
Just A Little Bit Further 2013



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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    well done to your girl chili and to rocker

    hope loula is ok

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    Rocker - Well done!!

    Hope Loula is OK. Is she finished yet?

    Ecky - well done to Middle Ecky!  Sounds like a lovely festival. You must be very proud.

    Chili - well done to No.2 girl!

    MC - Good luck for the party tomorrow. Hope the weather is nice for it. Don't worry about the mess. It's the last thing a group of nine year olds will notice.

    AF - Good luck for tomorrow! You'll be fab!

    My Australian friend is flying back to Ozzy for good this week so she has given us her 2 turtles.  My boys are thrilled but the tank is enormous and we really don't have the space. We have put the tank in the upstairs bathroom which we hardly ever use but I just hope they'll get enough sunlight there as I know they like to 'bask'. Anyway, they have been renamed 'Hulk' and 'Thor'. They were previously 'Romeo ' and 'Juliet'.image


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    Well done Rocker.

    Loula Loula, you can do it image

    Hi Chilli, how are you feeling now.

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    Loula has finished and got a PB yayyyyyy


    Well done Rocker fab time

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    12 .09.13 for Loula She done crac team proud so happy for her Just spoken to her and she is so glad she done it

    You rock sis Go girl so inspirationational xxxx

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    Loula, you have indeed done us proud. I cant even begin to imagine doing those distances, I am in awe.


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    Well done Loula! imageimageimage You are amazing. Please take care driving home. xxx

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    Lets get a parteeee  going for our amazing Ultra Loula She is fabby doo Woop woop go girl image

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    Wow! Well done Loula! That's amazing! Knew you could do it even if you hadn't trained for a month!

    AF - Good Luck again!

    Just back from a 4 miler through the village with hubby on his bike. Sounds a bit pathetic now, lol.

    Beautiful day here. Got lots of school work to do before going to the bridal shower this afternoon.


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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    loula - that is fantastic well doneimage

    Jude - have a lovely day

    feeling a bit rubbish today, didn't sleep, feeling a bit ill in the night and can't stop blowing my nose now. Decided not to do the planned bike ride, which is worrying as it was to be the last long one before outlaw half

    need to go and bake a birthday cake - little maths is 9 today

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    Well done Loula & Rocker-party time tonight.

    Jude-I love turtles!

    Mc-hope you feel better & party goes down well.

    Speak later.

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    loulabellloulabell ✭✭✭

    hello everyone , just reporting in to say im alive!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    thank you so much for all your good lucks, sorry i didnt get on here on friday was a mad rush doing things and getting missy to my mum and dads to sleep over and trying to get home to get some sleep as i was up at 3;45am to travel to surrey in time for registration and race briefing.. also had to try and make a decision to do it and get my head and kit together.  my decision was made thurs/fri. my last longest run was November for druids and a few shorter runs of 10-15miles  and 2 or 3 runs of 20plus between november - march. april and may i really have done very little due to circumstances so i decided to use NDW this time as a test to myself to see what i was capable of from zero.

    we were very lucky with weather and although i was very excited before the start i felt less nervous, maybe because i knew part of the trail and that i liked it. found rocker and liz outside and went in. Saw Wib on kit check, Lirish and more familiar faces so a good start. Atmosphere was good as usual , everyone calm and in good spirits. the course was as usual for me lovely, amazing views and just so tranquil. first 24 miles are undulating with varying terrain with maybe one ascent, i felt good at Boxhill aid station (24miles)where i saw my lovely friend DV who was crew and taking times down and reporting them to HQ ...id forgotten how steep Boxhill really is-OH MY GOD. everyone thought the same and it was tough going, the steps are so big and steep its imperitive to lean forwards so you dont tip yourself off balance! i think people walking dogs etc coming down were thinking we were all physical wrecks! really felt like telling them we had almost run a hilly marathon so far so were bloody entitled to look wrecked lol

    after boxhill came more decent and uphill again. lots of people calf muscle were in spasm and cramp after the upward climb including mine! a painful hipjoint ive had for a week decided to kick in then too and from 26 miles i was having trouble getting my leg to work properly lol

    had to run some and then tske a walk break which interfered with momentum as my hip wasnt allowing me to get going quickly again so i found chunks of v fast walking on flat were faster. i got to 31 miles and was feeling ok, not tired in myself and morale good as id run mostly alone except for leap frogging with runners and the ocassional word .Crew at the station filled my water and i grabbed scotch eggs, flapjack, jelly babies and crisps to take and a lovely lady emptied GU into my little squeezy bottle. vanilla fudge flavour yum. 

    i thought running alone for 50miles would be disheartning but i actually found  i liked it and didnt get lost once!! phew! came into Caterham at 38miles  thinking i was way behind time and close to aid station cut off but was told there still 1.5hours till that shut. had orange jellyimage orange slices and crisps and was off- slaneuk who sorted my back last year was on this station and tutted and groaned when he saw i was being rubbed raw again imageoops. all ok and off i went with only 12 miles to go...more inclines, woods, steep steps etc 12 miles doesnt sound far but i knew what was to come, a horrible climb up to Botly aid staion that again is a hand on knees job and push. the top feels like it never appears. i eventually recognised the left turn at the bottom of some steps(very ouchy at tht point )and knew the ascent was here...strangley enough it didnt seem as bad as last year, long but i felt i coped better and stopped to get heart rate down twice ...eventually i could hear the road and see sunlight.

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    loulabellloulabell ✭✭✭

    finally at the top and pleased to get to the last aid station- finish was in my sights now and i knew even i had to fast walk i could make it in under 13.5 hours cut off time. saw another familiar face and drank flat coke again as i had since mile 24( new discovery that it works for me on ultras)grabbed melon ( another refreshing food at late stage of ultra that is v nice) sausage roll and peanut butter sandwich and set off. crossed the road and saw a crewman for his runner that id kept seeing whole way through as id been running very close time to his runner. he was marvellous and each time he met his runner with his car he offered me water, food etc and encouragement . must find out his name because he was a star.

    last 5 miles, and i knew from last year there were a lot of rough terrsin fields to cross and ridges AND a pig of a climb at 47 miles....sure enough it arrived and there were steps ( all these inclines and steps etc are preceeded by stiles and gates to open on the trail, not easy when you are totally trashed lol)..after the steps a grassy climb, again , stop, breathe , push on and up to the top. ...fields, cross more fields...INCLUDING COWS!!!!...i kinda chuckled as i knew rocker had already passed through this field and guessed he knew id curse a field full of  cowsimagethe last field should be coming up as my watch was on 49 miles....no, again another flipping field...ok, must be thid one woith the gate onto road, no, another field, all the way around the edge no cutting through or disqualified. then , a new twist, the end had been moved from the gree where it was last year to the village hall, we all knew that. what we didnt know was that as you crossed the last to one field you could see the finish arch and music and ballons to the side in the distance but we were running parallell to it!!!! arghhhhh, it was destroying to see!!!! it was in sight but still another 2 miles on round the fields  in a square shape!!!! nightmare!!

    so near but yet so far!!!!! hang on, my watch had hit 50miles in 11:55!! but still another mile to go!! WHAT????????

    onto the road finally i was praying for that gate and the orange spray paint on the road with the NDW arrow. at no point in the run had i complained yet- well , ok , i swore at every hill and set of steps i came to but i think we all did!!- but now these last 2 miles had been neverending...run towards last years finish point -then a left!!


    i kept thinking this was wrong, the finish point was further away thn last year  so everyone was running further than 50!

    following orange arrows now up the road - and a hill! argh, no, but i didnt care i was running now, crew turned me left and thrre was the finish banner, up on grass and up an incline-DONT CARE!-running and DONE! phew all done image happy me and a smidge faster than last  year. i wouldnt have minded if id done it in 13.25 ...but i really must email James from Centurion  about those cows........image


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    Wow!  That sounds amazing - daunting, but amazing.  Congratulations.  Sounds like that last stretch went on forever!  I love vanilla Gu (secret vice) image.  I think you can pretty much eat and drink whatever yoiu like for a while - do you carry on feel starving for a couple of days after a really long event like that?

    My run today was very tame by comparison, except that it was meant to be 16m in Richmond Park but I had to stop after 10m with a sore ankle.  Dr Google says it is my flexor digitorum longus and now I am having a neurofen day, first time in ages I've had to do that.   

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    Loula - fantastic, well done, and brilll race reportimage

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    Oh Loula, what a brilliant report! Well done! imageimage An amazing run and I can't believe you did it on so little training. Such a natural runner. Got a lovely victoria sponge cake for you image

    Our big news is that Smidge has finally managed at ride her bike without stabilisers. It has taken her a long time. Our big girl learned when she was 4, the twins just after their 5th birthday. Smidge is 6 but just didn't seem to get her balance and co-ordination right. Now we just have to work on her strength.

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    Wow Loula that is a great report.You are a star & I am very proud of you.Hadn't realised how close to tune AF household you where-about 20 miles.Have done several races around Boxhill & Leith Hill very steep!

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    Well done again Loula! Great report and superb performance!

    Chili - Well done to Smidge! It's funny how they achieve different things at different times, isn't it?

    Louise - Hope your ankle feels better soon. 10 miles is still a good distance! (and 2.5 times better than my run today! lol!!)

    MC - How was your boy's party? Hope it went well and you are feeling better than this morning.

    AF - Weren't you racing today?

    Just back from the bridal shower which was fun. We played games like: design a bridal dress out of toilet paper and 'truth or dare'. I was by far the oldest one there but we had a giggle.image

    Back to the school work now.  It's never ending.image Inspection tomorrow. image

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    chili - well done to smidgeimage I remember the days of running alongside my big boy holding onto him while he tried to ride without stabilisers. The younger one was much quicker and less needy. 

    I am ok but shattered, I'll feel fine in the morning after a good night's sleep. I did have a little nap at the in-laws this afternoon.

    I messed up the icing on the cake but the cake itself was very tasty - chocolate of courseimage party was mostly civilised, four boys sitting playing on the ps3, then they ate pizza and chips and cake, 5 mins messing about in the garden till the parents turned up, all pretty much at the same time. 

    Jude - good luck for the inspection

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    Jude I was racing.Flat course,but,rubbish time of 47.16.Went with far too quickly with first mile in 6.53.Prefer 1/2's! A bit annoyed with myself as I didn't push myself enough.Resigned to the fact that I won't go sub 45 in a 10k.

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    loulabellloulabell ✭✭✭

    thanks all , image was a great day on my fave trail .

    Boss, you will have to tell me where you are , im planning on NDW training over summer. yikes 6:53 m/m?? thatd finish me lol. was a good time boss!!

    aw louise , sorry to hear about your ankle stopping you , best to before more injury occurs ( says she who ignored all advice not to runimage)hope it heals soon. its weird after distance because today i really didnt feel that hungry nor yesterday when i finished, just fluids really and tried to eat protein today and FGS for repair.

    chili, cake sounds yummy thank you!!! will be needing that in next 48 hours .image

    miss llb didnt ride a bike til 6 either , thought she never would whereas i was much younger and on skates and allsorts at 5..they all do it when ready i guess.




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    Loula that was a brilliant report. It sounds so tuch but what an amazing achievement.

    I went for a run yesterday but after rushing from Chruch with little Ecky and the racing off to meet my friend, I struggled on our 4 miler and at one point felt really sick and light headed. I wonder if it was because I have been eating a bit too well and needed a bit of sugar. Bournville sorted me out and some cakes made by Big Girl. I have been out for a little run this morning but just don't have the energy so only managed 2 miles. I will rest now as we are racing on Weds night. We have the Washlands relays which are 2 miles.

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    Loula - so how sore are you? I know you recover well usually.

    AF - sorry to hear that your race didn't go as you wanted.

    So it is Franny's turn this weekend! Are you feeling better?

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    Loula-I live about 15 miles sout of Box Hill in a place called Southwater near Horsham. Would happily do along run with you if you are in the Box Hill area. Hope you aren't too worn out today?

    Ecky-Hope the energy comesback.

    Morning Chilli,Franny,byeck,ecky,louise,MC etc etc.

    Did a steady 30 minutes on the treadmill this morning as weather wasn't good. Will run tomorrow instead. 

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    Morning All

    Loula..that was a fantastic report. mahoosive well done and as Ecky said cannot imagine running that distance and for that long. I am in total awe of you too.

    AF..sorry to hear you didn't get the time you wanted but I am sure you will get your sub 45 one of these days...DO NOT GIVE UP image believe you can image it will happen.

    Ecky..hope you feel more energized soon in time for your race on Wednesday night.

    Yes its my turn this weekend and to be honest I am still feeling pretty rubbish but hoping I will be okay. no running this week.Had intended to do one this morning and one at weekend but just not up to it and just want to focus on getting well. Hubby doesn't think I should run if I am still not right by Thursday and has looked into a back up plan of doing Shrewsbury Marathon on 23rd June imageimage I just kinda want it over and done with now though.

    Louise..hope your building troubles aren't causing you too much stress.Hope your ankle is better today.

    Qork at 2pm for me then offfffffffffffffffffffffffff for ages...yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy


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    Hi Franny. I really hope you are feeling better for your race at the weekend. I would agree with no running at all if you have been feeling unwell. I didn't run at all the week before the Marathon and was okay. Its good to have a back up too if you are still unable to run. I bet you can wait to have some time off.


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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    franny, hope you recover in time for your marathon. I think I would agree with your hubby, don't run it if you aren't well enough

    ecky - hope you are feeling better. 

    off to swimming laterimage

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    5 mile hilly run. Accompanied by two daughters on their bike. Helped me go a little bit quicker than i normally run it.

    My twins came bouncing home from school today over-the-moon cos they have been selected for their school athletics club. The tryouts were a couple of weeks ago and only the top 3 girls from their class were chosen. I was a bit nervous cos my girls do long distance (1.5-5k) not short speedy distances (yr 4 do 80-600m) and they so wanted to get into the clubs. Of course, then the worry is that one will and one won't (which is what happened last year!). Am feeling very relieved...

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    mathschickmathschick ✭✭✭

    chili - great news for your twins, well done to themimage

    and well done to you on the run

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    loulabellloulabell ✭✭✭

    CHILI THATS FAB NEWS!!! good on the girls , hope they enjoy being in the athletics club-obviously taking after a sporty mum!

    boss, i will indeed let you know when im in the boxhill area, that stretch from there to the end is where i need practise so if you fancy a 25mile run please join me image

    well last night by 8pm i was tired, id done a lot of things during the day , thighs were a tad achey but otherwise ok. felt tired getting up at 6 today and quads still a bit stiff but otherwise ok. when i finished work at 2 i came home and the stifness seemed to go all of a sudden and ease off completely . so ive mowed the lawn and done the weeding and some pots for the garden this afternoon image


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