
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades/Cal-Im pretty certain I wouldn't be able to run it at training pace so will resist the urge,I've been training so much for the ultra I don't want to ruin it.
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    Ian - I know you wouldn't be able to resist racing and it's not so much fun running at training pace anyway. 

    How's the work training going?  Do you get to go home at the weekend?

    Rest day for me today, yet another one!   Marathon tomorrow at Yeovil.   This will be the 3rd time I've run Yeovil and it's always the week after DD and even last year when I only got as far as marathon point at DD I still had a poor run at Yeovil, we'll see.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Im not surprised you struggle at Yeovil so soon after DD,be nicer if they gave an extra week or 2 as they must attract runners from the same catchment area. 
    Works going really good,had a great week.Im off home later until Monday and next week I'll finish Friday teatime and back Monday am so it's not too bad.
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    Ian - there are a lot of marathon runners that never want to run an ultra and a lot of runners that only look for the easier of courses.   There will be a couple of DD runners at Yeovil I expect.

    The timing of Yeovil is quite important as it's one of the last flat marathons that runners can use to get a GFA time before the 2018 GFA deadline, I believe the GFA entries open in June, not sure when they close.

    Nice for you to have a normal weekend off and that you're enjoying the training.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Thats makes sense then,didn't realise it was the one of the last chances to get GFA,looks like I'll have to wait until next year  ;)

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    I won't be aiming for a GFA!   I'll be happy if my legs work OK.   It's a nice little race, from the Yeovilton RNAS base so organised with military precision. 
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Morning everyone

    Sounds like you're enjoying Anglesey Ian.. and Rome sounds good too Big G!

    Shades - You are made of sterner stuff than me. I can't believe you are doing another marathon so soon after that DD, especially when you really pulled all the stops out this year.
    Why do you like Yeovil.. is it a really nice route?

    Had a couple of days off here. Loads to do and just didn't feel like squeezing in running too. Just being plain lazy  :| I've been cycling as usual (no choice there!) and have tried a racing bike for the first time. I had a puncture so borrowed OH's racing bike and , once I got used to it and worked out how to change gears and where the brakes were (comedy moment there) I quite liked it. It is too big for me so I ended up spreadeagled over the frame to try and reach the handlebars. Got to work a fair bit quicker than usual anyway. Mulling over changing my bike now.
    Had a good 14k in the forest this morning. Used my Hokas and they were actually great, very comfortable and being clumpy didn't seem a problem on trail paths.
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    mamafox - it's so easy to do those online marathon entries and I've run Yeovil the last 2 years too. :/   I like it, it's small, about 250 entries, very quiet country lanes and no pressure, 6 hour time limit, very friendly event, just over an hour's drive from home.  I like to support local marathons too.
    I have a friend who's in her 70's and she can't do sub 6 anymore so they let her have an early start which is kind as there aren't many road events that she can do now because of the time limits.  She used to run DD but can't make the cut offs.

    If you get a racing bike you might start considering doing a triathlon! :D

    Glad you've finally done a decent run in the Hokas and they were good on the trails.  Once you forget they have a big sole and run in them normally they are just like any other shoe, except for the softer cushioning.   I see a lot of other shoe companies are now making clumpier shoes with more cushioning too.

    I've run all my marathons and DD this year in my Guides and I'm really pleased with them.   I was a bit worried about DD as the long and steep downhills can lead to very sore toes but I didn't have any soreness at all.   So will be sticking with them for my races now.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    That does sound a friendly marathon, lovely to make an exception for your friend  :)

    I don't think I'll be doing a triathlon any time soon. I like the idea of the challenge but it's the swimming that puts me off. Swimming just bores me rigid and then I get tired and then I stop. I don't know how people find the time to get all that training in too. It's enough of a struggle to fit running in, let alone getting some serious distance on the bike .. and then to find time to get in the car, drive somewhere and swim for an hour or so.. makes me come out in goosebumps just thinking about it all. I guess if you really want to do something hard enough you find time to plan it all in though. 

    That's good news that you've found your perfect racing shoe. I'm pleased that I'm getting used to my Hokas and I've found another training shoe. Be sticking to my original Nikes for racing though.

    Enjoy Yeovil tomorrow. For goodness' sake take it easy though.. you don't want that hip injury flaring up again.
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    Keith M StuartKeith M Stuart ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Meh that wasn't the best of races today ;)

    New 10k using one of the annual ones routes but starting at the high point of the route and doing it backwards (this is a good thing cos there a BIG valley at finish otherwise...).A tad windy and oddly not as wet as it was meant to be.

    Managed to go down the valley and up the other side happily enough then bam killer stitch inside 2k... Mostly walked to the main road section then ran down the hill which was hard work too oddly. Mostly ran some then walked some all the way back which isntead of a nice 3k of downhill and flat to the finish as i am used to was the opposite.

    New PW of 66:09 BUT there was cake and coffee at the finish and i had my fair share shall we say ;) Garmin claims i require 3 days recovery and despite the walking has a ave HR of 158 and a max of 184..... I was also sat drinking coffee half hour after race and HR was still in the upper 70's. I shall blame little sleep thursday night mostly i think although i have had a lingering cough for a few weeks now but have not noted any major issues when cycling.
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    mamafox - I agree re the triathlon, it is hard enough to train in one discipline never mind 3 and all that faffing around with kit and transitions.  I'm not keen on swimming either and I don't cycle at all.

    Yes, big change for me to change my racing shoe, especially as there was nothing wrong with the Adrenalines.

    I didn't have a twinge out of my hip/groin injury at DD and just a bit of normal DOMS in the hips/glutes after so I'm hoping that injury is history.    I'm hoping to be able to run without too much difficulty tomorrow as I need a quick recovery as I have my next race on Thursday.   It's a 6 hour race but looking at their website it's laps of 2.62 miles and most runners stop at marathon distance so I don't have to go to 6 hours unless I want to, which is a relief if I'm tired.

    Well done Keith, that sounds like a tough race especially with a killer stitch.  

    Ignore that daft Garmin telling you to rest for 3 days, get out for a recovery tomorrow ;)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Steep downhills are hard work, Keith - sore quads tomorrow I bet! No doubt the virus is responsible for the increased heart rate so I'm not surprised you weren't at your best. But as you say, cake. :)

    Good luck tomorrow, Shades!

    Nothing for me today, running wise, although I was RD at parkrun again (glorious sunshine, by the way!) and also helped with the results. Then yin yoga. Run tomorrow.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Good luck for tomorrow.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    I got out for an easy 8 miles today. Started slow and progressed to a bit less slow. My fastest mile was mile 7 at 10:17 (although it is slightly downhill). It is definitely taking me longer to get up to speed at the moment, but I'm going to put that down to being only 2 weeks post-marathon.
    I am hoping I can get my speed back before my 10 miler (which is only 5 weeks away now) but I know I also need to be patient due to the hamstring.
    My knees and lower back were also a bit grouchy today, but I think that could be down to one of the positions we did in the Yin class yesterday.
    The studio has added another Yin class today at 12. I'd already booked the Vinyasa class at 10 so I'm going to double up.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, interesting about the election. Even over here in Rome, it's front page news. I voted by post a couple of weeks ago as I obviously knew I'd be in Rome so sorted out a postal vote.  

    Nearly a full week with no running for me. Except for injury, I haven't done that in a long time.  I've had a great time here in Rome but I'm back home tonight and looking forward to getting back to normal regarding food and drink etc. 

    It's a great city - great food and drink, lots of history and culture, transport is good, lots of hotels. Last time, I came in the March and it was a lot quieter/cooler and I preferred it as this time it was much busier and hotter. But nonetheless I've had a great time. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Its probably good it's taking you time to get the speed back,after my track marathon I rushed back into speedwork and think that's why I got injured before Manchester.
    Big G-We went to rome in March this year and it was quite busy buy not overly,its certainly a great time to go as we had decent weather aswell.
    Last long run of this plan today,done 23 miles,felt really tough again and how another 13 miles will happen I don't know.I have had a hectic week in work (58 hrs aswell as travel) and lots of miles the last 8 weeks so hopefully it will all come together.
    Got the niggle under my ankle again but think it might be my shoes,I do collapse on that ankle a bit,hence my support shoes,but may have done too many miles in these,had these since september but rotate 3 pairs so not sure how many these have done,but they're my favs so will have done a lot.shoe shopping this afternoon then :-)
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    Cal - you should be fine in 5 weeks time.  The Yin Yoga is obviously popular, good to have another class if you want it.

    Big G - I'm fed up with the election and ignoring all the news until they all sort themselves out.   I do postal vote too, have done for a couple of years, much more convenient.

    Seems like you've had a great time and lot of lovely food, marathon this weekend for you to burn that all off :)

    Ian5 - you probably do need new shoes and you've certainly been racking up the training miles, it's easy to favour a particular pair of shoes when it comes to a long run or race and that soon puts the mileage up.  You need a spreadsheet for your shoe mileage :D

    Well no surprise to me but had a really difficult run at Yeovil.   I know last week I gave DD everything and as soon as I started today I knew there was just nothing in the tank.   Made for a very difficult day but I slogged it out and finished in 5:13, course worst, season's worst and I was so glad to finish.  Adam Holland who won DD also won today at Yeovil, but even he was a little slower than usual at 2:46, great running though.   He told me before the race that he's run every day since DD, no rest days for him.   I ran too little since DD.   Just 2 more events for me then I have a 5 week break to get some training in, which I'm really looking forward to.
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    My friend in her 70's, went off an hour early and finished with a GFA time, so good day for her.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Sorry it didn't go too well today,at least you expected it but very well done for slogging it out,not ideal when you're  it feeling it.Great news on your friend and also for the organisers for allowing here to go off early.
    2 pairs of guides on their way to me :smile:
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    Ian5 - it was good mental training for me today :D

    Are these Guide 10's you've ordered.   Did you have Guide 9's before, just wondering if there's any noticeable difference?  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    No I went with the guide 9's again as I know I really like them and the 10's are too dear at minute.Will probably go the shop at some point and see what the 10's are like.Got 2 different colours so I  an attempt to keep track on them.
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    I love my Guide 9's, think I'll maybe buy another pair soon.

    Hopefully when we have no choice but to try the 10's there won't be too much difference.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Ian - You're juggling a lot at the moment. Long hours plus lots of mileage must be difficult to fit it all in.

    Well done for getting through that Shades, I bet you were counting down those miles at the end. Can't believe the winner hasn't even had one rest day since DD. Do you think the days off you took as you felt you needed it have hindered your recovery? I wouldn't have thought so at all. 

    I was tied up with the elections over here this morning. Didn't manage to wake up early enough to get out before (being lazy) and by the time I'd finished it was far too hot to do anything but sit inside for the afternoon. I find it impossible to run in the evening so another rest day here when it shouldn't have been.

    Better get a grip on things soon as have entered La Rochelle marathon in November. Need to build up a base again over the next month or so before cracking on with another plan from mid July. 

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    mamafox - I'm sure the fact that I hardly ran at all last week, sore foot, DOMS and the election all stopped me running, really delayed my DD recovery.  But I did run as hard as I could at DD so knew that I wouldn't have fully recovered but I was hoping for a 4:59 yesterday, or at least a course best (sub 5:07).

    Anyway I've been out this morning and done my 5 mile recovery run, slow and foot sore for first couple of miles but my lovely Hokas with nearly 700 miles on them are lovely to do a recovery run in.  I have a little tightness in my glutes...that might be the amount of walking I had to do yesterday and my foot is a bit sore but the rest of my legs are fine.   Not a lot of energy though so I'm going to eat as well as I can for the next few days.   I've got Yogalates this morning which will help, last week I had to cancel as I was too sore. 

    Lovely morning here.

    Plenty of time for you to prepare for La Rochelle.    You'll have more of the election work to do won't you as you have knock out rounds.   Maybe that's what we need here. :D  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Well done on the marathon, Shades, even if it was tough and you didn't get the time you wanted. It's still a good time given you did DD just before.
    Good job on the 23 miles, Ian.
    Have you done La Rochelle before, mamafox?

    4 miles today, two warm-up miles, two around 10:25 and then I did an extra mile with some strides in it. My lungs felt grateful for the blow out but I guess I'll have to wait a while to see how the hamstring reacts.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shattered this morning!  Got back fairly late last night, and doing the washing, food shopping etc.  I said to myself that I was going to run today, but I'm just not feeling it at the moment!  Maybe I'll go out a bit later.

    But, I've done the club's weekly report this morning, so that is at least something running related....!
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    Cal - seems you're getting your speed back :)

    Big G - welcome home.   If you're tired your run can wait until tomorrow, after all you are tapering again!

    We had quite a tough Yogalates class today, she said someone had complained it was too 'easy' so she ramped it up a bit.   I couldn't do the most difficult parts but did 95% of it and my body feels a lot better for it now. :)
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Well done Shades on a tough marathon so soon after your PB at DD!!
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    edited June 2017
    Was Endure 24 this weekend, so I was there with my GF and 2 other friends for a team of 4 (originally 6, but had 2 drop out and didn't have time to replace them!).

    Arrived on Friday morning, pitched tent and gazebo and then promptly took gazebo down as the wind almost blew it away despite being anchored down at the time :o Saturday at 12 midday and the GF (and team captain) goes out for our opening team lap. I had decided to do my laps together, so they were just long training runs, so had planned 5 laps on Saturday and another 3 on Sunday to make 40 miles for the weekend.

    Started at about 1:45pm in very hot weather and ran the whole of the first lap including hills and got a few well done comments for running up the "Heart break hill" around 6k into the 8k course. After the first lap I had decided to have walk breaks for taking on food and water, so obviously my pace slowed. Laps got tougher as I got warmer, but finished my 5 laps, which Strava recorded as 24 miles at an average pace of 9:14 min/mile.

    Finished at about 5:30pm, then basically refuelled, hydrated and strechted then went to bed at about 9:30pm as I had an early start. However the DJ didn't finish until 10:30pm and I could hear the music despite ear plugs! Got to sleep at about 11pm, only to be woken at 3am by the rain. Went back out at 3:45am for another 3 laps, first lap was fine, but I really struggled on the second lap and was considering dropping out when I had finished, but my GF was waiting close to the finish line, I left my head torch and hydration pack with her and carried on for my final lap. Seeing her boosted my morale and the final lap was easier than the previous one and I finished my 3 laps, 14.5 miles at an average pace of 9:43 min/miles.

    Must say it was great running through the woods in the dark with a load of other runners, some of the solo runners were amazing, staying out for hours in the rain during the night!!

    Anyway, the team as a whole did 22 laps (I think) for a total of 110 miles. With another runner doing 6 laps in one go on Sunday, with another going out for multiple laps at different points during the 24 hours. GF did one lap and decided against going out for her final lap due to the conditions on the route after the rain.

    All in all, a fantastic event, well organised, everything was spot on. We are already thinking about going back next year!!

    That finished off a 55 mile week and over 100 miles in the last 2 weeks for me....recovery week this week for me!
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Just got results...my laps times were;
    Saturday - 40:39/43:26/44:41/46:56/47:25
    Sunday - 46:16/49:00/44:46
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