
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - maybe just the cold going to your chest.   You've done well to recover without antibiotics, it's been a while since you had a chest infection. Are you going to DNS your other December races?

    Which reminds me... mamafox, hope you've recovered now?

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Hope it clears quickly.
    Steve-Good to see you back marathon training.
    Cal-Have you got your accommodation sorted for Chicago? Might be an idea to book before the ballot results come out.
    Couple of nice runs,just over 8 both days,yesterdays was ok and todays felt great,one of those runs were you feel like you could run all day and came out at a good pace with low effort,looking forward to Sunday now.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I had one planned for this Thursday but I’ve cancelled the hotel and deferred that one, and also cancelled Davey’s. I do have another one pencilled in for next Thursday but currently it’s looking very unlikely I’ll do that one. I can cancel hotel on the day so I’ll decide a bit nearer the time. 
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Ian - not yet, but I did think of that, yes. Not sure how long I want to go for, yet!

    Strange run today. Woke up at 4 (probably not enough sleep, honestly, but I dream a lot and sometimes I feel like my dreams are tiring and I don't want to go back to sleep and have another one) so I was out just after 5:30 for today's 12 miler. I didn't look at my Garmin aside from the first mile (10:33) so was rather surprised that I actually got slower during the run. I averaged 10:45 pace, which is pretty slow, and there was even one mile at 11:19 :s .
    I think what happened was  I was able to run freely for the first couple of miles as I was on well-lit main roads, but when I transitioned to the side roads and the lighting was more sparse and the pavements a bit bumpier, I obviously checked my stride (a lot!). Strangely, while it was dry when I went out, it also got frostier and more slippery later into the run, so that had an impact too.
    Ah well, it's done. Did a faster run yesterday so I'm not going to worry about it.
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    Cal - It's all miles in the bank regardless of pace.
    5 miles run commute to work today (after a kettle bell workout at home), then another 5 miles to get home later, which will be strange for me as I haven't run after work for years.
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    Big G - hope you're feeling better today.  Might be a bit soon to think about running a marathon next week  after a chest infection especially at this time of year.  I would think 4 to 6 weeks recovery before considering a marathon.

    I suppose this has messed up your planned quota of marathons again, there's always the 20 in 20 next year if you need a few to catch up ;) 

    Ian - those training runs are the best aren't they.   Is it a 10k on Sunday?

    Cal - I'm not surprised the poor lighting and the surface becoming more hazardous slowed you down.   Frosty here too, had to de-ice my car to drive less than a mile to circuits :# 

    Steve - I bet you'll run faster on the way home!

    Circuits were good as usual and good session in the gym after.   Gym is already quietening down in the run up to Xmas, not looking forward to January when all the new resolutions kick in and more folk in the gym.
    Our circuits group is having a Xmas do on the 20th, a breakfast, all you can eat so am looking forward to that :)   We have a nice crowd in circuits group.
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    edited December 2019
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    edited December 2019
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    Think RW must have altered their settings, can't get list to post in usual way :#
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    I give up, no matter how I size the image it still posts it at the same size.   Ideas anyone?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited December 2019
    Shades, can't help with that image....sorry.  Yeah, I strongly suspect it's going to be January before I do another one.  I like that small glimmer of hope for next week though, but I think it's extremely unlikely!  Yes, it's messed up the numbers again.  Really not a good year this year as I've lost count of the number of DNSs I've had first through the shoulder, then the tooth, and now this.  I don't think I lost any due to actual injury, although I did shuffle some due to the hip.  It's probably around 15 DNSs I think.  I did have a kind of route planned through to 100 for next year, but I need a rethink again.  Never mind.
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    Big G - it must be so frustrating re your planned races, even more so as your cancellations have primarily not been running related.

    How's the shoulder now?

    I missed 9 consecutive marathons/ultras in 2018 and have lost count of what I've missed over the years, just have to crack on.

    I've got the countdown now to my 400th, which of course isn't as important as an 100th but I still want to do it on the planned day.   I haven't yet finalised my choice of races and if I don't finish DD, say by not making the cut offs, I'll need to slot another race in.   I may have to go to MK and run round TBL.  ;)
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    400?!!! :o I haven't even done that many parkruns (in fact, only just got my 100 shirt).
    TBL = that bloody lake? :D

    And happy Christmas to me - just signed up for Valencia as well. It's 7 weeks after Chicago so a decent gap. It's the 40th anniversary so should be a good one, and it's always hugely popular with my club. (Plus I've got it at the cheapest price, which will go up once those entries sell out, which will be soon).

    Please lord let me not get sick or injured next year!
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes it's the 10k on sunday,meant to be a super fast course so looking forward to a blast,getting there to watch the super fasties at 10.30,then sub 40 go at 11.10,then the masses at 11.50.
    Cal-I can beat you lower,I've not even done 100 races in all distances,think sunday might be my 100th.Great news on Valencia,I'm actually considering it instead of frankfurt as I've heard lots of good things.
    Big G-At least you are diagnosed now so hopefully it will improve,bad news about the races though.
    I didn't run tonight,tough day in work mentally and wasn't in the frame of mind to go out,easy week this week anyway.
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    Cal - I did my first marathon in 1995 so it's been over a good few years.  The plan is, subject to injury etc., that it will be on my birthday  

    Yes, that bloody lake.   I've never run there but that how it's affectionally known. 

    Good for you signing up for Valencia, it does get rave reviews and the finish looks amazing.   

    Ian - hope Sunday is ice free so you can have a good fast race, for your 100th race a PB would be very nice :)   

    6 miles this morning, cold and frosty again, took ages for my legs to function properly but after about 3 miles I had a good run.   Pilates and gym later this morning
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, great news about Valencia. Some booze-related stories have come out from my club’s trip. One guy (RK - a 100MCer) was sick into his 100MC bandana on the bus, and then subsequently DNFd. Another guy lost his number apparently on the way to the race, so was a DNS!

    Shades, shoulder still isn’t 100%. I wouldn’t do these activities this time of year anyway, but I still don’t think I’d cycle or paddleboard with it. Every now and then, I’ll do something and still feel it, but it doesn’t bother me when running.

    I do need to see a GP. I have inhalers that I use a few times a year. I was asthmatic as a kid and these just keep the worst of any symptoms away. I’ve been using them more the last few days (I’ve been advised in the past to use them for chest colds/infections), so I’m running out and need more. My surgery is snowed under so is triaging patients at the moment, so I’ll get a call back this morning and proceed from there. My old surgery used to let me get more when needed without seeing a GP, but I’m not sure of the rules at my new surgery. 
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    Big G - At least you know what it is now, so hopefully you can get a good number done next year.
    Shades - 400!! Wow!!
    Cal - Valencia will be ace, looks super fast.
    11 miles this morning, really bad fog, couldn't see anything past a few feet in front of me for a few miles!
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    Big G - oh, the Trotters still behaving badly on tour then ;) .  Poor RK, what a waste of a trip/money and he must have felt so ill 🤮

    Hopefully by the time summer comes around again the shoulder will have healed fully.

    Hope you get your inhalers without too much hassle.   

    Steve - I hate running in fog, it's like running in a bubble.

    Did you run home faster yesterday than the run to work?

    Lovely Pilates class and good session in the gym.   
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    GP asked to see me so I went in at 12:30 and he gave me extra inhalers so no problem with that. I didn’t ask for them, but he prescribed antibiotics which I was trying to avoid. I explained I only recently had a course due to the tooth and was worried about taking too many, but he said that I needed them as my oxygen levels were too low and need to get rid of the infection. I was feeling very out of breath on the short walk to/from the surgery, and even had to stop on a short slope. Not ideal really, but if I need them I’ll have to take them to get rid of it fully. 
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    Big G - it's just as well you went to the surgery as if the GP says you need antibiotics then you do need them.  Hope now you'll make a speedier recovery.

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    Shades - I was about a minute slower going home, but I have to get across some busy roads, so I guess more traffic in the evening.
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    It sounds as though your immune system is really run down, Big G - not much to do but take a good rest and ease back in slowly.

    Bit of a rubbish day for me. I usually rest Thursday or Friday but knowing I have the 5K on Saturday, I figured I'd be best off resting on Friday. However, my body (maybe my head) had other ideas - I just couldn't get going today - I could barely even face the idea of going to the shops and didn't go out until after 3. I've had a couple of biggish runs and not enough sleep so I'm not that surprised, but I also know that feeling tired sometimes means I'm about to go down with a cold. I sincerely hope that's not the case this time - guess I will know tomorrow.
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    1SteveMac said:
    Shades - I was about a minute slower going home, but I have to get across some busy roads, so I guess more traffic in the evening.
    That's one of the main reasons I don't run later in the day.

    Are you going to run to work on a regular basis or is it too much faff.

    Cal - hope yesterday's lethargy was just being short of sleep and nothing more.

    Rest day for me today, race tomorrow.   Weather has changed here, it's a balmy 11 degrees now, raining though.   But forecast good for tomorrow, 9 or 10 degrees and dry, last time Big G and I did Plym Trail it was horrendously wet/cold/windy.
    One thing I did buy in the Black Friday sales was a cheapish jacket designed more for being waterproof than breathable, although it's supposed to be both.   I've had 3 races this year when I could have done with more waterproofing and wind protection, and overheating was definitely not an issue, Connemara, Plym Trail and Cornish so I'm hoping that now I've got a more suitable piece of kit I shan't need it!  

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    Shades - So that I can increase my mileage, and keep a kettle bell workout in during the week (as well as Sunday), I'm running to/from work once a week for this training block. I just need to be organised, so I can take my lunch/change of clothes in the day before.
    But yes, I much prefer a 4/5am run with no one around if I'm honest!!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, that was an interesting night.

    I started coughing up quite a lot blood (never had this before) so dialled 111, hoping/expecting them to say ‘it’s just the chest infection - don’t worry’. But one question triggered a very slight concern, which was around when they asked if I’d done any long journeys in the last two weeks. When I replied I’d done 2x6hr coach journeys, a paramedic called me back and eventually, and just as a precaution, asked me to go to A&E.

    Got there at 10:15pm and left at 3:45am, but they did routine tests plus gave me a chest X-ray, checked my bloods (including for clotting) and wired me up to an ECG, and all is as you’d expect for someone with a chest infection. Doctor did say that I was right to call 111 as coughing blood is obviously not normal, and in fact a GP would have sent me for an X-ray in the morning anyway. I need to finish the antibiotics and then see how I am and if it’s not cleared at the end of the course, go back to the GP. 

    All sorts of people/injuries there, and the place was packed. Having never been to A&E before, it was a massive eye opener as it was the closest thing to resembling a war zone that I expect I’ll ever come across!  Dread to think what it’s like there on a Fri/Sat night, or a BH. 

    A brilliant service from everyone that saw me. Only one complaint - the tea/coffee was absolutely terrible ;) 
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    Big G - that must have been a bit scary, 😱 good that nothing more sinister found and hope it's getting better today.   You must be exhausted after that experience too.

    Steve - if it enables you to get your training done then once a week isn't too bad, you have picked the worst time of year to start though.

    I still miss my kettlebell classes, loved doing that and it's a great workout.

    As I'm not running/going to a class/gym this morning I've spent the time planning my 2020 races, well up to my 400th, so have decided now which races to do.  Not going to Cork, it normally falls on DD weekend but doesn't next year but the timing of the flights now makes it a very expensive weekend.   So I've decided to do Kildare in June, not done it before, course looks lovely and it actually goes though the Irish National Stud plus past a few other stud farms, the heart of Irish racing.   
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    Jeez, Big G, that must have been scary. Glad it was nothing sinister. Sometimes it can be something in the throat that has ruptured from all the coughing. I hope the antibiotics do the trick.

    I felt a bit more myself this morning - slept a bit better but woke up too late to go out for a pre-rush hour run, and as it was raining (quite hard) I didn't mind waiting. Got out just before 10 and did 8 miles. It was dry and mile but a bit blowy, which was disconcerting. I get freaked out by gusts of wind the same way I sometimes get a bit freaked out by downhills. I was aiming to pepper my last mile with some strides but it was a bit of a failure with the wind - I managed some slightly faster strides but not even 5K pace. Never mind.
    Post.tib has been niggly the last two runs so need to sort that out. I'll have a bit of a Theragun session later.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Glad everything was ok.
    Bit of a crappy week here,had a lot going on in and out of work and haven't had time or inclination to get going,will put some of it down to having a race sunday so easy to justify it as resting.
    Cal-Hears marathon talk touch on steph's run a bit,and she is being interviewed by them on Tuesday,not sure when it will be released.It will be a good one for them to talk to as she is pretty new at top end racing with a massive improvement curve still ongoing,and she only has a couple of tiny sponsors that she got after London so will help her profile also.
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    That's good news - hope she gets some more sponsorship to help her along.

    I think this time of year is difficult - Christmas is coming, race season is over (well, mostly) but those of us doing early marathons have to get back on the horse again.
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