
Sub 3



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    Best wishes to LMH :)

    Nice that youre ontop of it Tipp Topp

    Going backwards here - not walking freely again after a 2 mile jog. If I was a betting man I think ive got more than just a nerve issue. 
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    Sorry to hear that Mennania - time to make an appointment with your GP and start the NHS process?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Sorry to hear that Menn. Hope you can find an answer soon.

    Just 5M steady last night. I'll run home tonight: something between 5 and 8 depending on how the legs feel.
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    Selbs - I am probably fine to to run a marathon in October but didn't want to commit to a lengthy trip and run a fast marathon,  especially if I then had to DNS due to a possible operation.  Hoping to run Cornwall in the hope my problem is addressed early Oct or post November 3.  If I am able to run will do so as a LSR in prep for the Malaga marathon in December.
    TR - Flyknits for Abingdon? 
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭

    TR - personally i would just let it record the stuff then look at later - i have never got round to programming things into it, if u are doing reps, just look at the time and press the lap thing say if its 3 min x 20 off whatever rest. 

    I had two gadgets on today so looking right silly - and surely it must have slowed me down all that extra weight!  One came out 14.01 miles, the other 14.04, and mapmy run says 14 miles, so i guess today they are all about right!

    Anyway, for the 10 effort (and it was a real effort!) i did 61:30, so improved again on last week even if the legs were/are screaming a bit.  HR average was just a tad over marathon HR, although for the final 5 miles of it it was all above marathon HR, but still good signs.

    Easy couple of days pre long run now.  Good luck with yours TR!

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    Well nailed selbs. Don't forget you're building fatigue too so for these runs to be getting faster with a HR is good progress.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    OO.. I thought the NHS usually prioritise hernia ops due to the risk of internals getting trapped etc.  Hope you get some news soonest.
    Selbs.. that's a cracking 10m and good progress too.  BTW your treadmill sessions, is it your own treadie at home?
    Menn.. nerve problems tend to fluctuate but refuse to budge in my experience.  Only other thing I could think of would be a SF or worn joint - hope you get a diagnosis soon.
    TT.. good that you have worked out the medication, diet etc so you can run without too much discomfort.  I have a bit of tinnitus in one ear (fast drumming type of sound) though it has much improved recently.
    JI.. what a pain (literally!).  Hope you make the Cabbage Patch 10 startline.
    Another 10m for me today.  I ran around the racecourse as part of the route - there is an enormous marquee up in front of the grandstand for the York beer festival (Weds-Sat); I was very tempted to pop in for a refreshing pilsner or similar!  :p
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    AL P is York bound last I heard..

    Its a while since we had a list.  A busy couple of months ahead.

    Berlin  29th September

    York  20th October 
    Al P


    New York 3rd November

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    TR - Green Flash? FWIW a lot of the time I just manually lap reps on my runs and make them up as I go, and you can do that on any of the watches as far as I'm aware. It's only this time around, as I'm trying to keep a lid on things, that I'm programming in (structured) fartlek.

    Menn - that's rubbish! I'm with LMH; get the ball rolling with your GP.

    selbs - nice!! Looking good for Abo!

    Wardi - at it's worst I'd have it in both ears and it'd drive me to distraction (and everybody around me as I would miss lots of conversations). It's one of those things that you don't fully appreciate the impact of until it's gone! Continued nice training from you!

    Short jog earlier, and just back from 45mins easy. Nice and light today.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    As you're off the beer TT look away now.. ;)
    TR.. beer bargain alert. Tesco have boxes of 12 x 330ml Sol lager for £6 currently (normally £10 I think).  Bought a couple of cases this morning!
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    LMH - no sign of a taper unless it's an inverse one. Maybe i should reign in any aspirations of beating 1.24/5.

    Menn - sorry to hear that.

    Selbs - oooh nice. Got to be happy with 6.09s, not sure its possible to run 10m at much quicker than mp, so its looking good.

    TT, selbs - ok, so i can just have elapsed time and distance showing and manually take lap times, so i csn do mile reps with 30sec rest etc. That will do. Im not interested in data for most of my running so a garmin 25 will do nicely. I wouldn't like to get too technical after all.

    Wardi - I'll  have a look sometime. Im not much of a Tesco man, but sometimes get ale there as they fo 4 for £6, but i guess its cheaper in Yotkshire?

    Oo - flynits are still untouched,  will try them at Gosport. Should have waited to buy them as they have been discontinued and you can get them for 60something at the mo.

    12m done, that gives me 93 for the last 7 days, which is probably a record, shame i did a pathetic 5m friday. As per my post to LMH, i guess Sundays 1/2 is a bit compromised already. Wind and rain predicted too (unsurprisingly). Oh well, bigger picture and all that.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    SJ - what did you do last thurs, fri and sat? You didnt taper much and still raced well Sunday ? I know you did the "normal " 4.30am mlr weds. I didnt taper for Harting 10, did 10 friday evening, and then just did 6m saturday instead of a long run and raced ok. I had an easier week pre IoW but legs were ruined from loads of hiking in Sussex that week.
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    Menn - Unlucky, hope you have a diagnosis and effective treatment soonest. 
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    TR - yes last week: silly o'clock 14.5 weds, 6 easy thur, 8 incl strides fri, easy 4 + 3 double sat just to get the miles in.

    Easy running so far this week. Went out after work tonight to get more recovery so another midweek run done. Left Achilles sore so more easy running rest of week. Need to be careful. At most risk now I think as mileage is maxing out over next 14 days and I ran full beans on sunday.

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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    thanks LMH - yes im defnitely building fatigue! todays jog to work felt V hard at 8:20s!

    SJ - think i am treading that fine line like you, we do need to be a bit careful.  September is looking like building to be my biggest mileage month ever, by about 40 or 50 miles, and it's not like it's all slow stuff have been chucking a few sessions in.  The body with all it's aches and pains (left achilles for me being one as well!) is giving me a few warning signs.  hopefully easy couple of days now and will start to feel a bit better again.  You take it cearfully as a fully raced half will definitely be in your legs for a bit.

    Had a few real beers yesterday to "celebrate" the MLR being out the way (plus an old work colleague was in town).  Will keep a lid on it again now for a bit as i continue to try to drop some weight (although it's stopped falling off now).

    oh Wardi, no i don't have my own treadmill, it's a gym at work.

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    sj - sounds very sensible, easy to underestimate the after effects of a hard half.

    Hope you can stay the right side of the ragged edge selbs, it's always a balancing act.

    I've been ticking over and running to pass time and stay sane this week but am starting to feel a bit better and thinking that I probably don't need to flog myself and do 100 mile weeks to be in a reasonable shape for York. This week should see me at 70+ anyway. If I can motivate myself round at least one long run a week for the next couple I should be ok as long as my head is in it and stomach behaves.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Sj - cheers for that. Without a taper you shouldnt have been able to hurt yourself too much Sunday,  but wise to be wise. Your 81min shows you are in a good place, and a bit of extra recovery wont do you any harm.

    Selbs - always good to toast a long or medium run.

    LMH - just kerp ticking over for now and see how it goes, it wont be long before the eye of the tiger comes back. Got that York is still on the radar.

    I did the minimal 5m commute, was going to add a mile or so on to be like SJ, but decided to sack it off at 5m, as i was down near 9mm pace already.
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    Been reading along but haven't had chance to post in a while. 

    LMH - Really sorry to hear of all your troubles, good to see you might be able to make the York startline. It could be just what you need.

    TR - Your training has been really impressive, looking forward to seeing what you do in Abo, it think a 2.54 is on the cards. Good luck Sunday.

    Selbs - Sorry to hear you had to cancel Berlin, especially as they have now cancelled the strike! We were really lucky as we are also flying BA but from London City which wasn't affected. I'll have to drive the 2.45 train myself now!

    SJ - Take it easy on that achilles, most of the hard work is done now.

    Had a good final few weeks of training. Ran a 2.46 PB at Kenilworth Half with 1.20.06 on a course that was definitely not flat and fast! On my own from mile 7 and the constant up and downs meant I couldn't get into a rhythm. Followed that up with 11m at marathon effort on the Thursday which came out at 6.13, showed I didn't bury myself in the half!

    Ran 21m round Virginia Water as my last big long run, pleased to finish the final fast section at 6.10 pace. Firmly into the taper now and legs are feeling good. Really looking forward to getting out there and giving it a crack
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    It's how long it will take me to get to the finish line that's my issue StevieWh  :)
    Sounds as though you're in great shape.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    Simon Coombes 2Simon Coombes 2 ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    Nice read through yet again so see what everyone's up to - a good little glimpse into real life there - injuries, pets, podiums...all part of life's rich tapestry eh.

    Beer/weight wise - I've cut back quite a lot, but was never a big drinker anyway - certainly not in the last 10 years or so. Weight wise, I'm trying to cut out some sugar, which I feel is the problem as a lot of processed food is full of it and we have little control over it. So hitting the Corn cakes, ryvita  etc and a few mixed nuts and fruit instead of chocolate - and it seems to be working.

    I do like trying the alcohol free lager, been into it since having the ubiquitous free Erdinger after Berlin a few years back. Got a league table.

    1. Bavaria

    2. San Miguel

    3. Erdinger

    4. Budweiser

    5. Heineken

    6. Becks Blue

    Interesting subject, does divide opinion, always amazes me how angry some drinkers get about it too!

    Proper Beer wise, favourites are Moretti for lager, Tribute for bitter.

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    Moretti is also my favourite, followed closely by San Miguel & Estrella. Looking forward to the german beers!
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    You could always try cutting out the processed food Simon.
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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    WardiWardi ✭✭✭
    The post race drinking in Berlin can get a bit messy Stevie.. :)

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    OuchOuchOuchOuch ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    StevieWh - Enjoyed a few post-race Berlin beers here last year  https://brlo-brwhouse.de/

    Moretti for lager, St Austell Proper Job IPA for a craft beer closely followed by Skinners Cornish Knocker as a session beer. 
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    That's the plan Wardi! Rehydration is key ;) 

    OO - Thanks for the recommendation, I think that has been mentioned by someone else as well so will probably head there
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019
    Stevie - top bombing lately then. Very nice. Mara effort showing 6.13s is promising, that's 2.43 pace. How far is a lap of the path round Virginia Water? 21m must be a few laps, nice place to run though..........i alwys note your long tempos i struggle to do long tempos as most of my midweek running is commutes, and isnt flat at times. I have a plan for Brighton that i might give a go.

    Simon - im with OO, if you like St Austal Tribute then give Proper Job a go, its a hoppy IPA, they also do Big Job and Dark (?) Job.

    Wardi - id love a couple of those.....and the beers.
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    selbsselbs ✭✭✭
    edited September 2019

    SH - you sound in just the right form to crack 2:45 - good luck! Hope conditions are good.  Even with the strike now cancelled, the flight i was on out (in the evening of 27th from LHR) has not been reinstated, so i have just put my claim in for hotel and marathon entry costs to BA, so hopefully they will do the right thing.  i will miss being there though, so i need to proper smash Abingdon now to make up for it!

    ah that picture just reminds me of the octoberfest Wardi, and the 4 times i've been to Munich for that!

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    Cherrs OO - Chiropractor tomorrow to confirm its the sciatic nerve. Ive zero backpain but they seem sure - Im favouring piriformis at the mo but Im no quack.
    Simon - Try Free dam - its pretty good.
    Stevie WH - Nice marker with the 11 at MP. Ill go back to Berlin to run it again one day I think.
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    Meant to join LS21 for a little run this morning, but annoyingly I've become slightly ill on me' hols. Still did 13 miles' worth of trudging around today though, with mountain walks contributing to the leg fatigue -- Scafell Pike tomorrow while the weather holds. (Wardi -- will get our share of pishing weather next week it seems!) But I've only run about 65M this week, which is way less than I should in this pre-marathon phase.

    Just tried some Free Damm and I'm not keen, it has that half-fermented flavour like so many others. And Becks Blue is insipid to my palate. But I tried a bottle of Shipyard Low Tide Pale Ale with pre-theatre fish and chips the night before last, and that was good. Have an Adnams Ghost Ship lined up in the fridge.

    TR in big miles then 9 min/M (almost) plodding shock. Have we been switched at birth?

    Berlin  29th September

    York  20th October 
    Al P


    New York 3rd November


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    Sorry to hear that you're ill Charlie. Hope you get over it quickly. The additional walking miles will supplement the running.

    Mennania - whilst I know what you're saying you'd need a scan to confirm that. Start the process with a GP visit - telling them everyone you've seen and what you've tried so far - and they will hopefully start the process.

    I think BA are going to have done you a favour selbs - you are making the most of the extra few weeks.

    Tempo is an effort not a pace surely TR so your routes not being flat shouldn't be an issue?
    If you think you can or you think you can't you're probably right.
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