
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭

    Here is a small logoon by the resort where I went for my compulsory swim this morning.

    I am not sure you can cope what with all the scantily clad young women. You can only go so long without breathing. Maybe if you up'd your meds it might work.

    Off for a gym workout this afternoon.

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    Mick:How you must be missing your snow and cold weather:-) You really are putting on a grand attempt to escape from these nasty captures :DDo you mean the ladies are not in winter woollies!

    Talking of Dave where is he?

    Come on you need to get out and have a run it keeps you sane;-)

    No run yesterday iced in but had a walk late in day.

    Today 4.6 miles very easy as legs like lead! oh and entered a half marathon as you do on spur of moment  as local and spaces came available in 4 weeks...EEK
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    4 weeks to prepare for a half mmmm....

    Some of the visitors to the beach look .

    actual prehistoric, maybe even older than me.
    I went for an early morning 5k but it was still uncomfortable, 27c and humid.
    It's a beautiful route along the coast but  may try the treadmill tomorrow. They have these very fancy new with a large screen where you can play videos as if you were running various trails.

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    Enjoying Mick's photos and comments. I see your right knee and left foot got into the foreground of one of the pictures. Where are you exactly, and is that item a lizard of some kind?
    Hoping for a local parkrun tomorrow, before Outdoors becomes too unattractive with Sunday's forecast.
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    I used to get so annoyed when they would come over and disturb my reading by asking me to rub sun tan lotion on their backs :):)
    Nice wild life...............
    I remember the sand at Aruba being almost talc like is was so fine - doesn't look like it has changed.

    Just booking a holiday to Crete for later in May B)

    well someone has to go and enter races at short notice - and at least you have trained up for the 10 miler recently so its not too much of a stretch for you - says he who has difficulty running 3 miles at the moment

    Just finished a very intensive period of work and travel around the country - I'd rather not look at my January mileage - and am looking forward to stepping out into storm conditions tomorrow for a run - but first I have to get through a rugby Super Saturday!!

    it was lovely here first thing but the wind is steadily increasing as I type so you may have had it a bit earlier!!
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Thank you. I have to laugh at the Brit's idea of bad weather.
    I'm in Aruba which is 18 miles off the coast of Venezuela. I have met no Brit's at all here, lots of Americans though. The locals have troubled with my Brit accent, they speak Dutch and a local language which is a mixture of Dutch and Spanish.
    Yes it is a lizard, an iguana. They are everywhere. The juveniles are bright green.

    TS ,
    Crete is a wonderful place, if you remember we rented a villa in an olive grove by a small village a couple of years ago. What kind of visit are you planning?

    Different run today. Half on a treadmill and half outside. I tried the fancy one where I was running in some snow capped mountains but quickly bored with that and ran outside along the beach. It wasn't bad as it seems less humid than early in the morning and the temperature is the same. So the answer seems is to run later in the day.

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     Lovely photo;s  but not too keen on the reptile.I am sure youare able to communicate your requests for more beer or food :) I think there is always a way around a problem  and glad running later in day is less humid.


    That was my thinking and good practise as I have another 4 weeks after that one.I doubt very much you were out running today unless you don't hav gusts of 68mph. I am having a rest day as do not fancy going out in that weather we are on Amber alert.

    Yesterday a 6 mile hilly run and fastest for course in 2 years which was pleasing  I hope it becomes a regular habit.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    6 hilly miles fast sounds good prep for a half.

    Chilling on the beach gives me time to draw, so just for you.

    A rest day for me today unless I get bored of swimming and chilling, if so I will throw in a gym session.

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    You are most kind Mick and what a lovely sketch you are very talented. Make the most of chilling  out you would not want Storm Ciara :)

    Winds still gusting but it was fine when I went out 5.30am although a nasty headwind on my return.Another 6 miles done I wanted more but as the winds had picked up thought best be safe and save that for another day.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I thought you might do a sketch of the other (bikini clad) creatures for us :)
    Well yesterday the wind hit 75mph in a near constant moving wall of air.  My house is old and robust with 15" solid brick walls but it literally shook under the strain.  Add in 45mm of rain coming in horizontally on the wind and I think I would take one of your Canadian whiteouts.
    Oh yes - it is now hailing/snowing..............

    Enjoy your beach runs - you don't know what will be awaiting you at home.

    I remember you went in Crete - thought it was last year - you did a very good painting of your villa. 
    No villa for us but a smallish "boutique" hotel near Aghios Nikolaos - it has to be a hotel for Mrs TS, and one with white linen table clothes and waiter service, to boot :)

    well done for getting out  today.
    Like you I ducked out of yesterday - absolutely no benefit to going out in the conditions I described above.

    eased a bit this morning and sloped off for a slow 2 miles to get myself used to running again. Hard work but I enjoyed the shower afterwards!!
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    Jemma Reekie is certainly burning up the track - a super new talent
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    are you in mourning for Sheffield Utd's success this season ;)??
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I take back what I said, you really are getting bad weather.
    We had a big dump of snow yesterday so I contacted an on demand service to clear my drive before I return. With temps of -22c it would be a wall of ice at the end of the drive dumped by the snow plow.
    Not too sure the ladies would like me drawing them. I save that for Wednesday morning and my life drawing group.

    Good to see you back out there. I finished up doing a gym session yesterday after all.
    Out on the island beach today, typing this lying under a palm tree wondering how many people get hit by falling coconuts.


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    Was that a shower at home or a rain shower :) well done on kick starting your running.

    Absolutely she really is a talent and came from nowhere I know she must be good as Laura  training partner but WOW.


    Good job you can do that remotely from your sun lounger with the snow at home.

    That would make a good drawing the coconuts hitting some innocent beach goer

    Life drawing class.........THUD

    Winds have picked up again I just got blown uphill to village! a friend in Derby has snow!! not snow like Mick's but light snow :)

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    How is this for decadence, I have just received a msg with photo stating that he is 60% done and is just shovelling my walkway. Just had a swlm around the lagoon and now it is time for drink. Life is tough.
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    Oh it is a tough life for some like the snow  shovelling chap.You are having a very easy time atthe moment I wonder you have the strength to lift a knife and fork:-)

    Winds worse today than yesterday but another 6 miles as fighting the wind the whole time.Storm Dennis arrives on saturday so a testing time at the moment!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    dont know how you put up with that indolent life :)

    well done

    I am about to go out there into similar conditions + snow and hail for a Hash over very hilly terrain - I may be gone a while!!
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    ...well that was fun last night!
    Brilliant clear skies scrubbed by strong winds so that stars shone brightly interspersed with lashing hail on the same wind gouging chunks out of one's exposed skin.  Add to that 3.5 miles of tough up and down (75m) along the Nidd Gorge banks meant is was a hard work out for me 

    Backed it up with 4 miles this morning, between showers but still with battering wind, in 40 mins 

    Got some bad news this morning - I have been successful in getting an entry for the GNR  :/
    B8gger - now I will really have to knuckle down and see if I can -
    1. run further
    2. lose weight
    3. run faster
    probably in that order!!
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    Torque:That sounds a tough run last night,did the beer and sandwiches warm you up :)
    Well done on last night and this morning.

    OH that is terrible news fancy getting in GNR :)
    I like your 3 stage plan and I really hope it goes well :)

    Let me tell you the minute I write a training plan, pin it up so I can see it every day at meal time's it all goes wrong.I work so much better by feel than by a rigid  plan although  pre Achilles it was very different.

    Today I planned a 10 miler what happened......I come down with a sickness bug :/

    I feel that my plan is mocking me!!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Hello folks 

    apologies for my absence - a strange couple of week meant only 4 shortish runs (not football-related, TS:)    , and a zero on Monday got this one off to a bad start, but 5 last evening, followed by 9 (with pal) this morning has got me going (hopefully).   
    nice one re the GNR, TS - a race I've never done (or even applied for) 
    hope you not on the sick bed too long, Poppy - though you can always avoid spreading the bug by following this example . . . . .   

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    No more bugs, definitely not good for the training schedule.

    Now you have done it, lots of pressure!!! I assume that it is a half?

    I have back home and already shoveling snow but thanks to my unknown benefactor most of the drive was clear.
    Picked up the dog from the animal hospital this afternoon, $11k lighter, but a fully function dog once more.

     A while back I wrote some python scripts to roam through my running database and create a google map of all the places I have run since 2004.
    I haven't run it for a while, to my delight it still works and here is the latest.

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    Welcome back we missed you but glad all is okay.I hope you are back running this week after your good start with 9+5 miles.
    Thanks for link I think I will give it a miss I would get dizzy running around my front room :)


    I thought maybe you were back home as quiet.What a home coming with snow and dog needing treatment poor wee thing!
    Nice map of the places you have run:-)

    I think an extra day today off, will go walking instead to be sensible.Thunder, lightening, lashing rain against window just made me curl up in bed even more :) although seems to have eased off but have appointment at 9am so will walk after that.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    can't be bad to come back from a couple of "curious " weeks and run a 9 miler :)

    One does things on the spur of the moment and then have to live with it :)
    If you remember the wrinkly tee shirt I put on here a few months back when I applied it was the first HM I had ever ran and it is the 40th anniversary of the race this year.  It is also the home of my fastest HM in 1:15:11 but I suspect I will be very lucky indeed to see a time even beginning with a 1 hour this time around :/ - although 1:59:45 would be nice

    that is a huge pooch bill to come back to - almost human sized!!
    Nice to see you had to use some of those muscles buffed up in the sun to shovel snow :)
    I like your heat map of run locations.  Mind most of the sites are in only two countries - the USA and Canada -although I will give you that they are both quite big :)
    It started me off thinking where I had run over the years and I could add Germany, Spain, Madeira (Portugal), Greece, Egypt, Bahrain, South Africa, Mauritius, numerous Caribbean islands and a couple of spots in mid Atlantic when on board a cruise liner treddie!
    You do get to see places outside of the normal tourist spots.

    Yes it is a half and I am being realistic as I have enough problems to surmount just to get to the start line. At the moment it is 45/55 - not saying which way!

    on dear that is not good news and duvet weather makes it enticing to stay in. Plans eh - who needs them!  you will see mine is pretty vague :)

    Got ready to go out this morning - rain lashing against the house - so suitably clad in Gortex jacket.  hadn't gone but 200m when it stopped raining, wind ceased and the sun came out !!!
    Of course I was now overdressed so unzipped, degloved and ploughed on to do the same 4 miles in 40 min as yesterday although I had to expend extra energy jumping over very wide and deep pools on many paths.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    TS - I was idly wondering what PB's we had on here - you've beaten my 1:15:58 , set on13/5/1990, at Peterborough - nice and flat     :)  
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    mine was back in 1985 -aged 39.  It was later in the same year as I had set my marathon PB at London at 2:44:11

    I also ran a 10 mile road race between the two in 55:35 and "struggled" over the last mile or so as I still had the marathon in my legs a bit

    They weren't the fastest I could have run, just the fastest I could run on the  time I could devote to training - and then I relocated, young family, business to build, travelling......................... 

    Back then I thought I was immortal :)  I am slowly learning the truth to that............... :/
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    ....and of course no chip timing back in those days and different courses yielded different results not least because some of them weren't measured that accurately!

    Everyone used to rave about how fast the Brampton 10 miles course was near Carlisle and I certainly ran some fast sub 60 min times on it but some years later they found it was short by about 200 yards!!
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    Ah those were the days :) my fastest half marathon 1.45.12,10k39.55,5k 21.41,10 mile race 70.12,Marathon 3.23 but never had a good crack at it really too many things would go wrong.

    Training pace was 6.40mm oh to  have a fully working Achilles and I was in 40's as only took up running in my 40th year.If I only had more time to train and started younger :)
    Oh I understand the immortal part I would run 80 mile weeks back to back long runs, speed work,double sessions,track work,off road, fell running....I shall stop or I will cry.............. :(
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    I am thinking I was mad to enter 2 half marathon's I can easily jump into the 10 miles and 10k's so maybe my last ones.


    I am sure you will do well and run faster than 1.59.45 :) 40th year Anniversary! I have never entered or wanted too and at £60 way too pricey for my blood.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    edited February 2020
    Poppy/TS - good times (in both senses) - and yes, fitting the training in with 
    work, family . . .   its ironic, now I have all the time I need to train, my legs limit me . . . 

    you're ahead across the board, TS - my 10 miles PB 57:27, marathon 2:46:27 (London 1991 - my avatar pic is the finish on Westminster Bridge) - I had just under 2:46 on my own watch - I took around 30 secs to cross the start line, but, as you say, no chip timing, so have to go with the official (gun) time :)     and similar to your "fatigued" race , my 1:15:58 half came 3 days after a Thursday 20 mile training run . . . .  

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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Great PBs from TS, Dave and WP.
    When I was running competitively it was mainly 10ks, my PB being 32:50 but as already stated no chip and poor distance accuracy. I did run the other distances including the marathon but my times were not great. 3:02 mara, the half was in the region of 1:17 but was all hills and I never did break 16 for a 5k, close though.

    My map doesn't include when I was travelling heavily for work. South America and Africa with lots in Europe.

    Just to put weather in perspective. We have an extreme temperature warning declared, -35c with wind chill and 10 cm of snow. Needless to say I ran indoors today.
    5k with 2k in the middle a little faster around 5:40 per k. No redlining so happy with that. 
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