
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    WP - yes, I did say I'd cut back the "long" run, but felt ok, so nudged up by half mile; That's 8, 9, 9.5 on successive Sundays, so I'll cut back this week's longer one, then see about a 10 the week after. 
    Nice going with the 6.2 (on challenging terrain), and a good 28 mile week (I think we can allow the rounding up)  :)    
    alehouse - similarly, good work getting 50 mins in offroad, you appear to be managing things well . . .   
    TS - did you venture out today?   still grey and gloomy, if not as misty, here today.
    Rest day for me - intend some walking & leg exercises this p.m.   
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    sun has just broken through - but far too late for my run  - by about 5 hours!

    It didn't look too bad as I ventured out but going up the hill it rapidly deteriorated into thick, near freezing mist/fog.
    Still it kept me going in order to keep warm and I did my 4 miles in 38:11 (9:34m/m)  with an avHR 130 and a max of 148 - so HRM back to normal

    10:07  122  139
    09:13  128  137
    09:18  131  136
    09:33  139  148

    so feeling rather better than yesterday :)

    However I will give myself an easier day tomorrow with a new Hash trail to follow - least I hope it's easier!!
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    Thanks for information Dave we do not want any setbacks and we all know how good we are at taking a cutback week :D Enjoy your rest day and exercises.

    Torque: That is a lot better for you with HR:-)

    Ale; hope it is easier for you and gets better day by day.

    I ran 5.75 miles this morning as I am waiting for it to get light and kids back I could run hills for 3 miles divert to track for run home. Average HR 142.

    I put together a 5 week base training plan took me ages and just as I thought I got it spot on .I noticed an error in 5 weeks not one rest day....oops ;)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Just for contrast in weather, it was 21c, sunny with a few fluffy clouds for my run this morning. We don't seem to do fog here, we occasionally get a slight mist that everyone calls fog but compared to the fogs of my youth no way. 

    I cannot imagine running 35 days without a rest day.

    I find off road much more of a challenge these days. I don't think it is just physical as I have to concentrate much more on what I am doing, no day dreaming, stay focussed or it could end badly. The trails here are demanding, MrsMick6 will not run them.

    I ran an easy 5k this morning as I am meeting up with the boys tomorrow for something longer and they usually push me so it will be harder.
    The weather here is fantastic, warm and very pleasant to sit out and watch the world go by. No working indoors when it is like this, lots to do of course but lots to do outside and indoors can wait for the snow to come.
    We are getting to know the neighbours, very friendly and mainly retired people just a bit younger than ourselves. We still have to landscape the gardens, well some of it as we have 2 acres of Canadian shield. We want to get as many of the large boulders out that we can before we lay the lawns. We have been doing a bit but a neighbour came by and asked if he could have some of them so we said help yourself. He promptly started digging them all up while we sat back and watched.

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    .....  but when do you put on your winter tyres? ( I refuse to use tires!)

    On things vehicular - have electric cars taken off in Canada yet as I imagine the winters would take a severe toll on battery life?

    That was a good way to get your boulders shifted :)!

    MOst of my trails round here feature tree roots, uneven rocks and the inevitable mud unless it is really dry for a long time.

    that would be a long streak without a rets day!!

    Easy 3 miles this morning following an actual trail laid in flour rather than the now usual map reading exercise.  Half had been blown away by leaf cleaning operatives with blowers but I guessed right and found it again :)
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    I am happy to report Training plan has been adapted and there is a rest day every week!

    Torque: Do the leaf cleaning involve a small vehicle? We have those here they have been missing all thorough both locksdowns but yesterday they were in operation.

    Mick: That was a sneaky way to get rid of your boulders ;)

    I was struggling to get out of bed this morning but after a coffee I was good to go 5 miles all done.Av HR was up 145 so will watch that.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Whilst most of my running is off road it is largely straightforward on gravel or muddy tracks. I still manage to fall now and again though!

    Glad you found the hash trail. TS; a little less wet than last week!

    Steady does it, WP!

    Hope you enjoyed meeting up with the boys, Mick

    And good going on the long run progress, Birch

    I seem to progressing in reverse! Not running well at all and suspect that the procedure two weeks ago took more out of me than I thought. Well I hope it is that. Just over 30 minutes today and it was a bit of a struggle even though I was running at an easy pace; legs simply not keen on playing.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    ....  and that is what it takes to deliver two Garmin strap restraints :)
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    sorry to hear you are regressing.  Did you have a general anesthetic or a local one?  Either way the after effects can take a while to work through the system and the procedure itself sounded fairly invasive so some reaction is to be expected down the line.
    Hope it soon clears up.

    It was almost dry underfoot today - apart from the deposits from the heavy mist !!

    I think I shall have to bill Monday's run as an effort despite what the HRM said as my legs today were very glad to have had an "easy" session this morning so you are not alone!!

    looks like you had joined the easy day today club :)
    Good news on the training plan.  I have every Saturday off from running - and promptly fill in that day with extreme gardening which probably knackers me more than running!!!
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    Lots of locals, TS! Into hip bone and lower abdomen. The latter area has healed well but the hip is still sore. As is the other one. And both quads! Surprisingly dry here, also.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    it will take a long while for the effects of an injection into the bone to work out of your system so maybe that is the cause of your malaise?

    this is an interesting article on medicine in sport 

    I Particularly liked the relationship he drew between amateur and professional rugby and its effects upon player size. 
    In my day I was big (and fast) enough to play both as a wing or centre and as a flanker to a reasonable standard.  I couldn't do either nowadays !!!
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    Thanks for the link, TS! Will read later after the IPL final! Had an interesting discussion with Michel Van Der Loos last year, the former Dutch rugby union captain...at his tapas bar in Ibiza!  At around six foot 2 he said that he would have little chance of being a line out jumper these days, but he would have more chance than a few other guys: I used to be friendly with Keith Fielding (he taught me before he moved to League as a professional), and was shorter than I am (5'6"). And he was taller than our friend Jan Webster. Both England internationals, or in Keith's case a GB international. Rugby has changed significantly, as I guess many games have. You no longer see many footballers of the Nobby Stiles/Alan Ball/Johnny Giles/Billy Bremner sort of size. Cricketers generally seem bigger and more powerful too, perhaps a consequence of the one day game. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    There comes a time in every runner's life when they should consider whether it is time to hang up the trainers. What makes me start thinking like that you may well ask.
    Today is absolutely gorgeous, 22c and sunny, as a result, the run with the boys got canceled. They decided to play golf instead.
    So I decided to run down to the village and cruise around the tourist area. I ran past a tourist window shopping and she greeted me with a cheery wave and as I flew past she added a comment, "Great walk you got going there".
    I think she was trying to pay me a compliment but I could not stop laughing and was unable to respond.
    At least it gave MrsMick6 a good laugh when I got home after my 6k "walking".
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I am surprised it did not come in a box.

    Off days seem to come along every now and then. I can never predict when I am going to have a good run, they pop up to surprise me. Maybe not as often as they use to.

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    Shame about the boys, Mick...but the alternative amused me! And you are right about predicting when one is going to have a good run! You just never know and that applies to racing as well. I race infrequently (present circumstances aside) so for people like me perhaps it builds pressure to do well in each and every race; I have a friend, the previously mentioned PRF, now of Auckland, who would race between 80 and 100 times a year on the basis that some of them would be good ones and you don't know when they are going to come along. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    hope recovery isn't delayed too much, alehouse - I'm missing the reports of your multi-step & carefully calibrated speedwork schedule !  
    WP - good couple of days, and pleased you amended schedule. Base training - will there be a followup schedule after the 5 weeks?   
    Mick - I'd take your own impression (flying along), over that of your "admirer".  Shame the boys abandoned the plan in favour of golf  . . . .   
    TS - good day yesterday; and pleased to hear the hash course was water-free today . . 
    chatty 4.5 miles here - 3 loops of a local park with "mentee". Just the job.   
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    Speedwork plan definitely on hold, Birch! When I do restart it will be down a few steps. 
    Sounds a pleasant run with mentee. Not sure that I am up to running with anyone yet! My runs with my M75 neighbour are also on hold.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Dave: Yes a 8 week strength programme,then fine tuning 3 week programme , then 3 week taper and 1 week recovery.If it all goes to plan and if it does the race will be cancelled;-)

    Nice run with trainee sounds a good easy run.

    Torque: ah I see at least you have spares.Glad Hash course was not water logged.

    Ale:/Off days happen when you least expect them as do good days.

    Mick: What a shame the boys cried off to play golf!! and I don't believe you were slow at all.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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     :)  :):)
    It's no good thinking of a suitable retort 5 minutes later!
    Golf - a good run ruined.................
    After my spinal operation I was not supposed to run again, ever, which of course I ignored. 
    However I would be spotted by my g'kids around town as they were going to school, activities etc and they would always shout our "enjoying your walk G'pa?" :)

    In the last England rugby game one of the forwards had a bad cut on his head which bled a lot. He had to change his shirt and it took two assistants to get the old one off him - his body was so toned and bulked up.
    In football, as it is increasingly turned into a non contact sport at Premiership level, more and more players appear built as middle distance runners with emphasis on running power and endurance as much as anything.

    nice day out for you :)  talking helps keep the pace down

    the packets actually held two band restraints each so I now have four plus my repaired one which is working fine so I think I am stocked up for the rest of my running life!

    Talking about good days - I went out this morning and felt quite lively in the legs during the first mile so I pushed on a little bit and ended up with 4 miles in 37:42 (9:26m/m) with avHR 132 and a max of 151

    10:05  124  133
    09:09  130  142
    09:06  135  143
    09:22  142  151

    Garmin actually rated it as "impacting" on aerobic level so I was doing something right apparently.

    Maybe there is something in this easy day business......................

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    That is a good day Torque well done and enjoy the feeling:-)

    Talking Garmin yesterday it told me my run was unproductive!! cheeky blighter.I was tired this morning and as my last rest day was last Wednesday I opted to be sensible.....how does the sensible hat look ;) i was having every 3 days rest so that is progress lets hope I can have a weekly rest day.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    the sensible hat suits you very well, WP;  the training plan looks exciting - as you say, fingers crossed !!   
    more cracking form, TS - maybe you can push one of those middle miles down to 8:nn  :)
    another run in company today (I seem to be popular this week) - 5.3 miles.   
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    very smart ;)

    Mr Popularity himself :)
    Decent run distance as well - does it feel easier running with company and how is the knee afterwards?

    You are getting to know me :)  First thought after seeing the splits was " I wonder if I can get down to starting some miles with an 8..."
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    so went out this morning into early sunshine which was nice but dazzling as it shone straight into my eyes!

    Ran easier than yesterday and felt quite comfortable until the last mile - 4 miles in 38:40 (9:40m/m pace) with avHR131 and a max of 143

    09:58  124  133
    09:13  130  138
    09:24  133  132
    10:05  138  143

    energy level dropped on the last hill  :/
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    And I think my energy levels have dropped full stop!

    The last few days I have split my run into two, stopping to stretch around half way: both days I have run the second half much more quickly with probably less effort! Perhaps a lesson there! Just over 30 minutes on Tuesday, 40 yesterday, 30 or so today. Got a shock looking at the stats for the second half today: average pace just under 6 mins per km, ave HR 170, max 187: obviously a malfunction! Can't get up to anything like that: the first half averaged just over 6 mins per k with an average of 110 and a max of 122! 

    Knee doesn't seem to get too many comments at present, Birch...
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    another decent outing, TS - and good to hear felt "comfy"  . . .  
    alehouse - is the lesson in the midway stretch, or just that you are loosened up by part #2 ?  
    both - yes, running (esp the steady pace) goes better with company - I have 3 main companions; a fellow retiree (he holds the club V60 marathon record, which I tried, unsuccessfully, to beat in 2015 - curse him  :)   ),  my mentee, and yesterday's companion, both of whom are working mothers in their 40's, so always plenty of news and chat.   
    Knee - not mentioned for a while, as I'm such a considerate chap  ;)  who doesn't wish to bore you all at every post :)    
    however, it is much improved, thanks - still niggles, but way better than it was - no nocturnal pain now; and last Sunday was a good test - the 25 mins drive home after my 9.5 miles yielded some discomfort, but not at previous level (at its worst, I'd have to stop to self massage and stretch).   Still no contact from orthopaedics, though.   
    schedule today said 3 miles, but have swapped tomorrow's rest day to today - did some easy pedalling at the lake this morning, as my daughter took advantage of an annual leave day to do her 4 x 1 mile (+ w/up w/down) in the daylight. Coffee and chinwag at her's afterwards (I'm "bubbled" with her household) and not back until mid-afternoon.  A few chores done; will do the 3 in the morning. Think I'll view the Serbia v Scotland game later . . . . .   
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    Torque: A good  outing this morning you are doing well:-)

    Ale:I hope the lesson was learnt and what it was:-)

    Dave: Great progress and a good day with your bubbly Daughter :)

    I went out with the planned 7 miles in my mind nope body said nope not playing today so 3.5 miles was all I managed.I felt out of sorts so was right choice.

    Tomorrow is planned double day we shall see what happens;-)
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    nice to see the sensible headwear hadn't slipped, WP :)   
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    Not sure what the lesson is, Birch! 

    And WP, what Birch said!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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     :)  to energy levels
    sometimes a short break is just what is needed to let the body catch up and refresh from the initial shock of running!

    comfy......  until the last mile!
    Sounds a nice day out and watching someone else run  can't be bad :)
    I fear for Scotland after all the build up of them being so close to qualifying after so long.

    best not to force it
    A double day?!

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