns frowned upon?

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    Howdy Ant - I have a 5k road race this very eveningimage with no ailments so no excuses.

    I dont frown on park runs, but i've only ever done one!

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Menn - Good luck with your 5k, what time are you hoping for?

    Yeah, what's all the frowning about? Wish we had Park runs here. We are lucky to have one 5k race a month.

    Ant - Night marathon! That must be weird waiting round all day to race 42k! Just as a matter of interest how did you end up out there?? My previous PB before last night was 19:31 but I know I am good for sub 19. I just need to be a bit braver in my my running and also it's nice when you actually race someone. I reckon if I had raced someone last night I would have gone sub 19 but nearest runner was about 40 seconds(too far ahead) and 20 seconds behind me.

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    Gul - ouch! I've found that wheeliebins left out on streets don't tend to have much give either when you try and knock them out of the way with an elbow? I once ran into a For Sale sign on the side of a house in the middle of a half marathon.

    Good luck to all the racers this weekend. Got an 8 mile Club league race on Sunday which is an odd distance?

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭

    Minks - I don't think anyone frowns on parkruns per se.I haven't heard the parkrun show, but I presume PMJ meant that it is the racing of parkruns that is frowned upon. They make quite a big thing of it not being a race. Like GM, I live in an area with next to no 5k races, so I am very pleased to have a local parkrun (unlike GM).

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    GM - As close to 17.xx as I can but hoping for something quicker than 18.39 (PB) but will see how my legs feel after Sundays Half. 

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    Minks wrote (see)


    Why are Parkruns frowned upon?

    So the parkrun show had quite an item about someone who went round the parkrun sitting on the shoulder of another athlete and then in the last straight sprinted past for the "win".

    I have mixed feelings on this: I frequently race parkrun as in I have head to head battles with other runners of similar ability. If I can I will definitely take them on the lien with a sprint but also as often as not they take me: that is part of life. If a runner asked during the run not to sit on his shoulder I would do so and would have to follow behind at some distance or pass cleanly but this has never happened to me and generally the people who you have these head to heads with turn at the end and thank each other for helping to get a good time.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Good luck with that Menn - look forward to hearing how you get on.

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    Also-ran,  when you posted that you don't do much training on road mostly offroad and the treadmill, I was intrigued to know what runs you did on the treadmill and assumed your long runs were offroad.

    20 miles on a treadmill - that is crazy man!!!

    I lived in America for a while a few years back with free access to a gym. I tried the treadmill but when I got off after only a few minutes I almost fell over because I forgot the ground doesn't really move whilst you stand still.

    I must admit I have always discounted anybody who uses a treadmill as just not having the mental strength/commitment to get out there in the snow and rain and do the miles - clearly not the case with you!!!

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    MinksMinks ✭✭✭

    One Gear, I would never, ever replace outdoor runs with a treadmill but during the winter we've just had I did do a 10-miler on one when it would have just been silly to try running on road (I ran on road the day before the treadmill run and nearly went A over T on black ice three times in 7 miles).  So they do have their uses occasionally!

    I haven't done a Parkrun yet (clashes with my son's swimming lesson on Saturday mornings image) but didn't realise it wasn't a "race".  My running buddy does our local one and said it can be quite competitive depending on who turns up, but there are plenty who do it just for fun too.  He got beaten by an 8-year old boy a couple of weeks ago!

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭

    20 miles on a treadmill - that is crazy man!!!  OG - it's not a regular thing, honest. After 5 miles I thought lets do another 2 or 3 - and so it continued until it became 'only a few more and its a 20'. Definitely prefer a trot down the river for my LR even give this years 'accidents' in the mud and snow image. I do like the treadmill for intervals - set up the session on PC, take it to the gym, and then it's just a case of hanging on in there. Quite like it for a tempo run as well.

    Shame Mrs AR won't entertain the idea of a treadmill around the house. She must see it as a threat!


    Found this interesting for those on the 10k running (I always favour tempo over intervals, but need to accept this may not be the best approach for 10k):


    Go Menn

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    Blimey, I'm sure I only posted a couple of days ago but it's probably about 10 pages back by now! I am completely baffled by the idea of not racing parkruns if you're anywhere near likely to come first. They are oddly euphemistic about not calling it a 'race' and saying 'first finisher' rather than 'winner', but I had assumed that was to make relative beginners feel more comfortable about taking part; surely if you're at the front you're likely to be the sort of person who likes a race? Also, if it's not a race, why do they tell you your current position just before you sprint for the finish? Or was that just the one I did?

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Surely people who slipstream for miles and decline all invitations to take up/share the frontrunning are a whole lot ruder that someone who races a parkrun.  PR is the event most of us have by far the greatest chance of winning. It may be more Freight Rover Trophy than Champions League, but a win is a win.  If one is spurred on to a high value piece of fast training, what's not to like.

    What is the equivalent of "chicked" when an 8yo kid beats you - is it "kidded"? 

    AR - nutter of the week title is yours. Again.

    Ant - you moan on about my feet,then proudly remind us about the time you did a Paula in the street. Pots, kettles.

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    Poacher - I bare my soul on here (and other bits, too). Besides, no pride in the telling of that story, it was just something that I felt had to come out (literally).

    Mennania - Race report?

    Philip_M_Jones wrote (see)
    ...generally the people who you have these head to heads with turn at the end and thank each other for helping to get a good time.

    Exactly. If the Parkruns are so keen for them not to be raced, then why do they put results up? Without the stats they would lose half the appeal. While welcoming all-comers, they should encourage a bit of healthy competition. I've only done one (Bromley) but if I had one nearby I'd do it most weeks, for sure.

    Gerard - I did French and Spanish at Uni, and when I finished I thought my French was much better tan my Spanish, so I got a job in Spain to improve it, and have never left...in September I'll have been here 21 years. I still can't quite believe it. If I had my time again I wouldn't have come, but only really because I've missed my mum, brothers and little nephewsimage.


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    Again, crazy number of posts. Very quick shorter distances. Good luck Menn.

    I run on a treadmill when I have no other choice. Which is normally all of July and August, due to work. Once you realise you have no other choice it is an easy decision.

    Easy decisions, work got in the way again today. "Guests" arriving tomorrow, so only just finished work. On duty so can't leave, hence no running tonight or over the weekend (unless on the treadmill). I am hoping a long rest of approx a week will help with glute as it is fine until I run.

    Moof The consultant appointment is for the shoulder. I was correct, I contacted to confirm date and since yesterday the consultant has decided to cancel all appointments and go abroad. New date pencilled in (subject to change). Fortunately I hadn't booked flights.

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    on phone so short n sweet. Course was as flat as it could be. Weather was perfect. 17.28 image

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    image That's fast Menna! 

    I haven't posted for a few weeks but as I heard my name mentioned the other day I thought I had better pop in. Actually listening to Marathon talk reminded me it was Halstead the other week and I wanted to see how DS2 got on (FANTASTIC RESULT!), then got caught up reading for a few hours a about SJs new pointy helmet, PMJ jumping into rivers, ARs continued madness and good to see Ant bathtime pictures are still a matter for discussion.

    Thanks for the link to the PPonline 10k workouts AR. I think the one with 1m @10k +10sec, 1m @ 10k, 1m @ 10k -10sec (if done twice) would be more beneficial than the one the straight 6x1m @ 10k pace you mentioned Ant. I plan to do some of these 10k workouts in June and July before knuckling down to some BB inspired big miles before Abo (if I can get a number). 

    Keep on running everyone. image

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    Mennania, scorching hot, run not the weather.

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Stonking run Mennania! That is quick! 

    Keir - nice too hear from you. How's things? Are you fit & healthy?

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    Menn, just convert that to marathon times for a sub 3.


    I've just realised that I've got a 5k fun run on Sunday, with small daughter. I suppose I'd better race it.

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Hope she doesn't beat you Blisters!image

    meant to say thanks for the piriformis advice a couple of days ago. Am trying to make a conscious effort To stretch until it becomes a habit. Already feeling significantly better!

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    Lots to catch up on today!!

    Had to leave the house early this morning and was going to make today a rest day anyway so contented myself with listening on the MT podcast as to what others had done. Great interview with Joe Symonds (top notch fell runner who then knocked out a 2:20:xx marathon at Rotterdam this year!) - almost made me want to take fell running up!

    Blimey Mennaniayou weren't hanging around were you? Crackerjack of a performance.

    Gerard - if you thought you felt dodgy, have a read of this. Very amusing, although presumably not at the time.


    Keir - welcome back. Are you staying around on here?

    On the subject of parkruns officially being a run, not a race, could it be anything to do with the discussion about juniors not being allowed to race them as the distance is too long, and therefore they have to over emphasise the non-racing part of it? Personally, I don't really care what they're called - I think they're fantastic and anything that gets literally thousands of people, old and young, fit and unfit, out running on a Saturday morning has got to be a good thing. 

    G'night all!

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