
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I read the marathon is 4 laps for that free event. 

    SK, it really is lovely. The pics don't do it justice, but I'm having a great time here. It's a place I've never even thought to come before, and there are very few Brits here probably because it's not straight forward to get here. This is the first week of the summer season so quite quiet, but I'm told in the peak season it gets totally rammed full of tourists, mainly Italians. It's made we wonder if the ski resorts in the Alps etc are set up like this is the summer - basically everyone seems to be here to hike, run, cycle, swim etc. The ski lifts and cable cars are all open so you can go all over the resort and there are maps showing all the running/walking routes. Fantastic setup. 

    Shades, yes beautiful spot for a wedding. My friend comes from here. It's quite an international wedding with people from South Africa, Ireland, Netherlands, Ireland and Italy.    She's got two cool jobs - one is taking photos of wildlife in Africa, where she lives. She's basically lived in a tent for the last 10 years. The second is a time keeper for certain events, including at the Olympics!
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    Iain - there isn't, the organisers of Gloucester are putting on a replacement marathon in FOD as the council can't agree road closures etc in time for this year's city marathon.   Big G has just said it's 4 laps, I haven't read all the info, I'm still trying to come to terms with having to do an off road marathon, last one was 9 years ago.

    Good luck for today and tomorrow, keep that HR down.

    Robert - I assume you enjoy your key event races though.  You looked like you were having a ball at NDW.   Now if you're looking for an ultra next May/June I'm trying to get a few Shadies to do DD (Dartmoor Discovery) so we can have a bit of a social get together too.  I already have started a list.  It will be the first Saturday in June.

    I didn't mind the route at Stevenage but it does make you feel slightly dizzy

    9 miles is a good test for your new shoes, they're high mileage shoes so should last a decent time.

    Big G - sounds like it will a wedding with lots of interesting people to meet.   Great jobs your friend has.  I take it she might leave the tent now she's getting married ;) 

    Up early and out for a short run, RHR completely normal today but so I'm so unfit.  Good to be out, lovely morning, my favourite time of year
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, her husband-to-be is a well known photographer in his field (he's been shortlisted for Wildlife Photographer of the Year award several times), so basically they have lived in the middle of the Kalahari for 10 years. But yes, I think they'll be moving into an actual house soon!

    Some of the stories are amazing - they live a 3hr drive from a shop, for example. They keep active, but often run into very dangerous, wild animals and have had some lucky escapes. It's just a different world there. I've been invited over and I'd love to go, but logistics are a nightmare to get there. Maybe one year, but I'll see. 

    I haven't met him yet, but the groom's brother is a runner (done Comrades and Two Oceans etc) so they've sat me next to him at the meal :)

    Apparently the paperwork involved with an Italian woman marrying a South African man was not straight forward at all. Not sure of the details of it all, but for example she's apparently not officially allowed to take his name even if she wanted to. 

    Anyway, we took a cable car up to a different area yesterday - the cable car was 5K in length and took us up to 1850m (the village we're staying in is at 1000m). Again stunning views and even more running routes up there. I was trying to imagine it being all covered in snow but it was difficult, with it being so green at the moment. At the very tops there is snow but it's hard to imagine that just  a few months ago this place would have been full of skiers. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Rest day seems to have done me some good. I did 6 this morning (actually 10K - I was a little way away from my house when I hit 6 so I kept going). Started easy (just under 11) but pace crept up and I did mile 5 in 10:08 before slowing it back to 10:25 for the final mile. Wasn't intentional - my legs just seemed to wake up and mile 5 has a gradual descent where it's easy to pick up some speed. I take it as a good sign - I was still struggling at this point after Manchester. My refuelling strategy after Liverpool was a little different, though. It's an Eton Mess sundae, by the way, and no, I didn't know it was going to be that big, and no, I didn't quite manage to finish it. :lol:

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    Big G - that's so interesting, makes our lives seem very dull!

    I can see you'll be signing up for a South African ultra very soon then ;) 

    What a lot of red tape re an Italian marrying a South African.  Strange re the name change, but different countries have different rules.

    Cal - OMG that Eton Mess is so huge, you look tiny in comparison :D  
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I know what you mean. How people think about - let alone actually get - some of these jobs is often surprising. Sometimes people know they've wanted to do their job all their life and have worked towards it, but other times things happen and they walk into these jobs almost by chance.  The timekeeping job was by chance, as was the photography in some ways although she's always had a passion for wildlife and did jobs as a Safari guide etc. She's got absolutely no fear of travelling or anything like that, and is so laid back in situations where others may be stressed - she kind of just expects things to go wrong (but not in a pessimistic way) but just knows she can sort out issues easily so it doesn't phase her at all. 

    The other thing is that this area has their own dialect - a mix between Italian and Austrian I suppose. My friend speaks Italian, Dutch, her own dialect, Afrikaans, English, and kind of jumps between them all sometimes, when she's speaking. You can see she's concentrating to speak just in one language, but she struggles sometimes, which can be amusing with lots of blank faces looking at her :smile:
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Afternoon folks...
    Busy getting kit and fuelling ready for today and tomorrow. Just put a batch of low carb sausage and cheese muffins into the oven and can’t wait to tuck into them later.
    Looks like it is going to be a warm one but I don’t think it will bother me too much since I’ve worked out that to keep HR below 150 I need to run at 8min/mile which should be pretty stress free running. I’m going to run for 5 hrs so that should give me close to 38ish miles or 12 laps. Got recovery food all ready too and just hope the legs are ok to do it all again tomorrow morning..
    I’ll be running in my pirate tri gear today to get a feel of how comfortable (or not) it is in preparation for outlaw.. I’m going o enjoy this and might even do a FB live lap but I’ll see how I feel.

    shades - I bought a copy of the runners world mag...they didn’t get my pink socks in the picture. Very disappointed.??

    good luck to everyone running this weekend..

    Muffins are are out the oven now...

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Did a hilly 5K loop today - it's strange seeing these 'Max Elevation' figures on Strava for my runs here!

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    Big G - a bit of last minute hill training for DD :) 

    I think you have to have a different attitude to life to end up with such an interesting and varied lifestyle, i.e. not think about the mortgage or even about where/how you're going to live.   

    Hope the wedding went well, I expect the food was amazing.

    Iain - maybe as you were sitting down the pink socks might have overpowered the photo ;) 

    Hope last nights ultra went well and you didn't get too wet, we've had thunderstorms here.

    Muffins look gorgeous, recipe please when you have time

    Am taking a rest day today, still feeling a bit tired.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yeah, I think they do have a different attitude. The wedding ceremony was really good, and the minister (personal friend of the couple) really got across how different - and simple - their lives are. The wedding itself was on a jetty on a lake with a mountain in the background, and they'd brought some sand and other small things from the Kalahari to put on the table.  Stunning. And yes, the food was very good too. 

    As a gift to all the guests, we had a wooden box (with the groom's drawing of an elephant etched into the lid) that contained a wooden USB stick, which had a load of their pics from the Kalahari. 

    Never been to a wedding where the first dance was 'The Lion Sleeps Tonight' but it was perfect. There was  also lots of African music and South Tyrol music (the area in Italy).   

    Rather than the bride throwing the flowers for the ladies to catch, the groom threw the bride's garter for the men to catch. Three guesses who caught it??!

    A very different - but great - wedding.  Felt a bit for the bride's parents as they don't speak English or Italian (they only speak the local dialect), but people were trying to translate as best they could. 

    The bride was again trying to talk me into going over.   She said Africa gets in your blood, so maybe one year. 
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    Big G - what a memorable wedding.   Looks like you'll be budgeting for an African trip next.

    Congrats on catching the garter ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    This is apparently similar to one of their tents, so they can move around! Otherwise they live in an army tent. 
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    so you might be trading in the Peugeot ;)
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Of course you'll go there, Big G. I mean, what's stopping you? :grin:

    Enjoy your rest day, Shades. :)

    Not the best night's sleep (I'm not blaming the storms - I woke up a couple of times but had no trouble going back to sleep) but then I woke at 4 and I was really hot so I decided to get up, and then got out for a run at quarter to six. It was already warm and extremely humid but the early morning light was beautiful.

    My legs felt heavy today (I went to hot inferno pilates again after run directing parkrun - lots of squats and lunges along with the core stuff) so, while I hoped to do 10 miles, I wasn't sure if I had the energy. I was pretty ploddy to start with but then perked up in the 4th mile and just kept on going. So, 20 miles done this week, which is the most miles I've ever done following a marathon (after Manchester it was a grand total of 6, although I did have a bit of a cold. Or what I thought was a cold but might have been the start of shingles).

    Got my birthday 10K in three weeks so wondering if I should do any speed stuff next week? I know it's supposed to take 2 weeks to benefit from a workout but conventional wisdom is that you shouldn't do any hard training for two weeks after a marathon. I expect I'll just wing it, but I'd be interested in any opinions either way.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, that is a good point. When I went to Vietnam that time, I was umming and ahhing about the costs etc, but once the seed was planted I couldn't get the idea out of my mind!!

    Just been talking to the groom over breakfast and he does some wildlife photography workshops these days, with small groups (4-6 people). For that, they stay in quite posh wooden huts/houses, but he says he's always very keen to get back to his tent. He says over 90% of his clients book again, so he's obviously doing something right off of very little advertising! Noa, my friend, tends to look after the clients as she's very sociable and he deals with most, although not all, of the technical stuff. 

    When he's on a project he gets access to areas where no tourists are allowed and that's when he gets his best pics. He says that in Kenya it can be bad with, for example, a leopard up a tree, with 10 Land Rovers all around it full of people taking pics, which he doesn't like.  If you're interested in what they do, here's some of his pics. https://hanneslochner.com/photos.php

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    Shades think I only pick key races as when I have raced alot I haven't enjoyed them.  Each one has to have a purpose, but I do fin putting myself under immense pressure to train so I can perform at them. I like the look of DD only spent a few secs looking however, OH has family in cornwall (Hayle) so could sell it to her that its a stop on the way down or back to see them. WIll probably leave the laptop open with a few races so it softens the blow lol I need to find when the moments right to unleash my running plans but it seems to fit the bill perfectly. Manchester marathon in April, Westminster mile may then DD 34 miles? may consider race to the stones 100k next year too but will research more ultras before committing.

    Big g i have images of the bridge and groom running around like simba on their 1st dance!  Love a crack at Comrades (up year only) think thats they main drawing point for africa for me.  as you say once the seed is planted you're going! 

    Cal that eton mess looks sickly... and full of calories (yum).  Cal i wish I could advise of speedwork but I'm useless.  Just my opinion 3 weeks out cant do any harm and if you have some good sessions it will be a good morale boost.  If you're shit at them then just think it's only 10k and on the day it'll be fine.

    Iain hope yesterday went well, think the whole country been caught up in storms.  Sausage and cheese muffins sound fantastic... got my mouth watering.

    Not fully recovered from NDW I cramped in my sleep friday night.  Decided I was still going to go Parkrun and meet a mate for brekkie after, 7 easy miles down the river sub 9mm pace.  Course PB is 23.42 and decided I'd review after each mile.  Went out like a rocket and knew I was going too fast on tired legs 7.17... 2nd mile inc a couple of small inclines and was slowing considerably 7.51 and 3rd mile starts off downhill and finished 7.36 and finished in 23.00 (5 of my last 10 park runs have either finished .00 or .01) but a course PB to boot which was a nice feeling.

    Today rest/ study day. Time to start drawing up 2019 plans and unleashing them to Elle whilst she is all excited about our holiday next week (i did check no races in Turkey when we're there).

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    Cal - although training is supposed to take about 3 weeks to take effect if you have the bounce back in your legs then yes do some speedwork.   Speedwork is good for the mind too and our minds are a big part of successful racing.

    Maybe try a fartlek session to start with so you can adapt the session to how your legs feel.

    Big G - I can see that your trip to this wedding might have given you a few ideas for future travelling. :) 

    Robert - I've pencilled you in on the 2019 DD list, next year it should revert to it's usual distance which is just over 32 miles.   It is a very special race and that's great that you can combine it to visit Cornwall.  I'll let you know when entries open ;) 

    Lovely morning here, the humidity has lifted.  Quiet when I was out running, everyone having a lie in I guess, lovely to see the rabbits getting a bit of sunbathing in.
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    Big G - I see RK did his 100th yesterday in Kent.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Thanks, Shades. Rest day for me...sort of. Only 5 hours sleep (I hate summer!) so went for a short walk this morning. My geese are down to two goslings now. Par for the course, unfortunately. Got to pet a nice friendly labradoodle, though. Then off to hot inferno pilates again. The Monday class is usually 6.30am and that's a bit early to be doing burpees, even for me, but it was 8.45am today due to the bank holiday. Rather sad to find out the lady who instructs it is leaving, because she's awesome. She's my age (but in much better shape, visually at least) and plays some banging 80s tunes, which none of the other instructors do, being younger. The other instructor is very good, though - did his class on Saturday. Oh and petted another dog (actually a Bernese Mountain Dog puppy, which was a big ball of insanely cute fluff) on the way home. Owner caught me looking at him adoringly and invited me to pet him. I'm more of a cat person really, but I do like dogs, so long as they're not small and yappy.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, hadn't seen that about RK (I'm having phone issues). I hope he's told the club as Chair and others have spent time organising stuff for him. Having said that, I suppose he may have been worried about the DD cut off, so changed his plans. 

    I did a cracking last run yesterday - it was so high my ears popped (4500ft)!  Then went for a walk with everyone and had Kaiserschmarren (I think!!), which was basically thick sliced, eggy pan cakes, with plenty of icing sugar, compote and apple sauce. Lovely!!!  Then I went for a swim in the lake before dinner, which was a BBQ. 

    Staying in Venice tonight before an earlyish flight back tomorrow. 
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    Cal- what a size that Eton mess was can only imagine that it would have been very sickly as i have never tried one due to the fact i don't like meringues. Hopefully you enjoyed it though.

    Big G- It sounds like you have had a good trip and the scenery from your photos what a stunning location to be in.

    No running from me over the weekend due to a surprise visit from my brother and his partner so for the first time this year had consumed to much alcohol to even think about going out yesterday. Spent yesterday realizing why i don't like alcohol.

    Felt good today so went for a 15 mile run with the last 2 miles @ mp. It was quite warm with just a little cool breeze very enjoyable conditions. Really enjoying my running lately and feel the strength exercises are having a positive benefit on me.
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Afternoon folks,  just a quick check in to tell you how my 2 ultras went.. 
    First one started at 4pm. The sun was baking down and there was a stiff breeze..the outward half of each lap was into the sun and with the wind so very hot,  slight reprieve heading back as we were into the wind with the sun behind us..I set out to run for 5 hrs which I did but I took my time and Even walked with some of the slower runners and chatted for a bit. I ran for 4:55 and covered 30miles. Got home at 22:30, had something to eat and climbed into bed ready for my early start.. 
    I woke up at 5am on day 2 and for ready to head to the start for a 7:30 start.
    I felt fairly good and ready for the day. I started the race with a friend of mine and we ran the first 5 laps of the slightly undulating course with a mixture of foot paths, bridle way and gravel paths.. I lost my mate when he decided to nip behind a bush. .the next few laps were a mixture of gentle jogging and walking and chatting again. At the end of lap 7 I decided I only got to do two more as I was starting to hurt and feel really tired .I ran the last 2 in an hour and finished 30miles in 4:52. Really happy with the way both days went. Don't f feel to stiff today and am ready for next Sundays ultra. 
    Medals are pretty cool too.. 

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Congratulations, Ian! Double ultras is hardcore! Enjoy the bling.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited May 2018
    Rob-Well done on the CB,shows you are in good shape.
    Steven-Nice run and good to put some MP in at the end.
    Cal-Great dessert  :)
    Iain-excellent times with just a few hours in between.
    Very very hot here this afternoon,car said 26 on way home from work.
    Not ran since Thursday as my Achilles felt tight so played it safe but got out for 10 today,felt good despite the heat.
    Added bonus after checking my run,it's a route I haven't run for about a year and the effort was similar to last year but the pace was about 1 min/mile quicker on the different segments it measured.
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    edited May 2018
    Cal - yes, we've got the sticky humid weather here too.  Not good for sleeping.

    Shame about the goslings, I suppose that's the swans, bad tempered bullies.

    Big G - RK did his 100th with a friend of mine at one of Travis's events, saw the pic on FB.   Maybe he's injured and/or not done the training for DD.  Daft to choose that as your 100th and not prepare for it.  I hope he's not going to pretend that DD is his 100th, I despise that cowardly attitude.  I've never forgiven a very good friend of mine for celebrating his 100th when it was actually his 102nd.

    You do seem to seek out the best food wherever you go :) 

    steven - your brother is a bad influence on you ;)  

    That's good that you're seeing some benefit of the strength exercises, we all need motivation to keep on doing them.  

    It's this weekend that you have your half marathon isn't it?

    Iain - well done, that's very good and consistent running.  Do a little recovery run as soon as you can to get you ready for next weekend.   The Phoenix medal is lovely, not sure about the other one.

    Ian - you still seem to be improving despite managing your achilles.  Hot here too yesterday.

    Very humid for my run this morning, there had just been a shower before I went out and it felt like a sauna.  On return run I had about a mile into a breeze and felt really fresh then as soon as back in the town it was humid again.

    I entered Connemara Ultra 2019 yesterday as there's an early bird entry of €10 discount on all 3 distances just in case anyone is interested, discount expires 31st May.  They use Active but I asked for alternative method and I paid with PayPal, worked out cheaper too as no extra charges. 

    Back to Pilates this morning. :) 

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    steven - funny you mention meringues. I hated them for years, following Charles and Di's wedding. I was 14 and I went to a street party where I consumed a few of those meringues with cream sandwiched between them, and also helped myself to a few glasses of red wine. Woke up with my first ever hangover and spent several hours dry-heaving in my best friend's bathroom. Even though it was the wine that was to blame, it was the meringues I couldn't face for a long time.

    I quite like the pop art medal, Iain - reminds me of Roy Lichtenstein.

    Shades, I realise Liverpool uses Active. Oh well, a bit late now! Just looked at the Connemara page... "expect a tough second half to your marathon." Yikes. Scenery looks beautiful, though, but as it's only a week after Vienna, it's a no from me. :lol:

    I had a really good run this morning, which surprised me as, after the pilates class (really a pilates class with HIIT sections, which yesterday included lunges and burpees) I sat around on my bum for the rest of the day, then had another night with only 5 hours of sleep. I should have been stiff and sore, but my legs actually felt loose. I was aware of this during the first mile so I checked my watch and the pace was around 10:45, which I thought was OK for a warm-up, so I was a bit surprised when I hit the first mile in 10:14. I thought, well, if legs want to go, I'll let them go, and opted for a progression run.
    Mile 2 was 10:09 but would have been a little quicker as I spotted a runner in a Liverpool shirt and we stopped briefly to exchange a few words. Then it went 9:44, 9:28, 9:07 and 8:49 before I rounded it off with a recovery mile (10:24 - felt slower but I guess after a sub-9 mile it would do).
    Looking at my data, it seems my legs were genuinely looser as my stride length is typically 0.87 for a first mile, whereas it was 0.92 today. Cadence was 170, which is pretty normal, though it increased as I got faster and was up to 186 by the fastest mile.
    Anyway, I'm quite optimistic about my 10K and 10 miler, so long as it isn't too warm.
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    Iain LoveIain Love ✭✭✭
    Shades - I like the phoenix one too. The SVN one is quite leary but I guess that's their thing.. I'll do a gentle run this evening and get on the spin bike tomorrow .
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    1SteveMac1SteveMac ✭✭✭
    Iain - Brilliant double ultra!!
    Cal - Nice bit of speedwork. That eton mess is HUGE!!
    Big G - Brilliant photos.
    Rob - Nice parkrun.

    A week off, and the legs feel fine. So an easy recovery run with the GF this morning to turn the legs over. 3 miles at 11 min miles, HR was <110 bpm!

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    cal know what you mean about lack of sleep! suffering at the moment, thankfully last night weren't too bad.

    big g, hope you enjoyed the trip, you made us feel all jealous!  I'm looking forward to a change of scenery and I know I'm next to a Turkish trail which I'm sure I'll be having a walk/ run if I can.

    Iain excellent achievement running with little time between, great bling too

    Ian, well done for resting, one thing most of us are guilty of.

    Shades, Connemara does look good, wonder why race organisers are still using active?

    yesterday was up at London 10k supporting duties for me, Elle ran and did okay despite not training.  She really enjoyed it, however last night was struggling to even walk on her feet.  Physio and masseuse haven't been able to locate the issue, god only knows just hope time heals.

    Ankle still bruised from NDW may try another run on it tonight.


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    Cal - meringues with cream washed down with wine :#  I'm not surprised you were ill.

    Maybe 2020 for Connemara then, you might want to do it as pre DD prep ;) 

    I'm sure your credit card will be OK after entering Liverpool, if not you can probably guess who's to blame.   Just don't use a debit card, putting your bank account at risk isn't worth it.

    You just need this spell of hot/humid weather to pass before your 10km and 10 miler.

    Steve - you've bounced back quickly from your tough ultra.   I suppose the training plan for NY kicks in soon :) 

    Robert - it's not actually that easy for RO's to leave Active, they have to give 12 months notice for a start.   Some of the RO's are just ignoring the issue although they do need to be careful as I'm sure they too do have a legal responsibility to provide a safe method of race entry.

    Well done to Elle for running the 10km despite not training for it.  Are her post race injuries/pain due to running without training or is it something else, the ongoing problems you mentioned before?

    I think you're both looking forward to getting to Turkey, the rest there will sort that sore ankle out.

    Pilates was tough today, I'd heard that the instructor had been working this class hard and they weren't wrong, my hip flexors have had a tough work out today, but that can only be a good thing although it didn't feel like it after the time.

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