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    Wheetabix,  honey and some raisins image takes seconds to sort no cooking required

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    Oh and immodiumimage

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    Rice pudding with a handfuI of oats at about 4-4:30

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    K9K9 ✭✭✭

    definitely immodiumimage

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    I never take immodium......go to toilet 2 or 3 times in the morning before the race to clear out all systems.....and then the adrenaline and exercise ensures that i do not usually go again until the race stops.....


    off for a swim in the least the rain won't matter

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    don't do cereals, for me a couple of chicken salad wraps bought the day before, tea and a weak sports drink, never had to take immodium, the tea shifts everything for me!


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    AliBear30AliBear30 ✭✭✭

    Porridge, croissant and hot tea worked for the half so not changing it.
    I will however have to do my dash to the porta-loo in T1 as debuted at the Half, as I'd a delicate little thing image and can't warm up my wetsuit ewww.

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    Imodium works by slowing peristalsis - is that really what you want to happen in an event lasting over 12 hours when you're trying to fuel? I wouldn't take it unless you have an issue and need to.


    EP - why on earth are you taking gels instead of having breakfast before a long ride? You'd be much better off with a bowl of cereal or a couple of rounds of toast and honey.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    going to say jam on taost would be better than gels....

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    I think the answer to what to eat before the race is this - what you know works.  What works for one won't for another.  You've all been doing lots of long rides, so that should give you an indication of what works for you.  I wouldn't worry if you're vastly different from everyone else, so long as you can take what you're eating, and that you've got a tested plan for what you'll eat along the way. 

    Having said all that, i've not decided what to eat before the mara, as i'll not be starting until the early afternoon of course, so not sure how much to eat in the morning. Usually I do my run in the morning, and i'll either have a gluten free cereal or scrambled eggs beforehand, just whatever I fancy on the day. 

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    Lee..late races like that is a difficult one...........I would have a ful cooked breakfast early and then something like toast and banana later onimage

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    mmmmm, full cooked brekkie :-P  I like your thinking Seren!!! hehehehehe. 

    Yeah I think for me some protein in the morning, then some pre-running carbs.  I've been using gels a lot less this time, and I don't miss them too much.  I've been finding Nakd bars, Powerbars and 9bar (or something like that) quite useful instead, so will probably get a couple of those to stick in my back pockets on the day.  I really should look at what they're serving up on the feed stations....i've been ignoring all the info. because i'm not doing the full thing, but of course I still need to know what's going on.  In fact it has just occurred to me i'll need to register on the Saturday, lol.  Best go read the stuff I think.....

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    I think I'd just stick to my normal breakfast and lunch then look to top up with something with some slow release carbs about an hour and a half before I'm expecting to run. Good excuse to nibble on those Nakd bars all day image

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    image Pork pie's and donut's? image

    Just don't eat anything you wouldn't normally in case your tummy doesn't like it. Sarah has got me munching on fig rolls in my bento box because of the carbs if any good.

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    K9K9 ✭✭✭

    I've never needed immodium before the last few months, but have had major 'issues' whenever I run since about Feb - it's hideous and I dont understand why it has started.

    Have taken immodium before every run lately and things are a lot better. I will definitely be taking some and carrying extra on race day!

    LMH - yes it slows peristalsis - but only to something still only approaching normal in my case. No danger of overshoot!!

    Hey - too much info??

    And breakfast will probably be between 3 and 3:30. I wont have slept anyway - and I dont have bother getting up in the mornings. I dont usually eat until after I swim though. Dont feel hungry straight away, so it'll be a bit of an effort to eat I reckon

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    I normally have porridge but before the half I just had 2 pieces of toast and jam. Felt sick to the pit of my stomach with nerves and it all tastes like cardboard but I reckon you'll have enough gels during the dayEP without starting that early

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    K9 - I'm guessing you've thought about things like dietary changes and avoiding wheat or dairy before runs as an experiment?


    Cake - I miss fig rolls - don't suppose Sarah has found a gf version?


    SS - I know what you mean about having to force your breakfast down at that time - it's just not natural is it?

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Ah, a few GF free fans here by the sounds of it then!  Been doing it about a year now and what a bloody difference!

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    I'm sure I have seen her eating some but being gf they are probably very expensive and taste a bit pants (sorry but most gf stuff is image).

    Message her chuck and pump her for info. I'm meeting her in matlock in a bit if I remember I will ask.

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    How many carbs in a fig roll. I've only just discovered they made a chocolate malt loaf. Sounds yummy but it was only for a limited timeimage

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    Just nicked this from a web site for Jacob's brand and don't think there will be much different between the different types.

    Nutritional information (feel free to skip ahead…)

    Per biscuit:
    60 Calories
    0.6 g protein
    11.5g carbohydrate (sugar: 7.6)
    Fat 1.3 g (saturated fat: 0.6)
    Fibre 0.7 g
    Sodium 0.03g

    Only real issue I'm having is if it rains you end up with a brick of mush in your bento box after a bit. But still edable. Just don't eat anything on the day you arn't used to through so if your thinking about using them eat some on some training races first.

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    K9K9 ✭✭✭

    LMH - the only thing I've really cut out is strong coffee, as that's a trigger too.

    I think most things in my diet are potential triggers actually - loads of fruit, veg, wholegrains, dairy, red wine, coffee, chocolate...

    If I eliminated all of them there'd be nothing left....and I seriously dont want to lose any weight as I'm the lightest I've been in years despite 3000-4000 cals a day!

    Maybe it's the sheer volume of food my gut has to cope with that's causing the problem....


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    Pingu - I'm wheat intolerant. Get really ill really quickly if I eat any.

    K9 - if you're losing weight on that many calories I would seriously consider going gf for a week - you'll know within days if it's making a difference but it could be that you're coeliac and not absorbing nutrients properly, hence the weight loss and the stomach issues.

    Cake - I have to agree, most gf stuff is indeed outrageously expensive and not very nice which is why I mostly bake my own cakes and biscuits but fig rolls are too faffy for me - not something I've seen in the shops or online though gf so if Sarah has found some that would be great.

    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Gluten doesn't really agree with me either, tho for a while I wasn't sure because i'm overweight and it doesn't make me need immodium (to put it politely image ) I'm not allergic though, because I don't get an instant reaction, but it makes me bloat - never used to realise as i'm overweight anyway, but I can tell now), saps my energy, brings on mild eczema and I makes my joints ache!  Apparently you can be fat and gluten intolerant, so I think that's where I fit in, lol.  I binned it totally for months, then found i could tolerate it, but the intolerance is coming back.  Worth giving gf a go for a couple of weeks K9, as LMH says.  Won't do any harm if that isn't causing the problem

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    K9K9 ✭✭✭

    Thanks guys - I'll give it a go when I get back from France.


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    K9K9 ✭✭✭

    Not lost a lot of weight - just a few pounds, just didnt have a lot to lose to start with....dont seem to have much body fat left!

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    I quite like left over roast potatoes on my rides image   (that is when teenage boy leaves some for me which is rare!)

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    I have Ulcerative Colitis so Imodium before an IM is a bit of an insurance policy for meimage

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