
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Thought about running today - energy seemed good - but swollen feet and dreary weather had me going to spin class instead. Which went well, actually.

    I actually think my swollen feet may have more to do with the amount of time I've spent sat in front of my computer during the taper and post-race than the running. They were swollen before the race when I wasn't doing much, OK after the race for a day, then swollen again when I was sitting/resting. Hmm.

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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Hi Shadies, I got my place in the Bilbao night marathon now I just need to work on being able to run for more than ten minutes without doing further damage to my Achilles!
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭

    SK - Yes, increased gradually, so slightly to start with, more today and tomorrow - didn't want to over do it!! Picking number up at expo tomorrow, will post number when I have it.

    Shades - Ultra is 48 miles, so using a 50 mile plan. It has cut back weeks every 3 weeks, so I build steadily, plan has me peaking at 62 miles, so probably similar to some marathon plans.  I have 7 weeks between ultra and Berlin, not really sure of the plan here, but was thinking 2 easy weeks after ultra and 2 week taper before marathon. Then focus on MP and tempo runs in between, obviously with easy running too. Yes, I'll start the back to back runs at easy pace just to build up slowly, agree no tempo runs for a few weeks after the marathon.


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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Congratulations, Jugula! And heel drops, lots of 'em.


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    All the very best to those running Brighton, Shades Llanelli and any others I have missed out. Shades I feel I have unfinished business at London! I was sick the night before I ran it in 2014 and the race was a struggle. All the things that should of helped me like sunshine and constant cheering were the bits that I found hard. If I run I know I would have a lot of family support from my extended family who live down south. But the chances of me getting in are SO slim! I will see how my Achilles is over the next few months and then reassess. I would like to run another marathon!

    Jugula, I feel for you! I try to do heel drops and also stretch my calves and have seen a sports therapist. My problem stems back to twisting my ankle 5+ years ago apparently. I am told it will always be there and need looking after. Sure you will be able to run again. When is your marathon?

    Working today, shame as I would like to go to park run .. 

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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Lily-marathon is in October, I'm hoping yoga is going to help, it did with ITB last year. Along with ice, stretching and the beastly heel drops!
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    SK - hope you enjoyed your 5 mile alternative session.

    Malt loaf is great for carbo-loading as can easily be eaten without butter/spread, I quite like the banana one.

    Iain - it might take a year or two and the risk of injury is great but once you've recovered from your marathon you could draw up a long term plan with long term goal race times.

    Cal - I don't think it's good for you to allow your feet to become swollen, that is if it's caused by sitting down for long periods.

    Jugula - congrats on your place in Bilbao, you have unfinished business there to deal with.

    Do you feel you are making progress on the achilles injury?

    Steve - that's an adequate period between your ultra and Berlin.   Ultra training won't necessarily make you a faster marathon runner but the increased endurance will make you stronger, physically and mentally, in the latter stages of the marathon and that can often be enough to get a marathon PB.

    That's good that your ultra plan has cut back weeks, back to back runs every weekend can be quite a commitment.

    Lily - oh you definitely have unfinished business at London.   I don't like the cheering crowds at London as they are just too loud, I wore earplugs the last two times I ran it and still found it annoying.    The crowds don't bother me in any other marathon.

    Are you in a running club?  If so there's always a chance of getting a London place that way.

    As you are able to run half marathons without any ill effect there's no reason why your achilles should stop you from marathon running, you may need to be religious with the physio exercises.


    Rest day for me today, looks lovely and sunny out there today but I think there's been a light frost.

    Will boing marathon list so race numbers can be posted for Brighton.

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    The List

    10th April -Manchester
    Ian5 - 6817 - completedimage
    Cal - 8014 - completedimage
    System J - 10181 - completedimage

    17th April - Brighton

    17th April - Great Welsh

    24th April - London

    30th April - Plym Trail
    Big G

    1st May - North Dorset

    Please add/edit as required.   Apologies if I've made any errors or omissionsimage

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭

    Unbelievable times off of that mileage Iain.  Do you think you'll be able to create the time to do extra miles to nudge towards that 2:30?

    Good luck to everyone racing this weekend!  I too am looking forward to the race reports image  

    It was my Dad's birthday yesterday so I took him and his partner out for a nice meal at a local restaurant.  He's 77 now and his hip replaced about a year ago, but (touch wood) he seems to be walking around better now.

    I'm off to a parkrun today, which will be very muddy due to the rain we had over the last couple of days.  I'm getting there at 8:30am and I'll do it once on my own, do the parkrun event, and then (hopefully) do it again on my own to nudge the total up towards 10 miles, all at an easy pace (although the course is quite a tough one so it will be a good work out anyway).  I've stuck my name down to be tail runner next weekend.  

    Also, I've done something a bit strange for me as friends of mine are going to watch the awesome Torquay United's last game of the season next weekend, and I got myself a ticket.  I know very little about Torquay United and think I've only ever been once before, but I'm assured it'll be a good atmosphere image  I've been actively trying to just say "yes, why not" to more invites out, but maybe this is a step too far, even for me image

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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Shades, Achilles feels much better for the rest, I ran 10 minutes Monday and nothing since but have been stretching and using the foam roller which has helped. Yoga this morning and little run tomorrow see how it goes. I've got a bit of time to play with and hopefully some fitness still in the bank.
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    JugulaJugula ✭✭✭
    Big G, non league football is great, hope you enjoy the atmosphere. I saw Torquay at my local team Bognor Regis in the FA trophy last month. I can't be bothered with the prima donna premiership.
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    Jugula - that's good steady progress, I do hope it continues so we can get you back to full fitness.

    Big  G - your Dad seems to have recovered well from his hip op.

    So you'll be first and last at the parkrun today, interesting way to get the mileage in.

    You might enjoy the match at Torquay, live football is always better than TV.   

    Years ago I used to be a steward at Torquay United, think I did it for 2 seasons, gave it up as it is the coldest job I've ever had.    I was a very good steward as I have little interest in football so wasn't distracted by the game and I was often given the post of standing behind the goalie at the away end to look after the away fans.   Once when we had a testimonial match, think Coventry were playing, we were expecting a pitch invasion at final whistle so instructions are for stewards that when the whistle goes you grab the nearest player and escort him to the tunnel, I duly did so and had a lovely chat with the player that I'd chosen while I took him to tunnel, I had no idea who he was but it turned out it was Dion Dublin.  I was mobbed when I came out of the tunnel by fans begging me to go and get his autograph.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Big_G - I am always up for a challenge, I've proved that I can do something if I set my mind to it by sticking to this diet so why not aim for a 2:30 marathon...

    I have already been looking for a race after London and I saw a 6 hr timed ultra in early June.. The thing that sold it for me was the medal. It's the phoenix Goodie run so the medal is from the film the Goodies..I'll be marathon fit so why not keep up with the long runs etc and do an ultra.. Hmmmm only thing is is on a Tuesday. Good luck Shades and all those running today..
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    Iain - 6 hour races are good, bizarre it's on a Tuesday.  

    Have you got a link?  although I'm already booked up for early June.

    Good luck to our Brighton runners this weekend and everyone else racing.

    Packing now and will head to Wales after lunch.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    https://www.evententry.co.uk/eDetail.asp?EventID=45 not sure if the link works but that's what I got from my phone for the event.
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    Iain - I've found the race, looks ideal for you.  It's one of Rik's races.

    I'm looking for a 6 hour race but this is trail or towpath I think and the date is no good for me.

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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    The timing is perfect so I thought it would be interesting and a challenge.. Is there an out right winner of its it just a case of run as far as you can in 6hrs
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    V quick post to say my number is 7269.

    Will post again later.
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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Thanks Louey, looking forward to tracking you! Best of luck to you and to Caitlin and Steve. And good luck too to Shades in Wales.

    Iain - I would love to follow your journey to sub 2:30, go for it!

    Parkrun today, ran with my 10 yo. We agreed to go at 8 minute pace but ended up speeding up in miles 2 and 3 to finish in 23:24.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭

    Iain - That's given you something to go for then!

    SK - I hope that's the last bit of speedwork done for you before London now.

    Jugula - Great news on the Bilbao entry.

    Big G - You must have loads of mental strength. You often talk about doing loops etc, I just don't know how you do it. I am a complete wuss and incapable of running past my house without stopping. If I know I haven't a choice I keep going but otherwise the brakes just come on.

    Massive good luck to Shades, Louey, Catalin and Steve for tomorrow - I hope you all have fab races image

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    SK, your 10 year old can run that fast?! Damn.

    Good luck to the Brighton crew. Wishing you a nice, non-windy race.

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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Cal, he's actually 9, but I'm a rubbish mum so forget little things like that!

    MF, my schedule next week has a 7 mile run with 2@MP but apart from that will be all easy.
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Good luck to Shades, Caitlin and Louey tomorrow. My number is 1860. Pasta and an early night for me today!!
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    mowzermowzer ✭✭✭

    Good luck to Shades at Llanelli and to Louey, Steve and Catalin at Brighton. Hope the weather is good with not too much wind / sun/ rain etc image

    I was meant to be having an easy week this week, but somehow managed to enter Bungay image. Weather here is rubbish - after Spring sunshine last weekend we've had loads of rain (I got soaked through yesterday image) and today it's even cold. Bonus yesterday was that I saw 2 Roman snails along the disused railway (there were lots a couple of years back, but none at all last year). Last Saturday I saw a weasel just about to cross a path in front of me - he stopped and we just stood looking at each other for a couple of minutes before he scuttled back into the bushes. That's the great thing about off-road marathons - time to look around and enjoy the countryside image.


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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭

    Shades - good luck for tomorrow. Hope the weather stays kind for you  

    Steve and Catalin - Good luck to you both. At least we should not get hail tomorrow, it was awful weather this morning! 

    Mowzer - I have no idea what Bungay is but knowing you it's some form of ultra-esqe marathon. Good luck!

    Well I'm as ready as I could be. Carbed up to the max. We all got frozen and wet this morning but then decamped to a nice Italian to eat which helped improve everyone's mood somewhat. Race number pick up went very smoothly. The park where we start is supposed to be a mud bath so that will be interesting! Will report in tomorrow when I can. Thanks for all the messages. 

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    Good luck to all for tomorrow!
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    Thanks for all the support and good luck louey and Steve. I'm number 9766 yellow.

    Will start at back of yellow pen and am still hoping fur 4:30. Left quad still feel weird. Keeps having painless cramps/spasms. Am hoping it will hold up for the marathon...... If not I'll be drowning my sorrows in the nearest pub!
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭

    Up early and a productive morning for me (got my tax return done first thing - go me!) Beautiful weather, which bodes well for Brighton, so I was glad to get out there for my first post-marathon run. I did 4 miles in a leisurely 43 minutes. First mile felt nice and bouncy, enough that I almost considered entering a half marathon in a couple of weeks, but my legs were just trolling me. They got pretty grumpy around mile 3. The half marathon idea was quickly put to bed. I'm doing a 10K later in May anyway. No need to oversauce the goose.

    In other news I have finally signed up for Parkrun, as one started up the road from me this year. Wristband turned up yesterday, so next Saturday could well be my first attempt at it. It'll be a good way to work on my speed for the 10K (and indeed, subsequent races - there's my first ever 10 miler in June, too).

    Looking forward to reading your Brighton results, Team Shades. Catalin, hope your leg holds up!

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    SlowkoalaSlowkoala ✭✭✭
    Loving the Brighton tracker, much better than Manchester's!
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Really good results already..
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