
Sub 3h15



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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    image Mennania. Moving some there. 

    I'm back on the bench. A 3 mile test run last night went really well for the first 2.5m then the calf stiffened up again. image  

    How do those with calf issues X train?  I've got the bike hooked to the turbo and that doesn't seem to aggravate it and the cross trainer seems ok too.  I've just ticked over on these but I feel I now need to start doing some harder workouts. It's a month since London and I've only rUn about 5 times. image

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    PMJ, I misread your post and thought a runner had carried another runner on his shoulders (like I would for my 6 year old son) and then he cheekily jumped off at the end and won the race. Seriously I di have to re read that one!

    20 miles on the treadmill AR - you have an understanding gym! Crazy great run though!

    Poacher - you can't kid a kidder!

    Mennania - BOOM! Fantastic time there, pleased you got a really good time (really jealous though!).

    Hope you aren't on the bench too long Minni.

    5 steady miles tonight @ 7.30 pace.

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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    @Minni, I get sports massage along with unsolicited lectures about what kinds of stretching I should be doing; usually fixes it.

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    Good link Also-Ran, an interetsing read and collection of 10k workouts. I remember seeing that link a few years ago and it inspired me & helped me a lot. But also forgot about some of those workouts, so will try a few of those to see what happens. There seems to be such a myth regarding 10k training (like any distance!), but I think a combination of the intervals and tempo runs is a good start.

    I made a big progression (in running in general) doing weekly 2000m rep sessions about 4 years ago. This helped as it replicated running at 10k race pace for longer periods and being able to hold that pace for longer. I used to do 5 x 2000m reps, which was a tough session, but ended up with a total distance of 10,000m being run. As I wanted to break 40 minutes for 10k, the benchmark was to do each 2k rep in under 8 minutes. This took a few weeks to build up to, but eventually I managed it. Ultimately it was a session I loved/hated as it was tough, but anything that takes you out of your comfort zone has got the hallmark of progression. This also had a knock on effect on my half marathon times and getting under 90 minutes, which in my opinion are so close that they go hand in hand.

    So at the end of the day if you want to break 90 minutes for a half marathon (No1 rule for a sub 3.15?) it helps if you can get a sub 40 minute 10k. It's all related and this is what the summer is all about.

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    Great result, Mennania. Sub-35 10k next?

    Yesterday I received a copy of the results and a diploma from the marathon I did last month, certifying I did 3:13:25. Surely this documentation will be enough to satisfy GFA?

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭

    AR - 20 miles on a dreadmill is bad enough but that was also not far off sub 3 pace!!!
    Mennania - super fast time. Well done.
    Keir - good to hear from you.
    Minni - bad luck. Hope you can get the calf sorted very soon.
    KR - interesting stuff about the 5x2k reps. I guess I didn't do the 3x2M session enough times!
    Anyway, on the with the base building for now. 14 miles in 2 hours dead this morning. Pleased to see a spotted woodpecker too for the first time in years.
    Good luck to anyone parkrunning this morning or racing this weekend.

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    knight rider wrote (see)

    So at the end of the day if you want to break 90 minutes for a half marathon (No1 rule for a sub 3.15?)

    Seems the current rule for sub 3:15 is to get to 26.0 in sub 3:00 and don't sweat about the 0.2.

    Don't want to bring up the issue of photos, but Minni who we know from her avatar in pigtails has changed her FB picture and timeline to both show rear views. Can anyone confirm they are her rear as I don't see the pigtails?

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    Menn, Hell of a time, congrats.

    knight rider wrote (see)

    I've found that wheeliebins left out on streets don't tend to have much give either when you try and knock them out of the way with an elbow?

    Gul, I see your spotted woodpecker and raise you a redback.  KR You wouldn't be pushing any wheeliebins here, found this little juvenile sat on mine today.


     They do make a satisfying splatt.

    Ant, If the cert says so VLM can't argue.  Did you get a cert for the ultra as well?

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    Well spotted Gul. I see the Greens quite often as I think they are happier in the open than the Greats and Spotted. I thought I saw a Shag yesterday morning swimming on the canal near the coast, but on researching it turned out to be a Cormorant. How's the lamp post fighting going?

    I'll hang around Lorenzo. I don't do any other forums or any of that Facemash thing, so  if I'm not here I'm virtually non existant. Have you read the Feet in the clouds book he recommends? It's very good.

    As evidence that should be fine Ant, so long as you still fit between the new GFA goal posts. But to be sure, better send them some pictural evidence just in case. image

    6x1m or 5x2000k - pretty much the same session there KR and I totally agree on how the 10k training impacts upon HM PBs.

    Hope you get better Minni. Although longer term after the last few years of progression, having a month or 2 down time could be a positive. To spice up some of those Turbo sessions have a look here. or if you really get into it, I've heard good things about this alternative to a power meter.

    I'm also trying to regularly stretch DS2. Just a little but almost daily. Especially focusing upon my lower back as that has affected my last 2 spring campaigns. I'm getting back to a decent mileage - 48, 70, and hopefully 68 this week with some hill reps which will also hopefully strengthen weak areas. What is your next target. ny races coming up in the south of the county or perhaps the North Downs  30k?

    Kill them before they kill you Windy!

    Good luck on following and outspringint those pesky primary kids all PRers. 

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Hi Keir, goods post and great mileage. I have Abo to focus on but want to get quicker over shorter distances so will try to look at some hard speedier sessions over the coming weeks. I've always liked mile reps so intend to do a session each week. Thinking hard about North Downs run. On my doorstep really and passes within 1/4 mile of my house but never done it before.

    hopefully see you there. I hear it's tough???

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    Only have time to skim read at the mo, sorry! Just dropping in to say I did my first coached track session on Tuesday in the pouring rain and was given a 10k training session to do (not sure why given I'm racing 3000m today and a marathon next weekend, but heigh-ho). It was 1 x 1600m, 3 x 1000m, 4 x 400m. Would have to check my stats for the recoveries but they seemed fairly long. It was HARD. I thought my legs might drop off. Loved it though. image

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    Nice spider image. Raise you a tern colony,  wheatear, pair of grey wagtails and a huge barn owl.

    Great effort Mennania, you are flying.

    Minni those TOP10PERCENT shirts seem like OK quality, but surely you are not going to race in it, it would be tempting fate. Might change mine to BOTTOM10PERCENT for tomorrow.  Who else has the freebie shirt?

    DS2 at the risk of opening old wounds, are you Man of Kent or Kentish Man? Lorenzo you must be one or the other of these too. Answer carefully as 1,000 years of disagreement goes with this. image

    Nice training CC, don't overdo it while recovering though

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Keir - thanks for the link. Looks perfect and I'll try one out later.  I agree with the couple of months easy time. I'm not too fussed and in a way it's making me take a rest that I think I need and wouldn't have had if it wasn't for the calf. But I'm  missing my fix! 

    Feet in the Clouds is a brilliant book. One of my friends is mentioned in it. She held the female record back in the day. 

    Poacher - the t shirts are fun to get but I agree when would you wear it? image It's like the Xempo ones. I got sub 3:30 one and only ever wear it under something else!  The lucozade ones are very neat fitting (I didn't think it was going to go over my head) and not sure it would be that comfortable for running. I might frame it instead. image


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    literatinliteratin ✭✭✭

    I have the t-shirt too, it arrived yesterday and I nearly wore it for my club run but looked like such a twat I had to change and was nearly late. Also, the sizing is very small - chest and waist are fine but apparently ladies are meant to have tiny narrow shoulders.

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Dammit!  Just lost my post.  Effectively just said I'm sorry I haven't even really lurked this week, but work and music have been taking over life.  Thankfully only due to do 45M this week in any event as it's the final week of end of season break before getting back into proper training (i.e. minimum of 50mpw and some quality).

    Hope all is well with everyone...

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the comments guys. Brief report for a brief run.

    Got to Christleton half an hour before the run and left the missus in a pub on the course with a v large glass of SB and ran to registration and a mile warm up to the very busy start. (320 people). Surprised at the distance people have travelled for a 5k race but had been told it has a reputation for being v fast, which it was.

    Started ok and put a burst on to get out of the congestion and after half a k am doing 3.16s so back right down with half of the feild pushing past me and close first k off at 3.29 with 0 elevation. as it kicks over the lap struggle to pick up pace and still slipping backwards. My plan was to go out quickish first k and then reduce pace for 2nd and run a progressive with a burst for the final k. 2nd K was 3.37 with a 2m gain. Too slow - was hoping to go 3.33. got used to pace and HR so push on now and start clawing back pace as people appear to be struggling to hold onto their ambitious beginnings - feeling challenged but comfortable and go through 3rd k in 3.34 with a 1m gain. seems I am running 3 -4  secs off pace again but am comfortably within target of 17.xx so all is good. 4th k passes uneventfully but due to progressive approach rather than balls out and hold on am rattling passed the masses and get to 4k with a 3.30, helped by -4m of elevation. Am still feeling totally within myself so decide to really push on last k and pick up the pace substantially. Extra effort provokes an uncomfortable response from the body but, hey, theres onlt 3 mins to go so knuckle down encouraged by the number of people I am passing and close the race with a 3.17 and a 17.29 for a minute + pb.

    Clearly pleased but cant help thinking it was a missed opportunity,. If I had paced first k of race more evenly I think I would have been a good 15 secs or so faster. Happy days still!

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    DS2DS2 ✭✭✭

    Menn - great run and a great report! Where did you place?

    Poacher - Man of Kent! Born South of the Medway but lived just North of it for most of my life!

    Anyone else considering the North Downs run?

    jools - glad to see you are still managing to run despite your busy lifestyle. What are your race plans now?


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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    DS2 - hmm, I'm Man of Kent although My mother is a Kentish Maid.

    Cant hear self think as there are a load of Morris dancers outside the house.image

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Congrats on a very impressive time Menn and great report! 320 runners!! We are lucky to get that here for a half marathon. One minute PB for a 5k is excellent. When did you last race 5k? What was your placing??

    I like the 5k's as you get random people turning up and giving the distance a crack and it's good to see new faces taking up the sport too. Some guy did his 2nd ever 5k on Thurs (no running background) and he finished 3rd in 17:3x. I nearly threw up when he told me. There's a lot to be said about pure natural ability.

    Hi Ant - Veintiun anos is mucho tiempo (dodgy spelling). I left home 16 years ago and family are spread as far a field as Africa,Belgium and Ireland. Totally relate to what you say about missing your family, we have no family here and it's tough sometimes. I did a 1 year stint in the various Canary Islands and liked it very much but I've never been to North of Spain. The Spaniards seem to churn out some seriously good runners.

    Lorenzo that story is hideous, what a nightmare. Funny though, but as you say not at the time. I very seldom have tunny issues when running but it's unpleasant to say the least and least it was only 5k.

    No running for me since Thursday, head down in the revision books, Bleugh! Will try get out for a 10k run tomorrow am.

    Also read that book Feet in the clouds, very good read and I couldn't put it down. Fell runners are a differentt breed, a bit like Killian Jornet if anyone is familiar with that name. He just won the transvulcania ultra in La Palma last week off the back of very little running, apparently ski's for half of the year. He is an unbelievable ultra marathoner and have broken just about every record in the book as far as ultras are concerned.

    AR - You and my Father would get on famously, he was a decent runner in his day but sadly his body is in tatters now as a result of succumbing to virtually every injury under the sun. He is turning 60 soon but still knocks out 80-100k a week on the TM, can no longer run on the road. I on the other hand have been on a TM twice in my entire life and probably only ran a 20 mins never mind miles!!

    WTF did that spider come from, looks horrible.....


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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    Last 5k road race was this time last year. Meant to say, believe it or not I came 84th!!!! This race attracts a shed load of short distance runners from the northwest. It was won with a 13.59, first lady was 16.20, 32 under 16 mins 64, under 17, 118 under 18, 153 under 19 and 188 under 20 mins. It would appear to be a pretty serious outing, almost 50% of a big field went below 19 mins.

    Lorenzo - enjoyed that blog!!


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    Keir - yes, I've read Feet in the Clouds and agree it's a great read. The Bob Graham round is definitely a tough one though. 

    PoacherDS2 - I was born just west of the River Medway so apparently that makes me a Kentish Man.

    On the subject of the Garden of England, I can strongly recommend the North Downs Run (assuming it's the 30K version) - one of my favourite ever races.

    Poacher - it's obviously Morris Dancing Day today. There were a bunch of them performing in Guildford this morning.

    GM - what are you revising for? Anything exciting that you want to share with us?

    Jools  - glad to see you're still in good form. Only a runner would say that work and music are taking over life and then get out for 45 miles.

    Top reps Speedy - go easy this week though.

    My Lucozade t-shirt arrived this morning. Haven't dared to try it on yet but I can assure you I won't be using it as an excuse to show my shapely bottom on Facebook!

    Parkrun this morning and I hope I'm not counting any chickens but it could well have been mission accomplished. More to follow when the official results come out.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Menn you have improved a lot in the past 12 months then. 84th!! That is a seriously competitive race, 13:59 1st place is unbelievably quick and the rest of those stats are equally mind blowing. Please remind me what was the name of that 5k again? I would turn up just to watch it.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Lorenzo - on the contrary it's a dull as dish water! Certified Chartered Accountancy for my sins, pays for new running gear though and have just spent a fortune on another pair of Sauncony shoes, tracksuit, race vest oh and a pair of Sauncony's for the management, anything to keep her happy and from killing me. My collection of saucony's is starting to resemble a HiViz shoe fetish. You are being coy about your Parkrun time surely you must have your Garmin splits! Look forward to the official result.

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    Menn - I just re read your race report and see that it was Christleton and googled it. Was curious to see who the guy was who ran 13:5x and he is a runner of note with a 28min 10k pb and 62min HM. That sort of pace, 4:30 min miles for 5k is phenomenal. I reckon I could do 50 metres at that pace and I would then passout.

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    Also-ranAlso-ran ✭✭✭

    Menn, that's a superb result, and sounds like a great race. Sounds like you ran it well. forget about time you may/may not have gained at the beginning. Scary training paces calculated in Mcmillan from that result.

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    Minni wrote (see)

    How do those with calf issues X train?  

    By running up and down in the pool.  It's very tedious, but not quite as tedious as the turbo. 

    KR - I loved your literal interpretation of "the guy sitting on his shoulder". 
    Negotiating everyday conversation must be a minefield for you.  I don't mean an actual, real-life minefield.  I just meant.... oh, never mind.

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    That quoting box looks a bit peculiar.  But I don't know how to fix it.  Sorry.

    Negotiating the Sub 3:15 thread - it's a bloody minefield.

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    Martin HMartin H ✭✭✭

    Had a very busy week so apologies for not reading back more than two pages.

    Excellent result Mennania.  PB after PB at the moment.  Well done.

    I've started reading Hudson & Fitzgerald and mixing their quality sessions with a few other runs and have ran 39.5 miles this week without noticing.  Looks like a very good book.

    Now off on holiday touring Italy for two weeks.

    Hope you get a PB next week at Edinburgh Speedy and everyone else racing.  Be your best!!!


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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Thats a remarkable run Menn, a PB by a minute for an experienced runner is pretty exceptional. You and AR seem to be on fire at the mo.

    Sorry to hear about your calf Minni- hope it's nothing too serious.

    I did the parkrun this morning. Came 4th in awful conditions and a reduced field of just over 100 runners. 19:25 doesn't sound too quick but it's the best I've felt for a while, and the closest I've been to my rivals. 15 tomorrow to round off a poor week of 35 miles.


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    Quick post to say a big "Woo Hoo". A 3 second PB doesn't sound like much to shout about but I am now officially a sub-19 5K runner. 

    Ideal conditions this morning for a parkrun this morning but important that I made the most of it as the course changes from next weekend to one that is a bit more undualting.

    Started off briskly and was just ahead of target pace up to half way. The 4th K was tough and a bit slow (4:00) but pulled a 3:38 out of the bag for the final K to end up in 18:58. Mightily chuffed image

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