
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Well - we didn't put a curse on Scotland after all :)

    I was woken at 0600 by a really torrential downpour which lasted for about 15 minutes.  BY 0700 it had finished and then the sun came out on freshly washed pavements :)

    Same 4 miles in 38:13 (9:36m/m) with avHR 132 and a max of 149

    10:06  123  133
    09:03  130  139  close but no cigar :/
    09:28  134  140
    09:36  132  149

    Relatively pleased with this week's work so far - I have had some relative pace for once without being knackered afterwards and not able to repeat the training session.
    Just about back to where I was in June before my hip blew - in pace if not in distance yet
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    Well done Torque some good runs this week for you :)That second mile is soooo close you will get it next time :)

    I had planned on Aberafan so 4.5 miles at home missing the rain.Then Off to Aberafan last time was March! but I knew I was not up to run  I ran for 0.30 and started walking so walking 3.5 miles and as I got back to car the heavens opened...phew Hopefully next week will be better and i can run!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    you are definitely on top of the thread podium this week, TS !   excellent progress.

    (I thought we had  put the mockers on when the 90th minute header went in . . . .) 
    WP - still a good day, with 8 miles logged - and splendid rain avoidance, too :)
    as intended, did yesterday's planned 3 today (was actually 3.5, jogging loops of my nearest park.   
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    No one could accuse you of walking. 
    Normally I would have put my winter tyres on already, but due to the really warm weather, I have postponed it until next week.
    I have taken my snowblower for a spin, it has more controls than a jumbo jet.

    I haven't heard that expression for a long time, "put the mockers on". I think that probably dates us both.

    I ran with the boys yesterday, 7k comfortable with good chat. I don't know whether people are pleased to see a group out running together during this covid outbreak, but we did get a lot of positive comments from strangers. Maybe it was the sight of a group of wrinklies out there doing their thing that shocked people into commenting.
    I took possession of my big screen tv for the "man cave" yesterday so busy today mounting it on the wall. Looking forward to Spurs next game which I think is Thursday. I have my snooker table scheduled to be set up in a couple of weeks.
    I am trying to buy a new treadmill before the snow flies but everywhere is out of stock and you cannot even place an order.
    Slowly getting everything shipshape.

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    All sounds good, Mick

    Just ticking over here but gradually feeling a little more like it. Legs actually wanted to play ball today but I borrowed a sensible hat from somewhere and stuck to around 40 minutes. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick: Man cave sounds perfect and hope treadmill can be acquired soon.

    Ale: Great job on sensible hat.

    After feeling not right Friday I have some sort of gastro bug swollen tum,which is painful so no running I had hoped today but no I will see if I can go out for a walk but maybe another total rest day.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    hope its a short-lived bug, WP 
    Mick - good cruising with the boys;  heartening to hear positive comments !   Man cave sounds appealing :)   
    alehouse - looking up !   
    well, today was supposed to be a cutback on the "long" run, but mentee planned 10 - fortunately she alerted me yesterday, so I passed on the 3 planned for Sat, and did 10 today instead of the mooted 8.   All ok - nice steady pace, plenty of chat (erudite conversation, even)   ;)  ..    legs tired at the end, but no issues. So, 4 runs rather than the intended 5 this week, and 23 total (which is, in fact, a cutback of sorts, after the 25.5 & 26.5 of previous weeks)
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    I wish I could do 10k, nevermind 10 miles Birch! Well done and hope everything is ok tomorrow!

    32+ km this week, so heading in the right direction. Seems a long time since I was churning out 50k each week...and it may be a while before I am back to that level! No rush!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    that's the ticket - get the important bits sorted out first :)
    I hope you ol' wrinklies were observing social distancing while you ran!  I do think folk are looking for an opportunity to communicate to anyone during lockdown and shouting comments at runners may just be one of them.

    A big contrast in this week to last week in my running - may just be my bodies reaction to the various meds.

    playing ball - careful now it could lead to injury!


    oh dear - not good.  No point forcing it though

    nothing like sticking to a training schedule ;) !
    Big miles there with double digit distance and talking as well!!

    It was mildly drizzling this morning until I opened the door and then the heavens opened!!
    Struggled to get going in the first mile but slowly got over it and recorded 
    6.1 miles in 61:38 (10:06m/m) with avHR 130 and a max of 145

    10:43  118  132
    09:43  126  134
    09:56  130  135
    10:12  135  142
    10:13  135  142
    09:43  136  145

    Not too much HR rift which was good to see and I tried to keep it even allowing for hills
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            ....not quite podium topping Dave :)
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    near as dammit 10K, TS - rounds off a good week in style !  
    legs feel ok this morn, but today is a planned rest, so will stick to that;  maybe some walking & exercises (mustn't let those slip now things are improving)
    any better, WP?  
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    very disciplined :)

    well it was a Hash trail morning at the pretty village of Ripley and surrounding landscaped countryside
    3.5 miles done, a lot off road through some really tough, slippery shiggy and then a mile or so to round up my day 

    Question - how does water remain standing on a hill with a slope of over 30 degrees?  I found myself trying, and failing, to run up such a hill and standing water on top of the aforesaid shiggy made traction impossible - unless one was Lewis Hamilton in running shoes!!!
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    Dave: Well done on 10 miles and you being sensible on Saturday and today.Hat looks good on you.

    Torque: that was a great start or end to your week well done.Nice run today as well I love that word Shiggy.

    I walked yesterday 3 hilly miles.Today I wanted to test how I could run with painful tum and swollen I started to run uphill it hated it so back down I come and walk to Rugby club and managed 3 miles it started to get easier on last half a mile.So a start it was super slow but to be expected I did not use HRM strap due to tum.The optical HR was off the charts apparently I was running at 159 HR not at 11.55 pace I dod not think so!
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    My newish motto is " if the going gets tough....................it's ok to walk"  :)
    and I have lived up/down to that quite often over the past few months - so carry on!

    I do finish my week on a Sunday although logically I should start it then as I always have Saturday off but it has been long standing and I could always in the past sneak in a few extra miles then if needed to make up for missed ones earlier in the week. No chance of that now of course!

    Thanks - last week was for me,  a good week.  Tough start to this one yesterday with that shiggy stuff leaving me with stiff knees and glutes this morning so a sedate 4 miles in 40:00 min exact with avHR 129 and a max of 147 as I tried to keep it under 40 min - failed :/
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good effort in the circs, WP
    TS - a good couple of days to start ypur week - yesterday's terrain sounds, er, challenging !  I like the motto . . . .   
    stopped for 15 mins on today's 6 miler;  ran with my pal (the V60 club record holder), and we encountered a clubmate ( a nipper of 61), so a distanced chat ensued.  Fairly muddy in parts for us, too, on the trail sections.   Very mild.  
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    All sounds good, TSBirch! And wish you better, WP

    Not a lot to report apart from running between 30 and 40 minutes a day. The watch tells me that I am running comfortably...

    Hope to run with my M75 friend on Thursday which may give me a better indication of how I am faring. 

    Gray and windy here today, and not the 16 degrees and sunny intervals that were forecast. Nearly dark already! 

    Aiming for between 35 and 40 k this week. And my week now ends on a Sunday; at one time it ended on a Saturday so that the week started with Sunday's long run. These days I try to have my long run on a Monday. Actually it would be nice to have a long run, full stop!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    A long run, I'm not sure what that is for me anymore.

    Keep fighting you always seem to come out on top,

    Ok what's a shiggy?

    Cooler weather has arrived, around zero. Comfortable 6.5k all bundled up as I get use to the cold. Snow is not far off.
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    I see you are takin gup my new motto as well :)  15 min chat indeed!
    still a very decent 6 miles to add to your longer runs recently

    ....  but what does the body and mind tell you?
    The week is still 7 days and your targets are quite impressive given your recent  disruptions.

    "shiggy" is a Hash technical terms for extreme conditions underfoot normally made up of thick, glutinous mud leavened with cow platts and churned up by their hooves so that the hollows are filled with standing water and one's feet sink in and get trapped. A lot of it around here when one goes off road. Enough information  :)?

    Strangely both yesterday and today I was out in a short sleeved tee and it was very mild indeed - today was 13C at 0730 in a warm wind
    However it is now raining hard again and getting colder so we may be aligning with your weather !

    Only 2+ miles this morning as an early Teams call put paid to anything longer - probably fitted my body as well!
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    Quite shiggy here for my run; absolutely pouring and the waterproof socks really came into their own! Easy day, and was always going to be, acknowledging my body and mind (see above!). Hope to run a little longer with my M75 neighbour tomorrow. 

    Mick: at present I would say a long run is an hour or more. Supposed to be close to freezing the next few days here, but certainly no mention of snow!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Thanks Guys I walked yesterday around 4 miles in torrential rain.

    Mick: I will fight to the death and thank you you perked me up :)

    Today 2 + miles still not very pleasant uphill and too dark for cycle track so tomorrow the plan is walk the uphill if still painful and run the downhills with my torch.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I remember the xcountry runs at school and returning back after many shiggy encounters and getting changed into school uniform without the benefit of showers.
    I have had some races here which have been in swamps and were mainly under water and thick mud.

    I am still trying to grasp the concept of running in waterproof socks, trail shoes, yes waterproof socks, heavy and squishy still?

    Ok, running in the dark with a torch, Brits are definitely a bit "unusual".

    A progressive 5k today, started slow and pick it up to a respectable pace by the finish.
    -3c so a bit nippy but not cold yet.

    You would not think that a wood burning fireplace could be complicated but we seem to have one. I tried it for the first time today. I eventually figured it out. It is very efficient and produces no smoke and a great deal of heat. However it seems to eat logs at a great pace so I will have to figure out how to slow that down as I want our log supply to last the winter.

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    Progressive 5k sounds good, Mick! As are waterproof socks. They aren't actually waterproof: feet still get damp but none of that heavy squishy feel. And the feet stay clean. 
    Actually for a long time I rarely wore socks and certainly never for cross country or steeplechasing.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    No socks would not be such a good idea here as we have a lot of ticks and leeches.
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    Mick: I hope you can solve the log problem?
    It is quieter sadly torch died a death so I ran at 7am which was okay and ordered new chest torch.The torch was on me when I fell so that was the issue poor thing!

    I am happy to report that I ran 4.50 miles no walking and hilly route started off a little uncomfortable but was managable and longest run since Friday.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Sounds better, WP! Was thinking about chest torches yesterday! Can you post a link please?

    Pouring when I got up but by the appointed time to meet up with my M75 neighbour there was hazy sunshine and the wind had dropped. Rather puddly and very slippery in parts for our largely off road 7k. Waterproof socks were useful! Around 6 degrees so trackster, Goretex jacket, short sleeved thermal top, long sleeved thermal top, hat, gloves. My running partner was similarly attired! Glad to have run with someone, the first time since early October. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WelshpoppyWelshpoppy ✭✭✭
    edited November 2020
     Ale:That was a lot to be wearing but nice to run with someone and the rain stopped.


    This is the one I ordered similar to the one that broke but different supply as the original supplier not selling them at the moment.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    Thought I'd have one of my occasional look-ins and noticed that I'd missed 113 postings! My word this is a productive thread: had British industry shared this level of output per head over the past 75 years, we'd all be better off.
    It's a good sign though that so many are still active and not crocked. Talking of which.....
    As for me - still putting in about 2 runs per week, whilst nursing the Achilles which is a bit happier. Putting in a shift on the allotment and realised that a mere 1 hour with a pick-axe, attacking matted roots, is a better upper body workout than any amount of press ups. 
    All the best to everyone.
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    Thanks, WP! Will put it on a list for some event that may or may not happen in late December, or my birthday in early January!

    Good to see you, JB! I've just been cross training in the garden also. A decent workout but tried not to overdo it. Hope you are doing the Achilles exercises!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    if it hasn't got cow poo mixed in it ain't shiggy :)!

    well done :)

    good to see you - they must have been bad weeds to need a pickaxe!!
    Keep the exercises up for the achilles

    nice kit you have - but you don't have to wear it all at once ;)

    bright and crisp here this morning but again I only had time for a slow 2+ miles as Teams meeting intervened.  Just finishing off what ensued...........
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    .......  bit of a more normal routine this morning and so managed my 4 miles in 38:52 (9:43m/m) with avHR 130 and a max of 142

    Dry and chilly which was nice - in fact chilly enough for me to put gloves on - but still in shorts so not quite catching alehouse up in the sartorial stakes.

    I will admit to having one of my favourite Merino wool base layers on under my tee shirt as well :)
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