
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, thanks, hopefully all okay.

    Cal, yeah, I agree - I don't run in the ice either, and it wasn't icy on my run.  This was more sun related as I got momentarily dazzled, and over I went on a branch or twig.

    Shades, it did shake me up.  I can't really remember much of how I got home and I didn't really know what to do when I got there.  I have been to minor injuries in Newton and they've given me a check over and my vital signs are all fine, although if the nose bleed continues they said go to A&E, but I'm hoping that won't be needed (it has more or less stopped now).  It was one of those when I didn't want to waste their time, especially not with the Covid situation, but I did call 111 first and they suggested to go to minor injuries.  The nurse said my face will definitely be bruised and I may feel a bit groggy for a few days, and a bit tender for up to 2 weeks
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Sorry to hear about your fall,hope you recover quickly.
    First time I've ran 3 consecutive days today so kept it to 7 miles,felt good though.
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    mamafoxmamafox ✭✭✭
    Big G - That sounds awful,  look after yourself (())
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    Falling like that can be a shock. That last one I had, and the one in the trail race, both knocked the stuffing out of me so I can only imagine given your face took the brunt of it. I was lucky not to hurt my face on the last one as my cheekbone definitely made contact with the pavement, but my shoulder took the brunt of it.
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    Big G - hope you had a reasonably comfortable night's sleep.   You have quite a long round trip to a minor injury unit but just as well to get checked out.   You must have really whacked your nose for it to bleed for so long.

    Ian - 3 days running, good progress  :)

    I have been for a little run, was very cold but no frost on the cars and the road surface was dry.   But it started to drizzle when I was out and I was a bit concerned that the rain might freeze on the cold road surface so cut my run short, 5 miles done though.    Going to warm up today and definitely frost free for the next few days.  :smiley:
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    MF/Ian, thanks.

    Cal, they do knock the stuffing out of you :(  

    Ian, great progress for you.  Sounds lie you're on the come back trail now.

    Shades, yeah, I was a bit surprised I was told to go there, but that's what 111 told me to do.  The nurse did say that even if the nose was broken they probably wouldn't fix it, unless it was totally wonky.  I did manage to get some sleep, so that's good, but still have a headache.  I'll just be taking it easy today.  The incident is playing on my mind a bit though (what ifs, i.e., what if I'd hit my head on a rock and passed out with no one around), so hoping I can overcome that and just get on with it once I'm able to run again.  I'm sure I'll be fine, although maybe I'll stick to the roads for a while!  I think I've had 4 bad falls that have stopped me running, three off road, but one on a good quality pavement where I tripped over my own feet!  

    I think I've been lucky really - I look a mess and do have a bit of a headache, but it could have very easily been a lot worse.
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    Big G, I'm pretty sure a few of my falls have been from tripping over my own feet. 
    When I had the last one, I went back a few days later to run down the same road so I didn't have that association with it. Might do you some good to do similar once you're up to running again.
    I'm currently waiting for frost to clear here - I'll do a late morning run today. I feel fine post-flu jab and my arm doesn't even ache.
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    Big G - I'm not surprised you have a headache.   What's playing on your mind is delayed shock.   A bit like when you have a near miss traffic accident and the incident replays in your mind.  Your confidence will return in time.
    I think we've all had our shares of falls.

    Cal - I thought you'd be OK post flu jab.   A lot of the post flu jab stuff on social media is just imagined/hype.  I had one of those 'no nonsense' type of nurses, she told me I might have a sore arm, not because of the vaccine but because she'd stuck a needle in my arm.   :)
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    Hi all  :)
    Hope everyone has been keeping well through these strange times. Certainly missing all the big events.

    After taking 2020 off from marathon training, I have now decided to start training once again.
    But this year I am looking to take on a new challenge and hoping for some friendly advise/encouragement. 

    2019 I did the race to the king, 53 miles over two days. I really enjoyed that and now I am thinking of doing something similar but in one go. I have my eye on the Jurassic Coast Challenge 100k.

    My aim would be to follow my usual Shades plan, with a few double run weekends thrown in.

    Does anyone have any advise for me for stepping up from marathon distance to over double?
    ie how you pace for that length of time, lunch stops, changes of shoes/socks mid race... anything along those lines. Trying to make my mind up on entering.
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    Hi OTB - good to have you back.

    So I'm assuming you're doing the 100km in one hit, not over the 2 days?

    That will be hilly too and perhaps some tough parts underfoot too.   So train on similar terrain if and when you can.

    Yes, to marathon training then progressing to doubles at the weekends.
    You probably need to find a schedule to follow, fuelling is very important and needs to be tested in training.  Weather should be good so shouldn't be necessary to think about shoe changes, are there facilities for drop bags on the route?  Or do you have to carry everything apart from water?
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    Hi Shades - Thanks.

    Correct I would be looking to enter the single day event, cut off time for the 100k is 16hrs for runners.
    There are a number of food refueling stations along the course with a hot food stop at halfway. Plus you can have a bag drop waiting for you at the halfway point. And I would carry my own water and snacks in my vest.

    For my long training runs I have recently adopted a 9min run / 1min walk strategy in an effort to protect my calfs from cramp on the longer runs.
    I used the technique a few times last year with a friend who was training for her Iron Man. I really felt the benefit of a timed 1min fast walk. Great opportunity to stretch the legs and take on food/water in a controlled manner. Then towards the end of the run, if feeling good just ditch the 1min walk for the last few miles and push it home.

    I've read somewhere that it is a good idea to get yourself up to 100k (62mile) training week and repeat for 3-4 weeks? Is that a good idea?
    Historically I don't think I've ever gone over a 42mile training week.
    Trying to understand how much extra training I may need to adopt to take on a 100k.
    And understand any experiences from the gang who have ran similar events. 

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    Big G - I know what you mean about the fear of something happening to you on a run with no one around. It’s the reason my OH and I have our phone locations linked even though it’s a bit Orwellian. 

    7 miles at lunch. Still plodding along but felt great and HR was quite low at 136bpm which tells me there’s good progress under the hood. No interest at all in speeding things along (within my MAF limit) for now, just mileage. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Welcome back OTB :)  

    RCouture, good idea.  As I got up from my fall, it dawned on me I didn't have my phone and I had to make my own way back.  Thinking about it now, I did have my wits about me when I got up as I now remember very quickly working out the quickest way home, but apart from that I don't really remember the journey home and I think that's the main reason 111 asked me to go to hospital.  Thinking about it now, I probably just had my head down and was walking as quickly as possible and not taking anything else in.

    I've just been taking it easy today although I did go for a walk mid-morning, just nice and gentle, and in fact I did feel a bit better after getting some gentle exercise.  I think it's unlikely I'll be running for a day or two at least as I do have a bit of a headache still, so possibly I'll just walk to work with OH tomorrow, and maybe do a short easy session on the bike if I feel I want to do something.  No hurry though, but I'm on the mend already as I do feel better than yesterday, and hopefully the second day won't be worse as it sometimes can be with these things!
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    OTB - the bag drop at halfway is good, I assume the bag is then taken onto the finish so you could put a change of shoes should you need them.   Unlikely but if it rains then a change of shoes may help.

    The walk/run is perfect training, the hills on the Jurassic Coast are not all runnable and being able and used to walking is important in an ultra.

    I would say that a peak mileage of 62 miles is a bit on the low side.   But not impossible.   I would recommend 75ish would be a better level.

    But look around for some plans and choose one that suits you and you have time to fit it into your life.

    One disadvantage is that you may not be able to have a choice of events to use as part of your training, due to Covid, so many spring marathons/ultras are being cancelled or postponed.   If you could find a 50 mile race to do that would be perfect preparation.  Even a 40 would do.

    Rcouture - that is good training at your MAF rate.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I bought the wife an ICE bracelet when she started running far incase of something like that,she puts a £1 in her pocket aswell incase she need to call,I carry my phone so no issues with me.
    I feel good today but I'm not going to run so will cycle for an hour or so in a bit.
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    Welcome back, OTB.

    Glad you feel a bit better today, Big G - I hope the headache passes quickly.

    Good stuff, Rcouture.

    Did today's run at 10:15 to allow frost to melt a bit, but still ran into some ice in a couple of places. I made the mistake of taking a steep path in Streatham (one of my usual hills) as it was clear at the bottom, but then it turned to ice halfway up and I had to tiptoe along the mud at the sides. Not ideal.
    I covered 7 miles but still feel heavy-legged and tired. Sleep's been good and I didn't run Sunday so I'm mystified as to why I feel so leaden footed. I doubt it's the shot as I felt the same yesterday before the shot.
    I still have to make it out for some hills tomorrow as my team's slipped to fourth. I hope I feel a bit perkier on the morning.
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    Big G - seems like you're recovering well from your fall.   I guess there's no damage to the knee which is a relief.

    Ian - the 3 consecutive days have done no damage so all good.

    Cal - I walked down to Asda this morning and although we'd had a fair bit of rain I still came across a patch of black ice in the pedestrian precinct.  I walked home a different way to avoid it.

    You've still got a few days to work on those hills 😀

    Connemarathon has been postponed to 2022, I had already deferred to 2022 but they have now decided that it's unlikely to go ahead in April 2021.   But at least I have a date now for 2022 so I can try and transfer my flights to that date
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Had a decent hour on the bike,managed to fit in 19m,and a new high speed of 45mph.Should be able to run again tomorrow as the legs feel fine.
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    Ian - good, seems you're back to normal training now. 

    6 miles for me this morning, a balmy 9 degrees, great conditions for running and roads very quiet as I went out early.   No frost/ice predicted for the next few days so can look forward to getting back to training.    :)
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Good news, Ian.  I think I'm possibly going to do a gentle hour later on.  Just looking for an easy group ride to jump into to make sure I don't go out too hard.  I also have ICE tags on the shoes - Trotters provided everyone with some.

    Shades, yes, the knee is totally fine thankfully, but still no running.  Face is still a bit tender and sudden movements cause some mild discomfort, as it hurts a bit to touch one area so I'll just take it day by day.  I'm hoping I'll get a run in on the weekend, but I'll just see.  Swelling is much improved around my nose though and I'm more or less breathing normally, which is good.
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    Big G - you're healing quickly.   Good that your knee is OK.   Best avoid any good comedy videos for now.  :D

    Food shop done, that's me grounded for another week except for running of course  :)   Not sure how I'd manage without running.   :/
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    Hi Big G and Cal, great so see you are both still keeping yourselves active.
    I follow a few Shadies on my Strava, really good to see the effort going into training. 
    It's also nice to see some new names since I last popped in here, Hi Rcoutour.

    Shades I know what you mean about the lack of events in the lead up to the race. I would happily run my own solo event with my OH acting as a mobile aid station. But certainly not the same experience as entering a marathon or 30+ mile race

    The high weekly mileage scares me a bit. Looking at my RTTK plan, one of my heaviest weeks was:
    Tue = 3 miles
    Wed = Run home from work 8 miles
    Thurs = cycle to work & 6 miles in the evening
    Sat = 20 miles
    Sun = 20 miles
    Total = 57 miles

    Mentally I think I would struggle to go beyond that mileage. But I would certainly give it a go, especially as lockdown restrictions will likely stay in place for a good few months. So less distractions to get in the way of training.

    I also plan to up my cycling to work to at least twice a week and add a strength training session once a week/fortnight. Do you think that should be a decent base to tackle a 100k? 
    I'm not even sure whats driving me to sign up to this race, I seem more fascinated that I could be awarded 4 UTMB points. Not that I have any intention of doing UTMB, those people are simply mad!  
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    I'm glad the ice has melted too, Shades - hope we don't get any more although the weekend is set to be colder. I struggle without running especially as I don't have any games to entertain me. A friend of mine is going to build me a new PC so one is coming but I expect it'll be a month or more.
    Glad you can breathe better, Big G - I guess it's not broken then eh?

    Much better run today - my chest was a bit tight yesterday which might've been from breathing cold air or might've been a reaction to the flu shot (arm is slightly tender today) but seemed mostly fine today. I ended up doing a hilly 15 miler taking in a lot of my favourites plus a couple of new climbs. I ran at "just get up it" pace rather than trying to push, but there was gas in the tank at the end (even though I did the run fasted). I did throw up some bile in my mouth at one point but that's nothing new, sadly. 
    I managed 461 metres of climb so that'll help my team. I will be resting tomorrow, regardless.
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    Cal - Great news that a new rig is on the way. Smashing hills as usual. 

    OnTheBeach - Hello 😀

    10miles at lunch up to Barnes and around the wetland centre. Perfect conditions with no wind and warmer than recently. I’ve entered the Big Half on the 25th of April. Low chance of happening of course but it’s local to me basically so thought I might as well. 
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    edited January 2021
    OTB - you can only do the training that you have time for and you are happy to do, you have to enjoy it.  Many of us toe a start line not having done as much training as we would like or as much as is recommended.  But you know from your double that it's your mind that will get you to the finish line.  So if your head is in the right place on the day you'll get to the finish.

    Find a plan and rewrite it to suit you and the event.   For instance that sample week you've shown, if you aren't able to increase the week's mileage, I would suggest reducing the Saturday run to 10 and run 30 on the Sunday.

    Yes to the strength session, but don't do too much that it tires you for the running.  If you're carrying a backpack then working on your core will help.

    Cal - hope you don't get anymore ice this weekend, none forecast here.

    That's good news on getting your new computer, a step nearer.

    That's not pleasant throwing up bile, I don't suppose there's much you can do to avoid that.

    Rcouture - it's worth entering that race as it's close to you, but you'd stand a much better chance if you could find some smaller events but I guess that's not easy where you live.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Cal, I don’t think it’s broken so I’m presuming it’s not, on the basis that I guess I’d definitely know if it was (if you see what I mean!)? It does hurt to touch but it’s bruised/swollen so I suppose that makes sense, and it doesn’t look wonky (well, not more wonky than usual... ;) ), although the swelling on one side makes it a bit hard to check fully. The nurse did check it and she didn’t think it was broken although I didn’t have an X-ray.

    I did a gentle 6 mile walk earlier followed by an easy hour on the bike, and I felt ok after both. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Good news on the pc,at least you know its on the way.
    Rcouture- Nice run,I guess Runthrough will be one of the first to start again so keep an eye there.
    Big G-Glad you're feeling better in yourself.
    Decided to have a see where I'm up to run,decided to do 5k and if I felt fine I'd go for 10k,as it was I knew after 2k I was finding it tough.I aimed for 20min and see how it was.It was tougher than I thought,got round in 20:43,way off my best and a minute slower than I was hoping,don't know why I thought sub 20 was possible,at least I have a point of reference now,even if it's a crappy one.
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    Ian not too shabby after your recent troubles, as you say a good gage of where you are.

    Big G, glad to hear you're feeling okay.  We certainly have our fair share of falls on this forum.

    Rcouture have a look at https://www.theraceorganiser.com/ and as Ian said runthrough.  They were able to hold events pre lockdown so would assume they'd hold events after.  If the big half goes event be careful its not a windy day, and dont dress up like Big Ben https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8Hwtx9JvoPY

    Cal nice bit of climbing there today, I found my chest quite tight after running in the cold on Monday.

    Shades I feel like I'm grounded other than my shop and running.  Although I'm not overly enjoying the running I wouldn't want to be without it at the moment.

    OTB welcome back, the back to back doubles are a good way to prep, for my 50 miler I followed a marathon plan plus added another longer run some weeks.

    Went for a covid test yesterday, was one that you didn’t need to have symptoms just to be on the safe said as had been in work last week.  All negative so good news.  Another 7 miles tonight on a full stomach (pie, veg and mash) not my best idea.  80 miles so far this month will aim to get the other 20 and then target another 100 in the shorter month Feb.
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    Ian - you shouldn't be disappointed with your 5k time trial, your 5k speed will be the last to return while you're rebuilding your base.   You'll soon be back where you were pre infection and injury.

    Robert - that YouTube video is really funny. 🤣 Really awful conditions that day.

    It's really the worst time of year for running, dark and crappy weather.  I think I was feeling a bit shut in as I couldn't run for a few days because of the ice so wasn't getting my daily fix of endorphins.

    Pie and mash pre run, I don't think I'd have been able to get off the sofa after that.   Lovely post run grub though.

    7 miles today, lovely and mild 12 degrees, had a most enjoyable run.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, I've told this before, but my amongst many, many low points on my first marathon (London), one is getting overtaken quite easily by the guy running with a fridge on his back  :) I do remember someone dressed as a giraffe with a very long neck having trouble going under a bridge too, which was amusing at the time.  Good news the test was negative.

    Ian, as you say, it's a baseline and with the consistent mileage etc you'll be back in shape soon.

    Shades, nice run there.

    I still can't run.  I went shopping last night and OH drove up in the car (I wait in the car whilst she goes around the shop).  It was only a very short journey but the rocking and rolling on the journey gave me quite a bad headache and caused dizziness, so running definitely isn't possible yet, which I knew anyway.  Gentle cycling on Zwift is fine though I think, certainly at an easy effort, as I actually felt a bit better after that yesterday.
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