
Shades Marathon Training



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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Shades - hopefullly. It was best to play safe as the jab sets off CV symptoms again........sad thing was i copped 40mph winds in Sept, couldnt race there in Dec as id had CV and it was a pretty still day apparantly.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Hi all and nice running. Haven’t been on as have been dealing with my OH’s operation which went well, although recovery will be long and complex as expected and the whole thing has been very challenging with us unable to visit due to restrictions. I have been keeping up with running and last week was timed as a bit of a down week though I still managed to get out for 46 miles. I still have no idea if Richmond is happening which isn’t ideal especially with MK being postponed.

     TR, thanks for the heads up on the endorphins. In the end my sister just bought me some from runners need UK when they were in stock as she won’t be visiting anytime soon. Yet to try them as they came last week but the colour scheme is atrocious. It’s the black one with fluorescent bits all over the place. Looks like I should be going raving!
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    Rcouture - that's very good news that your OH has had her operation and all went well.   Must be a difficult time for all of you.

    Yes, the news from MK isn't encouraging for Richmond.   However, if Richmond council had the same concerns as MK about spectators surely they would have said so by now.    I do hope it goes ahead as you're long overdue a bit of good luck re races.

    That's really funny about the Endorphins.   All presents should have an element of surprise and yours was the colour.     :smiley:  At least you can't see your feet when you run.   I'm sure you'll get used to the colour.   Can't be as bad as some of the Nikes that we've seen.

    More hills today, my 8 mile town route.   Very cold, 'feels like' -3 but there was no wind so wasn't too bad for running.   I always check the forecast before I run, actually 1 check 2 different forecasts as some aren't updated.   One forecast said 60% chance of  snow 🥶 which I laughed at but at the top of my 2nd hilly lap it did indeed start to snow, but not enough to lie on the ground. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, good news your OH is okay, and well done for getting some miles in despite everything going on.

    TR, thanks for the info about your session....

    ....speaking of which, I went out and did 17.5 miles today, with 13 at what may loosely be called MP.  Basically, of that 13-miles, 1-10 were at 8min/miles, and then I picked up the pace for 11-13 (7:26, 7:22, 6:55) for a faster finish.  Not the most inspiring of routes up and down the seafront for the 13-miles but it means no road crossings etc, so I'm quite pleased.  Not really sure if I've learned too much about what MP may be, but when I come to giving one a bit of effort, I may go for 8min/miles and just see how I get on.  You can see the 10 at 8min/miles were all very consistent and I felt really good on those.  So overall it was 1-mile warm up, the 13-mile session and then 3.5 cool down.

    Been having a bit of a nightmare with my Dad over the weekend.  He's diabetic but has been complaining of foot/lower leg issues, which can become a big problem for diabetics.  Both me and his partner have been trying to get him to the GP or A&E but he refused (believe it or not, his main excuse was that he hadn't had a shower.  It's impossible to get him to change his mind once it's made up).  In the end I called 111 (his leg is swollen up the the knee, and I'm no expert but it looks infected to me) and an ambulance went around in the early hours, and he's in hospital now.  Not sure what may happen now, but I need to call at around midday for an update.
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    Big G - sounds like finally getting your Dad into hospital was definitely the right thing to do.   

    I suppose we'll be as stubborn when we're that age.

    That's a great run you did today, can't believe you did that up and down the seafront  :'(   How was the HR stats for the 8m/m section of the run?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, the pace and HR details for those miles are below.  A quick reminder that my Max HR is 195 and the bulk of my training over the last few weeks has been 142 or lower.  The 13th mile was 6:55 and the average HR for that one mile was 165 (peaked at 168)!  Strange how the HR dropped a bit for miles 5-7.  What do you think in terms of effort or potential MP?  

    Yes, it was the right thing to do regarding Dad, but he's not happy :(  I hope he doesn't need some kind of surgery/operation, but I'll find out more when I call.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-Those are impressive numbers,I'm gonna guess you run a marathon at about 155-160? If so that is a good chunk under.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Ian, I don't have any HR stats at all for any marathons.  I've never worn a chest strap for one, and my old watch didn't have a wrist sensor either, so unfortunately I've got nothing to go on from previous races.

    If it's any use at all, when I did my 5K effort a couple of weeks ago, these are the 1K splits with HR and HR range.
    1.  3:46, 156 (94-172)
    2.  3:54, 171 (169-174)
    3.  3:55, 174 (172-176)
    4.  3:56, 177 (174-179)
    5.  3:54, 178 (175-182) 

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    I hope the news from the hospital is good and maybe when your Dad starts feeling better he won't be so cross with you.

    Very good stats, my immediate reaction is that 8 min/miles is way too slow to start out for your marathon.   that's slower than today's run which you did at 75% MHR.

    Now I have multiple calculations on spreadsheets as I've always been looking for the ideal formula from training pace to marathon race pace.   But as we're humans and there are so many variables that can happen within a race that I've never found the perfect calculation.

    I do put my average weekly training pace on a spreadsheet and calculate predicted marathon time/pace, average HR for the week needs to be no higher than 76% for calculation to be meaningful.   So I've just put your average pace from today's run on my spreadsheet and results as follows.   I wouldn't normally do just one run as you know it can vary, so weekly is better but this is just an example.

    In the past I've achieved 95% times with reasonable fitness.   I've done PB's at 92% and my last marathon PB was at the 90% but I was very fit then.

    So I think you should go out at 95% training pace, so 7:29 min/mile.   OK you might slow a little in the last 4 or 5 miles, but then you might not. 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Wow, okay Shades.  Some food for thought there.  Should I not consider lack of long runs/endurance though?  I really don't mind blowing up spectacularly (there's always another one to aim at...), but 7:30 does seem a bit quick!  I'm also not really going to be tapering for these events, apart from maybe a day off (or a very short run) prior to the marathon, and probably a lighter run the day before that.

    I suppose part of the reason I was looking at 8min/miles is that over the last 2 or 3 years I've been quite happy when I've gone under 3hrs30mins, which is basically 8min/miles.

    I'll need to have a think about it.  I may try and get in another 18-20 at an easy pace over the next 7-10 days or so, and then think about it more after that.  Certainly that effort today did feel quite manageable, apart form the last/fast mile which is to be expected.
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    Big G - you've done some great base training over the last year and that with your marathon history should stand you in good stead on the day.  You may slow a bit in the latter stages but as long as you keep an eye on your HR and don't let it go crazily high then you know you'll be fine.
    I think going out at that pace will also give you some valuable HR race data too.

    IMHO you have perhaps been a little overcautious with your marathon pace in the past. ;)

    I also think that one thing the pandemic has taught us is that we don't really know when our next marathon, or any race, might be so perhaps we just have to go for it on the day.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, you may be right about being overly-cautious sometimes.  I think looking back through my races where I've tried for a decent time and not been injured etc, it's mainly Loch Ness and San Sebastian where I finished thinking I could not have done any more on the day.  Loch Ness really took a lot out of me.  San Sebastian I tried for a PB but just faded towards the end.  On my PB I was looking around and looked quite relaxed in the finish pics, which probably means I did have something left!  For some reason, I think I probably am still wary of the distance in some ways.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    Big G - sounds like you have plenty of untapped potential, thats not a surprise going on how often youve run matsthons before. You will have to select marathons you are going to run and those you are going to race. Sounds like you have gfa capability.
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    TRTR ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Big G - thinking about it.......you need to find your limits a bit instead of working within them. You should race a few shorter distances in the coming months and go hard in them. Its a good thing at times to find your limits esp if its at somerhing like 10k which you'd get over quickly, you could then predict towards 1/2 and full paces.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Big G - For the little it’s worth I was planning on going out at faster than 8min/mi for my marathon so either I’m barking mad or you’re way too conservative 😀

    10 miles this afternoon around SW London. Lovely day for it. Forgot to try out the endorphins though. 
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    LoueyLouey ✭✭✭
    Hi Shadies, long time no post….

    I ran Dorney Lake marathon on Saturday, a rather last minute decision. I was supposed to be running MK Marathon on 3rd May (at the 3rd attempt) but you will have seen that it was postponed on Wednesday rather unexpectedly. I really don’t fancy running a marathon in the heat of the summer so I looked around to see if anything else was going ahead, found Dorney and entered without about 30 minutes to spare the next morning. Obviously I had no taper at all so I wasn’t sure how it would go, and I’m older, heavier and slower than I used to be. The lack of racing meant that I wasn’t sure what MP was anymore. However, I’d done 2 x 20m, 2 x 18m, and a 17m so I knew I had enough long runs under my belt. I would have been happy with sub 4:15 and ended up running 4:05:45. The last few miles were rough as I was struggling with my left calf which kept trying to cramp up so I couldn’t push it. It’s 4 (very dull) laps and my official splits for each lap were
    04:06:53 (all gun times)

    Despite the dull course and the fact that it was absolutely freezing, I really enjoyed it. It was just so nice to be racing again. And the upside of a smaller event (and staggered waves) meant no toilet queue. 

    I've recovered well, no niggles from the calf, which I was very surprised about. Perhaps it was due to a lack of electrolytes? Anyway, I went on a bike ride yesterday and managed a slow 7 miles on the trails today. 

    Not sure what is next – I’ve already signed up for the virtual London marathon in October (which I’m going to run at Dorney). I really need to do some strength work as I’ve done none since lockdown started (and tbh for some time before that). Thinking of signing up for a PT for a few sessions (outdoors) to do some weights/strength work. I also didn’t manage to do much speedwork in this block of training so would like to try and do more interval training over the summer. 

    Shades  - just read your post:
    I also think that one thing the pandemic has taught us is that we don't really know when our next marathon, or any race, might be so perhaps we just have to go for it on the day.
    That was pretty much the reason I ran Dorney. Seize the day as they say.  Plus my Garmin told me last week that I was peaking - so clearly it was a sign! 

    BigG - hope your Dad is ok, really tricky dealing with relatives who refuse help. 

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Louey, good to hear from you, and well done at Dorney.  Those splits look metronomic so great running there.

    RCouture, thanks.  Yeah, I'll need to have more of a think about what pace to go out at.

    TR, thanks.  Food for thought there.  I am keeping a close eye on the race listings and have even emailed some clubs/RDs about their race plans, but it seems not all clubs are quite ready to come back.  Also, there are added complications around the fast 5K I do in Yeovil, as they told me the race HQ/area is being used for a Covid test/vaccine centre, by all accounts.  I was too slow on entering a different 5K but have asked if there's a wait list.  There's not much in the way of 10ks at the moment.  Main priority is DD currently though, so I'll keep doing what I'm doing at the moment, but I am on the look out for shorter races too. 

    I did 45-mins last night and although I completed the ride, I had a mechanical issue :(  Couldn’t change gear on the front again, which doesn't bode well for Sunday.  I'll take the bike off later and see if I can see anything obvious, but if not I'll have to see if I can get it looked at quickly.  Also, I'm looking at the forecast and it's due to be too cold for me really - I don't have the warm weather riding gear.  I do want to enjoy it, and if it's too cold that won’t be great on the bike. 

    Just about to head out for probably around 7-miles, nice and easy.  Legs feel okay after yesterday, which is good.
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    Big G - there's nothing wrong with respecting the marathon distance.   Trust me the day that 'it's only a marathon' is the day that the marathon bites back very hard and painfully.
    I wouldn't expect you to run flat out at Shepperdine but with a year's base training, almost a stone lighter, and you know you are faster and ready to tackle your PB's at shorter than marathon distance, so you know you are in good shape   So have faith in yourself and the training.  Your legs feeling good today is yet another sign of your fitness.

    It's not often you say it's too cold for you, that's my usual moan, but I do understand for the duathlon, warmer conditions would be much better.   What time do you start on Sunday?

    Rcouture - you're not barking mad.   I expect at some time we may have a discussion re your marathon pace.   Perhaps nearer the time you might want to do a similar run to Big G's yesterday at an average HR of 75-76%....that's so I can test out my spreadsheet calculations  :smiley:

    Louey - lovely to hear from you, hope all the family are well in these strange times.

    Well done on your marathon at Dorney Lake, that's a great result and you really are the queen of perfect splits.    You could get a job as a pacer when life is back to normal.   Your post on here is perfect timing as I can now post our first entry on the marathon list this year.   You're recovering really well too.

    I take it you're not signed up for Brighton in the autumn then.   
    The strength work should help with future injury proofing too.

    7 miles this morning, very cold and frosty again.   It didn't snow this time but it did rain, only a couple of showers.

    Happy days, text from hairdresser yesterday and appointment booked for next Wednesday  :smiley:
    Bookings opened this morning for the gym so booked in for Monday morning, :smiley: I booked about 5 minutes after bookings opened and about half of the spaces already booked.
    Library reopens Monday too. :smiley:
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Shades, they're setting us off in waves and I've got an 8:34am start time, so I'll be on the bike around 9:25am-ish, give or take.   I was just out for my run and all the cyclists were very wrapped up in kit I don't have.  I know I'll be "racing" whereas they were just getting to work or whatever, but it could be a problem.  Main thing is I just want to enjoy it really.

    Yes, I know what you mean about the distance biting.  At ones I've done where I've had the mentality of "I'm not bothered about this, I'll just get around it", and so have had no real plan at all, I've done badly.  I'm not rally on about the finish time, but more just maybe not prepping properly, or not thinking about it how I normally would, and then it ends up being a bad day.  I've learned from that!

    My gym is accepting bookings too.  If I get my bike sorted it's about this time I may not do as much Zwifting as the track is open from Monday.  Torbay Tri have their first bike session organised on the track for Monday already.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Loeuy-Great to heat from you and we'll done on Dorney.
    Rcouture-I think you will do really good for a first marathon,very well prepared.
    Big G-Exciting tomes when you are thinking about races,I am with Shades in that I think with the year you have had you are in a really strong place to have a great PB year.You should be at the same times as mine,so aiming close to 3 by the end of the year.
    Shades-with your spreadsheet,at the moment 75% of my max is around 8m/m so what would you advise as a realistic MP? I won't be doing it this spring but I am interested.
    Also when I was fit in the summer 75% was around 7:45 so what does it say was possible.
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    Big G - that's quite an early start so might be a bit cold.   You'll just have to layer up in running kit....or do some last minute shopping  ;)

    Re marathons exacting revenge on us, it just shows how powerful the mind/mood/attitude affects the enjoyment of a race.

    I'm off to do my food shop, but I have to wait in for a delivery of 40 protein bars that I ordered ready for the gym reopening.   I don't usually eat protein bars but I'm not good at eating a protein snack post gym which I'm supposed to do, according to my instructor.   I love the technology that enables us to track a delivery driver, he's about half a mile away from me right now.
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    Ian - how realistic does this look 

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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Shades - Great news on the hairdresser. My hair is a complete mess at the minute. I would love to get your thoughts on MP. However I’m not sure what my max HR is. I’d always thought it had hovered around 185-190 based on hitting 184 at some point last year but I haven’t been anywhere near there for >6 months including when I’ve done some steep hill stuff where I seem to peak at around 175ish. 

    Ian - Thank Ian. I will have been training for it for at least 18 months which has to be a record! It’s also why I don’t think I would be happy with just ‘getting around’ after preparing all that time since it’s hardly like I’m going into it on 20-30mpw. 
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    Rcouture - I think your time trial half marathon is roughly the same as Big G's half marathon PB.   Both of you are probably fitter and faster now, but perhaps around the same level.   So you could do a run similar to Big G's and keep the pace to 8 min/mile, you don't need to do multiple laps as big G did just a normal flat/slightly undulating run.

    Now that you're fitter, especially your heart and lungs it becomes much harder to get near your max HR.  I think 190 is probably a realistic estimate so you could choose to do the test run at 75/76% of that, which is probably around the top of your MAF rate.

    I'm lucky with my hairdresser, I coached her for her one and only marathon years ago.   She's works mobile so just sends me a text with appointment I don't have to bother her or ever remind her.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Another pointer that I am definitely a lot fitter than this time last year.  I have a flat mile that is the 4th mile into a 7-mile run.  When I first started MAF, I was doing that mile in roughly 10min/miles and sometimes struggling to keep the HR under 142.  Today, on an easy run with a HR of 131, I did it in 8:37.  On this route, I've got loads of examples where I was averaging around 142 and it took 72mins (approx 10:15min/miles).  Today I did it in 65mins at 9:10min/miles, with an average HR for the whole run of 133.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited April 2021
    Shades - Understood though I am definitely slower than Big G. On 142 bpm (75pct of max) I am currently around 8:20-30min/mi looking at recent runs. My 1:36 half TT included about 6mins of stoppages split in about 4 traffic lights towards beginning and end so am also not 100pct on using that as a firm guide.
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    Rcouture - I still think you'd do 1:36 or faster in an actual race.

    Right using 8:20 pace

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Looking at that v Frankfurt I'd say I am around 90% so I will keep that in mind for the Autumn.
    Rcouture-Time for a real HM then or a TT with no breaks.
    My OH will have been training for 2 years if Manchester is her first so beats you.
    Big G-PB time in the air I feel,everything is looking really good for you.
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    Thanks Shades that’s very helpful. 7:50-7:55 to start seems sensible and I can then see how I get on. 
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