
Shades Marathon Training



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    Keith - Travis's events must be quite a drive for you, but I suppose worth it for a 100 miler.   What's the furthest you've ever run?
    Wonder if G2E will be on next year, I don't know if they've had any races in Scotland during the pandemic.

    6 miles today, my town route.  Bit of a breeze in places and a little rain.   Not looking forward to the next few days as frosty nights means cold running weather.   🥶

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-That description could be designed for this thread,hilly for the likes of me and Cal and flat for you and Big G
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    Ian5 said:
    Shades-That description could be designed for this thread, hilly for the likes of me and Cal and flat for you and Big G
    Ha, ha.

    I saw the description of hilly and thought that would be just what Ian wants pre DD, says flat on the website though.   It might be flat for Yorkshire.  ;)  But maybe a good option for you anyway.
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    Ian5 said:
    Shades-That description could be designed for this thread,hilly for the likes of me and Cal and flat for you and Big G
    Ha ha, this is so true!!
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    Did 6*4 mins at LT/HM pace on Tuesday, efforts came out at 6:20/25/18/19/14/14 off 60 seconds rest. Felt good for 10 miles in total with warm up and cool down.
    Easy 4 miles today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, yes, that last half mile or so of the last lap of Plym Trail is challenging.  I think because it comes very close towards the end, it makes it tough.  It's not that it's super-steep as it's usually runnable on the first lap at least, but it can be hard to push on during the second one.  My best runs there are when I've just kept it a fairly steady effort on the downhill, so I've got plenty left up the uphill, but I try and run at an effort I think I can maintain for the whole uphill section.  It's a strange course as I do find it challenging and it definitely can't be described as flat, but it's very different to DD as probably over half of it can be described as quite quick really.  I've often thought that if that course was the other way around (i.e., we started at the bottom) finish times would be a fair bit quicker.

    Salomon have released an update and it looks like they're aiming for Kilian to start his 24hr challenge on Friday morning (10:30am CET, which is 9:30am here).
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Had a look and it looks pretty flat,4 out and backs along the coast road.
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    Ian - if it's coastal probably quite a drive for even you.   But it looks a promising event Covid wise, assuming cases are low by then.

    Steve - great splits as usual.

    Big G - ha, I didn't mean the last half mile.  I meant the last 4+ miles, probably from crossing the car park, I just think, here we go again, and my heart sinks and I lose motivation.   It's a lovely course, but quite samey so I don't feel like I'm making any progress on that section.

    Have you entered any of Davey's future events?

    Watching a 24 hour track race online would be very dull and boring, are there several runners taking part, that might make it more interesting?

    I think it was the very last 24 hour race that I did at Hull where a film crew were there and filmed the whole event.  They interviewed us at various times, they used one of those quad type bikes that they use for TV at athletic events to interview us during the race.  They took before and after photos too.   Think the film was to be shown at Times Square.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I read that to make it official (should he break the record) the event needs to have other competitors so they’ve got some Norwegian ultra runners in the event as well. 
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    That's good, it would be quite lonely to do it alone.

    Scandinavians have a history of world class 24 hour runners so he may have some competition.  That could make it an interesting race.
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    I'm not sure I could hack a 24 hour race, although I do have one on my doorstep. It's definitely one of those mind over matter things.
    Wednesday is usually a run day for me, and usually a medium long at that...but I just don't feel good today. I couldn't get myself motivated this morning and it took me until after 11 to go shopping (which I had to do as I had no fruit or veg left). I did have another dodgy night with me waking up multiple times, so I suspect that may be behind it. I guess my hamstring won't mind the extra rest, but I'm also mindful of the fact that I need to be cranking out 43 miles a week to make my 2000 mile target.
    I have, however, entered the Olympic Park half marathon in four week's time. I'm not in race shape but I can't pass up the chance to do a half. So see you there, rcouture.
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    Cal - Nice one! I’m really pumped for an actual race. You mentioned it’s a fast but twisty one right? For those who are interested, Runthrough are having a Black Friday 20pct off event prices until the 30th of November. 

    7 miles easy at lunchtime. Lovely weather for it. No wind and 12 degrees. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I can't see Killian beating the record,it is an amazing record and doesnt suit his skillset,reckon he will get to about 16 hours then fall behind and stop.
    Cal/Rcouture- Hope your races go ahead,guess we will know more after tomorrow.
    Just watched an interesting documentary on John Kelly on YouTube when he attempted the Grand Round,Paddy Buckley,Bob Graham and the Ramsey round and cycling between them,absolute incredible to do what he did.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, yeah I agree. It’s a well respected, long standing record. He’s plainly an amazing athlete but this is very different. He went sub-30 at a 10k recently on the road so he’s got some speed too, but his preference is the mountains. Good on him for giving it a go though. 
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    Cal - handy having a 24 hour on your doorstep should you want to have a go.   However for that race you have to submit a running CV when applying for a place, entries not a first come first served basis.

    That's a bit of mental pressure your annual mileage goal but not worth flogging yourself if you don't feel right.

    Rcouture - I've just had the email from RunThrough too.   They've certainly got a decent list of forthcoming events.

    Ian/Big G - Kilian certainly has the ability but I think he won't cope with the flat repetitive nature of the track easily.
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    Just had a text from my gym, reopening next week.   :):):):)

    They're just waiting to hear what Tier we will be in as I believe Tier 3 will not be allowed exercise classes.  Unlikely we'll be in Tier 3 but we'll see.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Certainly good on him for trying especially as most will expect home to fail.
    Shades-Hoping we aren't in tier 3,our numbers are now 112 which is well below the average,other factors are added but wouldnt be a surprise if they move the area to tier 2 so they can say "look what happens when your embrace mass testing" even though it was only Liverpool city that had the testing, not liverpool city region.
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    Ian - I think most areas will be in Tier 2.   But it's not just cases per 100k but how full the hospitals are .   Very low number of cases here, my area 2nd lowest in the country last week.   But we get grouped with higher regions of Devon and Cornwall.   Numbers low in Cornwall but have to take into consideration Cornwall only has one hospital that takes emergency cases, they struggle in a normal winter.   Plymouth hospital can cover some of Cornwall but Plymouth cases high for the region and little capacity spare at that hospital.  Tier 2 is fine, I'd be happy with that.
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    Big G - have had my email from Chair re DD.   I had to look up who Bernard Genge is, great idea to have a talk from a motivational speaker before an ultra.   Not that I'll be there as I don't go to the pasta party.

    7 miles this morning, very cold with bitter north wind.  But pavements/roads dry so no ice to worry about.   Ankle a bit sore, only when running on uneven surface, a lot of our pavements are uneven.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, that John Kelly video has been recommended to me by YouTube so I'll give that a watch at some point over the next couple of days.  He was featured a bit in that Barkley Marathons video (the "Where Dreams Go To Die" one).  It's amazing really how much decent content there is on YouTube these days, whereas it feels like a few years ago it was mainly rubbish.  I think the YouTubers have decent kit these days, and know what they're doing regarding photography etc, and just release stuff themselves.

    Shades, I missed your question about Plym Trail.  No, I haven't entered any.  If I get into some shape I may do one before DD if they're not full, but I haven't entered any yet.  I've got no races booked or planned at the moment; I think I do have two credits for Running Miles events but still not booked them.  I hadn't heard of Bernard Genge either and I googled him as well.

    I haven't had an email from my gym yet, but I just had a look and some sessions are coming available on the system.  It's not all fully there yet as one part of the booking system is still empty so it looks like they're loading the system up to take bookings from 3rd Dec.
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    Big G - I haven't entered any Plym Trail either, I might at some time but no imminent plans.

    I just checked the app from my leisure centre and classes listed as they were pre lockdown  starting from Thursday 3rd.   But we could only book 5 days ahead before so not able to book yet.   Gym timetable not yet set up, I'm interested to see if they will still have the 15 minutes in between bookings for cleaning this time round.

    How's the foot?
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    Ugh I'm having to take another rest day as I just don't feel right, even after a fairly decent sleep. I have been sneezing more than usual but for the life of me, I don't know how I could have caught something - supermarkets are literally the only place I've had any contact with people, and then with masks and plenty of hand washing after. I don't have any snots or anything, just fatigue - I feel particularly heavy legged when I try to walk around.
    I actually felt like I wanted to run today so I'm frustrated. But I just don't feel up to it.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, foot isn't too great so no running at the moment, sadly.  Managed a short walk yesterday on the flat, and had a coffee whilst out, but that's about it currently.  At my gym, bookings are open 8 days in advance, so as today is Thursday it means next Thursday's are available to book, which is the first day they're opening back up.  The calendar is a bit odd as it's not the same schedule each day, but I think that's partly because sometimes schools are in using facilities.
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    Cal - sorry to hear that.  Could it be allergy related?

    Over the last couple of weeks I've been sneezing a lot for no reason, but I don't have the tiredness you're suffering from.

    Big G - The schools use my leisure centre too but fortunately they have afternoon gym sessions which doesn't interfere with other gym users.   The schools use the activity hall/courts at times but our classes are just moved to another room.   The schools have priority, which we moan about, but actually that does us a favour as the leisure centre is committed to staying open to meet their needs.

    Sorry to hear not much improvement with the foot, do you think the achilles has healed fully now? 
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    No idea, Shades...one thing I've noticed today is my HR is very low, so it's unlikely to be an infection, I'd have thought.
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    I think a low resting heart rate wouldn't be unusual when you feel so fatigued.   How do you define 'very low'?
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    Phew, Devon in Tier 2.  No surprise, they opened the Nightingale hospital at Exeter today.

    Cornwall in Tier 1.   There are parts of the SW region in Tier 3 though, but a fair way from here, Bristol etc
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    My usual resting HR according to Garmin ranges from 48-52 (that's when I'm in bed). It's usually closer to 60 when I'm at my PC or watching TV and can be higher,  but it's been 47-55 most of the morning. I thought it might be the watch but I took my pulse manually for a minute and it was 49. No wonder my legs feel like lead.
    I'm hoping it's just a week of bad sleep catching up with me and not something like low thyroid, which my mum suffered from.
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    I don't think that's a big enough drop to be of any concern.   Probably tiredness and lethargy stops it going higher when on your PC today.

    I don't know anything about low thyroid, wouldn't there be other symptoms too?

    Maybe take a couple of days rest and see how you are then.
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