
Moraghan Training - Stevie G



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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Samir, if you can run 32:30 for 10.5 k, you can run 1:10.

    Surely you'll already be finished when it says 15 on the watch.
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    Samir, why are you ducking JonnyD? That was the part of the day I was most looking forward to.
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    Do you want to start this argument now about me running a 1.10 half? We can keep doing this until I break a world record.

    Hi Phil, these hills do come down afterwards right?

    Jonny, I will put your team at a disadvantage tomorrow and how could you leave it to Andy Vernon to show you how to beat Mr Kaya. Agreed that it does feel more like a race when you start together but it more pressure when your first up because people tend to notice when you fuck up more. 

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    Ric/SG - you are both right, but only up to a point! Yes, you can learn an awful lot about your own body and how to treat it, both from personal experience and from an academic approach. However, sometimes it needs an external professional to see what is beyond plain sight - how many physios who take part in sport are themselves seeing other physios? Self diagnosis, even from an informed amateur, can easily make things worse. Even qualified physios can get it wrong though...

    Not sure how sitting resting on a coach for 5 hours stops you racing SG? Muscles seizing up or something or was it setting off the niggle being in one position for so long?

    Stevie See - very nice racing! 17:38 for the first 5k is pretty impressive stuff and i wouldn't necessarily call the next k at 3:42 too shabby!

    Samir - let's hope for another "brilliant" one at Ealing thenimage

    It's funny, but I'm glad the injury meant I decided not to race tomorrow. I went to a 40th birthday party tonight, which was a barn dance! It was great fun (after several beers!) but definitely not ideal for a pre-race evening!  I'd almost forgotten how to go out and have fun!

    Good luck everyone tomorrow!! Looking forward to the reports....


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    TippTop, between me and you, I think our first leg runner would put me at a serious disadvantage against Jonny D. Let alone it is a challenge me and him starting at the same time. Team managers choice not mine.

    Dachs, like you said, we will find out tomorrow what I am capable of but I under performed at the river relays so something was definitely not right.  

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    TippTop, between me and you, I think our first leg runner would put me at a serious disadvantage against Jonny D. Let alone it is a challenge me and him starting at the same time. Team managers choice not mine.

    Dachs, like you said, we will find out tomorrow what I am capable of but I under performed at the river relays so something was definitely not right.  

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    What we will see tomorrow Samir is a 100% comparison vs other people on the same course - no pavement PBs and nowhere to hide. Especially quoting times and distances last week no one knows the facts not even you. No bullshit about what leg you are on, it's a time trial and everyone is ok the same boat near enough. You vs the clock then vs other people

    Good luck to everyone running tomorrow, and well done to those who ran today and SS for the good run as I don't know what else people did image
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    I just noticed you made comments again about previous encounters.. Samir please stop living in the past. You beat me when ill so what, I annihilated that time 2 months later and you over every other distance this year from 1 mile to HM...Your point is? You tried to play what you were capable of down and hide stuff about your training?

    I've seen a guy who I comfy beat at the start of the year run a 25:2x 5mile race just a week ago! There is always someone else buddy!

    Big deal! Be proud of your own ability! No prizes unless you get out there and lay the times down! Pavement PBs, fast goals etc are nothing until a gun to tape run is locked in.

    You did indeed run a great debut HM last year and surprised everyone, and in my opinion have failed to live up to that performance since in ways but sometimes that's the way it goes...The two races you seemingly ran super quick funnily enough have no "stats" to prove anything! Not to take away great runs if indeed you ran those times as they are impressive.. However I can quote just as easily...

    Just think today will be a great gauge on how you have progressed over the last 4/5 months and you'll have your cards face up on the table. As I said be proud of your ability and we all hope you have made these Jurassic improvements and run well
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Sam H wrote (see)


    Hi Phil, these hills do come down afterwards right?


    Nah, the course was designed by Escher.  Constant uphill.

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Fair enough Bus, but not quite sure about this line,'Self diagnosis, even from an informed amateur, can easily make things worse'. 

    Right then. The lad is on his way to Uni and I've an appointment at Rushmore Arena. I asked to run 1st leg and was put down for 3rd, again.

    Giving a lift to a new V50 in our club. From a brief chat yesterday, he reckons he's ok to run 17 minutes for a 5k. That'll do nicely. 

    Don't think I'm under too much pressure to perform, after all, the guy I replaced in the team was an 8 minute miler at best. I'm giving him a bottle of wine for his troubles.

    If going to Aldershot to run. Take a fold up chair. Very handy.





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    I just meant that if the self-diagnosis is wrong, you can be focusing your rehab in the wrong area, or worse. Self diagnose a stress fracture as a strain and you could do some serious damage. Even A&E departments occasionally send people home with broken limbs telling them they have pulled a muscle or dislocated a joint. Back in the early 90's after a night in A&E I was sent home with a broken collarbone having been told I'd dislocated it in an MTB accident!

    PhilPub wrote (see)
    Sam H wrote (see)


    Hi Phil, these hills do come down afterwards right?


    Nah, the course was designed by Escher.  Constant uphill.

    image very good! Shame the organisers didn't think to run it the other way round!

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    The Bus wrote (see)

    I just meant that if the self-diagnosis is wrong, you can be focusing your rehab in the wrong area, or worse. Self diagnose a stress fracture as a strain and you could do some serious damage. Even A&E departments occasionally send people home with broken limbs telling them they have pulled a muscle or dislocated a joint. Back in the early 90's after a night in A&E I was sent home with a broken collarbone having been told I'd dislocated it in an MTB accident!

    Or doing heel drops to sort out an achilles, when the achilles is the symptom of a calf problem.

    I had a bike fit midweek to resolve some issues. One was that regardless of how close the handlebars were, they felt a stretch. I'd moved them closer by 30mm over some time as was still having problems.

    After watching me on the turbo and taking some real-time motion data I had some wedges put in to my shoes to support my feet better. The resolved many of the ills I had been suffering with. Handlebars now almost back out to where they'd started, with an aim to move them further away.

    Root cause - pelvis. I was not rotating forward, but bending the lower back forward. Something glute based. Always with the glutes.

    Looking forward to some reports from the relays!

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭
    RicF wrote (see)

    You seem to forget how long I've been at this game SG.

    I don't go to a physio when something goes wrong for the simple reason there is no magic wand they can wave to make the problem go away any faster than it can.

    Where does the physio learn from? how do they learn? the information is just sitting there to be picked up. I picked it up. Nothing to it. Apart from studying the subject for 25 years, which I have. 

    There are runners who are like racing car drivers, they are very good drivers buts thats all. I'm an ok driver too, but I also designed and built the bloody car.

    Maybe we should all come to you Ric, as you're basically saying you're as much of an expert as any physio image

    Can I book some time in? image


    Samir, I think we have our answer then son. If you didn't see any gates, and didn't do any offroad, then you took a quicker shortcut route imageimageimage
    Reminds me of a bootleg win I had in a 4.7mile (!) race once. There was also a 2.3 (!) mile fun run on.
    I'd won the longer race, and then about 20mins later a guy heard my winning time, and reckoned he'd done it quicker, so must have won. image

    Except, he hadn't actually won the shorter race, hadn't at any stage led the longer race, and got his time mixed up anyway. Sheer farce.


    Bus, just really the sitting cramped doing much harm, just wasn't really fuelled up, and just didn't fancy another drive and going flat out, miles from home etc. All seemed a bit pointless. Instead I had a nice 13miler, 6.55ish. Tight now, but I'm hoping Ric can fix me image

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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    I didn't say I was a physio, just I've learned enough not to need one.image.

    Aldershot Road Relay then. God almighty! I suspected I'd lost some fitness, I had, and then some. 23 minutes plus for 6k. Still, faster than the guy I replaced would have run. Team ended up 4th, again. Winning team was miles ahead, with second closing in. Better than 5th or 6th.image

    Met one or two people.

    Phil pub (below) was epic in the V40's, he'll relate the damage I'm sure. 


     And then I met 'the man' himself.


     Yes folks. Its him.


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    Today was very difficult. Ran 20:25 which I was not happy with but 6k is a bit short for me at the moment as you need speed for 6k. I have been doing mileage for my half coming up. Well done Jonny. Cracking time.

    Stevie, I still think I followed that route perfectly looking at the map. Still something dodgy though. Looking forward to the half. May do a treadmill session beforehand and try and do the 1.15 on there.

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    Stevie  GStevie G ✭✭✭✭

    Yep Sam, something was a bit odd about that relay, but then they don't overly measure it with precision like other races.

    Otherwise your result then would have had you about 20seconds a mile quicker than todays, over double the distance!

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    Well I have always said that I prefer the longer distance. For my first marathon. I want my Ealing half time x 2 + 5 minutes.

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    Was good to meet you Samir briefly today. Sorry I got away but team mates needed supporting! 20.25 isn't a bad time at all on that course. Most people running quickly have a track background. 

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Good stuff Samir. That's 3 seconds quicker than I ran last year, and for context at the time I was churning out 33:xx for 10k regularly.

    How did you do Jonny? You looked like you were motoring when I saw you go past.
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    Well done at the relays today boys. I feel a bit wistful to have missed the thread party. However, I did win a commemorative plate. I thought of you, Dachs and Samir.

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    Ran 18.04 which was marginally slower than last year but was pleased enough as I was pretty comfortable. Was a shock as I like to chase but our first leg runner had a stormer and ran 18.33 so I found myself in the lead after one lap and therefore had no one left to chase, so may have unintentionally eased off a bit. Still good start to the season! How did you get on?
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    Good running today lads! 

    Jonny - Christ 4:50 miling you beast 

    Samir - A great effort, sub 5:30 miling is still good shape and with a bit of endurance a 33 10KM on a flat course beckons

    Dachs - Hope you did ok, no stats yet! 

    Ric - Nice photos! Going to stick that picture on my mirror. I recognise the guy in the background though... 

    PP - Ripped! Gurns + guns! I like it

    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Good relaying guys. Some cracking times there!

    Lit, is the plate as good as one of Dachs'?

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    DachsDachs ✭✭✭
    Nice work Jonny. Glad to see you left plenty of pressure for Jack on leg 3!

    Wasn't to optimistic about today - I've been hit by a cold this weekend, so was ready to abandon hopes of a quick time. Made my excuses to anyone who'd listen. Started at the back to keep out of trouble and then started picking people off. Through 3k in about 9:47, then overtook big Samir, and held it together ok for 19:41. I was pretty happy with that, quickest leg for the club.

    When we were lining up, I heard a commotion behind me, and turned round and who should it be but Samir Haddad, turning up in the nick of time. He had managed to get his vest in a tangle, and one or two other runners needed to help him sort it out. "This guy's going to win now" said a wag.
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    Nice one Dachs image

    Some excellent running by all though by the sounds of it, Jonny - simply phenomenal time!!!

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    Dachs did you get an autograph in time? Shame about the cold but solid run none the less..seems like everyone had a good day image

    So far can't see any results up and have no idea about how anyone from Southampton did or how they did in general.. Did AFD win?
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    PS - missed the commemorative plate winning Lit, nice one

    Is the Achilles better IC ? I like what you said about the cause from the calf.. Interestingly I've been having a hip / glute niggle since I pretty much for over my issues, which with the tight calf I was moaning about ages ago on and off I took no notice off really has now led to "shin splints" what ever way round it's almost sure to be linked.

    But the hip rotation has been affected me too. Achilles on the other side flared up 1st, it had settled now but the hip is flared, so it could be the body working through itself adjusting my biomechanics, all about the body referring things. Normally something that is injured "by itself or without a cause from somewhere else, would be down to a direct impact of some sort?!
    Pain is weakness leaving the body
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    Dachs, even the best have trouble putting their shirt on. Mario Baloteli, Arnold schwarzenegger... In this case it was my team mates idea of a joke to pin the front and the back of the shirt together. Looking back at the race, I probably should have stuck with someone reasonable like Dachs. Looking back to NYD, it looks as though I respond well to pacing so should bare that in mind for the future. Jonny clearly looked like he knew what he was doing. Scott Overall was best on the day but has let Andy Vernon run away from him a bit in terms of ability. Would like to see him challenge Mo but that is a big ask.


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    RicFRicF ✭✭✭

    Great times at Aldershot for everyone, well almost everyoneimage.

    I was by the north exit as the open leg of the seniors came blasting by. The fact that Samir appeared to look like he was plodding along, yet ran 20:25, makes me wonder what speed he'd go when he appears like the leaders did, almost sprinting.

    Not so long ago, I ran that event 3kg's heavier and carrying a leg injury, and ran nearly a minute faster than yesterday. Had a suspicion that something else might have been amiss hit me when meeting SH after my leg. Not normal to be so ebullient after running so poorly. 

     Weekly mileages in the weeks leading up to the event: 24, 22, 17, 9, 8, 6, 9 & 10 including the relay. 


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    Yea think jack was in a state of shock having to lead it! Was a good Reading AC performance to be fair, maybe be able to challenge in a couple of years!
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