
Shades Marathon Training



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    Have fun, Big G.
    Woke up with awful low back ache this morning - I managed to restore some movement with stretching and the theragun, and it was a little better after a walk and some mobility work in the gym. It's centred around my troublesome old SI joint. Still, I did nothing to anger it yesterday so I'm wondering if the Covid booster could have triggered some kind of inflammatory response?
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Shades/Big G-Hope you both have a good trip and great races at the weekend.
    London have updated their GFA page,all women got in as less than 3000 applied and in all men's categories it was moved by 3:30,looks like a mistake with people turning a new category.
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    Cal - hope that back ache goes as quickly as it came.

    Ian - that's interesting about the GFA applications.  3:30 is a fair chunk of time.   Assuming more applications next year, then runners might be looking for a bigger cushion of time.

    I'm all packed, need to leave about 4 a.m.

    There's some space in my suitcase, room for some shopping I hope 😃

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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I just saw that. I was very lucky then, as I scraped in by just a matter of seconds. Strange they seem to have messed up though, based on their own rule for age being on qualification date. 

    Safe flight Shades. 
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    Big G - would be heartbreaking to miss out on a GFA place by a few seconds.

    Hope you have a good flight too and enjoy your weekend.

    At the airport now.  Missed the rush hour through security for the early morning flights and walked straight through.  

    Having breakfast now, am really hungry this morning, even had a bowl of cereal at 3:30 am.
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    Shades...seems it was the booster. Back to a normal level of discomfort now. :lol: I did a 4 mile recovery run this morning and it didn't give me any issues.
    Good luck to those travelling.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Do you have a goal in mind for this weekend?
    Big G-Any more progress on your plan?
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Ian, I was thinking I was going to toe the start line, but this morning I’m not sure again as I’ve got a splitting headache! On the last lot of antibiotics I was told the impact of the sun has a bigger impact for up to 6 weeks, so not sure if it’s that. I’ve taken some paracetamol and I’ll try and stay out of the sun a bit today and hydrate well but if the race was this morning I wouldn’t be running, as I don’t even fancy the breakfast run. If it’s not one thing it’s another for me at the moment it seems. 
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    Cal - that's good you bounced back so quickly from a very sore back.  I suppose a bit like the pain in the arm post jab, that suddenly clears up too.

    Ian - I haven't made a race plan yet.  I was tired yesterday, after the travel, couple of most enjoyable hours at the Expo, had a late lunch and then checked into hotel, I was too tired to think race strategy, I'd been up since 2a.m.

    This is now the 4th biggest marathon in Europe and although the roads are wide, don't think space will be an issue, I would probably be able to focus more on pace in a quieter race, we'll see.

    Didn't buy any of the official race kit.   A good selection, some nice kit but nothing that I really wanted, quite pricey as running stuff is dearer here.  The one item I did want is the jackets that all the race officials were wearing, but not for sale.  
    I did buy a pair of race gloves, I lost mine at Cork, and a Connemarathon t-shirt.
    We will get a race shirt after the race, usually long sleeved.  Lots of snacks in the goody bag plus this lovely bobble hat which I may wear today as it's raining.   Beautiful sunny day yesterday and forecast good for tomorrow, about 20% lower humidity than last week's race. So don't mind a bit of rain today.

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    Big G - cross post.

    Hope the headache clears quickly and perhaps you'll feel well enough to do something.  I take it you were out in the sun without your SPF cream yesterday 😉
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    Long sleeved shirts are always brilliant - I've so many T-shirts but not many long sleeves. The Chester one from this year is really nice, though it's been too warm to wear it so far.
    Nice hat though.
    Big G, make sure you're getting enough salt/electrolytes, too.

    As planned, I visited Lordship Recreation Ground near Tottenham, which turned out to be a nice three (and a bit) lapper on hard paths. It's pretty flat with some gentle gradients. There were quite a lot of parkrun tourists there so I met several people I knew, as well as my friend Tunde who had said he was coming. Unfortunately for him, he had a bit of an incident - a girl dropped her phone just after the start, bent to pick it up and he fell right over her. He had a minor knee graze, nothing bad although we both lost some time there (as obviously I stopped to check he was OK). He then proceeded to leave me for dust. :lol:
    I'm not sure if it was the unseasonably warm weather or the Covid jab I had on Wednesday but I couldn't seem to push my pace and came in at 27:27 - I was hoping I'd get under 27 on this course (I doubt I lost more than 10 seconds with Tunde's tumble so can't really blame that). But it's a nice parkrun and I will go back once it starts hitting the event numbers I need to boost my wilson index (parkrun tourist thing...don't ask!) and try to get a better time.
    I did still get 1st in my age cat, though, which is something.
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    Cal - I like a long sleeved shirt too, although don't usually use them for training, more for casual wear.

    Very warm here too for time of year.  Hope your friend is OK after his fall.

    I decided not to revisit the Expo today, walked into the city centre in the rain and enjoyed a bit of shopping.   Couldn't find a New Balance stockist with the V12 1080's which I wanted to try on to suss out the fit.   I did pop into the ASICS shop, new colour version of the Novablast 3 's in stock, lovely but 160 euro.  They did offer me 20% discount and although discount finishes tomorrow they said I could go back Monday.

    I shan't go back as I ended up buying a pair of Novablast 2 's in another shop, reduced to half price 70 euro.  I asked if they were giving discount to marathon runners, assistant said they weren't.  He then changed his mind and said as he was leaving that job he'd give me 10% discount.

    Rain has stopped now and sunny again.

    My hotel is fabulous, they've got both restaurants open tomorrow morning for marathon breakfast from 6:15 as they know marathon runners can be quite particular about what time they want to eat.
    Good location too as a great selection of restaurants just a few metres away.  Including fish and chip shop so that will be my choice for this evening as always my preferred food the night before a marathon.

    Big G - good luck tomorrow if you're racing.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Good luck for tomorrow,hope it goes well,always worth an ask on the discount.
    Big G-Hope you're feeling better.
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    I'd hope so, Shades - he went straight off to do a cross country race in the afternoon.
    Sounds like you're having a good weekend with the hotel and everything...best of luck tomorrow.
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I'll be dot watching later
    Can't see if Big G's has a tracker,just incase he does it.
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    Ian - I don't start until 9:45, in the 4th wave.  I should have put a faster time, I was hoping to be in the 3rd wave.

    I don't have any appetite this morning so have decided to skip the hotel breakfast.   I have enough food with me so I can eat a little later when I feel like it.

    Hope Big G is OK.  
    Some of the marathon websites aren't very user friendly especially when trying to find if they have a tracker.
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    Good luck Shades (not that you'll see this before you finish, but anyway...hope it goes well).
    Fingers crossed for Big G.

    The clock change meant I woke up at 4 and then tossed and turned and got out of bed around quarter to 5. Went out for my run just after 6 and did a half, mostly in the rain. As I'm doing Alton Towers in two weeks, which isn't flat, I opted for a couple of laps of Brockwell Park as it's undulating, then returned home via Brixton Windmill. A few niggly bits but nothing new, at least. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    I seemed to find a link earlier for Big G and it looked like he started but can't find it again.
    Hope he goes well and no setback if he has started.
    Shades-Go out quickly the first 10k,looks like she is feeling good.
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    Well, I got it done. 4:54. Went through half in 2:05 and had a dream I may get under 4. But that thought went out the window at 15 and then I mostly walked from 18. Very hot in the second half with large parts with no shade, and it was carnage around me with lots of people on the side of the road, and medics all over the place. Foot was basically ok until 24miles so that’s no excuse. Just lack of training and the heat, and that was the time. I did try and run between 15-18 but felt sick when I did so I just decided to walk from 18 as main objective was not to end up in trouble at this point. Water ran out at the 21 mile aid station, but I had a small bottle with me so I was lucky. 

    Glad I ticked a French one off though and if anyone fancies it, it is a fast course, but I guess it’s nearly always hot. 
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    Good lord that sounds awful, Big G - well done for toughing it out!
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    RcoutureRcouture ✭✭✭
    edited October 2022
    Big G - Goodness that sounds an ordeal. I always find these stories of British races running out of water in hot conditions pretty unforgivable, let alone the south of France! How is the foot post race?

    Shades - Hope you had a good day

    Back home this morning. No running on hols as this bug has been a real nasty one. Still feeling tight chested but will try and go out tomorrow. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Big G-I read a few days ago it unseasonably hot in France and Spain so that may have contributed.Well done on getting finished.Races running out of water is unacceptable and IMO there should be a penalty system or something as they put people in danger.
    14 miles this afternoon brings up 42 for the week so a good week overall.A couple more similar weeks planned before Tokyo plan starts properly.
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    Big G - well done, that can't have been easy just getting over your chest infection and not knowing how the foot would behave.

    Must feel good to be back doing marathons.

    I had a tough day.   As I mentioned earlier didn't go to breakfast and struggled to eat anything pre race.  Went to the start, didn't feel right, not ill but just not right.  I even considered (briefly) not starting.

    I did start and although my pace was a bit erratic I got to 10k in a reasonable time.   But then I started to feel sick, weather was perfect so not hot.  I knew I couldn't carry on at the same pace so ran/walked the rest of the race.  I had to dig deep at times as I just wanted to stop.  Luckily I caught up with a few Irish running friends on the route and a good catch up with them helped distract me.

    The race was beautifully organised, plenty of room to run, no overcrowding.  Good support and if I'd felt well enough I could have eaten my own bodyweight in sweets on the way round.

    Very glad to finish in 5:26, lovely medal and the long sleeved top is gorgeous.

    I feel OK now I've finished, just an off day I think.

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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-Sorry to hear that,at 10k you had a predicted finish time of 4:46 so I thought you were going to go really well.
    Well done on toughing it out.
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    Ian - it just wasn't there today.  They had pacers at 4:50 pace, they passed me at 6 miles.   I knew the 5 hour pacers, they passed me at 10 miles and I managed to keep them in view for a couple of miles then they disappeared from sight.

      I feel fine now after a hot bath.   Just ordered a big burger in the restaurant.🍔
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    Shades - Unfortunate that you weren’t feeling it today but you’ve been in good form recently and sounds like you’ve had a cracking weekend. Enjoy the burger. 
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    That's a lot like the Chester top I got this year, Shades, albeit different colours. Lovely medal. 
    Let's hope it was a one-off - well done for getting to the finish anyway.
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    Rcouture - sorry to hear you're still not fully recovered from that nasty bug.   At least you're not back to work tomorrow.

    Refuelling done, huge burger which I couldn't eat all.   

    Legs feel OK, will do my recovery run in the morning.   I have a particular route that I do for my recovery run in Dublin which is to a posh area and one particular road, most of the foreign embassies are based there.

    Cal - maybe another GFA time was asking too much.    
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    Big_GBig_G ✭✭✭
    RCouture, foot is tender again now but I’ve stretched it out. It’ll be interesting to see what it’s like tomorrow. I did take some pain killers before the start and at about half way which did take the edge off. 

    Ian, yeah, I was worried at 21 miles as I was worried the later stations may have been empty too, but they weren’t fortunately. If they had have been, I’d reconciled with myself that I’d be a DNF as  wouldn’t have finished, unless one of the bars could maybe have filled my bottle up. One thing I’ve never seen before is a load of runners (me included) filling water bottles up from showers on the beach. The majority had no bottles though, but I had one with me.

    Well done Shades. Sounds like a rough day for you too, but you got it done. Nice medal and shirt!

    Nice-Cannes medal is nice but the shirt not that great and the very thin fabric bag has already broken and is in the bin. But Nice itself is lovely (didn’t hang around too long in Cannes so can’t comment on that). Off to Monaco tomorrow I think. 

    Official time for the list is 4:54:10. 
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    Ian5Ian5 ✭✭✭
    Shades-We have all had days like that,the main thing is you've come out uninjured ready to go again.
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