
Over 60's training (Part 2)



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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Hi Graham, it is good to hear you are still getting out there.

    Treadmill run done, at least I am getting some use out of it
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    Mick, cheers. I had a bit of a breakthrough today as I managed to do my regular 1.6 mile run without having to stop once to stretch my dodgy foot. Sometimes I stop up to six times. Looks like my more dedicated stretching exercises may be bearing fruit. 
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    Wrote a long post earlier and lost it!

    Wordle in 5, also. 

    Sounds like a good weekend, Birch! Yes,  "know" quite a few of the scorers. Was particularly pleased to see Georgia T-B pinning a number on: not too many Olympic gold medallists put there reputations on the line!

    Sounds promising, GL! Keep those stretches going!

    Well done, Pammie, backing up yesterday's run. 

    6.66k today in quite chilly but sunny weather to bring up 39k for the week; had intended to post 40 but ran shorter (or lazier) a couple of days this week. Hopefully longer tomorrow with my M76 neighbour although if the forecast wind arrives we may run shorter and go longer on Wednesday. Never got warm running today despite a fair few layers. 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    excellent finish to the week - and a just reward for your spectating at the XC  :)

    Nice to be able to bask in the reflected glory of your son's placing as well - no doubt aided by a few yells of your encouragement from time to time!

    Hi Graham
    cautious progress.  Is it the plantar giving grief or something else?
    Looks like we will have to get use to a whole raft of new names at the Toon :)

    after your exertions to get the treadmill in to your new home you deserve some use out of it!

    still a good total for the week and there is always this week to target for an improvement.
    Looks like the windy conditions may be here for a few days but a lot warmer.

    felt quite good out there this morning until my knee/leg collapsed after a mile - hobbled home :)

    Wordle done in three today was a bright spot.

    I used "grief" a little earlier - must remember it as as an unusual letter combo!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited January 2022
    Sorry to hear of the "collapse" TS! Wordle was a close run thing today!

    Was not quite as bad out there as forecast, so my M76 neighbour and I plodded for just over the hour. Brought up 163k for January (101 miles). 
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    TS sorry about your knee. So frustrating. I don't think my problem is plantar as there's no pain. Calf stretches do help, during runs and generally. I did have plantar a few years ago so maybe that has something to do with it. The exercises are so boring that it's easy to skip them but I know perseverance is the only way forward. Good signings on the face of it. If only the takeover had been preseason. It may still be too late.
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    the foot is a hugely complicated piece of machinery.  Nadal was out of tennis for over six months as he sought a solution to his foot problems and I imagine his back up was quite considerable!

    Pity they didn't land another forward - I guess the Lingard deal got derailed by  Greenwood's situation.

    I see the greasy pig survived another day.

    Wordle has been bought out by the New York Times - wonder what changes that will bring.
    I just missed out on a one this morning as I opted for another of my starter words - had to be content with a two :)

    Hash tonight may result in me sitting in the very nice pub venue and waiting for their return...
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    well last night was  different!!

    I briefly walked the start of the Hash and surprisingly was in the front as I picked the right route from the start.
    Turned a corner to find a tearful girl pleading with a bloke to come down from some high scaffolding from where he  was threatening to jump!!
    I stood with her for a few minutes trying to assist and then five police vehicles arrived closely followed by three fire engines so, despite my high viz jacket, I bowed out and continued on my way.
    However the police closed the road so no one else could follow the trail so I had to guess where I could meet up with them and fortunately did.
    Still ongoing two hours later ........

    Wordle still ongoing as well - tricky one after four goes still have the same three letters in the right place but as Eric Morcambe would almost say - not necessarily hitting the right notes :)
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    An eventful hash, TS! 

    Re wordle: "I'm playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order." Morecambe to Previn, I believe. 
    Forgot to wordle yesterday: work, training, alehouse got in the way. Done in 4 today.

    Wet at present so run delayed.
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    phew - if that had been a run it would have been classified as carp!!

    quite correct  - still one of the funniest lines ever. :)

    yes alehouse did exert a considerable drag last evening - 12 ales to select from!!
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    You lot have been chatty:-)

    TS Hope knee settled down and drama at hash!

    I lucked out today a fail for me I was rushing to get out so maybe not at my best.

    Yesterday 6 miler slow but all okay I am sleeping later so getting out later to run.Today only time for 3.5 miles as needed to get back and it was Booster day for me.Mr P was ill when I was due to go in December so this was a rearranged appointment at Chemist in town.Last time I waited 3 hours this time in and out in 10 minutes.

    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    well done with your 6 miles, WP, and more so backing it up today, with booster to fit in !

    TS - startling event to encounter; hope a good outcome ensued (similarly with the ale choice)  :)    
    a double day here - 4.3 miles easy pace this morn, with "marathon mentee", then 5 this teatime inc 6 x 200m strideouts.  Legs stiff now  . . .   
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    they must have had sharp needles waiting for everyone!
    Make the most of the extra sleep - the days are getting longer and the sun will be waking you up very early before you know it.

    a double day, and with strides - well done!

    He was eventually talked down  later that evening - only a brief report on local news outlets despite the huge turnout of resources.
    It must have been a good night as I found both my running tights drawstring and shoe laces had been pulled into knots :)
    Easy walk/jog to see what the knee felt like in warm conditions which felt nice as opposed to the knee which didn't.

    Wordle done in three so back in the groove there.
    An amazing coincidence on the word today as I had typed it not 5 minutes before as a part of the address of a consultant I am working with - no more clues :)
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    Wordle in three here, also! 

    Just over 45 minutes plodded. That counts as an MLR, unfortunately!

    Hope that there was no reaction to the double, Birch! Or to the jab, WP!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I hope all the bits still work after your fall. If you were my age I would sugget that you check to see if they were all there.

    Don't give up on the knee yet.
    I seem to do wordle in 4, what start words do you use?

    Impressed with the double.

    My exercise today consisted of shovelling and blowing snow, then walking the dog. Too pooped to run and I have a snooker game later so need to recover.

    Fibre Optic cable is being installed in the neighbourhood so we can get fibre to the home. It has been cold even by our standards, that is colder than your deep freeze. They are diigging a trench for the cable. The ground is frozen like concrete and as we are on a ridge, full of rocks. They use a steamer to melt the ice and a backhoe with a pounder, very impressive.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Smiled at your knots, TS!  Sympathise re your knee . . .
    alehouse - don't know if a reaction or not, but this morning's intended 3 miles was cut to just under 2, as I felt a distinct lack of energy;  not so much the legs, which were looser than expected, but in general - a real effort to move. 
    "Lads" lunch today, but a restrained affair - half of ale on arrival, then a small glass of wine with the lunch.  Untied shoes ok when home, but still nodded for half an hour this afternoon :)  
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    Torque SteerTorque Steer ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    it's still 45 min on one's feet :)

    no one has ever accused me of being straight laced  :)
    I normally go out wearing slip on shoes.
    Needed to refuel a bit more before the run?

    the snow looks pretty widespread from a bit on the news this morning - from Texas north including ice storms!
    Amazing how powerful even small machines are nowadays - just think what effort would have been needed to do that with a pick and shovel!

    I vary my start words depending on what has been the solution on previous days on the, possibly wrong, assumption that there won't be a run of similar words. Each has at lest two vowels and some popular filler combinations - eg
    House, Those, Wheat, Tread

    Got lucky this morning in two. :)  after an easy mile and a bit trying out the knee which didn't complain too much.
    One of the regular dog walkers did comment on how slowly I was moving - but she then hastily qualified it by saying it was still faster than she could manage!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Not wordled yet today but have run! I usually start with "sport" then another word like "whelk" that has no letters the same.. Obviously depends on the outcome of the first attempt. 

    Edit: wordle in 3. 

    Anyway, another 29+ minutes in the bank but run shortened slightly as caught in sleet toward the end. Just realised that today's run was day 200 of the present streak! You would have thought that I would be feeling fitter!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    Slow moving, is not too bad, a bit better than my good walking comment.

    200 days, wow!

    More snow, so todays run was replaced by an hour or two of shovelling and snow blowing in -20c windchill. I don't know if any of you have used a large snow blower in high winds but you finish up looking like a snowman. Heated mitts are great when shovelling and my snowblower has heated handles. As  you can see I'm a wimp.

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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    good work in the snow, Mick !

    some streak there, alehouse (8 times greater than my longest) :)  
    TS - dog walker; how very dare she !!     
    hope all ok in South Wales.
    5 miles parkrun sandwich this morn - found it tough, maybe partly due to 3 pints of rather nice Pilsner at a music gig last evening, and subsequent late night . . . . .     
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    Mick:I have been watching some of the Olympics -18 and it looked cold and I thought of you.

    Dave:Hope the music gig was a good one and worth the tougher run this morning for you?

    I felt rough since vaccine but ran yesterday 4 miles up in the mountains which was colder than at home but good fun.Faster than normal as well but it was 1pm rather than 6-8am.

    Nothing today slept badly so opted to rest and do TBP and a walk instead.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Wordle in 4 today. Correct letters in the wrong order on 3rd attempt!

    Hope that you get out again tomorrow, WP!

    Glad you got to parkrun, Birch! I thought about it but it was a "feels like" -1 so opted against it. At least it would have been dry. By 10 we had torrential rain...and we still have torrential rain and strong winds! Anyway, just over 30 minutes banked: If I hadn't been on day 201 of a streak I would have stayed indoors. Character building. 

    PS: my longest streak is over a decade. Doubt that I will repeat it. Would be a good aim though! Ran everyday in the 1990s!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I'm not sure about streaks, some runners' bodies don't mind but if mine tells me to rest then I better rest or else. I wonder if we all see the same word in wordle.

    I ran in some welsh mountains once and 4 miles would have been a long way and not so much fun.
    I used to race on cross skis in my 30s and it was quite protected in the forest, even at low temps it was good. The major problem is the wind and when you come down the steep hills. I had an all in one suit that was double lined in the front that worked well. I was on skate skis that only use glide wax and at those kinds of temps it can be a problem.

    -24c wind chill this morning but it was brilliant sunshine so no new snow. I still went down to the mancave for 5k on the treadmill. Legs were stiff and uncomfortable so threw in a few walks to ease it a bit. Not sure why maybe all that shoveling and being on my feet for long periods.

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    I think I would be going for the heated underpants as well :)
    Good idea on the retreat to the mancave.

    I am with you on streaks and rest - although it does depend upon the intensity of training.
    alehouse's old friend, Ron Hill, claimed a hugely long  streak but some of that included going for a run in an airport terminal, doing a short jog with a broken arm/ something else etc. It does no good and possibly some harm.

    well done on the parkrun sandwich :)
    Ale, late night and standing a lot all contribute to lethargy the next day . Now if only you had been drinking real ale you would have replaced vital trace elements!

    well done on the hills being alive to the sound of feet!

    at least your streak got you out the door which is something in its favour!

    Today was bright, very breezy and cold though nothing like Mick's cold.
    Thought I was going to have to stop after 100m or so but persevered and my knee settled down a bit and I slowly dragged it around 2.1 miles.

    Wordle in 3 yesterday but 4 today and I sat baffled for quite  a while as I had 4 letters after 3 and just couldn't see a word with what was left.
    Didn't realise that the same letter could be used more than once until I did it in  desperation to try and force a fit!!
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    alehousealehouse ✭✭✭
    edited February 2022
    Wordle report: Wordle in 4 today and I sat baffled for quite  a while as I had 4 letters after 3 and just couldn't see a word with what was left.
    Didn't realise that the same letter could be used more than once until I did it in  desperation to try and force a fit!! Thanks TS! And I definitely agree with the real ale comment! 

    Being Sunday it was a long stretch in the fitness suite then 35 minutes to bring up 40 for the week. Foul weather still which has caused problems with one of my main running routes: hard to tell which is the river and which is the road to the local golf course! I had planned to run along there tomorrow with my M76 neighbour tomorrow. I suspect that we may have to find an alternative! And still, as I write, we have horizontal rain mixed with sleet!

    The banks of the river Mersey have broken near to Didsbury Golf Club on Ford Lane

    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    Mick6Mick6 ✭✭✭
    I don't know what is worse your wet or my cold. No trouble with doubles for me but I had 3 choices for the second letter and of course it was my last choice.

    You can get heated socks and vests but I think underpants would be a step too far for me. Cross country skiers wear willie warmers which women seem to find extremely funny, but trying coming down a steep hill in -20c.

    Way tooo cold again so off to the mancave for a 5k row.

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    Mick: That made me smile maybe  women do not understand the issues with needing a warmer for your willie's.I imagine in those temps you need to throw the lot on to keep warm.

    Ale: That is a lot of water!

    TS: Hope knee behaves for you and you can go further tomorrow.

    Wordle in 3 today some days are better than others and yes double letters are used.

    3.5 miles today at 9.30am because we had a bad storm earlier Boot camp cancelled and yet by 9am it was very still and calm.Legs were tired as a bad night sleeping and TBP yesterday was a leg day.
    ALF: Always a little further
    Miles makes smiles.
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    BirchBirch ✭✭✭
    Mick - "legs stiff and uncomfortable" - I hear you :)

    TS - point taken re the beverage choice :)  -  good fortitude after knee sneakily tried to stop you  . . .
    alehouse - "a decade" (!!)  splendid allround session - you could have finished things off with a swim, by the look of it !
    WP - excellent couple of days!  mountain miles, and well backed up too :)  
    and thanks, WP, yes, the gig was good - a local band - if you can imagine them in the small, intimate bar the gig took place, then you'll get an idea of the atmosphere created.  This is their take on a song I love
    had intended a run yesterday pm, after returning from chauffeur/support duty at Dewsbury 10K, but power off, and didn't fancy being unable to shower/bathe on such a cold day. Power returned at 8:30pm . . . .    must dash now - care home visit beckons.   
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    Wordle in 4 today. 

    Birch: I don't do open water swimming! And today I didn't have to: there was barely a trace of any flooding and my M76 neighbour and I ran along the road pictured yesterday. The river must have gone down at least six feet since yesterday evening! And I did my good turn for the day, returning a fish to the river: it was flapping around in a puddle. 
    62 minutes today: we have been doing a little more but I was just generally lethargic so that was enough. 
    Off to look at the Dewsbury results!
    Progress is rarely a straight line. There are always bumps in the road, but you can make the choice to keep looking ahead.
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    WP looks like you shared alehouse's weather!!

    great song - don't think I have ever heard a bad version of it and it has been covered numerous times.

    aahh Dewsbury 10K - ran it several times in the late 2000's - fast course out and back on a dual carriageway, no scenic distractions!  I think I recorded my fastest +60 time on that course  a couple of weeks after completing the Brass Monkey HM
    How did it go for the family?
    Tough luck on the power outage - not nice to return to.

    fish saver :)!
    good session this morning 
    Big drop in the water level - wonder where its all gone!

    Good to see you followed a similar line to me on Wordle  :)

    another easy 2+ miles this morning - crisp would be the word for the weather but, as always, good to be out.

    Another struggle with Wordle today in 5 - I only had one letter after 3!!

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