
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - nice double - and even nicer refuelling  . . .   
    WP - good 7;  did you do the proposed double on Friday?  
    alehouse - 3 x 3 hard well executed ;  I aligned with you & TS on the refreshment front this week, with a few "Apocalypse Now" on Tues . . .    
    Ray - similarly, a bit unfocussed here, in part due to recent sad event, but back into things today, with 15.5 inc parkrun . . 
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Hello Ray,What is wrong not injured?

    Dave: No it did not happen I had drama with OH scooter running out of battery so had to push him and scooter back 3 miles to car(we were in country park) which has left me totally wiped out.
    But 4 miles yesterday and 7.5 today will do double next Friday as have race Monday. 48 miles for the week which is pleasing as last week was just 16 with tummy issues.

    How was the parkrun? sorry to hear you have had sad events.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    15.5 including parkrun is a big day in my book, Birch! Well done! I thought my 9.28k including parkrun was enough! 23:52: a nice and comfortable progressive run, and well-wrapped up (tights under shorts, gloves, long sleeves with short sleeves over). 4 degrees when I started running; sunny, but windy. 

    Didn't realise that you pushed the scooter and occupant quite that far, WP!

    Hope you are back to it soon, Ray!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    LOL - but unfortunately not. However as i finished in the first 150 his name was published in the local paper and lots of his friends and customers complimented him on his time

    Spur's dip in form has not got to you has it??  Your intervals showed you were pretty sharp

    I was annoyed (p*ssed off) tosee last night's match decided by the most  piece of cheating - and all about 4m away from the linesman

    15.5 including a parkrun sounds pretty focused to me!
    Good to see you are following refueling techniques perfected by me :)

    good day's work even wrapped up - you southern softie :)

    that was a hard workout pushing a scooter and occupant 3 miles.  Not surprised you were wiped out

    These guys were also pretty wiped out as the Tour de Yorkshire tackled the hill outside my house

    you can see why it gets me at times

    I had a more pleasant stroll through the woodland surrounding my hotel when I ws away

    no idea why they have come out sideways

    5.2 miles this morning in 50:38 (9:45m/m) - cold and knackering. Must have eaten too well whilst away!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    I like the sideways picture's :)
    Glad you enjoyed your break away, how lucky are you to have the TOY right on doorstep but a steep hill.

    I also ran similar distance 5.1  miles av pace 10.02  so that is me done and dusted just the small matter of a wee little race tomorrow ;)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    TS-the Arsenal result today almost certainly guarantees us a top 4 place.Seems incredible we can lose 12 games and end up there.To be honest spurs never cease to amaze me,we are just so fragile.Good five miles this morning and pretty cold here to.

    Welshpoppy-hope the race goes well tomorrow for you.

    Eleven miles this morning for me along the towpath at 8:52pace.
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    the hill is there every day :/  Still it stops me (or used to,(I don't have that problem now!) from going off too fast!
    Good luck in your race today - make sure the battery is fully charged :)

    that looks like a very good morning's effort , mojo back?
    I wonder if it is because so many teams have adopted the fashionable high press game and have simply run out of steam over a long season and not having enough players in the squads to maintain it particularly with cup and European games as well?

    Did a steady 4 miles this morning at 9:54m/m pace which was more than enough for me. Still chill but still air and very quiet early on. Came back to a flock of long tailed tits feasting on the bushes in the drive - they flew off chattering angrily at my intruding on them! 
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Despite the Bournemouth result, Ray, I imagine Spurs fans are in better spirits after yesterday's set of results: Champions' League place all but guaranteed, and everything to play for against Ajax.

    Hope my team can do Liverpool a favour this evening!

    Trust the race goes well, WP! Hope it is not too windy.

    For the third week in a row I caught the bus to some distance away and ran back, with 70 minutes and 11.75k the longest run since 2017. Gradually feel I am making progress: the key is consistent consistency, and progressive consistent consistency on occasions! Having said that, today's run was a bit more of a struggle than the last two Mondays: quite a breeze and annoyingly was in my face for pretty much the whole way. Have managed to run every day since last September 1st...which means an injury will surely strike soon! Am trying hard to injury proof the body to some extent with lots of stretching. Unfortunately the gym I use at the Uni is shut today: bank holiday. 

    Are you able to get a consistent pattern to your training, TS?

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Nice running TS it was very chilly this morning! I think you are running more consistantly at the moment?

    Alehouse; Sorry about wind but you are also doing well after being plagued with injuries.

    Well race it was a faff as had to collect race number instructions not clear but it was were I thought it was.talked to race director about route(it is reversed do to safety).Very chilly and lots of slower runners in front of me , narrow streets,twisty turny course so took 3/4 miles to get going but no one passed me and I felt okay, hilly in sections but again like last time faded in last half mile I had 2 girls in my sights but they had a kick that I did not have ;-) watch time 8.54,8.47,8.52,7.44...for 0.14 time 27.36.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Well done, WP! More to come off that 5k time on a quicker course. From around now until September there are lots of races coming up in my area; is it the same there? There are now at least 4 five km series! I might do some races of two of them. Not sure yet!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Alehouse,that's a impressive sequence of running,hope you keep it going.Leicester are definitely capable of beating city.Our squad is just not big enough really and I think we are just bit fortunate with the other teams under performing.The stats for a team the other day was they run 110k during a match which is very impressive.

    Welshpoppy,good time as the course appears to be quite difficult.Not having a kick suggest you gave it your all,which is all you can do.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Thank you Ray and Alehouse I know I am slow but I love the support from this thread.

    Ray: Ah that explains why at both races I had nothing left to give in last half a mile:-)

    Alehouse: I think you are luck there are 2 series one which is on a course I do not like the camber,The other Aberafan I love but I missed the first one but hoping to make the other 2 one in June and July that is it no more 5k's.
    but I am going to run 4.70 mile race on Sunday in Trap,Llandeilo no idea of the  course and I can enter on day so will do that it is part of agricultural show/day out.Never ran this distance before;-)

    Then I have 3 @10ks 2 in July and 1 in August.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that was a good run from you on what sounded like a tricky and congested course. your previous week's mileage would have left you with little in the legs for a sprint finish as you had no taper and 40+ miles leaves little room for recovery

    that is a long streak indeed and you have edged in front of me in terms of distance as well :)!

    unfortunately I have no consistency in my training - I just take each day as it comes. Some mornings I know within 20 paces whether I can run to any extent at all and if there is nothing there I just shamble round for a couple of miles and enjoy the scenery - or not!
    It's a far cry from my previous regime where I had specific run distances, interval/tempo days and rest/recovery each week and stuck to it.  I can't even rely upon HR as a guide as I am mainly running now at less than 65-70% WHR but still get knackered

    aaahhh races - I remember those, just.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    A short steak by my standards, TS! Longest ever was around 13 years including running every day in the 90s!
    Whilst I have run every day since September 1st, I haven't trained every day: three to four days a week are only going through the motions running-wise, just two or three k to turn the legs over and the grey cells. Am trying to get into a routine although this will no doubt go out the window if I do some of the above races, not that I am ready for them by a long shot! 

    The last couple of months have looked like this: 
    Monday: "long" run (now at 70 mins and probably won't go too much above that)
    Tuesday: short run and long fitness suite (as the uni likes to call their gym). Pilates type stretching for at least an hour with some weights through the Achilles also.
    Wednesday: have just introduced "speed" work which has now got to the dizzy heights of 3 x 3 mins. Will gradually reduce the recovery. Run at higher effort than race pace.
    Thursday: repeat of Tuesday
    Friday: nothing specific but a run of some sort and perhaps a short fitness suite session
    Saturday: parkrun plus increasing the ks before and after. parkrun is never run hard: usually a progressive tempo, if there is such a thing!
    Sunday: repeat of Tuesday.
    Trying not to go much over 40 k a week as yet. Will gradually increase the Tues/Thurs/Fri/Sunday runs. 
    At present I am working Tuesday and Thursday so long gym sessions in the evening. This may change at some point so the above pattern will be reviewed. I find it important to get into a routine and even more important to not miss a day: to miss one would probably lead to missing a lot! 15 minutes is better than nothing!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Torque: You are right I forgot about the 48 miles in my legs:-) I may Taper for the 5k in June as a flat course and see what this old body can do;-)

    I hope it all will come good for you again TS.

    6 miles steady for me this  morning leg was a little achy but all good.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - I've been similar to you for the last 4 years, since my "good" year of 2015 - as 

    alehouse alludes, I decided to ease off "for a while" after training and competing well that year, but got out of the training habit, and into the "just go running without structure" habit . . .   and historically, I've always been a schedule/structure person  . .  as it happens, I've just taken advantage of an offer, and joined my local Uni gym for a 3 month period, so perhaps time to devise schedule and aim towards a target or two . . .  as for streaks , I thought your current one impressive, alehouse (going since last Sept - then I see you had a 13 year one !!!!    My longest is 25 days  . . . .   
    Ray - pleased to see you're back, and in fine style too - good paced double digit outing there  . . .   
    WP - splendid racing on a testing course, particularly after the impromptu OH/scooter exertions !!   
    as for my parkrun, my approach on this particular course (we have several here, but this is my closest) is to start well back in the pack (800+ this week, which would be way too many for the paths if this was an actual race, rather than parkrun), jog the first (of two) laps (so crowded, its difficult to go much quicker, starting in the middle) , then go harder on lap two.  So, this week was 8.5 miles first, then parkrun, then 4 to finish with the 15.5
    my official time of 26:22 was a surprise - I remarked to a pal afterwards that I expected around 28 mins, given my approach to proceedings . .  a long way to go, but maybe I'm a bit fitter than I thought . 
    ps - alehouse - do you find it "easier" to run every day, with some days being "short" i.e. 2 or 3 miles,  rather than complete rest days? I ask, as after the effort on Sat, on Sunday I jogged to the park and trotted loops on the grass, for a total of 3 miles, and my legs felt a bit better than they have done for resting  . . .  
    hmm, that's a long winded post - sorry folks :) 
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Welshpoppy-well done for getting a 6miler done after your race yesterday.

    Dave-a good post and interesting thoughts.My running is not very structured and I think it has cost me time wise over the years.Your question to Alehouse about rest days as opposed to a gentle run day is a good one.Soon I have the summer midweek league of five 10k races starting,and to be honest not feeling very confident,but I will be a 70 year old  vet by the time they start.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Short easy runs seem to work for me, Birch/Ray, probably as much from a psychological viewpoint as anything. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    Track session last night was 12x400m with 200m recovery between reps,a slow jog.
    Got home to see the tail end of a fantastic football match.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Ray: I have seen some very fast V70 male runners:-)

    I myself turn in to a V55 this summer it is such a shame all the faster runners also follow you.

    I am enjoying reading on training and sessions especially speedy stuff it just makes my achilles think no way just reading it:-)

    Dave: I think you are a lot fitter than you think!! and great tactics with parkrun.I bet you will see the times come tumbling down especially if you enter a 5k race?

    7 miles for me this morning  very slowly it seems the legs and weather conspired against me torrential rain for the whole run I did think cut it short but then short cuts does not help when you want to see improvements;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that was the Ron Hill type of streak when he used to call trotting round an airport departure lounge a running day  so as to maintain his streak:)

    I have always been time pressed so would cram in what I could into the available time

    that was a very good time considering what you had done before so your base level of aerobic fitness must be very good now.

    console yourself with the thought that there are not many >70 year old who could turn out a set or reps for 400m like those - and 12 of them as well!!  Well done
    Brilliant result by Liverpool - they weren't 3-0 bad in the first leg and now I just have to keep away from 'Pool supporting friends for a few days!
    It would be good to see Spurs get through as well for an all England final

    good effort after your race. 7 miles sets up the body well for aerobic conditioning

    Local pub last night for the hash so I jogged there - nearly all downhill for a +1 mile and then did 4.5 miles on increasingly unresponsive legs which were stiffening up all the time. By the time we finished I could scarcely walk to the bar!!

    Thought I would try this morning to see what the damage was and managed a very cautious 3 miles in pouring rain but it seemed to ease the legs off a bit as I could hardly move at the start - keeping off most of the hills probably helped.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    Another one hoping for a Spurs victory; doubt it will be as awesome as Liverpool's!

    Good session there, Ray! And well done at the hash, TS!

    5.2k warm up, 3 x 3 minutes hard with 90 secs recovery, 1.3k warm down doesn't tell the full story: weather unpleasant, lots of gear, didn't want to do it, was off-road...pleased I did!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    sounds like a good session.
    There is nothing worse than the last second before stepping out the door into foul weather - and nothing better than finishing a satisfying session despite the conditions!!

    Mind, I did turn up the shower temperature from my usual summer tepid to a rather warmer one today
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    ...who says lightning never strikes twice :)!!
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    TS-take it easy on those legs,getting to the bar is a priority  :(

    Alehouse-a good workout in tough conditions.

    Think the gods have been with us to get to the final,can we actually win it.?
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    Ray A2Ray A2 ✭✭✭
    TS-should have been a smiley face,not a glum one,sorry.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Blimey it is all go in this Football game.

    TS: How are you legs today?

    Thank goodness the rain has stopped I thought we may need Noah it was so bad yesterday.

    Ale: Excellent work out in tough conditions.

    7 miles again for me legs still slow and heavy but will just run 5 tomorrow then 3-4 on Saturday.I spoke to Dewi about course for race as he has course record hard hilly first mile then it is flat country lanes!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I thought you might be smiling  :):)
    Madrid is going to be very full..............

    I would have thought that you would be better off with 3 tomorrow and nothing on Saturday as a bit of a taper.
    You won't improve your race performance by last minute training and may actually make it worse particularly if you still have heavy legs

    Still raining here!!

    My legs have slowly improved, thanks, though still tired and I did a cautious 4 miles in 40 mins in aforesaid pouring rain.  All the freshly leaved trees were bent over with the weight of water and the light had a green tinge to it - the green appeared to be dripping!
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    Torque: Sensible advice so i shall run 3 tomorrow and have a rest day (I never have one unless ill) and see how I get on.

    Well done on 4 miles this morning what a shame you still have rain! but the green light must have been a sight to see. :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - good going there - 7's on consecutive days. Good luck with your race (in case you don't post beforehand) - 
    Ray - excellent track . . .   
    TS - impressive daily running, particularly an outing after the hash, with perhaps not much more than 12 hours between ?  
    alehouse - very satisfying session in adverse conditions   
    after a blank 3 days, headed out this afternoon in light drizzle for a 6 mile fartlek, 50/50 road/trail.  Really enjoyed the feeling of doing a bit of work, and getting damp & sweaty :) 
    as with TS, the hot shower was great !!  
    footy - what an incredible couple of games . .  
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