
Sub 3h15



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    P.S. the puppy is so cute Slokey! image perhaps I should get me one too!

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    moofmoof ✭✭✭
    Cute pup Slokey, we'd love to get a dog for my son but the hours me and my wife work the poor thing would spend too much time on it's own. Shame really.

    Hi Amy, pep talk..get your lazy arse off the sofa!!
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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    7m at 7.30 is a testing reintroduction Keir. 

    Welcome back Amy +1 for Moofs pep talk - that's all there really is to it as you know what to do when your up and out there.

    Slokey - Nice pics, he will keep you busy no doubt.

    Still struggling here - if no better by next week might have to try and get someone look at it.

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Bike it well done on the gym win.  image

    Gul - you're going very well at the moment.

    Fraser - glad to hear you're going ok.  Have you been above to enjoy those hills in this nice weather?  There's a few local fell races going on at the moment if you're interested?

    Amy - yes you just have to get out there.  You need to motivated yourself I'm afraid and if the chance of 3:15 doesn't motivate you then nothing will.  Its been motivating me for the last 10 years!! image

    10 miles last night and another 10 today with 14 x 400m thrown in for good measure.   I'm loving getting back to fitness. image

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    GerardMGerardM ✭✭✭

    SJ - Had to google Whitbarrow Scar and it looks very nice indeed! Echo Minni's comments re cute pooch! Enjoy!!

    Bike It - Nice run there!

    5 easy miles for me tonight at 8mm pace. Knee behaved most of the way.image

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    Slokey: he is sooo cute!  

    Welcome back, Amy.  You just ('just'!) have to make a schedule and stick to it.  And feel the fear of failure!

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    Aw, how cute is that? (I am referring to the puppy, just to clarify!)

    OO - I'll be happy with a PB, but I really want sub 85. 

    14 miles tonight after handing in my resignation to my first claim club. I'm swapping to Notts AC so that I can the road relays and XC for them. Redhill has had no female team in the relays for years and last XC season there were 4 fixtures where I was the only woman running for the club, which is frankly pointless. 

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    I bet he has a fine pair of fluffy little buttocks - though I can't quite see properly under your shorts SJ. What a splendid little chap!! Do you have to watch over exercising collies like you do with GSDs when they're little to spare their hips? 

    Just pull your finger out Amy. You know you want to!

    Good to hear it's all falling into place again Minni

    Wonder if you need someone to cast their eye over you mennania? Is it still ab-malfunction?

    Hope you get that PB Speedy. You work v hard and deserve it

    GM .I'm doing Amsterdam in oct. Really looking forward to it

    14 tonight @ 7.25 pace. Felt very relaxed along the canal path. Like Jools said - lack of hills is like a different universe eh

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    Gul DarrGul Darr ✭✭✭

    GM - never had any knee problems - hopefully just needs a bit of TLC.
    Moof - excellent pre-work MLR.
    Bike It - nice parkrun and impressive work in the gym challenge.
    JD3 - sounds like a good approach to speedwork.
    SJ - very cute puppy and nice view too.
    Amy - welcome back. Now got out there and do some running!
    Mennania - sorry to hear there's no improvement.
    Minni - some good running going on.
    Frazerelli - tidy MLR.
    8 miles this morning with 3 sets of 4 x 300m off 100m recoveries and 800m between sets:
    set 1: 0:58, 0:57, 0:57, 0:57
    set 2: 0:58, 0:57, 0:57, 0:58
    set 3: 0:57, 0:57, 0:58, 1:00
    Looks like I bit off a bit more than I could chew.

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Welcome back Amy- nuff said, get training...

    I have the same target Speedy, sub 85 for GNR will do nicely. Plus to maintain my other record, 1st person back on the ferry to North Shields image

    4 miles skipping on he beach with poles last night. Trying to vary the impact on my hip.

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    poles or Poles?

    Fraser, I believe that caution is advised in terms of building up miles very slowly with the young fellow but I think they are a bit more robust than GSDs or other larger dogs due to size and a broader gene pool.  We also have a Newfoundland who we had to be incredibly careful with as a pup since he grew at a ridiculous rate. (He's now about 11.5stone!)

    my enthusiasm over my foray into speed work has been short lived. I now have a very sore shin. image

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    OO54OO54 ✭✭✭

    Is that dog heavier than you Slokey?

    Definately poles. I've been using my wife's but just bought myself a pair on new ebay.

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    Yes OO he is 12pounds heavier. He also has more hair and is better looking 

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    in fact, here's a picture to put that in perspective

    (I'm the one on the right!)



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    Can we have a comedy picture of the two dogs together?

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    the big fella vs the pup and our black lab


     Our vacuum cleaner gets a fair bit of hammer

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    SJ - Are you 4ft tall or do you have a black bear in your house?

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    I'm 5'10.5". The pooch makes the burglars think twice!

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    JoolskaJoolska ✭✭✭

    That is a fantastic picture.  I think I might be bigger than the puppy, but dwarfed by the other two.  Especially the big black bear!

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    MennaniaMennania ✭✭✭

    You are just further away from the camera SJ - Surelyimage. Sledging for you if it snows soon I reckon!

    Still ab issues Frazer - Anytime I do anything which involves a rapid twisting movement it goes back to square 1. Most of the relapses are non running related such as catching a dropped bottle etc. Going to get out twice over the weekend and if its still not straight get myself referred. Am unusually not overly morose about it this time. But I do have a half on 15th September that I have missed through injury for 2 years on the bounce and desperate to get some training in to run that even if only as a stretch out.

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    moofmoof ✭✭✭
    Slokey- your dog mocks you with all his hair.

    Look how tall and proud he sits.

    He truly is the king of your castle and he knows it.

    I'd hate to be there at tea time, I'd fear for my life.
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    Aaah, he's a big softy. Would you believe me if I said my haircut was a style choice? image

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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    Ah love the photos. What a handsome chap, and the dog's lovely too. image

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    A style choice born of necessity? The dogs are all gorgeous, and I even got a bonus extra dog in my photo request - thanks!

    So, anyone been running today?

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    moofmoof ✭✭✭
    Ah yes, running. 6 miles nice and easy was all I did today plus a 13 mile ride home on the bike.
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    MinniMinni ✭✭✭

    I did a 3 mile recovery run which was rather uneventful.   

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    PoacherPoacher ✭✭✭

    I was going to log in and write stg boring about running. But all I can say is that those pooches ROCK!

    Then again I was nearly creamed driving through guess where Manchester the other night at 0130 by a loser who was driving while on the blower, with a massive Alsatian on his lap.  Moron.

    5m today. Mara on Sunday #ugly


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    And I thought our dogs were big....8 stone tIddlers. classic pictures indeed. How old is the heffalump?

    No run for me either. Thursday is the day of rest 

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    KeirKeir ✭✭✭

    8m easy. Over the Downs. A bit hot.

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