
Shades Marathon Training



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    Cozy1504Cozy1504 ✭✭✭

    I'm going for green big G!

    A wee 5 miler done last night. I listen to true crime podcasts on training runs and with the streets dark and very quiet I'm jumping out of my skin at the slightest movement haha! Must look an idiot, but there's no one there to see me!

    Sub mailed this morning to say everything down to £10, don't know if any extra stock been added, just for anyone that missed it.

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    Big G - I watch the daily updates in the afternoon on the Coronavirus and I must say most of the journalists ask the most stupid and pointless questions, including that one on tax/NI, so inappropriate when people are dying.   I can see Gove (or whoever) plus the other two almost rolling their eyes at the daft questions, occasionally there is a sensible question but most of them should be ashamed of themselves.

    A regular question on quiz programmes, not that I ever watch them is 'How did the distance of 26.2 miles become the set distance for the marathon?'

    I'll go for the blue ball.

    Cozy - that was what I had in the email from Subsports last week, everything £10.   I am tempted to order some more stuff but to be honest I have enough now....still tempted though :/ 

    It is quiet and eerie out there, maybe crime/murder podcasts are not ideal for running in the dark, you should be trying to keep your HR down ;) 

    Well I ended up having to go to 2 supermarkets as no milk in Aldi and not the bread that I would prefer.   All very civilised except for a dickhead that went into Aldi before me then as I was walking into the shop he turned around and pushed past me to get out the in door. :#
    Then I went to Sainsburys had to queue up for 15 minutes to get in, lovely morning so that was no hardship, got milk and bread there, so all stocked up for the week now.   A few people wearing masks, but only a few and a couple of women with scarves over their mouths and continually then putting their hands up to adjust the scarf which is why you shouldn't wear one like that.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Its definitely the red ball.
    Shades-It works out at 6.20 pace.
    Got my first real close knowledge of corona,one of my girls grandad has it,not good as he had his leg amputated last week,and also her mum and dad have been confirmed with it.Sinks in a little more when someone you know is affected.
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    Ian - 6:20, that's fast, I'm impressed.

    I think all this social distancing seems to isolate us from a lot of the chit chat that we usually have on a regular basis.   So I haven't heard of anyone I personally know that has or has relatives with the virus, although I'm sure there are some.  It's like living in a bubble.

    That doesn't sound too good for the grandad of your employee.  
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Just for marathons, Shades, though I eat beetroot a lot anyway so I often have pink wee. :D
    Got to say I'm worried about Chicago - that'll be more flights I'll lose if it gets canned. But what can you do? Nothing.
    My weight's gone up a couple of pounds, unsurprisingly, due to the downtime I've had.

    Good run, Ian.

    I almost took today off as well. That lump under my foot I think is a plantar fibroma was a bit sore this morning, plus I woke up feeling really groggy. After sitting in front of the PC for hours I decided to do a bit of yoga and that perked me up, so I went out for a run at the ridiculously late time of 11:30 or so.
    I ended up running 9 miles (actually 15K in the end), albeit at a slightly easier pace than yesterday (though there were still a couple of sub-10 miles in there. The foot didn't bother me on the run - I guess I feel it more padding about my flat in bare feet. I'll be keeping tabs on it but nothing to be done for now - no point going to the docs in the current situation. If it is what I think it is, cortisone might be an option but hopefully it won't come to that.
    There were a lot more people about so I had did my best to avoid the busy common paths and dived into the road a few times on the side streets.
    I was really annoyed with one couple I had to pass during the last mile or so. It was either go over the railway bridge which has a really narrow bit of path with a fence, so impossible to avoid walkers there, or duck back through the woods on the common. I saw a couple walking ahead of me taking up the width of the paths so I said "excuse me please"...no reaction...so said it again a bit louder...still no reaction...then "EXCUSE ME! PLEASE!" and they moved slightly but not enough for me to keep a 2m gap...then told ME to keep my distance. WTF! Idiots.
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    Cal - well you're well used to having pink wee then.   The shots are advised for the longer distance races aren't they, not for shorter stuff.

    I think you were particularly unlucky that Tokyo was the first marathon cancelled due to the Coronavirus and airlines etc did not have any favourable terms for travellers in place at that time.

    We'd all like to hope that by October life will be back to normal, but if not then hopefully airlines will allow free transfers or vouchers so you can fly at a later date and not lose out financially.

    Some folk are so annoying not doing their bit to give us all room to pass comfortably.
    I guess you'll be back to early morning running tomorrow.  

    Hope the foot settles down.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    It's turned into a rest day here.  I've ran 5 days in a row which isn't that unusual for me but just felt a rest day needed today.  Been busy in the garden making (ahem, I mean assembling :) ) stuff.  OH and I will go for our allotted exercise a bit later on for a walk instead of my run.

    That's annoying about those people, Cal!  

    I'll reveal the much anticipated answer to the competition tomorrow :)  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-If it's still dodgy then the airlines may well still be cancelling flights,if they do then you will get your money back.
    I'm meant to be going Vegas/Los Angeles in september so wondering what will happen there now.
    I had a guy in the shop today,going around shouting at people to give him 2mtrs of space,which is practically impossible in a small shop when the aisles are about 2 mtr wide,anyway I had enough of him shouting at other people so another who got told to go to asda and he wasnt welcome.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Big G, going to go with red.
    Sad that Wimbledon is cancelled - I always enjoy having that on the telly - but not surprising. I guess it'll give the grass a break.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    9 miles after work,easy pace is gradually getting faster for the same effort.
    Added bonus today,Boston emailed offering refunds if you cant do the new date, wasn't expecting that.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Blue was the answer, so Shades was right :)  He ended up lobbing his opponent, which saw that player scampering back towards the baseline and his shot went into the net.

    I've got my questions sorted with a marathon question, 2xathletics/olympics, boxing, F1, snooker, darts, football and...poker (well, it's on ESPN so I'm saying it's a sport - people can guess the answer!).

    Just contemplating a run, so will hopefully get out soon.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Seen a couple of articles (one from RW) that have latched onto an off the cuff remark from Gove where he talks about a 30min run, etc.  Currently the government advice hasn't changed on their actual site though, so it's more an opinion piece than a factual piece, but it's fuelling the argument even amongst runner that longer runs/times aren't permissible.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Since this started there has been way too much miscommunication about things,running being the latest,now it looks like the WHO may change their advice about masks.
    Think I'm going to book Hamburg marathon for September out of my Boston refund,flights arent too bad and will book a refundable hotel,can get the race fee and flight for cheaper than Boston race alone.
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    edited April 2020
    Ian - good for you chucking that idiot out, don't need customers like that.
    Great news about Boston refund, and using the cash for Hamburg.   That must be a deferred date for Hamburg, think it used to be in May.

    Isn't the masks advice that if you are ill/have cold/likely to sneeze or cough then you wear the mask, it's for stopping the spread so to prevent folk from catching it from you the wearer.  But wearing a mask for the general public isn't supposed to protect the wearer from catching it and it could be counterproductive as you have to touch your face to put them on or off.
     If they start telling folk to wear them that will elevate the shortage of supplies drastically that are needed for health care employees.    When we've seen photos in the past about Chinese/Japanese wearing masks apparently that was for the pollution element but photos used out of context.

    Cal - so much stuff cancelled and more to come I suppose.

    Big G - I've never won a spot the ball competition before :)  
    If I was doing your quiz I'd have to have answers that I could guess at as I know less than nothing about all the sports you've chosen and would probably get the athletics ones wrong too. ;) 

    That Gove remark goes back to Sunday, as he was asked on the Andrew Marr show, but he said he didn't know and just said I suppose/guess. But there is nothing in the law passed that mentions time allowed for exercise but some 'spokespersons' were encouraging the one hour and they said that it was a good idea for urban areas where the parks could become too crowded.    But if anyone is worried about crowding, just get up earlier or run on quiet streets.   It's non runners and novices that think if you run you have to run in a park.   For us it certainly wouldn't apply as we have plenty of routes to chose from.

    6+ miles for me today, found a new circular route, not one I could normally do as I have to cross a busy A road but with less traffic not a problem today, half of the route flat and the other half hilly, 447ft so quite challenging hills.   Only passed one couple out walking, didn't see anyone else and no cars passed me once I was off the main road.

    25 years today I ran my first marathon at London :o  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Yes it is deferred,timing fits perfectly as we are due to fly to LA on the Tuesday,and its 3 weeks before Chester.That's presuming it goes ahead,if not then the flights are easyjet and they are offering free changes and we often fly them so will definitely use it.
    Yes that has always been the advice about masks,I read something about droplets going further than they previously thought so may be changing their advice based on that.
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    Ian - I just read this after your comment


    That article quotes WHO says masks should be worn by health care workers and people showing symptoms, so I assume by that they mean more likely to sneeze/cough etc

    Hamburg would work well for you.   I so hope that we will have races to look forward to very soon.
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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Me too, Shades. I still haven't heard anything regarding Three Castles 30 - I assume it will be cancelled but there is no info anywhere. Also rather hard to train for an ultra in the current situation. When I booked it I thought I'd be coming off two marathons so I'd have that endurance base and wouldn't need to do much extra...not the case now though.

    Happy silver maraversary! I think you should bake a cake.

    Wasn't sure whether to take my rest day today or tomorrow, but then I remembered someone had challenged me to a steps contest on Garmin Connect today, and I struggle to rack up 2000 steps if I don't go out for a run.
    I'd been thinking about going back to Streatham Common for some hills (downs as well as ups, since I really suck at descents) as I'd not done it since last summer. It does get super muddy there, but as Tooting and Clapham are now dry, I figured it would be OK.
    I did two big laps (which include the main common and the cross country bit down the back and up through the woods) and one smaller lap of the main common only, so there were five big ascents. There was a little bit of mud on the cross country bit but I was able to skirt around it fairly easily.
    Interestingly, the climb up through the woods now has some steps built into it. That didn't make it any easier, mind you!
    My slowest mile, which had both climbs in it and 58m of elevation gain, was 11:13. I've been well over 12 min/mi before on that bit (though it was likely muddier than) so that was actually quite quick, considering.
    But I averaged 10:24 for the entire run which isn't bad at all. I did 10 miles total, with the run there and back as well. Pretty happy with that.

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    10 miles this morning. Didn’t see many people but those I did were all aware of the distancing rules. 

    I saw a mate who I regularly see (in normal circumstances) for lunch. We stopped and had a natter for a few minutes....on opposite sides of the road.  Very strange circumstances!
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Happy Marathon Anniversary Shades! - Did you train properly for your first marathon.. and did you enjoy the whole thing?

    Big G - Glad the health check news was reassuring.

    Cal - Did you sort out a solution for your laundry after all?

    I had a couple of days off as my leg just wasn't getting any better and.. says guardedly.. it seems to have done some good. I managed 15k yesterday and today with nothing more than a slight ache in the back of my thigh which I could forget about if I put my mind to it. Running was a bit like flogging a dead horse though. Was willing for it to be over from about 11k and was a definite plod. Never mind, it'd done and I feel good. Also have just made myself the most divine poached egg on toast just for me. Heaven.
    On another positive note, I seem to have finally broken my new shoes in. I have been alternating between my Nike structures and Hokas for about a year now for training and they are hanging so when I went to Wales I went into an Asics outlet shop to try something different. The assistant suggested I stood on this machine to see what sort of foot I had, the heat from your foot gives an impression or something. Anyway, when I got off he informed me I did not have high arches as I'd imagined but more flattish feet. I was a bit put out by this to be honest. High arches sound more dainty and ballerina like. Flat arches make me sound like a duck  :/  I came out with a yellow pair (not much choice) in a model which gives stability (name escapes me for the moment) which is the sort of shoe I get normally anyway. However, the first couple of times i worre them they really rubbed the corner of my foot and I was starting to get worried that I'd wasted my money. I've lent them to my daughter for a bit and she's obviously broken them in a bit as this morning they were fine.

    Forgot to say that while running through the forest this morning I heard a low rumbling sound which I thought was one of those big tractors they use for chopping trees. The sound got louder and louder and turned into a kind of WOPWOPWOP noise and then a blue Gendarme helicopter skimmed over my head! It was only just above the top of the trees which is a first. We see them in summer sometimes, quite high up,  think they're checking for swimming pools or fires but never seen one that close. Scared the life out of me. Thought I was in Vietnam.

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    Cal - a lot of races seem to be hanging on as long as they can before making an announcement.   I suppose your ultra has less pre race organisation to do so they feel they can hang on a bit longer

    I think I will make a cake when I know I'm going to run my next marathon, a couple of days before perhaps, that will be a celebration.  :)

    That's a good hill session you did today.   Steps are really hard for running, and so easy to have a fall on.   Ground is very dry and dusty here, we haven't had rain for ages.

    Big G - yes, strange times.   I saw someone yesterday that always collars me for a moan so it was nice to wave and sail past without feeling guilty.

    forgot to say earlier I saw a few peasants in the fields this morning ;)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Don't know why but I occasionally don't see posts until after I've posted, even though I've refreshed the page before I post.

    Anyway, congrats on the 25th anniversary Shades!  I think the thing is the press are looking for new "news" and latching on to anything they can to generate more stories!  I think it may actually stop the ministers and experts being totally open as they know their comments can be spun into creating misleading stories.

    MF, the other day I saw a Chinook helicopter near the beach.  I thought it was a bit extreme to be doing emergency drops of toilet rolls....! ;)  

    Cal, Abingdon has gone, and I believe Chelmsford is also going.  They're both October races :(  
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    Shades - Think people who are driving places for their walks take a chance and will take the £30 fine especially if they can afford it it doesn't seem a punishment, it is had something like community service attached that may make people think a bit more.  Happy 25th anniversary to your marathon debut! It's my tin (10th) next year.

    Big G I was going red, but now seen the answer can I change?  I saw a couple of mates when I was out on a run chatting, I decided not to stop as would have been a little gathering. It's weird seeing people chatting to each other and shouting from the other side of the road.

    Cozy - have you checked your junk mail for subsports? that's where mine ended up.

    Keith - best thing about having a dog was someone to talk to, I also think the dog listened to me more than Elle did.

    Ian hope you get the refunds for flights sorted, well done for chucking out the moron, a couple of weeks ago a customer in front of me thought they were a comedian asking the woman on the tills about when they were getting products in, and being sarcastic.  I'm sure the staff get fed up with people who are asking genuine questions.

    MF glad you had a niggle free run, my newest shoes are white/ gold and yellow.  Not my normal taste I go for but they were a good price.

    Woke up on Tuesday with a tweaked in my lowerback/ hip so had a few rest days, went out yesterday for 2 miles (was going for 3) but curtailed it as I was running past the house.  Back feels better today so will venture out for a small run just for exercise.

    Bought a pair of Brooks adrenalines 19s from pro sports, £80 inc delivery so not a bad price.  My last adrenalines I used for Manchester Marathon 2018 and have probably seen around 500 miles.

    I spose reason for cancelling October races isn't just the fact that we don't know if they'll go ahead but there isn't the demand for the October races with Aprils all being postponed?

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    Cal JonesCal Jones ✭✭✭
    Chelmsford has gone - someone on Facebook got an email from the organiser.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, yeah, I heard the same from someone who was the 4hr pacer last year.  I held off from saying it was for sure though as their site didn't have any info, but seems it's definitely off.  It's a great event - one of my highlights of last year.
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    Big_G said:
    Don't know why but I occasionally don't see posts until after I've posted, even though I've refreshed the page before I post.

    If you start to write a post, then save or it automatically saves as a draft and meanwhile someone else has posted there is no change to the screen until you post your comment.   Usually it's because the new post from another is on the next page, so you can still save draft and go to the next page to read the new comment.

    It happens to me but I have a habit of wandering off mid post :/:smile: 

    Shame about Chelmsford, it was on my list if racing had resumed.

    Robert  - I don't agree that folk would happily pay £30 fines to walk their dog and I'm pretty sure that the police would issue higher fines for repeat offenders.

    Hope the back heals quickly, not due to different chair for your work?

    New shoes, lovely, is that ProDirect or another company?

    There would certainly be the demand for September and October races, I think it's more likely that with the uncertainty it's easier and more practical to just say we'll not hold a race this year.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    There will be demand for autumn races if they go ahead,but with pretty much every race postponing till then there is only a limited amount of runners to fill all the spots,most will only do 1 or maybe 2 races.
    The smaller ones probably cant afford the potential losses so are cancelling,in a way it's a pity as if races are allowed then they are probably the first ones to be allowed as gatherings will probably start small then be increased over time.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    What do you think Chester's chances are as that's the same day as London now?  Last year Abingdon had 785 finishers and Chelmsford had about 600ish so medium events I suppose.  Chester has 3000 so much bigger.
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    Mamafox - sorry I missed your post earlier. Xpost.

    Yes, I did train properly for my first marathon although I think nothing quite prepares you for everything that a first marathon throws at you.  It was a life changing experience for me, I loved it.

    Good to hear the sciatica seems to be getting better you're back running.
    I hope the gendarmes weren't looking for illegal runners.

    Have a look at the model of your new shoes, as long as you're pleased with them you can then put that model in on the runrepeat website and it will advise similar shoes that may suit so you should be able to buy from the internet without too much concern about suitability and pick up a bargain.

    But flatter feet, very common, is perfectly normal and often mild overpronation.

    How's life in the lockdown?   Are the restrictions slowing the progress of the virus?

    Is your OH still at home?  Working on the BMW?   ;)

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    Cozy1504Cozy1504 ✭✭✭

    Robert - thank you! Found it in my junk mail, despatched Monday so hopefully get it tomorrow.

    On cancelled races, my favourite/least favourite 10k has been cancelled completely this year.

    Least favourite because it's brutal, there's a hill at 5k which I've not experienced in any other race/run, very very tough.

    Favourite because it's where this journey started. June 2018 I completed this 10k in 67:23! less than 2 years on I completed a half marathon in 1:43 so it holds a fond place in my heart as the kick up the bum I needed to get fitter.

    Just done 11k out there today, cold wind, busy pavements but enjoyable run.

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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    edited April 2020
    Shades - Still on lockdown here although OH has had to go back to work this week. Things seem to be calming a little and they are talking about reducing the lockdown gradually region by region. Schools are still closed until at least 15th April and will probably be pushed on until after the Easter holidays, so looking at going back the 4th May. This is excellent news in terms of me being off work for a good stretch but not so good in terms of the dreaded home schooling.
     The kids have all been given loads of work to do which they either need to scan and send back or do on line if possible. The smallest one needs a fair bit of help.. I start off all calm but lose it pretty early on ending up both of us yelling at each other and me storming out of the house, simmering outside for a while and wishing I still smoked. He's got a session with his speech therapist on Zoom next Monday and neither of us are looking forward to THAT.
    The older boys aren't much better. I got a call from Sacha's teacher yesterday asking how he was getting on with his virtual class. I didn't even know he had a virtual class. I pretended we got cut off and galloped up the stairs to wake Sacha up and grill him about it before she called back. Bloody nightmare  :#

    And no Shades, the BMW is still not finished. OH used his time off to have a "clear and sort out of his workplace" and prepared the engine "from scratch". I was then called to come and look. I made lots of admiring noises but between you and me I couldn't see much difference.
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