
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    alehouse, wow, quite a catalogue, and a mix of good and bad. Hopefully the hamstring issue will resolve itself before too long and you can get back to proper training again. By the way, your bladder must be stronger than mine as no way could I spend three hours drinking a lot and then survive in a scanner for an hour and a half!

    TS, ah, but will the young lady still be able to run for a bus when she's in her seventies?

    Mick, the running's not going too badly thanks. I had a week off during my recent holiday and that gave my tight thigh time to heal properly. I think it was slowing me down more than I thought. Most weeks I manage between 17 and 22 miles but at nowhere near the same intensity as a couple of years ago and earlier.

    I've been out with the running shop group a couple of times on a Friday morning. One regular is 69 and has run all the Great North Runs. His first T-shirt, from the original race in 1981 is on display in the shop window. Mine wore out eventually but how I wish now I'd held on to it.

    Last week I marshalled for the new Newcastle parkrun in Leazes Park and hope to run it on Saturday.

    Spurs fans, how on earth did we manage to beat you? An unexpected result indeed.
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    GL: the bladder was indeed a problem. Had to have two breaks: one scheduled and one emergency! I, also, wish that I had kept a few of my older t-shirts! One of my friends (a Watford fan) ran Leazes Park on Saturday before the Newcastle/Watford game. He will no doubt tell me in the alehouse on Wednesday all about it! Glad your running seems to be on the up!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    nice week's total, WP . .
    Mick - sounds a pleasant social run  . . .  
    Graham - nicely volunteered; hope your debut run goes well on Sat - 
    btw, my lot are still in limbo after Bruce shafted us - abject  in defeat to QPR . . . 
    TS - yes, a bit irksome being passed by folks in "civvies"   :)      . . .  
    alehouse - you seem admirably stoic in the face of your woes - could be helped by the alehouse?   ;)      
    speaking of which, I was invited out Sunday evening for belated "birthday drinks", and my friends' generosity was matched by my weak will , so it was fortunate that yesterday was a planned rest day . . . . .     
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    Morning sorry been awol a busy week

    Dave: Sounds like you needed the rest  day  after all the arm raising :)

    Torque: That is tough going on girl passing you of all the cheek!

    I have run 8 miles every day since Saturday treacle legs still with me but i hope it all catches up soon.Today is double day  so will be nice to run on the flat for a change :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    ....and it still fits - sort of!!

    Leazes Park sounds a good place for a parkrun Graham - enjoy!!

    how do you get out of a scanner in an "emergency" :)??!!

    good to see the carbo loading is in full swing

    you have been clocking up the miles recently so its no surprise the legs are rebelling.
    Remember one gets stronger in recovery 

    4.2 miles on Tuesday evening around the scenic but hilly Nidd Gorge and several miles yesterday pounding the streets on London which left me with blisters on my heels - newish shoes :(

    Just about to strap on some Compeed and see how they feel..................

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    Not sure I could get out of the scanner in an emergency, TS! The radiographer said he saw the expression on my face...

    Leazes Park parkrun: my Watford friend said it was better than the match! He also preferred it to Exhibition Park. 

    Saw physio yesterday who confirms that the sacrum fracture is causing an imbalance in the glutes and one isn't firing properly, causing the hamstring issue. 

    Off to Old Trafford for the ashes for the next two days; will be wearing lots of clothing!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    glute activation - brings back memories of the big yellow elastic band :)

    You may need your extra layers as it was distinctly parky out there in the shade although very pleasant in the sun

    Ran my usual 3 miles in 29 mins (9:36m/m)  and avHR 128 and max 142 with my heels giving no bother at all. Unusually managed to keep a 10 off the scorecard!

    9:56  122  131
    8:59  126  132
    9:53  136  142

    despite the relatively low HR is till felt hard!!

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    Today 4.55 miles at home and felt better then 3.87 on the flat into a headwind but I do love running up there.9.40 average pace same as last week :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Shirt looks a little wrinkly but then don't we all.
    I will be in the uk from the 14th Nov to 24th. I am planning a day in London so let me know.

    I am in the same range and don't think it will likely grow. My attitude to running has changed in my 70s. I now think more of what will allow me to keep running rather than what do I need to be faster.

    My running is still going well with no injuries. a xtraining day for me today, lots of weights and socialising with all the other retirees who inhabit the gym.
    We have found a house to rent while we build and are now in the process of getting quotes for the move. Not looking forward to packing.
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    Mick That is great news on house....good luck packing!!

    Torque: Lovely top a nice shade of pink;-) Ihave never run the GNR but have run GSR 2017 and this year hopefully.

    Chest torch has stopped charging it was my second replacement this one I got in January!

    8 miles this morning legs wading through treacle again:-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    that's 'cos it was molded to my body :)
    I'll make a note of your dates and see where I am on meetings etc 

    Packing sounds horrendous!  Will you put most stuff into storage until the new house is ready?  Don't pack your running gear!

    I don't wish to dampen your day - but rain may be England's only chance..............

    I think it's time you had a cut back week. Too many days on fatigued legs can lead to all sorts of overtraining problems.

    It wasn't pink to start with but rather a fairly deep red colour.  It has been washed a few times :)
    That was my first HM - indeed it was my first road race of any real distance and I had absolutely no idea of what was ahead of me.  Ran 1hour 30 min and was delighted to finish!!  Lifetime ago :(

    Weird weather this morning - raining on the top of the hill where I live but dry half way round downhill and then wet again on the way back up.
    Same 3 miles as yesterday but in 29:42 (9:25m/m)  avHR 129 max 146 which was quite pleasing s it felt easier than yesterday but faster

    9:55  121  135
    8:50  126  133
    9:31  139  146

    Pushed  a little harder over the last mile to make sure I could get under 29 min and could actually respond!!

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS - satisfying outing there  . .   
    WP - ano good 8, but TS has a point re a cutback (then perhaps work towards a 10 miler - if that is still your aim) ?   
    Mick - good gym session - an example to me, as my visits are less regular than they should be  . . .   
    alehouse - hope you were well clad at the cricket . . .   
    early start today - headed to Hull with daughter and her friend for parkrun tourism.  

    24:31 for my debut parkrun at V65 category - 7:50 pace, and 68.39% AgeGrade -  so my personal "respectable" benchmark of 70% is there to work towards  . . .   
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Birch...cold at Old Trafford? Of course not. Commentator David Bumble Lloyd said it was 30 degrees...15 in the morning and 15 in the afternoon. Actually I spent most of the time in the pavilion: good view and sensible drink prices. Around the ground it was £5.50 a pint or £32 a bottle of wine! 

    And well done on the parkrun tourism as well! 70% here we come! 

    No parkrun for me: doubt I could drag the dodgy hamstring that far. Frustrating. 

    Hope GL enjoyed his Leazes Park outing.

    And enjoy packing then building, Mick!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    good to set a benchmark for the next 5 years :)
    Was Hull nice and flat?
    the only way is up..............

    not quite over the line today.  £5.50 is even dearer that Twickenham when I was there a couple of years ago although there was no wine visible there!

    perfect weather for running this morning and I thought longingly of the GNR but 50,000 is a big field when one is not running fast - or even not running !
    I contented myself with 4 miles in 38:58 (9:46m/m) with avHR of 138 and a max of 146.  Managed to keep a 10 off the splits again which is mildly encouraging

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    Thanks Torque and Dave I have just this week then I taper for last 10k and I am hoping to make 10 miles this week.Yesterday's 8 was better and faster :)

    I watched GNR I have never run it and said I would need to start with elite women...LOL  no way I am getting squished with 53k runners what a nightmare my idea of hell.

    Dave: Great work on parkrun debut :)

    Torque Great to see your 10 is missing again progress is being made :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    TS/WP - never done (or ever wanted to do) GNR . . . .    
    alehouse - nice to avoid the rip-off refreshments - a bugbear of mine is the ridiculous (shameless) pricing of food and drink at such events (aligned with the restrictions on taking your own stuff in) . . . .   or maybe I'm just a tight Yorkshireman ?   
    legs sore and tired today - 14 miles trail/towpath run yesterday to follow the hard effort on Saturday.  Gym planned today - static cycling & upper body work planned  . . .  
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    being a gym bunny is no way to recover from 14 miles!!
    You see you could have done those miles at the GNR :)

    In the early years I really enjoyed it and  I didn't have to worry about everyone behind me as I was near enough to the front to have a clear road in front of me but I went back about 10 years ago and found it a very frustrating experience even with pens  - and I cheated and went into one much closer to the front!!
    There were women starting in front of me who linked arms and walked the first mile.  I think I ran 3 miles in the first 2 just zig zagging around folk - and I wasn't that fast then!

    you don't need a 10 miler to run a fast 10K! A little shorter and faster is what you need - the stuff that hurts :)

    Took my car in for a service forgetting that they had moved the service department further away so I had to run 4.2 miles back home nearly all uphill with 85m climb.  Took it very steady after my exertions(!) yesterday but managed 42:47 (10:14m/m) with avHR only 128 and a max of 146 so not too taxing.
    First time in ages I have managed back to back 4 milers - amazing what necessity can do!

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    Graham LGraham L ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Good morning. The three times I've run the GNR I haven't found congestion too bad and can't say it's ever really held me up. But I hear TS's tale of people walking virtually from the start and I'm sure a lot of that sort of thing does go on. If I can ever think about running a HM without injury problems, I'd be tempted to run it again. The thing that would put me off is getting back home from the finish. That definitely is where congestion kicks in!

    The Leazes Park run was cancelled because someone else was using the park and it's the same story next week. So it looks like a visit to one of my regular venues will be needed. Might do the hilly Gibside one.

    Last week I ran 25.6 miles, the most since December 2017....
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    you could always run back home :)
    Gibside in early autumn will look splendid- if the sun shines - despite the hills

    I have just been downloading the road closures for the UCI Cycling championships which are based in Harrogate.
    Looks like I am stuck in for 6 days unless I leave early and come home late!

    When I bought my car it had a pre paid service plan so my trip yesterday for a 15,000 mile service cost nothing :D

    Local venue for tonight's Hash so a chance to properly refuel afterwards.................
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    ............... and refuel one did on Theakston's BB after 4.5 miles of quite tough running. 
    Included turning my knee slightly in a dark spot under some trees and it has stiffened up overnight so I have donned the Mr Sensible hat and not run this morning
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    Caught up on the quite extraordinary England game - you don't often (never??) see an international played like that - so open and fast!
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    ...... well one adjective that could not be applied to my run this morning was "fast"
    Took it very easy to see how the knee responded - it was still a bit niggledly so I carefully shambled 3 miles in 30 mins in warm and humid conditions with signs or autumn all around
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    Well done Torque on your 3 miles especially with niggly knee.What a shame the knee niggle happened on the hash run.

    8 miles every day for me 625ft climbing :) tomorrow is the fast stuff planned for Aberafan :)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good miles, Graham  . .

    WP - ditto - when is your race ?  
    TS - hope the knee niggle is just that  . .  good rehydration choice, btw  . . .  
    & yes, the 14 has taken a bit of recovering from - haven't run until today (4 miles fartlek) - the error was to do the 14 the next day after the hard effort at parkrun, but I'd promised to run with my pal who is preparing for a marathon, so was obliged . . .   
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    Dave: Well done on fartlek and recovering from your 14 miles!

    Race is a week Sunday I will not like tapering next week!
    Due to torch issue I have to wait till it gets light to run but new torch should be with me today they delivered yesterday but it was kiddies boots rather than torch so they are rushing one out express delivery.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    you should have followed my rehydration example :)

    yes the days are drawing in at both ends quite quickly now - Tuesday night's run finished in near darkness - hence my knee niggle!

    Tapering - reduce mileage, maintain intensity.  rested is what you are aiming for.

    Lovely autumn morning here today and I again did a cautious 3.7 miles over a hillier but scenic route in 37 mins highlighted by being stopped by a visitor to town out running who had lost her way in the woods!!
    Knee was still a little grumpy with me but there doesn't appear to be any lasting damage.

    a bonus from the UCI championships is that a very neglected and pothole strewn footpath has had a fresh coat of tarmac which was very pleasant to run on.
    If I ever return to running intervals I may use it as it is as close to a track surface as I am going to find nearby

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    I like the sound of that surface, TS - and encouraging re knee  . .     
    12 miles this morning, but very steady (11 mins pace) , as this is my friend's current longer run pace.  It suited me, felt nice and easy, and good company on a lovely route in the sunshine.   Cricket on telly now  . . .   
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    That resurface sounds perfect Torque :) Good news on grumpyless knee.

    Dave: Well done on 12 miles a nice pace:-)

    I finished the week on 56 miles so happy with that so let the tapering begin or tapering madness :D 
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    excellent number, WP B)
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    T'S, I hope watching some of the world class cycling is some compensation for the road closures. My wife and I were in Newcastle on Monday to watch the finish of the Tour of Britain stage. A beautiful setting as they powered up Dene Street from the Quayside but they pass in a flash. We're both Cav fans and we did manage to see him, unfortunately well down the field.

    Dave, two good long runs there.

    Welshpoppy, great miles again from you. Don't know how you do it. Respect.
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