
Shades Marathon Training



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    Ian - I know with your job resting an injury isn't easy.

    Hopefully by autumn we really should be back to as near normal racing that we could hope for.

    Rcouture - yes, as Ian says get right up the front of that pen.   😊
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture- Going back to warm up,think you said you didn't warm up for 10k? That would have been a mistake,the shorter the race the longer my warm up,so my 10k warm up would involve some short sprints,extra stretching etc.
    Shades-I found some flights to Barca for £50 so said to OH I'll get them,she asked if she'll be ok racing there 4 weeks after her 1st,told her we can wait but she wants to.
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    Ian - Yes I couldn’t warm up as was late to arrive and it hurt my race. 

    Anyway just got this from Runthrough 😭

    Good evening runners, 

    We hope you are safe and well!

    It is with regret that we have to contact you at this late stage to inform you that the event this Sunday 20th December has been postponed to Sunday 5th September 2021!

    We sent you an email yesterday after speaking with the venue and local authorities and we were assured the event was OK to be moved forward with. However overnight Public Health England received reports on infection rates in the local area and raised concerns around it, which has meant that now the event won’t be allowed to take place.

    We are extremely sorry about this but the government is supplying details to the areas at their own speed and we have to react to what we are being told on it. This is obviously not what we want to do, we have prepared for this event at considerable expense and we do not want to postpone it.

    We would like to thank you for your patience and understanding with us over the last couple of weeks and your continued support through these tough times. 

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    Shades, Colin said he'll pick me up by car as he has to come down to collect some presents from another friend. But even so, I don't know.

    Bad news for me and Rcouture - race cancelled (with option to postpone until Autumn next year). So that's that.
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    edited December 2020
    Rcouture & Cal - oh no, I'm so sorry to hear that.   Bloody virus. 👿👿   There's no point in saying 'if only' but if this race was a week ago there might have been a better chance of it going ahead.

    Cal - well at least you would avoid  public transport.   You have to decide what is best for you.

    It seems that at last some folk are realising how dangerous it could be to meet up with family/friends over Christmas.   

    Ian - I think your OH would be fine doing her 2nd marathon 4 weeks after her first.   She is the most well trained marathon debutante that I know, all those long runs that she's done and the months and months of training.

    7 miles this morning.   Wild and wet again, gusts 40-50mph yet again but very mild.   Realised that I was overdressed after a couple of miles, the rain was only drizzling then, I stopped and took my jacket off as I was too hot.   I was barely warm enough then but it was OK, last couple of miles rain was very heavy and it became quite a tough run into the headwind.   Lots of traffic this morning too didn't help.   Tesco car park is heaving.   :open_mouth:
    I was soaked when I got home, right to the skin.   It's quite challenging trying to remove a long sleeve compression top that is wet through.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Sorry to hear that Cal/RCouture :(  Nothing Run Through can do about it and I suppose as cases are rising in and around that area, it is an understandable decision.  Very annoying for us runners though :( 

    Cal, tricky one.  I can understand why you're hesitant.  I have a good friend who has just moved into Tier 3 and he's on his own.  I have been umming and ahhing about whether to invite him down but I think, for me, it's not the right thing for me to do, but I totally understand it's not an easy decision.  It's very hard.  He made me laugh though as he texted me to say "I've told my cousin what she can do with her Zoom Xmas"  :)    It's always fascinating to me how language quickly emerges as normal - this time last year probably most of us had never heard of Zoom, bubbles were something you blow, Corona was nothing more than a beer and we'd all have balked at a "socially distanced race"!

    Miserable weather here again, which is typical as yesterday (rest day) was much nicer.  I did 6 today and I'm doing this NYC ride at 11am, but I had a decent run out with no niggles etc.  
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    Big G - you've been unlucky weather wise with your alternate days of running.

    I just listened to Zach Bitter's post race report, quite interesting.   He's disappointed obviously.   You can skip the first 5 minutes, sales stuff

    HPO Podcast — Zach Bitter Endurance
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Thanks Shades, very interesting.  He's clearly very talented and thinks things through a lot, so it's good that he's saying he'll give it another go at some point.  
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    Pretty gutted about this race cancellation. Not because I’m naive enough to know that they can’t happen in this environment but because this is the 2nd race where I’ve missed the lockdown window by a week or less. On both occasions I have also tapered so that’s 4 weeks of limited running. 2020 has been challenging enough for real reasons but this has been quite annoying I must say. 

    Last day or work for the year today so busy wrapping things up so will take a rest day. I run for fun and mental/physical well being but an uncertain March marathon seems a long way away now as motivation! Moan over, I’ll be fine tomorrow 😀
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    Rcouture - I do feel for you.   You've been so patient waiting to see what you can do with your improved running fitness only to have a catalogue of disappointments.

    You're entitled to have a good moan.

    March will be here soon.
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    Rcouture,  you and me both. I know I'm not in PB shape but I think the shortness of the notice made this really disappointing for me - I've been down in the dumps all day (and I didn't sleep well last night - wide awake at 2am and had to read for an hour before I could go back to sleep).

    It's a rubbish time for me anyway - I know I'm blessed compared to a lot of people, but all the things I usually look forward to - parkrun, races, trips to the cinema, going to theme parks with friends - have gone bye bye. It's also that time of year when all the good TV shows I've been watching have drawn to a close and it'll be mid-January before the new shows start. (I do have various box sets I can download from Sky, fortunately). I've been more or less isolated for a year and while I usually cope well enough, being an introvert, it is starting to get to me a bit.

    I have the same concerns about the March marathon - I've already had one winter slogging through the dark and cold for a race I didn't get to do, I really don't want to go through that again. My fault for being optimistic and entering, I suppose.

    I feel a bit happier after the gym though, as I managed to bench 50kg. Only three reps (being cautious due to the lack of a spotter, for obvious reasons) but as I said I hoped I'd be back up to 50 by Christmas, I'm pleased I've achieved that.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Rcouture/Cal- Gutted for you both especially with it being so close.
    Shades-She will have had a 2 year training cycle if it's in October so can't be much better prepared.
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    I haven't had chance to catch up with what everyone has been doing ad I know I haven't posted for a while, so a quick update.
    Tuesdays have been 10*4 mins last week and 12*4 mins this week paces being 6:25 (last)/6:30(this).
    Last Saturday I did 18 miles with 4*400m at 10k, 2m@MP, 4*400m at 10k, 2m@MP and 4*400m at 10k, paces slowed towards the end, but was a good session within a long run., all MP miles were 6:50 or faster and they felt easy after the 10k work.
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    edited December 2020
    Cal - guess you got rid of some of your annoyance at having your race cancelled on that bench press.  Impressive lifting.

    Your March marathon is also the Olympic qualifying race so there will be more pressure to allow that to go ahead.   But for the non elite I guess that is still down to Covid situation/number of cases.

    Ian - I had typed years, but that sounded so depressing I deleted it and put months.
    Foot OK today?

    Steve - it's safe to come back on here, DD is full, all places went in a couple of hours. 😉

    Your training is going very well.
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    Cal - Yes don’t feel bad for feeling bad, 2020 can do one frankly. Best thing we can say is that it will make us appreciate normal life more whenever it comes back. 

    Long winter of MAF training ahead for me. Would like to up the mileage towards making 50mpw comfortable and see how close I can get to 5:00/km vs best of 5:35ish currently. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-She has just tipped over 1500miles for the year so really good, considering she exercises 3-4 times a week also.Yes foot is fine,maybe not ready for 2 days running yet.
    RCouture-It won't be the same,but I'd be tempted to run a solo half this weekend with the shape youa re in and see how it goes.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Good training there, Steve!

    Rcouture, same here regarding MAF and also hoping to get to 50mpw.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited December 2020
    Sorry Cal, I missed your previous post somehow.  Sorry to hear you're struggling.  For me, I am just looking forward to when the lighter mornings come as it isn't nice waking up and it's still dark.  It's strange really, as I can't say I've missed the events that much - it's the travelling about that I'm really missing.  I've really missed not being able to run because of the injury, but I've realised it's not only the events that keep me running.  Strange isn't it, bearing in mind how many events I've been doing the last 3 or 4 years.  Having said that, I suppose I haven't been "marathon training" as such, not even when I was doing lots of miles, as I wasn't doing long runs so I haven't had the hassle of training for a marathon and it not going ahead.  I too am also a bit worried about the prospect of Spring events though :(  

    I did see Indian Queens Half in Cornwall (Tier 1) is going ahead this weekend though - apparently they've got the Council's permission and a license.  It's 335 runners and from I can see it's a mass start.  They've just said "There are 335 entries and there will be no waiting around.  It is recommended that you wear masks for a few hundred yards until you thin out and remember to maintain social distancing at all times".
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    Oh to be in Tier 1!
    I'm feeling a bit better now. No need to do a short recovery run today so I did 7 miles with some faster paced stuff towards the end. I went out while it was still dark (7am) and stuck to main roads initially, going at a slower pace. Once it started getting light I was able to move to the side roads and add in some MP bursts, which I rather enjoyed. It felt good giving my legs and lungs a bit more of a workout - I've been holding back all week.
    I'll do a longer run tomorrow - not sure how long but I'll see how I feel.

    Looks like I won't be heading up to Manchester for Christmas after all as Colin's been asked to work more hours - not so good for him (although he can use the money) as he won't be able to have some days off to isolate before seeing his parents. But I don't think anyone is having an amazing Christmas this year.
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    edited December 2020
    Ian - I would imagine that she recovers quickly from races too.

    Big G - shortest day on Monday, that means mince pies from tomorrow for you  ;)   I'm fed up of the dark mornings too as there's so much traffic if I run in daylight and it's annoying.

    Wonder how many Tier 2 (Devon) runners in IQ half.  I don't think there's anything wrong with a mass start if they call runners to the start promptly one minute before the gun so there's no hanging around.  And make sure the timing chips are activated from the start so there's no mad rush.

    Cal - well that's the decision of Christmas made for you.   You can always have a Christmas meal when you go up for Bolton and/or Manchester marathon  ;)   That's frustrating for Colin that it's broken his 10 day isolation so he could visit his parents safely.

    10 miles this morning.  I waited until it was light, planned on a flat route including a cycle path.   I was expecting some flooding on the cycle path, it's not usually deep, but I couldn't even get as far as the cycle path as the road was flooded on the way there and too deep to consider getting my feet that wet at 3 miles into a 10 mile run.   So had to turn back and change my route which was OK but at about 6 miles it started to rain and the wind picked up.   I was running on a fairly new road which has a wooden fence but no shelter from trees and the rain got heavier until it was torrential and the pavement was flooding and the rain felt quite icy although it's mild today.   The sun came out but the rain got heavier, weird weather, and when I got back to the edge of the town I had to take shelter under a tree for 20 minutes.   I thought the rain would never ease off but finally it did, I was starting to get cold too, took me a mile to warm my legs up again, chose my return route through a housing estate which has plenty of places to shelter should I need too, plus a couple of hills.   Then picked up the last 2 miles of my planned route which had flooded since so ended up with very wet feet after all.   I was glad to get home, sun is out now.  :)
    I'll have to change my planned Sunday route too as that will be flooded.
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    That's the third pair of wet shoes in the last 4 days, just as well I have plenty of shoes to chose from  :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    That’s right Shades. Mince pies for breakfast and stollen for second breakfast for me tomorrow ;) OH has made some lemon curd which will be smeared on shortbread too. Sounds a tough run there!

    Well done on your run, Cal. Sorry to hear your Xmas plans are scuppered though.

    Tour of NY Day 2 today, which was great. I had a technical issue with the speed sensor yesterday which was frustrating on Day 1.  It takes the CR2032 batteries but possibly the one it shipped with was a bit flat. I’ve put a new one in and it was fine afterwards so fingers crossed. 

    All being well I’m hoping for about 10 miles tomorrow AM, and then Day 3 of the NY tour in the afternoon. 
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    Big G - you'll need that 10 mile run and the NY tour to offset your planned feast tomorrow.

    Homemade lemon curd is divine, massively high in calories  ;)   Never had it on shortbread, I like it on hot toast or toasted teacakes.

    Yes, tough conditions.  Not often I stop to shelter, but the rain was like ice.

    I think I had some duff CR2032's and my HRM and kitchen weighing scales were using them really quickly.   I bought a better brand and haven't had a problem with them since.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, I have a small strip of CR2032s, I think from the pound shop or a similar place, so if I still get issues I'll get a better brand.  They last okay in my HRM so hopefully it's just the one that came with the speed sensor that was rubbish.  It was frustrating though as Zwift won't work without a sensor, and it kept dropping out and depositing me on the side of the road whilst the pack whizzed past.  It happened a lot and I gave up after 45mins so didn't complete the session, but today with the new battery it was totally fine fortunately and I had a good hour on the bike.

    If it's dry tomorrow I'll take the wider NB 1080s for a run, which will be good.  If it's wet though, or there's a lot of standing water, I'll just wear the normal pair.
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    Big G - I'd never had a problem with the pound shop batteries before. Duff batch.

    Sad to hear Jose Waller died, good age 98.   Error in obituary, Teignmouth instead of Teignbridge.


    This is where I had to turn back this morning

    I think you'll be lucky to find anywhere dry to run tomorrow.   Bit of water will do them no harm.  😉
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I can't seem to read that link, Shades, but as you say it's sad news, but I think she had a good life.  She was apparently still asking about Trotters until quite late on, and some of her records were trail blazing in a way, weren't they.

    17m people gone into the new T4, and Wales going into lockdown again from tonight :(  
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    Big G - I checked the link worked for me.

    Here's the text...

    WALLER. - Jose (Josie. Jo) died peacefully on 11th December 2020, aged 98. Much loved mother of Brian (and Kay), Alan and Howard, a grandmother to Ben, Gavin, Alan junior and Angela and a great-grandmother to Max, Sophie and Ieuan, Ysabelle, Delylah and Theodore and James, Harry and George. Also, her very close friend of many years, Martin. She only started running at 62 and joined Watford Joggers where she went on to complete in many marathons including London and in the USA, Japan and Europe and set world age group records, including many track distances. She became the first woman in the world over 70 (W70) to run the marathon in under 4 hours. Later she moved to Devon and continued her running and later became president of the Teignmouth Trotters in Newton Abbot. Following a brain aneurysm in June 2019 she was admitted to a local care home at Brambledown in Denbury, Devon. She was very active in many things and a true inspiration to us all, a great English Lady who will be sadly missed.

    Last updated 1 week, 1 day ago
    Placed by Alan Waller

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    Cal - so sorry to hear about your even stricter rules coming into effect tonight.   Especially as your gym will have to close  yet again.

    Best get a turkey and a big stash of chocolate.

    Rcouture - hope the new Tier rules don't spoil your Christmas plans.

    Robert -are you affected by new Tier?
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    I couldn't find anything about gyms on the BBC site...but oh well. Back to push-ups if so.
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    Cal - it's on the Live page after scrolling past all the stuff about Scotland.

    From midnight, residents in tier four must stay at home, with limited exceptions. Non-essential retail, gyms and personal care centres must close. Hospitality venues are already closed under tier three rules
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