
Shades Marathon Training



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    Big G - I'll watch the highlights tomorrow morning, I only have access to the highlights.   Just as well I'm really busy right now with the athletics to watch too.

    So fed up with having to plug my Garmin into my PC and on an IT roll, after the scanner issue,  I have finally successfully paired my phone with my Garmin again.   I was reading the instructions from the Garmin manual which are completely wrong now, probably out of date I guess.   Just hoping my Garmin works OK tomorrow.

    Good you could use a cooler room for your Zwift, must still be a bit of a sweat fest though.
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    8 miles flat today, change in the weather a cool 14 degrees and humidity has dropped about 10%, much better running conditions.   Stopped on the way home to look for the kingfisher, no luck but disturbed an egret instead.

    Garmin worked perfectly and updated via phone, there was another update yesterday so maybe that corrected what the previous update corrupted.

    Gym later.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I went and helped set up and check the course at parkrun today, and then walked around it in about 40mins again.  

    That was my 200th parkrun and I remembered that IoW last week was my 40th parkrun location. 

    Afterwards I went to the gym for upper body and I’m hoping to get onto Zwift later this afternoon to do a session....yesterday the legs weren’t up to the session so I’ll see how they are today!
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    I've not even thought about flights yet, Ian...

    I don't know what is going on with me at the moment. Sometimes I get anxious about things like running downhill or crossing wide roads. Not always, and in most cases it's fine, but today I wanted to do Brockwell parkrun (train strike meant I had to stay local), got as far as the South Circular and couldn't make myself cross. It's a dual carriageway with an island in the middle and a downhill on one side which all added up to a nope in my addled brain, rather like a horse refusing to jump a ditch. Had to turn around and leg it back to Tooting parkrun, which I only just made the start of. First time this has ever happened and I'm very disappointed with myself.
    I say first, but a couple of weeks ago I had a wobble crossing the wide road at the bottom of Streatham Common. I was on a walk and went halfway to the traffic island (it's one of those where it's not green for the whole crossing - you have to go half way and wait as there are multiple traffic lanes) and was starting to feel panicky while I was waiting in the middle with traffic moving on either side of me. Had to hold on to the post. Weird and horrible feeling and I don't know why it's happening as I never used to have this problem.

    Anyway, Tooting parkrun was very busy and therefore congested. I wasn't going for a time but, even so, lost around 30 secs on the first mile due to the slow start (splits were 9:45/9:13/9:04, plus 8:10 pace for the finish). I don't particularly care that I was over 29 minutes as I'm still annoyed with myself for the road fail. Ugh.
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    Big G - busy day for you.

    Cal - that is a strange experience you had today re the road crossing.  Do you feel unsafe?   

    Are you very sleep deprived, that could strengthen those feelings.

    Maybe something to discuss with your doctor.

    But you still went to a parkrun and ran.  
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    Shades...unsafe...not exactly, but I do sometimes have a mild anxiety thing with wide roads and downhills. I call it the fear. I can go months without worrying about anything and then I have a had week or two, which is what's going on now. It probably does get worse when I'm somewhat fatigued. I actually got a little freaked out running up a steep hill the other week (it's one I've run up numerous times before with no issue) because I imagined myself slipping back down. I managed to keep going though.
    I do think some of that may relate to a scary incident in my teens. I was on a geography field trip in the Lake District and we were scaling the side of a corrie with packed snow underfoot. I lost my foot and went sliding down a way before the last boy in the line stopped me. I often wonder what would have happened had he not.

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    Big G how was Nish Kumar? Seen him in a couple of things but not my cuppa.

    ian bad news about the flights hope you get something sorted.

    Shades glad the garmin seems to be working again, have to agree with the difference between a parkrun and a 5km even a few of my faster efforts on parkrun don’t come close to a full out 5km (I’ve only done one).

    cal can understand the downhill bit (for me it’s the flat sections at panshanger I’m scared of 😉) strange about the roads, hope it doesn’t happen too often.

    Rcouture great long run, putting them final miles at mp is a good mental boost, I used to alternate mp and slow miles quite often.  

    Out of office is on for two weeks and told work that I won’t be switching the computer on.  Elle’s birthday on Tuesday, we’re off to London pladium  for beauty and the beast, I’m sure there will be some food and drink involved, then sure we’ll be out on Tuesday locally, I have a coach at 3:30am for the airport Wednesday so won’t be too late hopefully.

    Woke up this morning to no water, burst pipe near Hertford, went to panshanger parkrun 3.5 mile there and a steady run in 28:28.  Probably going to pack for Poland today and make sure I’ve got everything 

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    Cal - well not feeling unsafe is good.  Does sound like that incident in your teens scared you so much that the memory still haunts you.

    Maybe you need a calming routine/mantra for when you have those worrying thoughts.  But maybe seeking advice too if you feel it would help.

    I have lost confidence in running downhill too, think it's an age thing with me plus the knee niggle/injury I had earlier in the year has added to my caution.

    Robert - you're comment re the 5km is not encouraging me to run one. ;)

    Nice to have that 'out of office ' set up on your work email and you can enjoy your holiday.

    Good luck with the packing, is there a long list of compulsory kit for the ultra?

    I did ask earlier if Elle was going with you to Poland but I guess she's staying home to care for the cats.

    And before you go, have you entered anything for the list in September?    I'll be adding them to the list this coming week.

    Ian - good luck for tomorrow at your half marathon.

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    Robert OHaraRobert OHara ✭✭✭
    edited August 2022
    Shades even my 5km pb was a little reserved at had a hip issue two weeks before I got pf.  Yup just me going to Poland, Chloe is going to Florida at the same time, I’m sure elle will enjoy the quiet.  

    The kit list isn’t too strict, similar to centurion events.  Bit concerning that despite 2 weeks ago they saying it was a 14 hour cut off, it all seems to have been changed to 12 hour.  

    Good luck Ian! 

    p.s nothing for September, did have a lapped race at Wendover but the dates been moved 
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Robert, Nish Kumar was great. He’s a proper ranter, which was right up my street!
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    The Torbay parkrun course record went yesterday, at 14:50. I knew he was doing well as I was walking at about 12:30m/mile, but he overtook before the end of my first lap, which has never happened before when I’ve walked it. Afterwards he did a few laps of the velopark as a warm down, and he was still motoring then. There were a lot of tourists there yesterday and this chap was from Bristol and West running club. The next runner was nearly 2mins back in 16:43, which is obviously still a great time but he just seemed quite slow compared to the guy who came first. 

    As a total aside my OH isn’t massively interested in athletics but is a vet and Muir is often featured in Vet Times (a weekly paper). Seems odd seeing her name written as Dr Muir. OH is in awe of how Muir managed to finish her studies whilst running/training at an elite level, and as such Muir is my OH’s favourite runner for that reason alone :) 

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    Big G -  it sure if I’d be doing more laps after running 14:50 😆 think I’d need a lie down! 

    Muir is one of my favourite athletes too, she speaks well and love the fact that she prioritised her veterinary exams over the 2018 commonwealths in Aus shows to me she has her head screwed on.  

    Going to have a look at Budapest next year and perhaps catch some athletics at the worlds.  It falls in the school holidays so elle can get time time off too. 
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    Robert - I expect they just haven't updated the cut off time on their website.  Might be worth a reassuring check with them. 

    Big G - that's a fast parkrun time.   That's speedy walking from you too!

    I didn't realise vets had the title Dr.   I've only just discovered that dentists do too, one of the receptionists where I go always refers to my dentist as Dr, never heard that before.

    If you didn't see Muir's win at Munich, worth a look, great race and cracking run from her and the Irish girl who won the silver medal.   I've always like Laura Muir, quietly works hard and no drama or making excuses. 

    My favourite 8 mile hilly route this morning, I do have the option of going past B & Q in the first mile but that bastard seagull was there on his streetlight looking for some early morning prey.   So I opted for the route through the housing estate instead as I was wearing one of my favourite running vests and didn't want to be crapped on.   Was trying out the Nimbus on hills today and they were fine, they won't be my future race shoe though as they're just not quite right for a marathon.   In the penultimate mile I have a very long Dartmooresque downhill and the Nimbus are lovely for downhill running, the cushioning is the whole length of the shoe and very comfortable downhill without foot sliding towards the toe box.

    45 miles for the week.
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    That bird is your nemesis, Shades! 
    Glad the shoes worked out well. They are quite a heavy shoe so not really a race shoe but should be good for easy runs.
    I've really been enjoying all the champs - we've certainly benefitted from the backlog this year. There have been some lovely moments. I've mostly watched the athletics (I can't get too excited about bikes or a load of bobbing heads in a pool) but I've also really enjoyed the gymnastics and diving. I caught a bit of the competitive climbing as well and that was actually fun to watch, although rather alarming.

    Rob - I visited Budapest when Interrailing as a student, way back in 1986. It was still behind the iron curtain then so everything was stupidly cheap - I imagine that has changed. But it is a beautiful city (at least Buda is...Pest not so much) and you won't regret a visit.

    I had a 16 miler pencilled in for today, with some faster miles. P&D (which I am very very very loosely basing my schedule on) says 10 miles MP, but that's a bit much at the moment so thought I'd try for 8. Three miles easy, one mile ramping up then 8 miles that were supposed to be at 4:15 marathon pace followed by four easier miles going home. However, I didn't quite hit the target paces: mile 5 was bang on target but then 6 and 7 were too slow (even though they felt the same as 5). Mile 8 was a little better but not quite quick enough; mile 9 had a traffic stop which cost me 20-30 seconds, then managed another couple of sub-10s (but still not quite quick enough) before fading. Had to grind out the four remaining slower miles - legs were tired.
    The positives: no road crossing anxiety despite crossing several big roads, and no GI issues.
    The negatives: could not manage target pace, even though it was fairly conservative. However, we'll see how I manage The Big Half in two weeks.
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    Cal - but on better news re seagulls, for several years I've been swiped at, squawked at by a vicious seagull that was nesting on the houses on one side of the park, I run past there 2 or 3 times a week.  I would manage to evade him by running under the shelter of the trees but for the last 10 metres I was exposed and then he would come for me, often I managed to get to the main road and the traffic would deter him, but often he flew close enough to actually touch me with his wing.   This year he's not there and I think he must have been nesting on the roof of the children's nursery, probably terrorising the mothers and children.   I've seen spikes on a roof, quite common deterrent for pigeons too, but on the chimney of the nursery they have installed the most dangerous looking pieces of jagged metal, nothing could survive if it tried to land on them.  Would be thinly sliced seagull  :)

    My Nimbus weigh 265g which is about average for a marathon shoe for me, my NB1080's are 250-259g, Brooks GTS and Guides are 260-265g, so the weight is not an issue.

    Budapest marathon is lovely, really enjoyed it.   Was still cheap when I went, but a few years ago, 2015.  I would like to go back.

    That's good that no GI or anxiety issues today.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    I remember watching Laura Muir on TV at the 2017 World Champs where she finished 4th at the 1500m. Incredible race and I was literally screaming ‘Come on Laura!’ at the TV.  
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    1:28:34 today,weather wasn't too bad,bit of a wind but you're always going to get that here.
    Bit slower than I'd have liked but I found the second half quite tough.
    OH with a 2.5min PB,down to 1:43 now.
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    Ian - well done to both of you.   That's a big PB for your OH, she's on target for a comfortable GFA time at her next marathon.
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    Just seen this post on FB.   Much as I love wildlife I can't help but hope...

    Injured seagull on side of road near B&Q roundabout, heading towards Newton abbot hospital if anyone could go and help it?
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    Shades, what did you do to the seagull!!!! 

    Well done Ian, and a great PB for the oh! 👏 

    Cal well done on the run, the distance is more important that the pace imo.  Think it’s still cheap out but slowing closing the gap.

    Big G can’t believe that 1500m was 5 years ago, I was there that night! 

    Bit of uni study this morning, followed by 5 miles as a leisurely pace, I’m in no way good shape for Saturdays run but will take it steady and see how I go 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Cal-Good miles,I hate running faster in a run so wouldn't manage it either.
    Shades-That's what I'm currently talking to her about,her GFA is 3:53,will probably need to be 3:50,but the way she's going she will get it,just the confidence to go for it as it is a big jump from her current PB
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    Updated  post on the seagull...

    Well a big well done to all the people of Newton abbot. Hundreds of cars must have driven past there and someone could have picked up that bird and taken it to the vets. I went down and by the time I got there it was dead and from the looks of it didn’t die in a very nice way. What an amazing species we are

    Robert - not me, honest.  Actually I've recently had a letter from DEFRA saying not to pick up dead or injured birds as we have bird flu in the area.

    You'll be fine for your ultra in Poland.   Most important you've recovered from Covid and it will be an exciting adventure for you.   You've done a few events when you haven't been able to do the training/race prep but you dig deep and get round.  Just enjoy what you're able to do on the day.

    Ian - yes, I agree a big jump as she's previously run well but very cautiously in her previous marathons.

    I wouldn't normally recommend using the pacers, but maybe if there are 3:45 pacers she could run the first half with them and then run her own race for the 2nd half.   Even if she decides to slow at halfway she'll probably get sub 4 which is a significant PB.    A sub 4 would give her enough confidence in her next marathon to aim for GFA time.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-She's definitely coming round to it more,today has given her a massive confidence boost.
    After Barca we changed her to HR training,she always told me her runs felt easy but no real improvement said otherwise so we slowed her down,she has also been able to increase her mileage so should be well set up.
    As for me I had horrific cramps in both quads on the way home,even had to pull over as I couldn't drive, luckily it was before we got to the motorway.
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    Ian - good to hear the HR training has helped OH to her PB today.

    That's not good about your cramps, not altered your car seat or something.   That sounds really painful.

      You'll need to keep a small emergency bottle of the pickle juice in the car for future emergencies  ;)
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-It was pretty scary,never had it before,I even stalled the car as I pulled over as I couldn't press down on the clutch.
    OH is getting tempted to go for it now as she's just made me book a refundable hotel for London.
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    Ian - that's weird that both legs cramping at the same time.  You didn't do anything different post race, or jump into the car too soon after your race?

    Maybe OH will have to do the drive home in future  ;)

    You've done well in discussing with OH going for GFA time at Antwerp to booking London hotel.  :)    Of course puts a bit more pressure on you to get your GFA time too, but all being well that shouldn't be a problem for you.

    Rest day for me today, gym later.
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    Someone killed that seagull, Shades? What happened?

    Jeez Ian, that sounds downright dangerous. Agree with Shades, OH should drive.
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    Cal - I don't know if it was 'that' seagull, they all look the bloody same.    ;)

    I'll be running close by on Wednesday morning and I bet the bastard will still be on his streetlight terrorising the neighbourhood.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Nothing obvious,we stayed for about an hour,had a coffee and some food at a cafe,nothings changed in my car,and it was only a half,really weird.
    Definitely feel I need to get GFA now,I'll never live it down if she bests me to it.I'm,m 3:15 now so should be fine with it,only danger is if I go for 3:05 and blow up.
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    Ian - so you certainly didn't jump into the car straight after your race, as you say weird.

    Yes, more pressure on you now as you'd probably want a 3:10 finish for comfort factor about GFA time.   Go for 3:05. 

    I see today Hull marathon on RunBritain website on 25th Sept, so a possible back up race for you if anything goes wrong at Antwerp.   You've run marathons that close together before and run well.
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